public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (this.FBodies.IsConnected) { this.FId.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FPosition.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FRadius.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { RigidBody body = this.FBodies[i]; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; this.FId[i] = bd.Id; CollisionShape shape = body.CollisionShape; Vector3 center; float radius; shape.GetBoundingSphere(out center, out radius); this.FPosition[i] = center.ToVVVVector(); this.FRadius[i] = radius; } } else { this.FId.SliceCount = 0; this.FPosition.SliceCount = 0; this.FRadius.SliceCount = 0; } }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (this.FWorld.PluginIO.IsConnected) { this.FHit.SliceCount = SpreadMax; List <double> fraction = new List <double>(); List <Vector3D> position = new List <Vector3D>(); List <Vector3D> normal = new List <Vector3D>(); List <RigidBody> body = new List <RigidBody>(); List <int> bodyid = new List <int>(); List <int> qidx = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { Vector3 from = this.FFrom[i].ToBulletVector(); Vector3 to = this.FTo[i].ToBulletVector(); CollisionWorld.ClosestRayResultCallback cb = new CollisionWorld.ClosestRayResultCallback(from, to); //cb.CollisionFilterMask = this.FWorld[0].World.RayTest(from, to, cb); if (cb.HasHit) { this.FHit[i] = true; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)cb.CollisionObject.UserObject; fraction.Add(cb.ClosestHitFraction); position.Add(cb.HitPointWorld.ToVVVVector()); normal.Add(cb.HitNormalWorld.ToVVVVector()); body.Add((RigidBody)cb.CollisionObject); bodyid.Add(bd.Id); qidx.Add(i); } else { this.FHit[i] = false; } } this.FId.AssignFrom(bodyid); this.FHitFraction.AssignFrom(fraction); this.FHitNormal.AssignFrom(normal); this.FHitPosition.AssignFrom(position); this.FQueryIndex.AssignFrom(qidx); this.FBody.AssignFrom(body); } else { this.FHit.SliceCount = 0; this.FId.SliceCount = 0; this.FHitFraction.SliceCount = 0; this.FHitPosition.SliceCount = 0; } }
public bool Filter(RigidBody body) { if (IdList == null) { return(false); } BodyCustomData data = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; return(IdList.Contains(data.Id)); }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { RigidBody rb = this.FInput[i]; if (rb != null && FSet[i]) { BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)rb.UserObject; bd.Custom = FString[i]; } } }
internal void ProcessDelete() { int cnt = this.RigidBodies.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { RigidBody body = this.RigidBodies[i]; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; bd.Created = false; if (bd.MarkedForDeletion) { if (this.RigidBodyDeleted != null) { this.RigidBodyDeleted(body, bd.Id); } this.Unregister(body); } } cnt = this.SoftBodies.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { SoftBody body = this.SoftBodies[i]; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; bd.Created = false; if (bd.MarkedForDeletion) { if (this.SoftBodyDeleted != null) { this.SoftBodyDeleted(body, bd.Id); } this.Unregister(body); } } cnt = this.Constraints.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { TypedConstraint cst = this.constraints[i]; ConstraintCustomData cd = (ConstraintCustomData)cst.UserObject; cd.Created = false; if (cd.MarkedForDeletion) { if (this.ConstraintDeleted != null) { this.ConstraintDeleted(cst, cd.Id); } this.Unregister(cst); } } }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (this.FBodies.IsConnected) { this.FCustom.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { RigidBody body = this.FBodies[i]; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; this.FCustom[i] = bd.Custom; } } else { this.FCustom.SliceCount = 0; } }
