public void UpdateContent_Always_ShouldSucceed() { Post existingPost; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { existingPost = dbContext.Posts .OrderBy(p => Guid.NewGuid()) .First(); } var oldContent = existingPost.Content; var newContent = "vauprewhfsoivdlhbgreyfads;ivjnr"; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); service.UpdateContent(existingPost.Title, newContent); } using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { var updatedPost = dbContext.Posts .Where(p => p.PostId == existingPost.PostId) .Single(); Assert.AreNotEqual(oldContent, updatedPost.Content); Assert.AreEqual(newContent, updatedPost.Content); } }
public void DeleteByTitle_InvalidTitle_ShouldFailAndNotDeleteAnything(string invalidTitle) { IEnumerable <Post> beforeList; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { beforeList = dbContext.Posts .ToList(); } int result; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); result = service.DeleteByTitle(invalidTitle); } Assert.AreEqual(0, result); using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { IEnumerable <Post> afterList = dbContext.Posts .ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(beforeList.Count(), afterList.Count()); foreach (var post in beforeList) { Assert.True(afterList.Contains(post)); } } }
private void QuickDumpAllTables() { using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { dbContext.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync(); } }
public void Find_Always_ShouldReturnCorrectList(string term) { IEnumerable <Post> expectedList; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { expectedList = dbContext.Posts .Include(p => p.Blog) .Where(p => p.Title.Contains(term)) .ToList(); } IEnumerable <Post> returnedList; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); returnedList = service.Find(term); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedList.Count(), returnedList.Count()); foreach (var expectedPost in expectedList) { var correspondingActualPost = returnedList .Where(p => p.PostId == expectedPost.PostId) .Single(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPost.Title, correspondingActualPost.Title); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPost.Content, correspondingActualPost.Content); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPost.Blog.Url, correspondingActualPost.Blog.Url); } }
public void GetAll_Always_ShouldReturnTheFullList() { IEnumerable <Post> expectedFullList; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { expectedFullList = dbContext.Posts .Include(p => p.Blog) .ToList(); } IEnumerable <Post> actualFullList; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); actualFullList = service.GetAll(); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedFullList.Count(), actualFullList.Count()); foreach (var expectedPost in expectedFullList) { var correspondingActualPost = actualFullList .Where(p => p.PostId == expectedPost.PostId) .Single(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPost.Title, correspondingActualPost.Title); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPost.Content, correspondingActualPost.Content); Assert.IsNotNull(correspondingActualPost.Blog); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPost.Blog.Url, correspondingActualPost.Blog.Url); } }
internal static void Seed(BloggingDbContext dbContext) { var blog = new BlogEntity { Id = 1, Title = "每个人都有选择幸福的自由", Content = "每个人都要为自己的选择负责 很多前来心理咨询的来访者,几乎都是是还没有学会爱自己的人,也是还不大明白对自己负责", Created = new DateTime(2017, 3, 19), }; dbContext.Blogs.AddOrUpdate(b => b.Id, blog); var firstComment = new CommentEntity { Id = 1, Blog = blog, Content = "我感同身受", }; var secondComment = new CommentEntity { Id = 2, BlogId = 1, //两种指定外键的方式,或者指定BlogId,或者指定Blog, EF会自动算出来. Content = "我感同身受", }; dbContext.Comments.AddOrUpdate(c => c.Id, firstComment); dbContext.Comments.AddOrUpdate(c => c.Id, secondComment); }
public BlogValidator(BloggingDbContext dbContext) { // Case0: No dependency on DbContext RuleFor(blog => blog.BlogId).NotEmpty(); RuleFor(blog => blog.Url).NotNull(); // Case1: You need DbContext for runtime validation. // DbContext can be null on swagger generation and active on request validation. RuleFor(blog => blog.Url) .Must(url => dbContext.Blogs.Count(b => b.Url == url) == 0) .WithMessage("Url must be unique"); // Case2: You need DbContext for defining rules. // DbContext must be active on swagger generation!!! var propertyMetadata = dbContext.Metadata .FirstOrDefault(metadata => metadata.TypeName == nameof(Blog) && metadata.PropertyName == nameof(Blog.Author)); if (propertyMetadata != null) { var ruleBuilder = RuleFor(blog => blog.Author); if (propertyMetadata.IsRequired) { ruleBuilder.NotNull(); } if (propertyMetadata.MaxLength.HasValue) { ruleBuilder.MaximumLength(propertyMetadata.MaxLength.Value); } } }
public void DeleteByTitle_TitleExists_ShouldSucceed() { Post targetPostToDelete; int oldCount; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { targetPostToDelete = dbContext.Posts .OrderBy(p => Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .First(); oldCount = dbContext.Posts .Count(); } int result; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); result = service.DeleteByTitle(targetPostToDelete.Title); } Assert.AreEqual(1, result); using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { int newCount = dbContext.Posts.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(oldCount - 1, newCount); var afterDeletionQuery = dbContext.Posts .Where(p => p.Title.Equals(targetPostToDelete.Title)); Assert.True(afterDeletionQuery.Count() == 0); } }
public void UpdateContent_TitleCannotBeFound_ShouldFail() { var nonexistentTitle = "NonExistentTitle"; var newContent = "vauprewhfsoivdlhbgreyfads;ivjnr"; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); Assert.Throws(typeof(InvalidOperationException), () => service.UpdateContent(nonexistentTitle, newContent)); } }
public void UpdateContent_InvalidNewTitle_ShouldFail(string invalidNewTitle) { var newContent = "vauprewhfsoivdlhbgreyfads;ivjnr"; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); Assert.Throws( typeof(InvalidOperationException), () => service.UpdateContent(invalidNewTitle, newContent)); } }
