Example #1
 public Move GetMove(Boards boards, int searchDepth)
     if (boards.moves.Count == 0)
         throw (null);
     int best = -1000000, bestIndex = -1;
     List<MoveRating> moveRatings = new List<MoveRating>();
     Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
     for (int i = 0; i < boards.moves.Count; ++i)
         int score = -NegaMax(CopyAndMove(boards, boards.moves[i]),
                             searchDepth, -1000000, 1000000);
         if (score >= best) {
             best = score;
             bestIndex = i;
             moveRatings.Add(new MoveRating(boards.moves[bestIndex],best));
     moveRatings.RemoveAll(delegate(MoveRating mr) {
         return mr.rating != best; });
     if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 750)
     return moveRatings[new Random().Next(0,moveRatings.Count)].move;
Example #2
 private int NegaMax(Boards boards, int depth, int alpha, int beta)
     int bigBoardRating = boards.GetWinner(9);
     if (bigBoardRating == Game.DRAW)
         return 0;
     if (bigBoardRating == Game.X)
         return 100000 * (boards.turn ? -1 : 1);
     if (bigBoardRating == Game.O)
         return -100000 * (boards.turn ? -1 : 1);
     if (depth == 0)
         return Eval(boards) * (boards.turn ? -1 : 1);
     int best = -1000000;
     foreach (Move m in boards.moves)
         int score = -NegaMax(CopyAndMove(boards, m),
                             depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);
         if (score > best)
             best = score;
         if (best > alpha)
             alpha = best;
         if (alpha >= beta)
             return alpha;
     return best;
Example #3
 public HttpResponseMessage DeleteBoard(string deviceJson)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         var boards = new Boards();
         var result = boards.DeleteBoard(deviceJson);
     return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Example #4
 private int Eval(Boards boards)
     int rating = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
         rating += (int)HashTables.boardRatings[boards.smallboards[i]];
     return rating + ((int)HashTables.boardRatings
         [boards.smallboards[9]] * 10);
Example #5
 private Boards CopyAndMove(Boards boards, Move move)
     Boards newBoards = new Boards(boards);
     if (newBoards.GetWinner(move.board) != Game.EMPTY)
     newBoards.lastmove = newBoards.GetWinner(move.tile)
         == Game.EMPTY ? move.tile : -1;
     return newBoards;
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create new Board Device
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="board">Board Device Info</param>
 /// <returns>HttpResponseMessage</returns>
 public HttpResponseMessage PostBoard(BoardDevice board)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         var boards = new Boards();
         var result = boards.SaveBoard(board);
         if (result)
             return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
     return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Example #7
 // Initialize Boards Config
 public bool GetInitializeBoards()
         var board = new Boards();
     catch (Exception)
         return false;
     return true;
Example #8
        public IActionResult SumbitBoardForm(Boards model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid) //not valid
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            //var query = from board in m_context.Boards where board.Name.Equals(model.Name) select board;
            var boards = m_context.Boards.ToList();
            foreach (var boardModel in boards)
                if (boardModel.Name == model.Name)
                    return RedirectToAction("Load", "Board", new { p_BoardID = boardModel.ID}); // Board Found
            //model.ID = boards.Count + 1;
            TempData["BoardName"] = model.Name;
            //TempData["BoardID"] = model.ID;
            return RedirectToAction("Create", "Board", new { p_BoardID = boards.Count + 1} );
Example #9
        public IActionResult Create(int p_BoardID)
            string boardName = "";
                 boardName = (string) TempData["BoardName"];
            catch (Exception e)

            //int boardID = (int) TempData["BoardID"];
            var boards = m_context.Boards.ToList();
            if (boards.Count == p_BoardID)
                return RedirectToAction("Load", "Board", new { p_BoardID = boards.Count });
            m_Board = new Boards(boardName);

            return View("Show", m_Board);
Example #10
        public IActionResult Load(int p_BoardID)
            var boardList = m_context.Boards.ToList();

            foreach (Boards b in boardList)
                if (b.ID == p_BoardID)
                    m_Board = b;
                    m_Board.ColumnList  = new List<Columns>();

            if (m_Board == null)
                return NotFound();

            var columnList = m_context.Columns.ToList();
            var taskList = m_context.Tasks.ToList();
            var labelList = m_context.Labels.ToList();
            var commentList = m_context.Comments.ToList();
            foreach (Columns c in columnList)
                if (c.BoardID == m_Board.ID)
                    c.TasksList = new List<Tasks>();
                    foreach (Tasks t in taskList)
                        if (t.ColumnName == c.Name)
                            t.LabelList = new List<Labels>();
                            t.CommentList = new List<Comments>();
                            foreach (Labels label in labelList)
                                if (t.ID == label.TaskID)

                            foreach (var comment in commentList)
                                if (t.ID == comment.TaskID)

                    //c.ParentBoard = m_Board;

            return View("Show", m_Board);
Example #11
        public ActionResult Index(SnowboardModel sbModel)
            Response.Write("Method: POST <br>");

            if (sbModel.DiscountSenior && sbModel.DiscountStudent)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Discounts", "You annot have both student and senior discounts.");

            // return to view if any feilds are invalid
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // new custOrder object
            CustomerOrderModel custOrder = new CustomerOrderModel();

            // find board model
            Boards boardModel = ListBoardsViewModel.BoardList.Find(m => m.ModelId == sbModel.ModelID);

            // assign model name from boardModel to CustOrder
            custOrder.ModelName = boardModel.ModelName;

            // assign model price from boardModel to CustOrder
            custOrder.ModelPrice = boardModel.Price;

            // get surcharge from experiences list model
            Experience expModel = ListExperienceViewModel.ExperienceLevel.Find(m => m.Level == sbModel.ExperienceLevel);

            // get experieince surcharge percentage
            custOrder.ExperienceSurchargePercent = expModel.Surcharge;

            // calculate the surcharge
            custOrder.ExperienceSurchargeDollars = custOrder.ModelPrice * (1 + expModel.Surcharge);

            // check  for discounts
            if (sbModel.DiscountStudent)
                custOrder.DiscountsTaken   += "student, ";
                custOrder.DiscountsPercent += 0.1;
            if (sbModel.DiscountSenior)
                custOrder.DiscountsTaken   += "senior, ";
                custOrder.DiscountsPercent += 0.05;
            if (sbModel.DiscountGoldClub)
                custOrder.DiscountsTaken   += "gold club, ";
                custOrder.DiscountsPercent += 0.08;

            // trim list of discounts
            if (custOrder.DiscountsTaken != null)
                custOrder.DiscountsTaken = custOrder.DiscountsTaken.TrimEnd(',', ' ');

            // get discount dollar amount
            custOrder.DiscountDollars = custOrder.ModelPrice * custOrder.DiscountsPercent;

            // calculate subtotal
            custOrder.Subtotal = custOrder.ExperienceSurchargeDollars * (1 + custOrder.DiscountsPercent);

            // get tax rate
            State stateTax = ListStatesViewModel.StateList.Find(m => m.StateAbbr == sbModel.State);

            // get tax rate
            custOrder.TaxPercent = stateTax.TaxRate;

            // get the tax dollar amount
            custOrder.TaxDollars = custOrder.Subtotal * custOrder.TaxPercent;

            // calculate total price
            custOrder.TotalPrice = custOrder.Subtotal * (1 + stateTax.TaxRate);

            return(View("OrderConfirmation", custOrder));
Example #12
 public NAND(Boards.IBoard board)
     : base(board)
     NANDInformation = new NANDInfo();
        public BufferClassicHardware()
            // add the boards
            //Boards.Add("daq", "/PXI1Slot2");
            //Boards.Add("pg", "/PXI1Slot3");
            Boards.Add("daq", "/DAQ");
            Boards.Add("pg", "/PG");
            Boards.Add("tcl", "/PXI1Slot4");
            Boards.Add("tclvis", "/VisCavity");
            Boards.Add("tclvis2", "/VisCavity2");
            string TCLBoard  = (string)Boards["tcl"];
            string TCLBoard2 = (string)Boards["tclvis"];
            string TCLBoard3 = (string)Boards["tclvis2"];

            // map the digital channels
            string pgBoard = (string)Boards["pg"];

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("q", pgBoard, 0, 0);        //Pin 10
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom", pgBoard, 1, 1);      //
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom2", pgBoard, 1, 2);     //
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("shutter1", pgBoard, 1, 3); //
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("shutter2", pgBoard, 1, 4); //
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash", pgBoard, 0, 2);    //Pin 45
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("chirpTrigger", pgBoard, 0, 3);
            //(0,3) pin 12 is unconnected
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("shutterTrig1", pgBoard, 1, 6);  // Pin 21, triggers camera for on-shots (not wired up)
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("shutterTrig2", pgBoard, 1, 7);  // Pin 22, triggers camera for off-shots (not wired up)
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("probe", pgBoard, 0, 1);         //Pin 44 previously connected to aom (not wired up)

