Example #1
    //This function will detect character collision and calculate damage
    //Return 1: keep the projectile going
    //Return 0: this object shouldn't be impacted
    //Return -1: this projectile is stopped by character
    public int impact_character(Body_hitbox_generic hit_box, Vector2 hit_point)
        Body_generic body = hit_box.body;

        if (body.gameObject == activator)
        if (local)
            float heat_dmg = 0;
            float angle    = Mathf.Atan2(aimdir.y, aimdir.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
            if (activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().dmg_tags.Contains(body.tag))
                heat_dmg = Damage();
            Vector2 force = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * aimdir.normalized * heat_dmg / 20;

            //If Client authoritates laser
            if (activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().isPlayer&& !activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().isServer)
                activator.GetComponent <Player_controller>().add_to_shot_list(body.gameObject, heat_dmg, hit_point, force.magnitude, CONSTANTS.seed_float_to_short(angle, 360), false, 1);
                body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
            else//Server client || npc authoritates laser
                if (heat_dmg > 0)
                    body.damage(activator, force, dmg_physics: CONSTANTS.heat_to_physics(heat_dmg), dmg_thermal: heat_dmg, headshot: false);
                    if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Non-server client
                        body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, false);
                    else//Host or npc
                        body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, false);
                        body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
                //Friendly fire, just force
                    if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Non-server client
                    else//Host or npc
                        body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
Example #2
    //This function will detect character collision and calculate damage
    //Return 1: keep the projectile going
    //Return 0: this object shouldn't be impacted
    //Return -1: this projectile is stopped by character
    public int impact_character(Body_hitbox_generic hit_box, Vector2 hit_point)
        Vector2      force = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * aimdir * speed * mass / 2;
        Body_generic body  = hit_box.body;

        if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//client player
        else//host player & npc
            body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
        if (activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().dmg_tags.Contains(hit_box.tag))
            body.damage(activator, force: force, dmg_physics: Damage(), headshot: false);
Example #3
    //This function define how the projectile predicts
    public void detect()
        //Cheap prediction
        RaycastHit2D hit_approx = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, aimdir * speed, speed * delta_time * CONSTANTS.PROJECTILE_SPEED_MULTI, hit_fltr);

        if (hit_approx.collider == null)
        //If prediction hit, run detail raycast
        RaycastHit2D[] hit = Physics2D.RaycastAll(transform.position, aimdir * speed, speed * delta_time * CONSTANTS.PROJECTILE_SPEED_MULTI, hit_fltr);
        if (hit.Length != 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < hit.Length; i++)
                //If structure and tag
                Body_hitbox_generic body_hitbox = hit[i].collider.GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>();
                //If hit lag-ghost hitbox, link to the actual hitbox then examine damage
                //Non-server clients wont be detecting the lag-ghost as it only exist on server end

                if (body_hitbox != null)//Characters
                    int ret_value = impact_character(body_hitbox, hit[i].point);
                    if (ret_value == 0)////if this box has been hit OR bullet hits the shooter
                    else if (ret_value == -1)//If bullet stopped by body
                else//Objects or level; Lag compensate will not apply on physic object
                    GameObject obj = hit[i].collider.gameObject;
                    impact_object(obj, hit[i].point);
Example #4
    private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D collision)
        if (Time.time <= time_to_damage)

        time_to_damage = Time.time + CONSTANTS.NETWORK_TICK_RATE;
        Collider2D[] hits = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(transform.position, circleCollider.radius, hitFilter);
        if (hits != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
                Body_hitbox_generic hitbox = hits[i].GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>();
                if (hitbox != null)
                    hitbox.body.damage(null, Vector2.zero, dmg_thermal: thermal);
Example #5
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (isServer)
            if (TargetOfLaser == null)
                targetPos = transform.position;
                Vector2      aimdir = TargetOfLaser.position - transform.position;
                RaycastHit2D hit    = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, aimdir, Vector2.Distance(TargetOfLaser.position, transform.position), blockage);
                if (hit)
                    targetPos = hit.point;
                    if (DamagePerSecond > 0 && Time.time > time_to_damage)
                        Body_hitbox_generic body_hitbox = hit.collider.GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>();

                        if (body_hitbox != null)
                            time_to_damage = Time.time + CONSTANTS.NETWORK_TICK_RATE;
                            body_hitbox.body.damage(null, Vector2.zero, dmg_electric: DamagePerSecond * CONSTANTS.NETWORK_TICK_RATE);
                    targetPos = TargetOfLaser.position;
            thisPos = transform.position;
        positions[0] = transform.position;
        positions[1] = targetPos;
Example #6
    //This function define how the projectile predicts
    public void detect()
        RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(rocketRB.position, aimdir, speed * delta_time * CONSTANTS.PROJECTILE_SPEED_MULTI, hit_fltr);

        if (hit)
            //Spawn explosion
            if (explosion != null)
                Vector2 exp_pos = hit.point - (hit.point - rocketRB.position).normalized * CONSTANTS.EXPLOSION_OFFSET_WALL;
                if (isDedicated())