protected override void ProcessObject(RigidBody obj, int slice) { if (obj.CollisionShape.IsCompound && FWorld.PluginIO.IsConnected) { CompoundShape comp = (CompoundShape)obj.CollisionShape; BodyCustomData bc = (BodyCustomData)obj.UserObject; bc.MarkedForDeletion = true; for (int i = 0; i < comp.ChildList.Count; i++) { CollisionShape shape = comp.GetChildShape(i); float mass = 1.0f / obj.InvMass; float massshape = mass / (float)comp.ChildList.Count; Vector3 inert; shape.CalculateLocalInertia(massshape, out inert); Matrix m = obj.MotionState.WorldTransform; MotionState ms = new DefaultMotionState(m); //List<RigidBody> bodies = new List<RigidBody>(); RigidBody rb = new RigidBody(new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, ms, shape, inert)); rb.LinearVelocity = obj.LinearVelocity; rb.AngularVelocity = obj.AngularVelocity; rb.Restitution = obj.Restitution; rb.Friction = obj.Friction; //rb.CollisionShape = shape; BodyCustomData copy = new BodyCustomData(); copy.Id = this.FWorld[0].GetNewBodyId(); copy.Custom = bc.Custom; rb.UserObject = copy; this.FWorld[0].Register(rb); //bodies.Add(rb); } } }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (this.bodies.IsConnected) { = this.bodies.SliceCount; var ids =; for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { RigidBody body = this.bodies[i]; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; ids[i] = bd.Id; }; } else { = 0; } }
protected override void ProcessObject(CollisionObject obj, int slice) { BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)obj.UserObject; bd.MarkedForDeletion = true; }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { IRigidBulletWorld inputWorld = this.worldInput[0]; SpreadMax = 1; if (inputWorld != null) { this.persistedList.UpdateWorld(inputWorld); if (this.chassisShape.IsConnected) { for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { if (this.doCreate[i]) { RigidBodyPose initialPose = this.initialPoseInput.IsConnected ? this.initialPoseInput[i] : RigidBodyPose.Default; RigidBodyProperties properties = this.initialProperties.IsConnected ? this.initialProperties[i] : RigidBodyProperties.Default; ShapeCustomData shapeData = new ShapeCustomData(); DynamicShapeDefinitionBase chassisShapeDefinition = this.chassisShape[i]; CollisionShape chassisShape = chassisShapeDefinition.GetShape(shapeData); shapeData.ShapeDef = chassisShapeDefinition; RaycastVehicle vehicle; CompoundShape compoundShape = new CompoundShape(); Matrix localTrans = Matrix.Translation(Vector3.UnitY); compoundShape.AddChildShape(localTrans, chassisShape); //Build mass for dynamic object Vector3 localInertia = Vector3.Zero; if (chassisShapeDefinition.Mass > 0.0f) { compoundShape.CalculateLocalInertia(chassisShapeDefinition.Mass, out localInertia); } Tuple <RigidBody, int> createBodyResult = inputWorld.CreateRigidBody(chassisShape, ref initialPose, ref properties, ref localInertia, chassisShapeDefinition.Mass, this.customString[i]); RigidBody carChassis = createBodyResult.Item1; RaycastVehicle.VehicleTuning tuning = new RaycastVehicle.VehicleTuning(); DefaultVehicleRaycaster vehicleRayCaster = new DefaultVehicleRaycaster(inputWorld.World); vehicle = new RaycastVehicle(tuning, carChassis, vehicleRayCaster); vehicle.SetCoordinateSystem(rightIndex, upIndex, forwardIndex); carChassis.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; inputWorld.World.AddAction(vehicle); int wheelCount = this.wheelConstruction.SliceCount; //Add wheels for (int j = 0; j < this.wheelConstruction[i].SliceCount; j++) { WheelConstructionProperties wcs = this.wheelConstruction[i][j]; Vector3 connectionPointCS0 = wcs.localPosition.ToBulletVector(); WheelInfo wheel = vehicle.AddWheel(connectionPointCS0, wcs.wheelDirection.ToBulletVector(), wcs.wheelAxis.ToBulletVector(), wcs.SuspensionRestLength, wcs.WheelRadius, tuning, wcs.isFrontWheel); } //Set Wheel Properties WheelProperties wis = this.wheelInfoSettings[i] != null ? this.wheelInfoSettings[i] : new WheelProperties(); for (int j = 0; j < vehicle.NumWheels; j++) { WheelInfo wheel = vehicle.GetWheelInfo(j); wheel.SuspensionStiffness = wis.SuspensionStiffness; wheel.WheelsDampingRelaxation = wis.WheelsDampingRelaxation; wheel.WheelsDampingCompression = wis.WheelsDampingCompression; wheel.FrictionSlip = wis.FrictionSlip; wheel.RollInfluence = wis.RollInfluence; } BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)carChassis.UserObject; bd.Vehicle = vehicle; this.persistedList.Append(createBodyResult.Item1, createBodyResult.Item2); } } List <RigidBody> bodies = this.persistedList.Bodies; this.vehicleOutput.SliceCount = bodies.Count; this.chassisOutput.SliceCount = bodies.Count; for (int i = 0; i < bodies.Count; i++) { BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)bodies[i].UserObject; this.vehicleOutput[i] = bd.Vehicle; this.chassisOutput[i] = bodies[i]; } } } else { this.vehicleOutput.SliceCount = 0; this.chassisOutput.SliceCount = 0; } }