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve", pgBoard, 0, 6);         //

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detector", pgBoard, 1, 0);      //Pin 16 (onShot)from pg to daq
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detectorprime", pgBoard, 0, 7); //Pin 15 (OffShot)from pg to daq

            //digital output P 0.6 wired up, not used (Pin 48)
            // this is the digital output from the daq board that the TTlSwitchPlugin wil switch
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("digitalSwitchChannel", (string)Boards["daq"], 0, 0);//enable for camera

            // add things to the info
            // the analog triggers
            Info.Add("analogTrigger0", (string)Boards["daq"] + "/PFI0");
            Info.Add("analogTrigger1", (string)Boards["daq"] + "/PFI1");
            Info.Add("phaseLockControlMethod", "analog");
            Info.Add("PGClockLine", Boards["pg"] + "/PFI4");
            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", pgBoard);
            Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");

            // external triggering control
            Info.Add("PGTrigger", pgBoard + "/PFI1"); //Mapped to PFI7 on 6533 connector

            // map the analog channels
            //string daqBoard = (string)Boards["daq"];
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("detector1", daqBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);//Pin 68
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("detector2", daqBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);//Pin
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("detector3", daqBoard + "/ai8", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);//Pin 34
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("pressure1", daqBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);//Pin 33 pressure reading at the moment
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("cavity", daqBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);//Pin 65
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("cavitylong", daqBoard + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);//Pin 28
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("cavityshort", daqBoard + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);//Pin 60

            // map the analog input channels
            string daqBoard = (string)Boards["daq"];

            AddAnalogInputChannel("detector1", daqBoard + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);   //Pin 68
            AddAnalogInputChannel("detector2", daqBoard + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);   //Pin
            AddAnalogInputChannel("detector3", daqBoard + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);   //Pin 34
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavitylong", daqBoard + "/ai7", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);  //Pin 28
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavityshort", daqBoard + "/ai8", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //Pin 60
            AddAnalogInputChannel("Temp1", daqBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);       //Pin 31
            AddAnalogInputChannel("Temp2", daqBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);       //Pin 31
            AddAnalogInputChannel("TempRef", daqBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);     //Pin 66
            AddAnalogInputChannel("pressure1", daqBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);   //Pin 33 pressure reading at the moment
            AddAnalogInputChannel("master", TCLBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("p1", TCLBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("p2", TCLBoard + "/ai16", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavityRampMonitor", TCLBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("VISmaster", TCLBoard2 + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("VIScavityRampMonitor", TCLBoard2 + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("VISp1", TCLBoard2 + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("VISp2", TCLBoard2 + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("VISp3", TCLBoard2 + "/ai16", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            // map the analog output channels
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("phaseLockAnalogOutput", daqBoard + "/ao1"); //pin 21
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v0laser", TCLBoard + "/ao1");

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v2laser", TCLBoard + "/ao2");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("laser", daqBoard + "/ao0");//Pin 22
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rampfb", TCLBoard + "/ao0");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v1laser", TCLBoard2 + "/ao1", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("VISrampfb", TCLBoard2 + "/ao0");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("probelaser", TCLBoard2 + "/ao2", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v3laser", TCLBoard2 + "/ao3", 0, 10);

// TCL, we can now put many cavities in a single instance of TCL (thanks to Luke)
// multiple cavities share a single ramp (BaseRamp analog input) + trigger
// Hardware limitation that all read photodiode/ramp signals must share the same hardware card (hardware configured triggered read)
            TCLConfig tclConfig = new TCLConfig("TCL");

            tclConfig.Trigger                = TCLBoard2 + "/PFI0"; // probe card atm
            tclConfig.BaseRamp               = "VIScavityRampMonitor";
            tclConfig.TCPChannel             = 1190;
            tclConfig.DefaultScanPoints      = 600;
            tclConfig.AnalogSampleRate       = 15000;
            tclConfig.SlaveVoltageLowerLimit = 0.0;
            tclConfig.SlaveVoltageUpperLimit = 10.0;
            tclConfig.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 4;
            tclConfig.MaximumNLMFSteps = 20;

             * string IRCavity = "IRCavity";
             * tclConfig.AddCavity(IRCavity);
             * tclConfig.Cavities[IRCavity].RampOffset = "rampfb";
             * tclConfig.Cavities[IRCavity].MasterLaser = "master";
             * tclConfig.Cavities[IRCavity].AddDefaultGain("master", 0.4);
             * tclConfig.Cavities[IRCavity].AddSlaveLaser("v0laser", "p1");
             * tclConfig.Cavities[IRCavity].AddDefaultGain("v0laser", 0.04);
             * tclConfig.Cavities[IRCavity].AddFSRCalibration("v0laser", 3.84);
             * tclConfig.Cavities[IRCavity].AddSlaveLaser("v2laser", "p2");
             * tclConfig.Cavities[IRCavity].AddDefaultGain("v2laser", 0.04);
             * tclConfig.Cavities[IRCavity].AddFSRCalibration("v2laser", 3.84);

            string VISCavity = "VISCavity";

            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].RampOffset  = "VISrampfb";
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].MasterLaser = "VISmaster";
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddDefaultGain("VISmaster", 0.4);
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddSlaveLaser("v1laser", "VISp1");
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddDefaultGain("v1laser", 0.04);
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddFSRCalibration("v1laser", 3.84);
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddSlaveLaser("probelaser", "VISp2");
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddDefaultGain("probelaser", 0.04);
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddFSRCalibration("probelaser", 3.84);
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddSlaveLaser("v3laser", "VISp3");
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddDefaultGain("v3laser", 0.04);
            tclConfig.Cavities[VISCavity].AddFSRCalibration("v3laser", 3.84);

            Info.Add("TCLConfig", tclConfig);

             * // OLD TCL SETUP, one configuration/instance of TCL per cavity
             *         //TransferCavityLock info
             *         TCLConfig tcl1 = new TCLConfig("IR Cavity");
             *         tcl1.AddLaser("v0laser", "p1");
             *         tcl1.AddLaser("v2laser", "p2");
             *         tcl1.Trigger = TCLBoard + "/PFI0";
             *         tcl1.Cavity = "cavityRampMonitor";
             *         tcl1.MasterLaser = "master";
             *         tcl1.Ramp = "rampfb";
             *         tcl1.TCPChannel = 1190;
             *         tcl1.SlaveVoltageLowerLimit = 0.0;
             *         tcl1.SlaveVoltageUpperLimit = 10.0;
             *   //      tcl1.AnalogSampleRate = 15000;
             *   //      tcl1.DefaultScanPoints = 600;
             *         Info.Add("IR", tcl1);
             *         //TransferCavityLock info
             *         TCLConfig tcl2 = new TCLConfig("VIS Cavity");
             *         tcl2.AddLaser("v1laser", "VISp1");
             *         tcl2.AddLaser("probelaser", "VISp2");
             *         tcl2.AddLaser("v3laser", "VISp3");
             *         tcl2.Trigger = TCLBoard2 + "/PFI0";
             *         tcl2.Cavity = "VIScavityRampMonitor";
             *         tcl2.MasterLaser = "VISmaster";
             *         tcl2.Ramp = "VISrampfb";
             *         tcl2.TCPChannel = 1191;
             *         tcl2.SlaveVoltageLowerLimit = -10.0;
             *         tcl2.SlaveVoltageUpperLimit = 10.0;
             *         //tcl2.AnalogSampleRate = 15000;
             *  //       tcl2.DefaultScanPoints = 300;
             *         Info.Add("VIS", tcl2);

            //These need to be activated for the phase lock
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockOscillator", daqBoard + "/ctr0"); //This should be the source pin of a counter PFI 8
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockReference", daqBoard + "/PFI9");  //This should be the gate pin of the same counter - need to check it's name
        private void OnLoad()
                var messageTypes = new[] { MessageTypes.Time, ExtendedMessageTypes.Clearing };
                var token        = _cancellationToken.Token;

                while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)

                    _isInitialized = true;
                    _isChanged     = false;


                    foreach (var action in _actions.CopyAndClear())
                        if (action.Item2)

                    var boards    = Boards.ToArray();
                    var loadDate  = _currentTime != DateTimeOffset.MinValue ? _currentTime.Date : StartDate;
                    var startTime = _currentTime;

                    while (loadDate.Date <= StopDate.Date && !_isChanged && !token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        if (boards.Length == 0 || boards.Any(b => b.IsTradeDate(loadDate, true)))
                            this.AddInfoLog("Loading {0}", loadDate.Date);

