Example #1
        public CollectionModel(string pathToCollection, CollectionSettings collectionSettings,
                               BookSelection bookSelection,
                               SourceCollectionsList sourceCollectionsList,
                               BookCollection.Factory bookCollectionFactory,
                               EditBookCommand editBookCommand,
                               CreateFromSourceBookCommand createFromSourceBookCommand,
                               BookServer bookServer,
                               CurrentEditableCollectionSelection currentEditableCollectionSelection,
                               BookThumbNailer thumbNailer,
                               TeamCollectionManager tcManager,
                               BloomWebSocketServer webSocketServer,
                               BookCollectionHolder bookCollectionHolder,
                               LocalizationChangedEvent localizationChangedEvent)
            _bookSelection         = bookSelection;
            _pathToCollection      = pathToCollection;
            _collectionSettings    = collectionSettings;
            _sourceCollectionsList = sourceCollectionsList;
            _bookCollectionFactory = bookCollectionFactory;
            _editBookCommand       = editBookCommand;
            _bookServer            = bookServer;
            _currentEditableCollectionSelection = currentEditableCollectionSelection;
            _thumbNailer              = thumbNailer;
            _tcManager                = tcManager;
            _webSocketServer          = webSocketServer;
            _bookCollectionHolder     = bookCollectionHolder;
            _localizationChangedEvent = localizationChangedEvent;

        public TeamCollectionManager(string localCollectionPath, BloomWebSocketServer webSocketServer,
                                     BookRenamedEvent bookRenamedEvent, BookStatusChangeEvent bookStatusChangeEvent,
                                     BookSelection bookSelection, CollectionClosing collectionClosingEvent, BookCollectionHolder bookCollectionHolder)
            _webSocketServer       = webSocketServer;
            _bookStatusChangeEvent = bookStatusChangeEvent;
            _localCollectionFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(localCollectionPath);
            _bookCollectionHolder  = bookCollectionHolder;
            BookSelection          = bookSelection;
            collectionClosingEvent?.Subscribe((x) =>
                // When closing the collection...especially if we're restarting due to
                // changed settings!...we need to save any settings changes to the repo.
                // In such cases we can't safely wait for the change watcher to write things,
                // because (a) if we're shutting down for good, we just might not detect the
                // change before everything shuts down; and (b) if we're reopening the collection,
                // we might overwrite the change with current collection settings before we
                // save the new ones.
                if (CurrentCollection != null)
                else if (Settings.HaveEnterpriseFeatures && CurrentCollectionEvenIfDisconnected != null &&
                         CurrentCollectionEvenIfDisconnected is DisconnectedTeamCollection disconnectedTC && disconnectedTC.DisconnectedBecauseNoEnterprise)
                    // We were disconnected because of Enterprise being off, but now the user has
                    // turned Enterprise on again. We really need to save that, even though we usually don't
                    // save settings changes when disconnected. Otherwise, restarting will restore the
                    // no-enterprise state, and we will be stuck.
                    // Note: We don't need to check for admin privileges here. If the user isn't an admin,
                    // he could not have made any changes to settings, including turning on enterprise.
                    var tempCollectionLinkPath = GetTcLinkPathFromLcPath(_localCollectionFolder);
                    if (RobustFile.Exists(tempCollectionLinkPath))
                            var repoFolderPath        = RepoFolderPathFromLinkPath(tempCollectionLinkPath);
                            var tempCollection        = new FolderTeamCollection(this, _localCollectionFolder, repoFolderPath, bookCollectionHolder: _bookCollectionHolder);
                            var problemWithConnection = tempCollection.CheckConnection();
                            if (problemWithConnection == null)
                                NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.All, PassiveIf.All, "Bloom could not save your settings to the Team Collection: " + problemWithConnection.TextForDisplay,
                                                       null, null, true);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.All, PassiveIf.All, "Bloom could not save your settings to the Team Collection",
                                                   null, ex, true);
                    // What if there's NOT a TC link file? Then it would be pathological to have a CurrentCollectionEvenIfDisconnected.
                    // It's no longer a TC, so we don't need to save the settings to the TC. For now I'm just not going to do anything.
            bookRenamedEvent.Subscribe(pair =>
                CurrentCollectionEvenIfDisconnected?.HandleBookRename(Path.GetFileName(pair.Key), Path.GetFileName(pair.Value));
            var impersonatePath = Path.Combine(_localCollectionFolder, "impersonate.txt");

            if (RobustFile.Exists(impersonatePath))
                var lines = RobustFile.ReadAllLines(impersonatePath);
                _overrideCurrentUser = lines.FirstOrDefault();
                if (lines.Length > 1)
                    _overrideMachineName = lines[1];
                if (lines.Length > 2)
                    _overrideCurrentUserFirstName = lines[2];
                if (lines.Length > 3)
                    _overrideCurrentUserSurname = lines[3];

            var localCollectionLinkPath = GetTcLinkPathFromLcPath(_localCollectionFolder);

            if (RobustFile.Exists(localCollectionLinkPath))
                    var repoFolderPath = RepoFolderPathFromLinkPath(localCollectionLinkPath);
                    CurrentCollection = new FolderTeamCollection(this, _localCollectionFolder, repoFolderPath,
                                                                 bookCollectionHolder: _bookCollectionHolder); // will be replaced if CheckConnection fails
                    // BL-10704: We set this to the CurrentCollection BEFORE checking the connection,
                    // so that there will be a valid MessageLog if we need it during CheckConnection().
                    // If CheckConnection() fails, it will reset this to a DisconnectedTeamCollection.
                    CurrentCollectionEvenIfDisconnected = CurrentCollection;
                    if (CheckConnection())
                        CurrentCollection.SocketServer = SocketServer;
                        CurrentCollection.TCManager    = this;
                        // Later, we will sync everything else, but we want the current collection settings before
                        // we create the CollectionSettings object.
                        if (ForceNextSyncToLocal)
                            ForceNextSyncToLocal = false;
                    // else CheckConnection has set up a DisconnectedRepo if that is relevant.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.All, PassiveIf.All, "Bloom found Team Collection settings but could not process them", null, ex, true);
                    CurrentCollection = null;
                    CurrentCollectionEvenIfDisconnected = null;