internal void ProcessDelete(double dt) { List <RigidBody> todelete = new List <RigidBody>(); List <int> deleteid = new List <int>(); int cnt = this.RigidBodies.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { RigidBody body = this.RigidBodies[i]; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; if (!bd.Created) { bd.LifeTime += dt; } bd.Created = false; if (bd.MarkedForDeletion) { todelete.Add(body); deleteid.Add(bd.Id); } } for (int i = 0; i < todelete.Count; i++) { RigidBody body = todelete[i]; if (this.RigidBodyDeleted != null) { this.RigidBodyDeleted(body, deleteid[i]); } this.Unregister(body); } cnt = this.SoftBodies.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { SoftBody body = this.SoftBodies[i]; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; if (!bd.Created) { bd.LifeTime += dt; } bd.Created = false; if (bd.MarkedForDeletion) { if (this.SoftBodyDeleted != null) { this.SoftBodyDeleted(body, bd.Id); } this.Unregister(body); } } cnt = this.Constraints.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { TypedConstraint cst = this.constraints[i]; ConstraintCustomData cd = (ConstraintCustomData)cst.UserObject; if (!cd.Created) { cd.LifeTime += dt; } cd.Created = false; if (cd.MarkedForDeletion) { if (this.ConstraintDeleted != null) { this.ConstraintDeleted(cst, cd.Id); } this.Unregister(cst); } else { cd.LifeTime += dt; } } }
public void Evaluate(int dummy) { if (this.FWorld.IsConnected) { fraction.Clear(); position.Clear(); normal.Clear(); body.Clear(); qidx.Clear(); //Ignore slice count for excluded bodies, as 0 is allowed (means we do a full search) int spreadMax = SpreadUtils.SpreadMax(FWorld, FFrom, FTo); this.FHit.SliceCount = spreadMax; this.FHitCount.SliceCount = spreadMax; for (int i = 0; i < spreadMax; i++) { Vector3 from = this.FFrom[i].ToBulletVector(); Vector3 to = this.FTo[i].ToBulletVector(); if (cb == null) { cb = new AllHitsRayResultCallback(from, to); } cb.HitFractions.Clear(); cb.HitNormalWorld.Clear(); cb.HitPointWorld.Clear(); cb.CollisionObjects.Clear(); this.FWorld[0].World.RayTest(from, to, cb); if (cb.HasHit) { this.FHitCount[i] = cb.HitFractions.Count; float minfrac = float.MaxValue; RigidBody closest = null; int minidx = 0; for (int h = 0; h < cb.HitFractions.Count; h++) { RigidBody rb = (RigidBody)cb.CollisionObjects[h]; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)rb.UserObject; if (cb.HitFractions[h] < minfrac && !this.FExcludedBody.Contains(rb)) { closest = rb; minidx = h; } } if (closest != null) { this.FHit[i] = true; Vector3 diff = to - from; Vector3 inter = from + diff * cb.HitFractions[minidx]; position.Add(inter.ToVVVVector()); fraction.Add(cb.HitFractions[minidx]); normal.Add(cb.HitNormalWorld[minidx].ToVVVVector()); body.Add(closest); qidx.Add(i); } else { this.FHit[i] = false; } } else { this.FHit[i] = false; this.FHitCount[i] = 0; } } this.FHitFraction.SliceCount = fraction.Count; this.FHitNormal.SliceCount = fraction.Count; this.FHitPosition.SliceCount = fraction.Count; this.FQueryIndex.SliceCount = fraction.Count; this.FBody.SliceCount = fraction.Count; for (int i = 0; i < fraction.Count; i++) { this.FHitFraction[i] = fraction[i]; this.FHitNormal[i] = normal[i]; this.FHitPosition[i] = position[i]; this.FBody[i] = body[i]; this.FQueryIndex[i] = qidx[i]; } } else { this.FHit.SliceCount = 0; this.FHitFraction.SliceCount = 0; this.FHitPosition.SliceCount = 0; this.FHitNormal.SliceCount = 0; this.FHitCount.SliceCount = 0; this.FQueryIndex.SliceCount = 0; } }