                            var messages = _basketStorage.Load(loadDate.UtcDateTime.Date);

                            // storage for the specified date contains only time messages and clearing events
                            var noData = !messages.DataTypes.Except(messageTypes).Any();

                            if (noData)
                                EnqueueMessages(loadDate, startTime, token, GetSimpleTimeLine(loadDate));
                                EnqueueMessages(loadDate, startTime, token, messages);

                        loadDate = loadDate.Date.AddDays(1).ApplyTimeZone(loadDate.Offset);

                    if (!_isChanged)
                        EnqueueMessage(new LastMessage {
                            LocalTime = StopDate

                    _isInitialized = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                EnqueueMessage(new LastMessage {
                    IsError = true
Example #15
        public PXIEDMHardware()
            // add the boards
            Boards.Add("daq", "/PXI1Slot18");
            Boards.Add("pg", "/PXI1Slot10");
            Boards.Add("counter", "/PXI1Slot3");
            Boards.Add("aoBoard", "/PXI1Slot4");
            // this drives the rf attenuators
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ1", "/Dev2");
            Boards.Add("analogIn", "/PXI1Slot2");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ2", "/dev1");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ3", "/dev4");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ4", "/dev3");
            Boards.Add("tclBoard", "/PXI1Slot9");
            string pgBoard      = (string)Boards["pg"];
            string daqBoard     = (string)Boards["daq"];
            string counterBoard = (string)Boards["counter"];
            string aoBoard      = (string)Boards["aoBoard"];
            string usbDAQ1      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ1"];
            string analogIn     = (string)Boards["analogIn"];
            string usbDAQ2      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ2"];
            string usbDAQ3      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ3"];
            string usbDAQ4      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ4"];
            string tclBoard     = (string)Boards["tclBoard"];

            // add things to the info
            // the analog triggers
            Info.Add("analogTrigger0", (string)Boards["analogIn"] + "/PFI0");
            Info.Add("analogTrigger1", (string)Boards["analogIn"] + "/PFI1");

            Info.Add("sourceToDetect", 1.3);
            Info.Add("moleculeMass", 193.0);
            Info.Add("phaseLockControlMethod", "synth");
            Info.Add("PGClockLine", pgBoard + "/PFI4"); //Mapped to PFI2 on 6533 connector
            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", pgBoard);
            Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");
            // rf counter switch control seq``
            Info.Add("IodineFreqMon", new bool[] { false, false });      // IN 1
            Info.Add("pumpAOMFreqMon", new bool[] { false, true });      // IN 2
            Info.Add("FLModulationFreqMon", new bool[] { true, false }); // IN 3

            Info.Add("PGTrigger", pgBoard + "/PFI5");                    //Mapped to PFI7 on 6533 connector

            // YAG laser
            yag = new BrilliantLaser("ASRL2::INSTR");

            // add the GPIB/RS232 instruments
            Instruments.Add("green", new HP8657ASynth("GPIB0::7::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("red", new HP3325BSynth("GPIB0::12::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("4861", new ICS4861A("GPIB0::4::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("bCurrentMeter", new HP34401A("GPIB0::22::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfCounter", new Agilent53131A("GPIB0::3::INSTR"));
            //Instruments.Add("rfCounter2", new Agilent53131A("GPIB0::5::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfPower", new HP438A("GPIB0::13::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("BfieldController", new SerialDAQ("ASRL12::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfCounter2", new SerialAgilent53131A("ASRL8::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("probePolControl", new SerialMotorControllerBCD("ASRL5::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("pumpPolControl", new SerialMotorControllerBCD("ASRL3::INSTR"));

            // map the digital channels
            // these channels are generally switched by the pattern generator
            // they're all in the lower half of the pg
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve", pgBoard, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash", pgBoard, 0, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("q", pgBoard, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detector", pgBoard, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detectorprime", pgBoard, 1, 2); // this trigger is for switch scanning
            // see ModulatedAnalogShotGatherer.cs
            // for details.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfSwitch", pgBoard, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("fmSelect", pgBoard, 1, 0);         // This line selects which fm voltage is
            // sent to the synth.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("attenuatorSelect", pgBoard, 0, 5); // This line selects the attenuator voltage
            // sent to the voltage-controlled attenuator.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("piFlip", pgBoard, 1, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("ttlSwitch", pgBoard, 1, 3);        // This is the output that the pg
            // will switch if it's switch scanning.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("scramblerEnable", pgBoard, 1, 4);
            //RF Counter Control (single pole 4 throw)
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfCountSwBit1", pgBoard, 3, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfCountSwBit2", pgBoard, 3, 6);
            // new rf amp blanking
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfAmpBlanking", pgBoard, 1, 5);

            // these channel are usually software switched - they should not be in
            // the lower half of the pattern generator
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("b", pgBoard, 2, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notB", pgBoard, 2, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("db", pgBoard, 2, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notDB", pgBoard, 2, 3);
            //			AddDigitalOutputChannel("notEOnOff", pgBoard, 2, 4);  // this line seems to be broken on our pg board
            //          AddDigitalOutputChannel("eOnOff", pgBoard, 2, 5);  // this and the above are not used now we have analog E control
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("targetStepper", pgBoard, 2, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("ePol", pgBoard, 2, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notEPol", pgBoard, 2, 7);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("eBleed", pgBoard, 3, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("piFlipEnable", pgBoard, 3, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notPIFlipEnable", pgBoard, 3, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("pumpShutter", pgBoard, 3, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("probeShutter", pgBoard, 3, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("argonShutter", pgBoard, 3, 2);// (3,6) & (3,7) are dead.

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("fibreAmpEnable", aoBoard, 0, 0);

            // Map the digital input channels
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpMasterErr", aoBoard, 0, 1);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpSeedErr", aoBoard, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpBackFeflectErr", aoBoard, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpTempErr", aoBoard, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpPowerSupplyErr", aoBoard, 0, 5);

            // map the analog channels
            // These channels are on the daq board. Used mainly for diagnostic purposes.
            // On no account should they switch during the edm acquisition pattern.
            AddAnalogInputChannel("diodeLaserCurrent", daqBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("iodine", daqBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavity", daqBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("probePD", daqBoard + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("pumpPD", daqBoard + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("northLeakage", daqBoard + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("southLeakage", daqBoard + "/ai7", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            // Used ai13,11 & 12 over 6,7 & 8 for miniFluxgates, because ai8, 9 have an isolated ground.
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux1", daqBoard + "/ai13", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux2", daqBoard + "/ai11", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux3", daqBoard + "/ai12", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("piMonitor", daqBoard + "/ai10", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("diodeLaserRefCavity", daqBoard + "/ai13", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            // Don't use ai10, cross talk with other channels on this line

            // high quality analog inputs (will be) on the S-series analog in board
            AddAnalogInputChannel("top", analogIn + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("norm", analogIn + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("magnetometer", analogIn + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("gnd", analogIn + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("battery", analogIn + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("piMonitor", analogIn + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("bFieldCurrentMonitor", analogIn + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("reflectedrf1Amplitude", analogIn + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("reflectedrf2Amplitude", analogIn + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("rfCurrent", analogIn + "/ai7 ", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("phaseScramblerVoltage", aoBoard + "/ao0");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("b", aoBoard + "/ao1");

            // rf rack control
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("rfPower", usbDAQ1 + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf1Attenuator", usbDAQ1 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf2Attenuator", usbDAQ1 + "/ao1", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf1FM", usbDAQ2 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf2FM", usbDAQ2 + "/ao1", 0, 5);

            // E field control and monitoring
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cPlusMonitor", usbDAQ3 + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cMinusMonitor", usbDAQ3 + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cPlus", usbDAQ3 + "/ao0", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cMinus", usbDAQ3 + "/ao1", 0, 10);

            // B field control
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("steppingBBias", usbDAQ4 + "/ao0", 0, 5);

            // map the counter channels
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockOscillator", counterBoard + "/ctr7");
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockReference", counterBoard + "/pfi10");
            //AddCounterChannel("northLeakage", counterBoard + "/ctr0");
            //AddCounterChannel("southLeakage", counterBoard + "/ctr1");

