Example #1
    GameObject GetRetreatRedBase(BluePoliceSim threat)
        GameObject selectedRedBase = simControlScript.RedBases[0];
        float      minRangeRatio   = float.MaxValue;

        foreach (GameObject redBase in simControlScript.RedBases)
            NavMeshPath thisPath = new NavMeshPath();
            if (thisNavAgent.CalculatePath(redBase.transform.position, thisPath)) //true if result exists; result is stored in thisPath
                float thisLength  = PathLength(thisPath);
                float threatRange = threat.GetRangeTo(redBase);
                if (threatRange > 0f)
                    float thisRatio = thisLength / threatRange;
                    if (thisRatio < minRangeRatio)
                        minRangeRatio   = thisRatio;
                        selectedRedBase = redBase;
Example #2
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.CompareTag("BluePolice")) // Killed by police
            SoaSensor s = other.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SoaSensor>();
            if (s != null)

            // Log event
            simControlScript.soaEventLogger.LogRedTruckCaptured(other.name, gameObject.name);

            // Find out where to retreat to
            BluePoliceSim b = other.gameObject.GetComponent <BluePoliceSim>();
            Vector3       retreatBasePosition = GetRetreatRedBase(b).transform.position;

            // Destroy self

            // Configure a replacement agent
            RedTruckConfig c = new RedTruckConfig(
                retreatBasePosition.x / SimControl.KmToUnity,
                retreatBasePosition.z / SimControl.KmToUnity,
                new Optional <int>(),   // id (determined at runtime)
                new Optional <float>(), // beamwidth (use default)
                new Optional <string>(),
                new Optional <bool>(),
                new Optional <bool>(),
                new Optional <float>(),
                new Optional <float>(),
                new Optional <int>());

            // Instantiate and activate a replacement
            simControlScript.ActivateRedTruck(simControlScript.InstantiateRedTruck(c, true));

        if (other.CompareTag("RedBase"))
            RedBaseSim rb = other.gameObject.GetComponent <RedBaseSim>();
            if (rb != null)
                // Drop off all civilians currently carried at the base
                for (int i = 0; i < thisSoaActor.numCiviliansStored; i++)
                    simControlScript.soaEventLogger.LogCivilianInRedCustody(gameObject.name, other.name);
                rb.Civilians += thisSoaActor.numCiviliansStored;
                thisSoaActor.numCiviliansStored = 0;

                // Assign a (target, closestBaseFromThatTarget) pair
                waypointScript.On = false;
                waypointScript.waypointIndex = 0;

                // Nearest red base to intitial position assigns target
                target = rb.AssignTarget();

                // Store the initial target assignment in railsTarget, regardless of predRedMovement level
                if (assignRailsTarget)
                    railsTarget       = target;
                    assignRailsTarget = false; //so that we don't do this again

                // On rails, so set target back to initial assignment
                if (rails)
                    target = railsTarget;

                // Find red base closest to target
                closestBaseFromTarget = simControlScript.FindClosestInList(target, simControlScript.RedBases);

                // Add (target, closestBaseFromTarget) pair to waypointScript
                waypointScript.On = true;

                // Weapon
                foreach (SoaWeapon weapon in thisSoaActor.Weapons)
                    weapon.enabled = rb.EnableWeapon();
            // Indicate that actor is heading toward target
            zig = true;

        if (other.CompareTag("NGO"))
            // Red truck can inflict casualties, destroy supplies, and pick up civilians
            // at NGO sites
            NgoSim n = other.gameObject.GetComponent <NgoSim>();
            if (n != null)
                // Act greedy and pick up as many civilians as you have room for
                uint numFreeSlots = thisSoaActor.GetNumFreeSlots();
                n.Civilians += numFreeSlots; // Keeps track of civilians taken from this site
                thisSoaActor.numCiviliansStored += numFreeSlots;

                // Only inflict one casualty and take one supply
                n.Casualties += 1f;
                n.Supply      = (n.Supply > 1f) ? (n.Supply - 1f) : 0f; // Can't go negative