float wheelFriction = 1000; //BT_LARGE_FLOAT; #endregion Fields #region Methods public override void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { if (this.CanCreate(i)) { RaycastVehicle vehicle; AbstractRigidShapeDefinition shapedef = this.FShapes[i]; ShapeCustomData sc = new ShapeCustomData(); sc.ShapeDef = shapedef; CompoundShape compound = new CompoundShape(); //List<AbstractRigidShapeDefinition> children = new List<AbstractRigidShapeDefinition>(); CollisionShape chassisShape = shapedef.GetShape(sc); Matrix localTrans = Matrix.Translation(Vector3.UnitY); compound.AddChildShape(localTrans, chassisShape); float mass = shapedef.Mass; bool isDynamic = (mass != 0.0f); Vector3 localInertia = Vector3.Zero; if (isDynamic) chassisShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia); Vector3D pos = this.FPosition[i]; Vector4D rot = this.FRotation[i]; DefaultMotionState ms = BulletUtils.CreateMotionState(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w); RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, ms, compound, localInertia); RigidBody carChassis = new RigidBody(rbInfo); BodyCustomData bd = new BodyCustomData(); carChassis.UserObject = bd; bd.Id = this.FWorld[0].GetNewBodyId(); bd.Custom = this.FCustom[i]; this.FWorld[0].Register(carChassis); RaycastVehicle.VehicleTuning tuning = new RaycastVehicle.VehicleTuning(); VehicleRaycaster vehicleRayCaster = new DefaultVehicleRaycaster(this.FWorld[0].World); vehicle = new RaycastVehicle(tuning, carChassis, vehicleRayCaster); carChassis.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; this.FWorld[0].World.AddAction(vehicle); float connectionHeight = 1.2f; bool isFrontWheel = true; // choose coordinate system vehicle.SetCoordinateSystem(rightIndex, upIndex, forwardIndex); Vector3 connectionPointCS0 = new Vector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - (0.3f * wheelWidth), connectionHeight, 2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - wheelRadius); WheelInfo a = vehicle.AddWheel(connectionPointCS0, wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, tuning, isFrontWheel); connectionPointCS0 = new Vector3(-CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + (0.3f * wheelWidth), connectionHeight, 2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - wheelRadius); vehicle.AddWheel(connectionPointCS0, wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, tuning, isFrontWheel); isFrontWheel = false; connectionPointCS0 = new Vector3(-CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + (0.3f * wheelWidth), connectionHeight, -2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + wheelRadius); vehicle.AddWheel(connectionPointCS0, wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, tuning, isFrontWheel); connectionPointCS0 = new Vector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - (0.3f * wheelWidth), connectionHeight, -2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + wheelRadius); vehicle.AddWheel(connectionPointCS0, wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, tuning, isFrontWheel); for (i = 0; i < vehicle.NumWheels; i++) { WheelInfo wheel = vehicle.GetWheelInfo(i); wheel.SuspensionStiffness = suspensionStiffness; wheel.WheelsDampingRelaxation = suspensionDamping; wheel.WheelsDampingCompression = suspensionCompression; wheel.FrictionSlip = wheelFriction; wheel.RollInfluence = rollInfluence; } FOutVehicle.SliceCount = 1; FOutVehicle[0] = vehicle; } } }
public bool Filter(RigidBody body) { BodyCustomData data = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; return(Id.HasValue ? data.Id == Id : false); }