            //TCL Lockable lasers
            //Info.Add("TCLLockableLasers", new string[][] { new string[] { "flPZT2" }, /*new string[] { "flPZT2Temp" },*/ new string[] { "fibreAOM", "flPZT2Temp" } });
            Info.Add("TCLLockableLasers", new string[] { "flPZT2" });                 //, new string[] { "flPZT2Temp" }, new string[] { "fibreAOM"} });
            Info.Add("TCLPhotodiodes", new string[] { "transCavV", "master", "p1" }); // THE FIRST TWO MUST BE CAVITY AND MASTER PHOTODIODE!!!!
            Info.Add("TCL_Slave_Voltage_Limit_Upper", 10.0);                          //volts: Laser control
            Info.Add("TCL_Slave_Voltage_Limit_Lower", 0.0);                           //volts: Laser control
            Info.Add("TCL_Default_Gain", -1.1);
            //Info.Add("TCL_Default_ScanPoints", 250);
            Info.Add("TCL_Default_VoltageToLaser", 2.5);
            Info.Add("TCL_Default_VoltageToDependent", 1.0);
            // Some matching up for TCL
            Info.Add("flPZT2", "p1");
            Info.Add("flPZT2Temp", "p1");
            //Info.Add("fibreAOM", "p1");
            Info.Add("TCLTrigger", tclBoard + "/PFI0");
            Info.Add("TCL_MAX_INPUT_VOLTAGE", 10.0);

            AddAnalogInputChannel("transCavV", tclBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("master", tclBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("p1", tclBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            // Laser control
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT", usbDAQ4 + "/ao1", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT", aoBoard + "/ao7", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT2", aoBoard + "/ao2", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("fibreAmpPwr", aoBoard + "/ao3");
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("pumpAOM", aoBoard + "/ao4", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("pumpAOM", usbDAQ4 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT2Temp", aoBoard + "/ao5", 0, 4); //voltage must not exceed 4V for Koheras laser
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT2Cur", aoBoard + "/ao6", 0, 5);  //voltage must not exceed 5V for Koheras laser
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("fibreAOM", usbDAQ4 + "/ao1", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rampfb", aoBoard + "/ao4", -10, 10);
Example #16
 public IEnumerable <TrelloBoard> GetBoardsByOrganization(string idOrganization)
     return(Boards.Where(x => x.IdOrganization == idOrganization));
Example #17
 public ActionResult <Boards> Update(int id, [FromBody] Boards newDetails)
     context.Entry(newDetails).State = EntityState.Modified;
Example #18
 public ActionResult <Boards> InsertData([FromBody] Boards insertion)
Example #19
 public HomeViewModel()
     _boards = new ObservableCollection <Board>();
     Boards  = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(_boards);
     Boards.CurrentChanged += (sender, args) =>
         if (Boards.CurrentItem == null)
             Hexes = null;
             var currentBoard = GetCurrentBoard();
             Hexes = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(currentBoard.Hexes);
         if (Hexes != null)
             Hexes.CurrentChanged -= Hexes_CurrentChanged;
             Hexes.CurrentChanged += Hexes_CurrentChanged;
     _load = new DelegateCommand(
         canExecute: () => true,
         action: () =>
         var dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog
             FileName   = _defaultTestFileName,
             DefaultExt = ".json",
             Filter     = "JSON documents (.json)|*.json"
         var result = dlg.ShowDialog();
         if (result == true)
             string filename  = dlg.FileName;
             var jsonText     = File.ReadAllText(filename);
             var loadedBoards = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Board> >(jsonText);
             foreach (var b in _boards)
             foreach (var b in loadedBoards)
             if (_boards.Count > 0)
     _save = new DelegateCommand(
         canExecute: () => true,
         action: () =>
         var dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog
             FileName   = _defaultTestFileName,
             DefaultExt = ".json",
             Filter     = "JSON documents (.json)|*.json"
         var result = dlg.ShowDialog();
         if (result == true)
             string filename = dlg.FileName;
             File.WriteAllText(dlg.FileName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
                                   .OrderBy(i => i.Title)
                                   .ThenBy(i => i.CreatedOn)));
     _deleteBoard = new DelegateCommand(
         canExecute: () => Boards.CurrentItem != null,
         action: () =>
     _cloneBoard = new DelegateCommand(
         canExecute: () => Boards.CurrentItem != null,
         action: () =>
         Board currentBoard = GetCurrentBoard();
         Board clone        = new Board {
             Title = string.Empty
         foreach (var h in currentBoard.Hexes)
             clone.Hexes.Add(new Hex {
                 X = h.X, Y = h.Y, Tag = h.Tag, Color = h.Color
     _addBoard = new DelegateCommand(
         action: () =>
         Board b = new Board();
         b.Hexes.Add(new Hex {
             X = 0, Y = 0
     _addNeighbors = new DelegateCommand(
         canExecute: () => Hexes != null && Hexes.CurrentItem != null,
         action: () =>
         Hex currentHex     = Hexes.CurrentItem as Hex;
         Board currentBoard = GetCurrentBoard();
         var neighborsToAdd =
             new List <Tuple <int, int> > {
             Tuple.Create(1, 0),
             Tuple.Create(1, -1),
             Tuple.Create(0, -1),
             Tuple.Create(-1, 0),
             Tuple.Create(-1, 1),
             Tuple.Create(0, 1)
         .Select(i => new Tuple <int, int>(currentHex.X + i.Item1, currentHex.Y + i.Item2))
         .Except(currentBoard.Hexes.Select(i => new Tuple <int, int>(i.X, i.Y)));
         foreach (var newNeighbor in neighborsToAdd)
             var hex = new Hex {
                 Color = "empty", Tag = null, X = newNeighbor.Item1, Y = newNeighbor.Item2
     _deleteHex = new DelegateCommand(
         canExecute: () => Hexes != null && Hexes.CurrentItem != null,
         action: () =>
         Hex currentHex     = Hexes.CurrentItem as Hex;
         Board currentBoard = GetCurrentBoard();
         if (currentBoard.Hexes.Count == 0)
             currentBoard.Hexes.Add(new Hex {
                 Color = "black", X = 0, Y = 0
     _setHexColor = new DelegateCommand <string>(
         action: (color) =>
         var currentHex = Hexes.CurrentItem as Hex;
         if (currentHex != null)
             currentHex.Color = color;
     BoardFilter = null;
Example #20
 public IActionResult Index()
     var Board = new Boards();
     return View(Board);
Example #21
        public void Connect(ISaveRepository repo)
            // Boards AutoSaver
            var boardsChanges = Boards.Connect().Publish();

                             bvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Boards.ItemChanged {bvm.Id}::{bvm.Name}::{bvm.Modified}");
                var bi = mapper.Map <BoardViewModel, Board>(bvm);

                           bvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Boards.Add {bvm.Id}::{bvm.Name}");

                var bi = mapper.Map <BoardViewModel, Board>(bvm);
                bi     = repo.CreateOrUpdateBoard(bi).Result;

                bvm.Id = bi.Id;

                             bvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Boards.Remove {bvm.Id}::{bvm.Name}");



            // Columns AutoSaver
            var columnsChanges = Columns.Connect().Publish();

                             cvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Columns.ItemChanged {cvm.Id}::{cvm.Name}::{cvm.Order}");
                var ci = mapper.Map <ColumnViewModel, Column>(cvm);

                           cvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Columns.Add {cvm.Id}::{cvm.Name}::{cvm.Order}");

                var ci = mapper.Map <ColumnViewModel, Column>(cvm);
                ci     = repo.CreateOrUpdateColumn(ci).Result;

                cvm.Id = ci.Id;

                             cvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Columns.Remove {cvm.Id}::{cvm.Name}::{cvm.Order}");



            // Rows AutoSaver
            var rowsChanges = Rows.Connect().Publish();

                             rvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Rows.ItemChanged {rvm.Id}::{rvm.Name}::{rvm.Order}");
                var row = mapper.Map <RowViewModel, Row>(rvm);

                           rvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Rows.Add {rvm.Id}::{rvm.Name}::{rvm.Order}");

                var ri = mapper.Map <RowViewModel, Row>(rvm);
                ri     = repo.CreateOrUpdateRow(ri).Result;

                rvm.Id = ri.Id;

                             rvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Rows.Remove {rvm.Id}::{rvm.Name}::{rvm.Order}");



            // Cards AutoSaver
            var cardsChanges = Cards.Connect().Publish();

                             cvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Cards.ItemChanged {cvm.Id}::{cvm.Header}");
                var iss = mapper.Map <CardViewModel, Card>(cvm);

                           cvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Cards.Add {cvm.Id}::{cvm.Header}");
                var ci = mapper.Map <CardViewModel, Card>(cvm);
                ci     = repo.CreateOrUpdateCard(ci).Result;

                cvm.Id = ci.Id;