                Debug.Log(transform.name + " attacks " + other.name);
            // Indicates that actor is heading toward the closestBaseFromTarget
            zig = false;

        if (other.CompareTag("Village"))
            // Red truck only inflicts casualties and destroys supplies at villages
            VillageSim v = other.gameObject.GetComponent <VillageSim>();
            if (v != null)
                // Only inflict one casualty and take one supply
                v.Casualties += 1f;
                v.Supply      = (v.Supply > 1f) ? (v.Supply - 1f) : 0f; // Can't go negative

                Debug.Log(transform.name + " attacks " + other.name);
            // Indicates that actor is heading toward the closestBaseFromTarget
            zig = false;
Example #3
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        // Return if triggered too early (SoaActor has not instantiated yet)
        if (thisSoaActor == null)

        if (other.CompareTag("BluePolice")) // Killed by police
            SoaSensor s = other.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SoaSensor>();
            if (s != null)

            // Log event
            simControlScript.soaEventLogger.LogRedDismountCaptured(other.name, gameObject.name);

            // Find out where to retreat to
            BluePoliceSim b = other.gameObject.GetComponent <BluePoliceSim>();
            Vector3       retreatBasePosition = GetRetreatRedBase(b).transform.position;

            // Destroy self

            // Configure a replacement agent
            RedDismountConfig c = new RedDismountConfig(
                retreatBasePosition.x / SimControl.KmToUnity,
                retreatBasePosition.z / SimControl.KmToUnity,
                new Optional <int>(),   // id (determined at runtime)
                new Optional <float>(), // beamwidth (use default)
                new Optional <string>(),
                new Optional <bool>(),
                new Optional <float>(),
                new Optional <int>());

            // Instantiate and activate a replacement
            simControlScript.ActivateRedDismount(simControlScript.InstantiateRedDismount(c, true));

        if (other.CompareTag("RedBase"))
            RedBaseSim rb = other.gameObject.GetComponent <RedBaseSim>();
            if (rb != null)
                // Drop off all civilians currently carried at the base
                for (int i = 0; i < thisSoaActor.numCiviliansStored; i++)
                    simControlScript.soaEventLogger.LogCivilianInRedCustody(gameObject.name, other.name);
                rb.Civilians += thisSoaActor.numCiviliansStored;
                thisSoaActor.numCiviliansStored = 0;

                // Assign a new target and return to closest base from that target
                waypointScript.On = false;
                waypointScript.waypointIndex = 0;
                GameObject target = rb.AssignTarget();
                waypointScript.waypoints.Add(simControlScript.FindClosestInList(target, simControlScript.RedBases));
                waypointScript.On = true;

                foreach (SoaWeapon weapon in thisSoaActor.Weapons)
                    weapon.enabled = rb.EnableWeapon();

        if (other.CompareTag("NGO"))
            // Red dismount can inflict casualties, destroy supplies, and pick up civilians
            // at NGO sites
            NgoSim n = other.gameObject.GetComponent <NgoSim>();
            if (n != null)
                // Act greedy and pick up as many civilians as you have room for
                uint numFreeSlots = thisSoaActor.GetNumFreeSlots();
                n.Civilians += numFreeSlots; // Keeps track of civilians taken from this site
                thisSoaActor.numCiviliansStored += numFreeSlots;

                // Only inflict one casualty and take one supply
                n.Casualties += 1f;
                n.Supply      = (n.Supply > 1f) ? (n.Supply - 1f) : 0f; // Can't go negative

                Debug.Log(transform.name + " attacks " + other.name);

        if (other.CompareTag("Village"))
            // Red dismount only inflicts casualties and destroys supplies at villages
            VillageSim v = other.gameObject.GetComponent <VillageSim>();
            if (v != null)
                // Only inflict one casualty and take one supply
                v.Casualties += 1f;
                v.Supply      = (v.Supply > 1f) ? (v.Supply - 1f) : 0f; // Can't go negative

                Debug.Log(transform.name + " attacks " + other.name);