public override void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { if (this.CanCreate(i)) { wheelRadius = FwheelRadius[0]; wheelWidth = FwheelWidth[0]; CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS = FwheelDistance[0]; RaycastVehicle vehicle; AbstractRigidShapeDefinition shapedef = this.FShapes[i]; ShapeCustomData sc = new ShapeCustomData(); sc.ShapeDef = shapedef; CompoundShape compound = new CompoundShape(); CollisionShape chassisShape = shapedef.GetShape(sc); Matrix localTrans = Matrix.Translation(Vector3.UnitY); compound.AddChildShape(localTrans, chassisShape); float mass = shapedef.Mass; bool isDynamic = (mass != 0.0f); isFrontWheel = true; Vector3 localInertia = Vector3.Zero; if (isDynamic) { chassisShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia); } Vector3D pos = this.FPosition[i]; Vector4D rot = this.FRotation[i]; DefaultMotionState ms = BulletUtils.CreateMotionState(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w); RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, ms, compound, localInertia); RigidBody carChassis = new RigidBody(rbInfo); BodyCustomData bd = new BodyCustomData(); carChassis.UserObject = bd; bd.Id = this.FWorld[0].GetNewBodyId(); bd.Custom = this.FCustom[i]; this.FWorld[0].Register(carChassis); RaycastVehicle.VehicleTuning tuning = new RaycastVehicle.VehicleTuning(); VehicleRaycaster vehicleRayCaster = new DefaultVehicleRaycaster(this.FWorld[0].World); vehicle = new RaycastVehicle(tuning, carChassis, vehicleRayCaster); carChassis.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; this.FWorld[0].World.AddAction(vehicle); // choose coordinate system vehicle.SetCoordinateSystem(rightIndex, upIndex, forwardIndex); Vector3 connectionPointCS0 = new Vector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - (0.3f * wheelWidth), FconnectionHeight[0], 2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - wheelRadius); WheelInfo a = vehicle.AddWheel(connectionPointCS0, wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, FsuspensionRestLength[0], wheelRadius, tuning, isFrontWheel); connectionPointCS0 = new Vector3(-CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + (0.3f * wheelWidth), FconnectionHeight[0], 2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - wheelRadius); vehicle.AddWheel(connectionPointCS0, wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, FsuspensionRestLength[0], wheelRadius, tuning, isFrontWheel); isFrontWheel = false; connectionPointCS0 = new Vector3(-CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + (0.3f * wheelWidth), FconnectionHeight[0], -2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + wheelRadius); vehicle.AddWheel(connectionPointCS0, wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, FsuspensionRestLength[0], wheelRadius, tuning, isFrontWheel); connectionPointCS0 = new Vector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - (0.3f * wheelWidth), FconnectionHeight[0], -2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + wheelRadius); vehicle.AddWheel(connectionPointCS0, wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, FsuspensionRestLength[0], wheelRadius, tuning, isFrontWheel); for (i = 0; i < vehicle.NumWheels; i++) { WheelInfo wheel = vehicle.GetWheelInfo(i); wheel.SuspensionStiffness = FsuspensionStiffness[0]; wheel.WheelDampingRelaxation = FDampingRelaxation[0]; wheel.WheelDampingCompression = FDampingCompression[0]; wheel.FrictionSlip = FwheelFriction[0]; wheel.RollInfluence = FrollInfluence[0]; wheel.MaxSuspensionTravelCm = FmaxSuspensionTravelCm[0]; wheel.MaxSuspensionForce = FmaxSuspensionForce[0]; } FOutVehicle.SliceCount = 1; FOutVehicle[0] = vehicle; } } }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (this.FWorld.PluginIO.IsConnected) { this.FHit.SliceCount = SpreadMax; this.FHitCount.SliceCount = SpreadMax; List <double> fraction = new List <double>(); List <Vector3D> position = new List <Vector3D>(); List <Vector3D> normal = new List <Vector3D>(); List <RigidBody> body = new List <RigidBody>(); List <int> bodyid = new List <int>(); List <int> qidx = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { Vector3 from = this.FFrom[i].ToBulletVector(); Vector3 to = this.FTo[i].ToBulletVector(); if (cb == null) { cb = new CollisionWorld.AllHitsRayResultCallback(from, to); } cb.HitFractions.Clear(); cb.HitNormalWorld.Clear(); cb.HitPointWorld.Clear(); cb.CollisionObjects.Clear(); this.FWorld[0].World.RayTest(from, to, cb); if (cb.HasHit) { this.FHitCount[i] = cb.HitFractions.Count; float minfrac = float.MaxValue; RigidBody closest = null; int minidx = 0; for (int h = 0; h < cb.HitFractions.Count; h++) { RigidBody rb = (RigidBody)cb.CollisionObjects[h]; if (cb.HitFractions[h] < minfrac && !this.FExcludedBody.Contains(rb)) { closest = rb; minidx = h; } } if (closest != null) { this.FHit[i] = true; BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)closest.UserObject; fraction.Add(cb.HitFractions[minidx]); position.Add(cb.HitPointWorld[minidx].ToVVVVector()); normal.Add(cb.HitNormalWorld[minidx].ToVVVVector()); body.Add(closest); bodyid.Add(bd.Id); qidx.Add(i); } else { this.FHit[i] = false; } } else { this.FHit[i] = false; this.FHitCount[i] = 0; } } this.FId.AssignFrom(bodyid); this.FHitFraction.AssignFrom(fraction); this.FHitNormal.AssignFrom(normal); this.FHitPosition.AssignFrom(position); this.FQueryIndex.AssignFrom(qidx); this.FBody.AssignFrom(body); } else { this.FHit.SliceCount = 0; this.FId.SliceCount = 0; this.FHitFraction.SliceCount = 0; this.FHitPosition.SliceCount = 0; this.FHitCount.SliceCount = 0; } }
public bool Filter(RigidBody body) { BodyCustomData data = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; return(data.LifeTime <= MinimumAge); }
protected RigidBody CreateBody(int i,out int id) { if (this.CanCreate(i)) { AbstractRigidShapeDefinition shapedef = this.FShapes[i]; ShapeCustomData sc = new ShapeCustomData(); sc.ShapeDef = shapedef; Vector3D pos = this.FPosition[i]; Vector4D rot = this.FRotation[i]; DefaultMotionState ms = BulletUtils.CreateMotionState(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w); CollisionShape shape = shapedef.GetShape(sc); Vector3 localinertia = Vector3.Zero; if (!this.FKinematic[i] && !this.FStatic[i]) { if (shapedef.Mass > 0.0f) { shape.CalculateLocalInertia(shapedef.Mass, out localinertia); } } RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(shapedef.Mass, ms, shape, localinertia); rbInfo.Friction = this.FFriction[i]; rbInfo.Restitution = this.FRestitution[i]; RigidBody body = new RigidBody(rbInfo); if (!this.FActive[i]) { body.ActivationState |= ActivationState.DisableSimulation; } if (!this.FAllowSleep[i]) { body.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; } body.LinearVelocity = this.FLinearVelocity[i].ToBulletVector(); body.AngularVelocity = this.FAngularVelocity[i].ToBulletVector(); body.CollisionFlags = CollisionFlags.None; if (!this.FContactResponse[i]) { body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.NoContactResponse; } if (this.FKinematic[i]) { body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.KinematicObject; } if (this.FStatic[i]) { body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.StaticObject; } BodyCustomData bd = new BodyCustomData(); body.UserObject = bd; bd.Id = this.FWorld[0].GetNewBodyId(); bd.Custom = this.FCustom[i]; if (this.FCustomObj.PluginIO.IsConnected) { bd.CustomObject = (ICloneable)this.FCustomObj[i].Clone(); } else { bd.CustomObject = null; } this.FWorld[0].Register(body); id = bd.Id; return body; } else { id = -1; return null; } }
//[Import()] //VVVV. FLog; public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (this.FBodies.PluginIO.IsConnected) { this.FId.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FPosition.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FRotation.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FShapes.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FCustom.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FIsNew.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FLinVel.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FAngVel.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FActive.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FContactResponse.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FStatic.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FKinematic.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FShapeTransform.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FHasCustomObj.