                             cvm =>
                mon.LogicVerbose($"Box.Cards.Remove {cvm.Id}::{cvm.Header}");


 private void ReloadComandExecute()
     IsBusy = true;
     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Business.Jira.GetBoards()).ContinueWith(t =>
         t.Result.Select(b => new Tuple <int, string>(b.Key, b.Value)).ToList().ForEach(i => Boards.Add(i));
         IsBusy = false;
     }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Example #23
 // Get all devices not deleted
 public IEnumerable<BoardDevice> GetBoards()
     var boards = new Boards();
     var result = boards.GetAllBoards();
     return result;
Example #24
        public MoleculeMOTHardware()
            string digitalPatternBoardName    = "digitalPattern";
            string digitalPatternBoardAddress = "/Dev1";

            Boards.Add(digitalPatternBoardName, digitalPatternBoardAddress);

            string analogPatternBoardName    = "analogPattern";
            string analogPatternBoardAddress = "/PXI1Slot2"; //7

            Boards.Add(analogPatternBoardName, analogPatternBoardAddress);

            string tclBoard1Name    = "tclBoard1";
            string tclBoard1Address = "/PXI1Slot3";

            Boards.Add(tclBoard1Name, tclBoard1Address);

            string tclBoard2Name    = "tclBoard2";
            string tclBoard2Address = "/PXI1Slot8";

            Boards.Add(tclBoard2Name, tclBoard2Address);

            string tclBoard3Name    = "tclBoard3";
            string tclBoard3Address = "/PXI1Slot6";

            Boards.Add(tclBoard3Name, tclBoard3Address);

            string usbBoard1Name    = "usbBoard1";
            string usbBoard1Address = "/Dev2";

            Boards.Add(usbBoard1Name, usbBoard1Address);

            string usbBoard2Name    = "usbBoard2";
            string usbBoard2Address = "/Dev3";

            Boards.Add(usbBoard2Name, usbBoard2Address);

            // Channel Declarations

            AddAnalogInputChannel("ramp", tclBoard1Address + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            // Hamish
            AddAnalogInputChannel("v00PD", tclBoard1Address + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("v10PD", tclBoard1Address + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("bXPD", tclBoard1Address + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("bXLockBlockFlag", tclBoard1Address, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("v00LockBlockFlag", tclBoard1Address, 0, 1);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("refPDHamish", tclBoard1Address + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v00Lock", tclBoard1Address + "/ao0");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v10Lock", tclBoard1Address + "/ao1");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("bXLock", tclBoard3Address + "/ao2");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cavityLockHamish", tclBoard3Address + "/ao3");

            // Carlos
            AddAnalogInputChannel("v21PD", tclBoard1Address + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("v32PD", tclBoard1Address + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("refPDCarlos", tclBoard1Address + "/ai7", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v21Lock", tclBoard2Address + "/ao0");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v32Lock", usbBoard1Address + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cavityLockCarlos", tclBoard2Address + "/ao1");

            // Digital Pattern
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("flashLamp", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("qSwitch", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 0, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("bXSlowingAOM", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("v00MOTAOM", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("v10SlowingAOM", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("microwaveA", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 0, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("microwaveB", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 0, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("cameraTrigger", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 0, 7);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("cameraTrigger2", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 1, 7);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aoPatternTrigger", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 1, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("v00MOTShutter", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 1, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("bXSlowingShutter", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 1, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("bXLockBlock", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 1, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("v00LockBlock", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 2, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("topCoilDirection", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 1, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("bottomCoilDirection", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 1, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rbCoolingAOM", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 1, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("v00Sidebands", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 2, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("heliumShutter", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 2, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rbOpticalPumpingAOM", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 2, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rbCoolingShutter", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 2, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rbOpticalPumpingShutter", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 2, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("microwaveC", digitalPatternBoardAddress, 2, 6);

            // Analog Pattern
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("slowingChirp", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao8");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v00Intensity", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao9");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v00EOMAmp", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao11");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v00Frequency", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao12");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("MOTCoilsCurrent", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao13"); //13
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("triggerDelay", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao15");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("xShimCoilCurrent", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao17");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("yShimCoilCurrent", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao16");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("zShimCoilCurrent", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao21");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("slowingCoilsCurrent", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao18");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("v00Chirp", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao22");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rbCoolingIntensity", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao23");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rbCoolingFrequency", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao24");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("topCoilShunt", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/ao26");

            // Source
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("cryoCooler", usbBoard2Address, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("sourceHeater", usbBoard2Address, 0, 1);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("sourceTemp", usbBoard2Address + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("sf6Temp", tclBoard2Address + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            // TCL Config
            //TCLConfig tcl1 = new TCLConfig("Hamish");
            //tcl1.AddLaser("v00Lock", "v00PD");
            //tcl1.AddLaser("v10Lock", "v10PD");
            //tcl1.AddLaser("bXLock", "bXPD");
            //tcl1.Trigger = tclBoard1Address + "/PFI0";
            //tcl1.Cavity = "rampHamish";
            //tcl1.MasterLaser = "refPDHamish";
            //tcl1.Ramp = "cavityLockHamish";
            //tcl1.TCPChannel = 1190;
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("Master", 1.0);
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("v00Lock", 2);
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("v10Lock", 0.5);
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("bXLock", -2);
            //tcl1.AddFSRCalibration("v00Lock", 3.95); //This is an approximate guess
            //tcl1.AddFSRCalibration("v10Lock", 4.15);
            //tcl1.AddFSRCalibration("bXLock", 3.9);
            //tcl1.DefaultScanPoints = 850;
            //tcl1.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 3;
            //Info.Add("Hamish", tcl1);

            //TCLConfig tcl2 = new TCLConfig("Carlos");
            //tcl2.AddLaser("v21Lock", "v21PD");
            //tcl2.AddLaser("v32Lock", "v32PD");
            //tcl2.Trigger = tclBoard2Address + "/PFI0";
            //tcl2.Cavity = "rampCarlos";
            //tcl2.MasterLaser = "refPDCarlos";
            //tcl2.Ramp = "cavityLockCarlos";
            //tcl2.TCPChannel = 1191;
            //tcl2.AddDefaultGain("Master", 1.0);
            //tcl2.AddDefaultGain("v21Lock", -0.4);
            //tcl2.AddDefaultGain("v32Lock", 0.2);
            //tcl2.AddFSRCalibration("v21Lock", 3.7); //This is an approximate guess
            //tcl2.AddFSRCalibration("v32Lock", 3.7);
            //tcl2.DefaultScanPoints = 900;
            //tcl2.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 3;
            //Info.Add("Carlos", tcl2);

            TCLConfig tclConfig = new TCLConfig("Hamish & Carlos");

            tclConfig.Trigger           = tclBoard1Address + "/PFI0";
            tclConfig.BaseRamp          = "ramp";
            tclConfig.TCPChannel        = 1190;
            tclConfig.DefaultScanPoints = 1000;
            tclConfig.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 4;
            tclConfig.AnalogSampleRate = 62000;
            string hamish = "Hamish";
            string carlos = "Carlos";

            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddSlaveLaser("v00Lock", "v00PD");
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddLockBlocker("v00Lock", "v00LockBlockFlag");
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddSlaveLaser("v10Lock", "v10PD");
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddSlaveLaser("bXLock", "bXPD");
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddLockBlocker("bXLock", "bXLockBlockFlag");
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].MasterLaser = "refPDHamish";
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].RampOffset  = "cavityLockHamish";
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddDefaultGain("Master", 1.0);
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddDefaultGain("v00Lock", 2);
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddDefaultGain("v10Lock", 0.5);
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddDefaultGain("bXLock", -2);
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddFSRCalibration("v00Lock", 3.95); //This is an approximate guess
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddFSRCalibration("v10Lock", 4.15);
            tclConfig.Cavities[hamish].AddFSRCalibration("bXLock", 3.9);

            tclConfig.Cavities[carlos].AddSlaveLaser("v21Lock", "v21PD");
            tclConfig.Cavities[carlos].AddSlaveLaser("v32Lock", "v32PD");
            tclConfig.Cavities[carlos].MasterLaser = "refPDCarlos";
            tclConfig.Cavities[carlos].RampOffset  = "cavityLockCarlos";
            tclConfig.Cavities[carlos].AddDefaultGain("Master", 1.0);
            tclConfig.Cavities[carlos].AddDefaultGain("v21Lock", -0.2);
            tclConfig.Cavities[carlos].AddDefaultGain("v32Lock", 1.0);
            tclConfig.Cavities[carlos].AddFSRCalibration("v21Lock", 3.7); //This is an approximate guess
            tclConfig.Cavities[carlos].AddFSRCalibration("v32Lock", 3.7);

            Info.Add("TCLConfig", tclConfig);