            //Exert force & damage
            Body_hitbox_generic hitbox = hit.collider.GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>();
            if (hitbox != null)
                impact_character(hitbox, hit.point);
            else//physic objects
                impact_object(hit.collider.gameObject, hit.point);

            fade = true;
            rocketRB.position = hit.point - aimdir.normalized * 0.1f;//keep explosion occuring outside of wall
            Destroy(GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>());
            time_to_destroy = Time.time + fade_time;
            speed           = 0;
Example #7
    //This function will detect character collision and calculate damage
    //Return 1: keep the projectile going
    //Return 0: this object shouldn't be impacted
    //Return -1: this projectile is stopped by character
    public int impact_character(Body_hitbox_generic hit_box, Vector2 hit_point)
        Body_generic body = hit_box.body;

        //if this box has been hit OR bullet hits the shooter
        if (collidedlist.Contains(body.gameObject.GetInstanceID()) || body.gameObject == activator)
        {// if previously hit or hit self

        //Approximate fps-independent speed in the middle hit target
        float real_speed = Mathf.Lerp(speed, (speed - delta_time * CONSTANTS.FPS_SCALE * speed_damp), Vector2.Distance(transform.position, hit_point) / (speed * delta_time * CONSTANTS.PROJECTILE_SPEED_MULTI));

        if (local)
            float absorbed_speed;//For force calculation

            if (body.tissue_dense < real_speed)
                absorbed_speed = body.tissue_dense;
                absorbed_speed = real_speed;

            if (real_speed > speed_min)
                bool    isHeadShot = false;
                float   angle      = Mathf.Atan2(aimdir.y, aimdir.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
                float   damage     = 0;
                Vector2 force      = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * aimdir * absorbed_speed * mass / 2;

                IDamageActivator Activator   = null;
                bool             allowDamage = false;
                if (activator == null)
                    allowDamage = true;
                    Activator = activator.GetComponent <IDamageActivator>();
                    if (Activator.canDamage(body))
                        allowDamage = true;

                //Examine if can damage, Can hit body/headbox
                if (allowDamage)
                    //headshot detection
                    if (hit_box.gameObject.tag == "headsquirt")//hitbox is headbox
                        isHeadShot = true;
                    else//hitbox is bodybox, examine further if hit headbox
                        RaycastHit2D[] hit_head = Physics2D.RaycastAll(hit_point, aimdir * real_speed, body.size * 2, hit_head_fltr);
                        foreach (RaycastHit2D hitx in hit_head)
                            //hit normal bullet impace fx
                            if (hitx.collider.tag == "headsquirt" && hitx.collider.GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>().body.gameObject == body.gameObject)//if sub-hitbox's parent is current body box
                                isHeadShot = true;
                    damage = Damage();

                if (Activator != null)
                    Activator.OnHitCharacter(body, damage, hit_point, force, isHeadShot, DamageType.Physical);
                body.OnDamagedBy(Activator, damage, hit_point, force, isHeadShot, DamageType.Physical);

                //if (activator == null || activator.GetComponent<Body_generic>().dmg_tags.Contains(body.tag))
                //    //headshot detection
                //    if (hit_box.gameObject.tag == "headsquirt")//hitbox is headbox
                //    {
                //        isHeadShot = true;
                //    }
                //    else//hitbox is bodybox, examine further if hit headbox
                //    {
                //        RaycastHit2D[] hit_head = Physics2D.RaycastAll(hit_point, aimdir * real_speed, body.size * 2, hit_head_fltr);
                //        foreach (RaycastHit2D hitx in hit_head)
                //        {
                //            //hit normal bullet impace fx
                //            if (hitx.collider.tag == "headsquirt" && hitx.collider.GetComponent<Body_hitbox_generic>().body.gameObject == body.gameObject)//if sub-hitbox's parent is current body box
                //            {
                //                isHeadShot = true;
                //                break;
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

                //    damage = Damage();

                //if(activator == null)
                //Body_generic activator_body = activator.GetComponent<Body_generic>();
                //if (activator_body.isLocalPlayer)
                //    activator_body.player_controller.hit_mark();

                ////If non-host local hit
                //if (activator != null && activator_body.isPlayer && !activator_body.isServer)
                //    activator.GetComponent<Player_controller>().add_to_shot_list(body.gameObject, damage, hit_point, force.magnitude, CONSTANTS.seed_float_to_short(angle, 360), isHeadShot, 0);
                //    body.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
                //else//Server client || npc authoritates bullet
                //    //Cause damage and bleed and force
                //    if (damage > 0)
                //    {
                //        body.damage(activator, force: force, dmg_physics: mass * real_speed * real_speed / 10000, headshot: isHeadShot);
                //        if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Pushing non-server client
                //        {
                //            //body.Rpc_bleed_n_force(hit_point, force, isHeadShot);
                //            body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, isHeadShot);
                //            body.Rpc_add_force(force);
                //        }
                //        else//Pushing host or npc
                //        {
                //            body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, isHeadShot);
                //            body.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
                //        }
                //    }
                //    //Friendly fire, just force
                //    else
                //    {
                //        if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Non-server client
                //        {
                //            body.Rpc_add_force(force);
                //        }
                //        else//Host or npc
                //        {
                //            body.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
                //        }
                //    }

        speed = real_speed - body.tissue_dense;
        if (speed < speed_min)
            speed = 0;

             * if (local)
             * {
             *  transform.position = hit_point;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  bulletRB.position = hit_point;
             * }
            time_of_collision = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
Example #8
 public int impact_character(Body_hitbox_generic hit_box, Vector2 hit_point)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();