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; this.FCustomObj.SliceCount = this.FBodies.SliceCount; List <Matrix4x4> transforms = new List <Matrix4x4>(); for (int i = 0; i < SpreadMax; i++) { RigidBody body = this.FBodies[i]; this.FPosition[i] = new Vector3D(body.MotionState.WorldTransform.M41, body.MotionState.WorldTransform.M42, body.MotionState.WorldTransform.M43); Quaternion rot = body.Orientation; this.FRotation[i] = new Vector4D(rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z, rot.W); this.FLinVel[i] = body.LinearVelocity.ToVVVVector(); this.FAngVel[i] = body.AngularVelocity.ToVVVVector(); CollisionShape shape = body.CollisionShape; if (shape.IsCompound) { //CompoundShape sp = new CompoundShape( CompoundShape comp = (CompoundShape)shape; this.FShapes[i].SliceCount = comp.NumChildShapes; this.FShapeTransform[i].SliceCount = comp.NumChildShapes; for (int j = 0; j < comp.NumChildShapes; j++) { CollisionShape child = comp.GetChildShape(j); this.FShapes[i][j] = child; Matrix m = comp.GetChildTransform(j); Matrix4x4 mn = new Matrix4x4(m.M11, m.M12, m.M13, m.M14, m.M21, m.M22, m.M23, m.M24, m.M31, m.M32, m.M33, m.M34, m.M41, m.M42, m.M43, m.M44); mn *= VMath.Scale(child.LocalScaling.ToVVVVector()); this.FShapeTransform[i][j] = mn; //comp. //comp.GetChildTransform( //this.FShapes[i][j]. } } else { this.FShapes[i].SliceCount = 1; this.FShapes[i][0] = shape; this.FShapeTransform[i].SliceCount = 1; this.FShapeTransform[i][0] = VMath.Scale(shape.LocalScaling.ToVVVVector()); //transforms.Add(VMath.IdentityMatrix); } BodyCustomData bd = (BodyCustomData)body.UserObject; ShapeCustomData sc = (ShapeCustomData)shape.UserObject; this.FActive[i] = body.IsActive; this.FContactResponse[i] = body.HasContactResponse; this.FStatic[i] = body.IsStaticObject; this.FKinematic[i] = body.IsKinematicObject; //this.FShapeCount[i] = sc.ShapeDef.ShapeCount; this.FId[i] = bd.Id; this.FIsNew[i] = bd.Created; this.FCustom[i] = bd.Custom; if (bd.CustomObject != null) { this.FHasCustomObj[i] = true; this.FCustomObj[i] = bd.CustomObject; } else { this.FHasCustomObj[i] = false; this.FCustomObj[i] = null; } } //this.FShapeTransform.SliceCount = transforms.Count; //this.FShapeTransform.AssignFrom(transforms); } else { this.FId.SliceCount = 0; this.FPosition.SliceCount = 0; this.FRotation.SliceCount = 0; this.FShapes.SliceCount = 0; this.FCustom.SliceCount = 0; this.FIsNew.SliceCount = 0; this.FLinVel.SliceCount = 0; this.FAngVel.SliceCount = 0; this.FShapeTransform.SliceCount = 0; } }
protected RigidBody CreateBody(int i, out int id) { if (this.CanCreate(i)) { AbstractRigidShapeDefinition shapedef = this.FShapes[i]; ShapeCustomData sc = new ShapeCustomData(); sc.ShapeDef = shapedef; Vector3D pos = this.FPosition[i]; Vector4D rot = this.FRotation[i]; DefaultMotionState ms = BulletUtils.CreateMotionState(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w); CollisionShape shape = shapedef.GetShape(sc); Vector3 localinertia = Vector3.Zero; if (!this.FKinematic[i] && !this.FStatic[i]) { if (shapedef.Mass > 0.0f) { shape.CalculateLocalInertia(shapedef.Mass, out localinertia); } } RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(shapedef.Mass, ms, shape, localinertia); rbInfo.Friction = this.FFriction[i]; rbInfo.Restitution = this.FRestitution[i]; RigidBody body = new RigidBody(rbInfo); if (!this.FActive[i]) { body.ActivationState |= ActivationState.DisableSimulation; } if (!this.FAllowSleep[i]) { body.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; } body.LinearVelocity = this.FLinearVelocity[i].ToBulletVector(); body.AngularVelocity = this.FAngularVelocity[i].ToBulletVector(); body.CollisionFlags = CollisionFlags.None; if (!this.FContactResponse[i]) { body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.NoContactResponse; } if (this.FKinematic[i]) { body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.KinematicObject; } if (this.FStatic[i]) { body.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.StaticObject; } BodyCustomData bd = new BodyCustomData(); body.UserObject = bd; bd.Id = this.FWorld[0].GetNewBodyId(); bd.Custom = this.FCustom[i]; if (this.FCustomObj.PluginIO.IsConnected) { bd.CustomObject = (ICloneable)this.FCustomObj[i].Clone(); } else { bd.CustomObject = null; } this.FWorld[0].Register(body); id = bd.Id; return(body); } else { id = -1; return(null); } }