            // MOTMaster configuration
            MMConfig mmConfig = new MMConfig(false, false, true, false);

            mmConfig.ExternalFilePattern = "*.tif";
            Info.Add("MotMasterConfiguration", mmConfig);
            Info.Add("AOPatternTrigger", analogPatternBoardAddress + "/PFI4"); //PFI6
            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", digitalPatternBoardAddress);
            Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");
            Info.Add("Element", "CaF");
            //Info.Add("PGTrigger", Boards["pg"] + "/PFI2");   // trigger from "cryocooler sync" box, delay controlled from "triggerDelay" analog output

            // ScanMaster configuration
            Info.Add("defaultTOFRange", new double[] { 4000, 12000 }); // these entries are the two ends of the range for the upper TOF graph
            Info.Add("defaultTOF2Range", new double[] { 0, 1000 });    // these entries are the two ends of the range for the middle TOF graph
            Info.Add("defaultGate", new double[] { 6000, 2000 });      // the first entry is the centre of the gate, the second is the half width of the gate (upper TOF graph)

            // Instruments
            Instruments.Add("windfreak", new WindfreakSynth("ASRL8::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("gigatronics 1", new Gigatronics7100Synth("GPIB0::19::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("gigatronics 2", new Gigatronics7100Synth("GPIB0::6::INSTR"));

            // Calibrations
            //AddCalibration("freqToVoltage", new PolynomialCalibration(new double[] { -9.7727, 0.16604, -0.0000272 }, 70, 130)); //this is a quadratic fit to the manufacturer's data for a POS-150
            //AddCalibration("motAOMAmp", new PolynomialCalibration(new double[] {6.2871, -0.5907, -0.0706, -0.0088, -0.0004}, -12, 4)); // this is a polynomial fit (up to quartic) to measured behaviour
Example #25
 // Get all type boards
 public Boards.BoardTypesResult GetTypeBoards()
     var boards = new Boards();
     var result = boards.GetAllBoardTypes();
     return result;
Example #26
 public JsonResult GetBoardTypes()
     var boards = new Boards();
     var boardsResult = boards.GetAllBoardTypes();
Example #27
 public Move GetMove(Boards boards)
     if (boards.moves.Count == 0)
     Random rand = new Random();
     return boards.moves[rand.Next(0, boards.moves.Count)];
Example #28
 public BoardEntity GetBoard(Guid boardId)
            .FirstOrDefault(b => b.BoardId == boardId)
            ?? throw new ArgumentException($"Не найдена доска с id = '{boardId}'"));
Example #29
        public void Solve()
            var level = 1;

            MaxLevelReached = 1;
            var totalCombinations = GetTotalCombinations();

            var prevCombinations = totalCombinations;
            var boardSize        = Math.Max(_data.Width, _data.Height);

            while (true)
                // get all possible combinations of nr+1 indexes, so that we can filter the possibilities away
                // nr=0 means the possible combinations are just one of each perpendicular rows or columns
                // nr=1 means possibilities are weighed against every combination in any two perpendicular rows or columns,etc
                var piRows = getAllPossibleIndexes(_data.Height, level);
                filterPossibilities(_colPossibilities, _rowPossibilities, piRows); // filter column possibilities by rows
                totalCombinations = GetTotalCombinations();
                generateBoard(); // generates a board with partial results

                if (prevCombinations != totalCombinations)
                    level = 1;
                Debug.WriteLine($"Combinations so far: {totalCombinations}, level: {level}, max level reached: {MaxLevelReached}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Combinations so far: {totalCombinations}, level: {level}, max level reached: {MaxLevelReached}");

                var piCols = getAllPossibleIndexes(_data.Width, level);
                filterPossibilities(_rowPossibilities, _colPossibilities, piCols); // filter row possibilities by columns
                totalCombinations = GetTotalCombinations();
                if (totalCombinations <= 1)
                generateBoard(); // generates a board with partial results

                if (prevCombinations == totalCombinations)
                    if (level <= boardSize && level < MaxPuzzleLevel)
                        if (level > MaxLevelReached)
                            MaxLevelReached = level;
                        Debug.WriteLine("Maximum puzzle level reached");
                        Console.WriteLine("Maximum puzzle level reached. Starting brute force (it will take a while, please wait...)");
                    level = 1;
                Debug.WriteLine($"Combinations so far: {totalCombinations}, level: {level}, max level reached: {MaxLevelReached}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Combinations so far: {totalCombinations}, level: {level}, max level reached: {MaxLevelReached}");

                prevCombinations = totalCombinations;
            // fill all possible solutions from the remaining column and row possibilities
Example #30
        public PXIEDMHardware()
            // add the boards
            Boards.Add("daq", "/PXI1Slot18");
            Boards.Add("pg", "/PXI1Slot10");
            Boards.Add("doBoard", "/PXI1Slot11");
            Boards.Add("analogIn2", "/PXI1Slot17");
            Boards.Add("counter", "/PXI1Slot16");
            Boards.Add("aoBoard", "/PXI1Slot2");
            // this drives the rf attenuators
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ1", "/Dev6");
            Boards.Add("analogIn", "/PXI1Slot15");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ2", "/Dev1");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ3", "/Dev2");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ4", "/Dev5");
            //Boards.Add("tclBoardPump", "/PXI1Slot17");
            //Boards.Add("tclBoardProbe", "/PXI1Slot9");
            string rfAWG        = (string)Boards["rfAWG"];
            string pgBoard      = (string)Boards["pg"];
            string daqBoard     = (string)Boards["daq"];
            string analogIn2    = (string)Boards["analogIn2"];
            string counterBoard = (string)Boards["counter"];
            string aoBoard      = (string)Boards["aoBoard"];
            string usbDAQ1      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ1"];
            string analogIn     = (string)Boards["analogIn"];
            string usbDAQ2      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ2"];
            string usbDAQ3      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ3"];
            string usbDAQ4      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ4"];
            string doBoard      = (string)Boards["doBoard"];

            //string tclBoardPump = (string)Boards["tclBoardPump"];
            //string tclBoardProbe = (string)Boards["tclBoardProbe"];

            // add things to the info
            // the analog triggers
            Info.Add("analogTrigger0", (string)Boards["analogIn"] + "/PFI0");
            Info.Add("analogTrigger1", (string)Boards["analogIn"] + "/PFI1");

            Info.Add("sourceToDetect", 1.3);
            Info.Add("moleculeMass", 193.0);
            Info.Add("machineLengthRatio", 3.842);
            Info.Add("defaultGate", new double[] { 2190, 80 });

            Info.Add("phaseLockControlMethod", "synth");
            Info.Add("PGClockLine", pgBoard + "/PFI4"); //Mapped to PFI2 on 6533 connector
            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", pgBoard);
            Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");
            // rf counter switch control seq``
            Info.Add("IodineFreqMon", new bool[] { false, false });      // IN 1
            Info.Add("pumpAOMFreqMon", new bool[] { false, true });      // IN 2
            Info.Add("FLModulationFreqMon", new bool[] { true, false }); // IN 3

            Info.Add("PGTrigger", pgBoard + "/PFI5");                    //Mapped to PFI7 on 6533 connector

            // YAG laser
            yag = new BrilliantLaser("ASRL21::INSTR");

            // add the GPIB/RS232/USB instruments
            Instruments.Add("green", new HP8657ASynth("GPIB0::7::INSTR"));
            //Instruments.Add("gigatronix", new Gigatronics7100Synth("GPIB0::19::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("red", new SRSDS345Synth("GPIB0::19::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("4861", new ICS4861A("GPIB0::4::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("bCurrentMeter", new HP34401A("GPIB0::22::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfCounter", new Agilent53131A("GPIB0::3::INSTR"));
            //Instruments.Add("rfCounter2", new Agilent53131A("GPIB0::5::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfPower", new HP438A("GPIB0::13::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("BfieldController", new SerialDAQ("ASRL19::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfCounter2", new SerialAgilent53131A("ASRL17::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("probePolControl", new SerialMotorControllerBCD("ASRL8::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("pumpPolControl", new SerialMotorControllerBCD("ASRL11::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("anapico", new AnapicoSynth("USB0::1003::45055::321-028100000-0168::0::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfAWG", new NIPXI5670("PXI1Slot4"));

            // map the digital channels
            // these channels are generally switched by the pattern generator
            // they're all in the lower half of the pg
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve", pgBoard, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash", pgBoard, 0, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("q", pgBoard, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detector", pgBoard, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detectorprime", pgBoard, 1, 2); // this trigger is for switch scanning
            // see ModulatedAnalogShotGatherer.cs
            // for details.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfSwitch", pgBoard, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("fmSelect", pgBoard, 1, 0);         // This line selects which fm voltage is
            // sent to the synth.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("attenuatorSelect", pgBoard, 0, 5); // This line selects the attenuator voltage
            // sent to the voltage-controlled attenuator.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("piFlip", pgBoard, 1, 1);
            //AddDigitalOutputChannel("ttlSwitch", pgBoard, 1, 3);	// This is the output that the pg
            // will switch if it's switch scanning.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("ttlSwitch", pgBoard, 3, 5);        // This is the output that the pg
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("scramblerEnable", pgBoard, 1, 4);

            //RF Counter Control (single pole 4 throw)
            //AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfCountSwBit1", pgBoard, 3, 5);
            //AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfCountSwBit2", pgBoard, 3, 6);

            // new rf amp blanking
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfAmpBlanking", pgBoard, 1, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("mwEnable", pgBoard, 3, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("mwSelectPumpChannel", pgBoard, 3, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("mwSelectTopProbeChannel", pgBoard, 3, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("mwSelectBottomProbeChannel", pgBoard, 2, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("pumprfSwitch", pgBoard, 3, 4);

            // rf awg test
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfAWGTestTrigger", doBoard, 0, 1);

            // these channel are usually software switched - they are on the AO board
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("b", aoBoard, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notB", aoBoard, 0, 1);

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("db", aoBoard, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notDB", aoBoard, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("piFlipEnable", aoBoard, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notPIFlipEnable", aoBoard, 0, 5); //doesn't seem to be connected to anything
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("mwSwitching", aoBoard, 0, 6);

            // these digitial outputs are switched slowly during the pattern
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("ePol", usbDAQ4, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notEPol", usbDAQ4, 0, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("eBleed", usbDAQ4, 0, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("eSwitching", usbDAQ4, 0, 7);

            // these digitial outputs are are not switched during the pattern
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("argonShutter", usbDAQ4, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("patternTTL", usbDAQ4, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfPowerAndFreqSelectSwitch", usbDAQ4, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("targetStepper", usbDAQ4, 0, 1);;

            // map the analog channels
            // These channels are on the daq board. Used mainly for diagnostic purposes.
            AddAnalogInputChannel("iodine", daqBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavity", daqBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("probePD", daqBoard + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("pumpPD", daqBoard + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("northLeakage", daqBoard + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("southLeakage", daqBoard + "/ai7", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("northLeakage", usbDAQ4 + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("southLeakage", usbDAQ4 + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            // Used ai13,11 & 12 over 6,7 & 8 for miniFluxgates, because ai8, 9 have an isolated ground.
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux1", daqBoard + "/ai13", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux2", daqBoard + "/ai11", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux3", daqBoard + "/ai12", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("ground", daqBoard + "/ai14", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("piMonitor", daqBoard + "/ai10", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("diodeLaserRefCavity", daqBoard + "/ai13", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            // Don't use ai10, cross talk with other channels on this line

            // high quality analog inputs (will be) on the S-series analog in board
            // The last number in AddAnalogInputChannel is an optional calibration which turns VuS and MHz
            AddAnalogInputChannel("topProbe", analogIn + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential, 0.1);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("bottomProbe", analogIn + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential, 0.02);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("magnetometer", analogIn + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("gnd", analogIn + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("battery", analogIn + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("middlePenningGauge", analogIn + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("piMonitor", analogIn + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("bFieldCurrentMonitor", analogIn + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("reflectedrf1Amplitude", analogIn + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("reflectedrf2Amplitude", analogIn + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("rfCurrent", analogIn + "/ai7 ", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            //temporarily disable quspins 19Jul2018
            AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinB0_Y", analogIn + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinB0_Z", analogIn + "/ai7", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);

            //AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinEV_Y", analogIn + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinEV_Z", analogIn2 + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinEW_Y", analogIn2 + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinEW_Z", analogIn2 + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinEX_Y", analogIn2 + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinEX_Z", analogIn2 + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinEU_Y", analogIn2 + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("quSpinEU_Z", analogIn2 + "/ai7", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("phaseScramblerVoltage", aoBoard + "/ao10");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("bScan", aoBoard + "/ao2");

            // B field control
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("steppingBBias", usbDAQ4 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            // Add B field stepping box bias analog output to this board for now (B field controller is not connected to anything!)
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("steppingBBias", aoBoard + "/ao8", -10, 10);

            // rf rack control
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("rfPower", usbDAQ1 + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf1Attenuator", usbDAQ1 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf2Attenuator", usbDAQ1 + "/ao1", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf1FM", usbDAQ2 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf2FM", usbDAQ2 + "/ao1", 0, 5);

            // E field control and monitoring
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cPlusMonitor", usbDAQ3 + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cMinusMonitor", usbDAQ3 + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("cPlusMonitor", daqBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("cMinusMonitor", daqBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cPlus", usbDAQ3 + "/ao1", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cMinus", usbDAQ3 + "/ao0", 0, 10);

            // map the counter channels
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockOscillator", counterBoard + "/ctr7");
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockReference", counterBoard + "/pfi10");
            //AddCounterChannel("northLeakage", counterBoard + "/ctr0");
            //AddCounterChannel("southLeakage", counterBoard + "/ctr1");

            // Cavity inputs for the cavity that controls the Pump lasers
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("PumpCavityRampVoltage", tclBoardPump + "/ai8", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //tick
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("Pumpmaster", tclBoardPump + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("Pumpp1", tclBoardPump + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("Pumpp2", tclBoardPump + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            // Lasers locked to pump cavity
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("KeopsysDiodeLaser", tclBoardPump + "/ao2", -4, 4); //tick
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("MenloPZT", tclBoardPump + "/ao0", 0, 10); //tick

            // Length stabilisation for pump cavity
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("PumpCavityLengthVoltage", tclBoardPump + "/ao1", -10, 10); //tick

            //TCL configuration for pump cavity
            //TCLConfig tcl1 = new TCLConfig("Pump Cavity");
            //tcl1.AddLaser("MenloPZT", "Pumpp1");
            //tcl1.AddLaser("KeopsysDiodeLaser", "Pumpp2");
            //tcl1.Trigger = tclBoardPump + "/PFI0";
            //tcl1.Cavity = "PumpCavityRampVoltage";
            //tcl1.MasterLaser = "Pumpmaster";
            //tcl1.Ramp = "PumpCavityLengthVoltage";
            //tcl1.TCPChannel = 1190;
            //tcl1.AnalogSampleRate = 61250;
            //tcl1.DefaultScanPoints = 500;
            //tcl1.MaximumNLMFSteps = 20;
            //tcl1.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 2.5;
            //tcl1.TriggerOnRisingEdge = false;
            //tcl1.AddFSRCalibration("MenloPZT", 3.84);
            //tcl1.AddFSRCalibration("KeopsysDiodeLaser", 3.84);
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("Master", 0.3);
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("MenloPZT", -0.2);
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("KeopsysDiodeLaser", 4);
            //Info.Add("PumpCavity", tcl1);
            //Info.Add("DefaultCavity", tcl1);

            // Probe cavity inputs
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("ProbeRampVoltage", tclBoardProbe + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //tick
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("Probemaster", tclBoardProbe + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //tick
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("Probep1", tclBoardProbe + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //tick

            // Lasers locked to Probe cavity
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("TopticaSHGPZT", tclBoardProbe + "/ao0", -4, 4); //tick
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("ProbeCavityLengthVoltage", tclBoardProbe + "/ao1", -10, 10); //tick

            // TCL configuration for Probe cavity
            //TCLConfig tcl2 = new TCLConfig("Probe Cavity");
            //tcl2.AddLaser("TopticaSHGPZT", "Probep1");
            //tcl2.Trigger = tclBoardProbe + "/PFI0";
            //tcl2.Cavity = "ProbeRampVoltage";
            //tcl2.MasterLaser = "Probemaster";
            //tcl2.Ramp = "ProbeCavityLengthVoltage";
            //tcl2.TCPChannel = 1191;
            //tcl2.AnalogSampleRate = 61250/2;
            //tcl2.DefaultScanPoints = 250;
            //tcl2.MaximumNLMFSteps = 20;
            //tcl2.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 12;
            //tcl2.AddFSRCalibration("TopticaSHGPZT", 3.84);
            //tcl2.TriggerOnRisingEdge = false;
            //tcl2.AddDefaultGain("Master", 0.4);
            //tcl2.AddDefaultGain("TopticaSHGPZT", 0.04);
            //Info.Add("ProbeCavity", tcl2);
            //Info.Add("DefaultCavity", tcl2);

            // Obsolete Laser control
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("probeAOM", aoBoard + "/ao19", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("pumpAOM", aoBoard + "/ao20", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("fibreAmpPwr", aoBoard + "/ao3");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("I2LockBias", aoBoard + "/ao5", 0, 5);

            //Microwave Control Channels
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("uWaveDCFM", aoBoard + "/ao11", -2.5, 2.5);
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("uWaveMixerV", aoBoard + "/ao12", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("pumpMixerV", aoBoard + "/ao19", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("bottomProbeMixerV", aoBoard + "/ao24", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("topProbeMixerV", aoBoard + "/ao25", 0, 5);

            //RF control Channels
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("VCO161Amp", aoBoard + "/ao13", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("VCO161Freq", aoBoard + "/ao14", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("VCO30Amp", aoBoard + "/ao15", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("VCO30Freq", aoBoard + "/ao16", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("VCO155Amp", aoBoard + "/ao17", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("VCO155Freq", aoBoard + "/ao18", 0, 10);
Example #31
 public void Initialize()
     var boards = new Boards();
Example #32
 public BoardController(ScrumToolDB p_context)
     m_Board = null;
     m_context = p_context;
 private void UpdateTiles(Boards boards)
     for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
         for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
             if (boards.lastmove == i)
                 boardRects[i][j].Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
                 boardRects[i][j].Fill = new SolidColorBrush(
                     i % 2 == 0 ? filled : Colors.White);
             boardImages[i][j].Opacity = 1;
             boardImages[i][j].Source = TryFindResource
                 (boards.GetTile_String(new Move(i, j))) as BitmapImage;
         string result = boards.GetWinner_String(i);
         if(result == "X" || result == "O")
             for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
                 boardImages[i][j].Opacity = .33;
             boardImages[9][i].Source = TryFindResource(result) as BitmapImage;
         else { boardImages[9][i].Source = null; }
     string winner = boards.GetWinner_String(9);
     if (winner == " ") { InfoGridUpdate(boards.turn); }
     else {  for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j) { boardRects[i][j].Fill = new SolidColorBrush(i % 2 == 0 ? filled : Colors.White); } }
             if (winner == "D") { InfoImage.Source = null; InfoBox.Text = "Game Over: It's a Draw"; }
             else { InfoImage.Source = TryFindResource(winner) as BitmapImage; InfoBox.Text = "Game Over: " + winner + " Wins"; }
     if(lastMove != null && turnToDisplay == game.currentTurn)
         boardRects[lastMove.board][lastMove.tile].Fill = new SolidColorBrush(filledOrange);
Example #34
        public DecelerationHardware()
            // YAG laser
            yag = new MiniliteLaser();

            // add the boards
            Boards.Add("daq", "/dev2");
            Boards.Add("pg", "/dev1");
            Boards.Add("usbDev", "/dev3");
            Boards.Add("PXI6", "/PXI1Slot6");
            Boards.Add("PXI4", "/PXI1Slot4");
            string pgBoard  = (string)Boards["pg"];
            string usbBoard = (string)Boards["usbDev"];
            string daqBoard = (string)Boards["daq"];
            string PXIBoard = (string)Boards["PXI6"];
            string TCLBoard = (string)Boards["PXI4"];

            // add things to the info
            Info.Add("PGClockLine", Boards["pg"] + "/PFI2");
            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", pgBoard);
            Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");

            //TCL Lockable lasers
            Info.Add("TCLLockableLasers", new string[] { "laser", "laser2" });
            Info.Add("TCLPhotodiodes", new string[] { "cavity", "master", "p1", "p2" }); // THE FIRST TWO MUST BE CAVITY AND MASTER PHOTODIODE!!!!
            Info.Add("TCL_Slave_Voltage_Limit_Upper", 10.0);                             //volts: Laser control
            Info.Add("TCL_Slave_Voltage_Limit_Lower", -10.0);                            //volts: Laser control
            Info.Add("TCL_Default_Gain", 0.01);
            Info.Add("TCL_Default_VoltageToLaser", 0.0);
            Info.Add("TCL_MAX_INPUT_VOLTAGE", 10.0);

            // Some matching up for TCL
            Info.Add("laser", "p1");
            Info.Add("laser2", "p2");

            // the analog triggers
            Info.Add("analogTrigger0", (string)Boards["daq"] + "/PFI0"); // pin 10
            Info.Add("analogTrigger1", (string)Boards["daq"] + "/PFI1"); // pin 11
            Info.Add("TCLTrigger", (string)Boards["PXI4"] + "/PFI0");
            //Info.Add("analogTrigger2", (string)Boards["usbDev"] + "/PFI0"); //Pin 29
            Info.Add("analogTrigger3", (string)Boards["daq"] + "/PFI6"); //Pin 5 - breakout 31
            //distance information
            Info.Add("sourceToDetect", 0.81);                            //in m
            Info.Add("sourceToSoftwareDecelerator", 0.12);               //in m
            //information about the molecule
            Info.Add("molecule", "caf");
            Info.Add("moleculeMass", 58.961);                   // this is 40CaF in atomic mass units
            Info.Add("moleculeRotationalConstant", 1.02675E10); //in Hz
            Info.Add("moleculeDipoleMoment", 15400.0);          //in Hz/(V/m)
            //information about the decelerator

            //These settings for WF
            Info.Add("deceleratorStructure", DecelerationConfig.DecelerationExperiment.SwitchStructure.V_H);             //Vertical first
            Info.Add("deceleratorLensSpacing", 0.006);
            Info.Add("deceleratorFieldMap", "RodLayout3_EonAxis.dat");
            Info.Add("mapPoints", 121);
            Info.Add("mapStartPoint", 0.0);
            Info.Add("mapResolution", 0.0001);

            // These settings for AG
            //	Info.Add("deceleratorStructure", DecelerationConfig.DecelerationExperiment.SwitchStructure.H_V); //Horizontal first
            //  Info.Add("deceleratorLensSpacing", 0.024);
            //  Info.Add("deceleratorFieldMap", "Section1v1_onAxisFieldTemplate.dat");
            //  Info.Add("mapPoints", 481);
            //  Info.Add("mapStartPoint", 0.0);
            //  Info.Add("mapResolution", 0.0001);

            //Here are constants for 174YbF for future reference
            //Info.Add("molecule", "ybf");
            //Info.Add("moleculeMass", 192.937); // this is 174YbF in atomic mass units
            //Info.Add("moleculeRotationalConstant", 7.2338E9); //in Hz
            //Info.Add("moleculeDipoleMoment", 19700.0); //in Hz/(V/m)

            // map the digital channels
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve", pgBoard, 0, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash", pgBoard, 0, 0);            //Changed from pg board P.0.5 because that appears to have died mysteriously (line dead in ribbon cable?) TEW 06/04/09
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("q", pgBoard, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detector", pgBoard, 3, 7);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detectorprime", pgBoard, 3, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom", pgBoard, 2, 1);               //Same channel as "ttl2" as used by the AomLevelControlPlugin. Now commented out.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("decelhplus", pgBoard, 1, 0);        //Pin 16
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("decelhminus", pgBoard, 1, 1);       //Pin 17
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("decelvplus", pgBoard, 1, 2);        //Pin 51
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("decelvminus", pgBoard, 1, 3);       //Pin 52
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("cavityTriggerOut", usbBoard, 0, 1); //Pin 18
            //AddDigitalOutputChannel("ttl1", pgBoard, 2, 2); //Pin 58 Used to be used with AomLevelControlPlugin.
            //AddDigitalOutputChannel("ttl2", pgBoard, 2, 1); //Pin 57
            // AddDigitalOutputChannel("ttlSwitch", pgBoard, 1, 3);	// This is the output that the pg
            // will switch if it's switch scanning.

            // map the analog channels
            AddAnalogInputChannel("pmt", daqBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("pmt2", daqBoard + "/ai8", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("longcavity", daqBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("refcavity", daqBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("lockcavity", daqBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            AddAnalogInputChannel("master", TCLBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("p1", TCLBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavity", TCLBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("p2", TCLBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("laser", PXIBoard + "/ao13");
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("cavity", daqBoard + "/ao0");
            // AddAnalogOutputChannel("cavity", PXIBoard + "/ao5");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("laser2", PXIBoard + "/ao25");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("laser3", PXIBoard + "/ao31");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rampfb", PXIBoard + "/ao19");

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("highvoltage", daqBoard + "/ao1");// hardwareController has "highvoltage" hardwired into it and so needs to see this ao, otherwise it crashes. Need to fix this.

            // map the counter channels
            AddCounterChannel("pmt", daqBoard + "/ctr0");
            AddCounterChannel("sample clock", daqBoard + "/ctr1");