public void UpdateTitle_OriginalTitleCannotBeFound_ShouldFail() { string nonexistentOldTitle = "avdsoiblnksdaigfuv"; string newTitle = "Why hybrid supercars are afraid of the truth"; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); Assert.Throws( typeof(InvalidOperationException), () => service.UpdateTitle(nonexistentOldTitle, newTitle)); } }
private static SqliteConnection CreateDatabaseAndGetConnection() { var connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=:memory:"); connection.Open(); var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <BloggingDbContext>().UseSqlite(connection).Options; using (var context = new BloggingDbContext(options)) { context.GetService <IRelationalDatabaseCreator>().CreateTables(); } return(connection); }
public void Add_EmptyTitle_ShouldFail() { Blog twitter; Post post; int beforeInsertCount; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { bool hasTwitter = dbContext.Blogs .Where(b => b.Url.Contains("twitter")) .Count() > 0; if (!hasTwitter) { dbContext.Blogs.Add(new Blog { Url = "" }); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } twitter = dbContext.Blogs .Where(b => b.Url.Contains("twitter")) .Single(); post = new Post { Title = "", Content = "lahfpwqohavskjlsbatuwqhaps;vddsah", Blog = twitter }; beforeInsertCount = dbContext.Posts.Count(); } int result; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); result = service.Add(post.Title, post.Content, twitter.Url); } using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { Assert.AreEqual(0, result); Assert.AreEqual(beforeInsertCount, dbContext.Posts.Count()); } }
public void Add_ValidInputData_ShouldSucceed() { Blog blog = new Blog { Url = "" }; Post post = new Post { Title = "How summer activities changed how we think about death", Content = "lksahfpwqohavskjlsbatuwqhaps;vddsah", Blog = blog }; int beforeInsertCount; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { dbContext.Blogs.Add(blog); dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); beforeInsertCount = dbContext.Posts.Count(); } int result; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); result = service.Add(post.Title, post.Content, blog.Url); } using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { Assert.AreEqual(1, result); Assert.AreEqual(beforeInsertCount + 1, dbContext.Posts.Count()); var newlyAddedPost = dbContext.Posts .Include(p => p.Blog) .Where(p => p.Title.Contains("How summer activities changed how we think about death")) .Single(); Assert.AreEqual(post.Title, newlyAddedPost.Title); Assert.AreEqual(post.Content, newlyAddedPost.Content); Assert.IsNotNull(newlyAddedPost.Blog); Assert.AreEqual(post.Blog.Url, newlyAddedPost.Blog.Url); } }
public void UpdateTitle_Always_ShouldSucceed() { Blog facebook; Post post; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { facebook = dbContext.Blogs .Where(b => b.Url.Contains("facebook")) .Single(); post = new Post { Title = "Why game jobs are killing you", Content = "ouvaisdhvsa", Blog = facebook }; dbContext.Posts.AddRange(post); dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } string newTitle = "Why hybrid supercars are afraid of the truth"; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); service.UpdateTitle( post.Title, newTitle ); } using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { var updatedPost = dbContext.Posts .Include(p => p.Blog) .Where(p => p.Title == newTitle) .Single(); Assert.AreEqual(post.Content, updatedPost.Content); Assert.AreEqual(post.PostId, updatedPost.PostId); Assert.AreEqual(post.BlogId, updatedPost.BlogId); Assert.AreEqual(post.Blog.Url, updatedPost.Blog.Url); } }
public void UpdateUrl_InvalidUrl_ShouldFail(string invalidUrl) { Post existingPost; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { existingPost = dbContext.Posts .OrderBy(p => Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .FirstOrDefault(); } using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); Assert.Throws( typeof(InvalidOperationException), () => service.UpdateUrl(existingPost.Title, invalidUrl)); } }
public void UpdateUrl_BlogWithInputUrlDoesNotExistInOtherDatabase_ShouldFail() { Post existingPost; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { existingPost = dbContext.Posts .OrderBy(p => Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .FirstOrDefault(); } var nonexistentNewUrl = "localhost"; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); Assert.Throws( typeof(InvalidOperationException), () => service.UpdateUrl(existingPost.Title, nonexistentNewUrl)); } }
public void UpdateUrl_Always_ShouldSucceed() { Blog instagram = new Blog { Url = "" }; Post existingPost; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { dbContext.Blogs.Add(instagram); dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); existingPost = dbContext.Posts .OrderBy(p => Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .First(); } using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { PostService service = new PostService(dbContext); service.UpdateUrl( existingPost.Title, instagram.Url ); } using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { var updatedPost = dbContext.Posts .Include(p => p.Blog) .Where(p => p.Title == existingPost.Title) .Single(); Assert.AreEqual(existingPost.Content, updatedPost.Content); Assert.AreEqual(existingPost.PostId, updatedPost.PostId); Assert.AreEqual(instagram.Url, updatedPost.Blog.Url); } }
public static void UseInMemoryDbContext(Action <DbContextOptions <BloggingDbContext> > action) { var connection = new SqliteConnection("DataSource=:memory:"); connection.Open(); try { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <BloggingDbContext>() .UseSqlite(connection) .Options; using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(options)) { dbContext.Database.EnsureCreated(); } action(options); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public BloggingController(BloggingDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }
protected override void Seed(BloggingDbContext dbContext) { //每次运行Update-Database,都会运行这个函数 BloggingDatabaseSeed.Seed(dbContext); }
public PostService(BloggingDbContext context) { _context = context; }
public BlogService(ServiceContext context, BloggingDbContext db) : base(context) { _db = db; }
public BlogService(IServiceProvider context, BloggingDbContext db) : base(context) { _db = db; }
public BlogQuery(BloggingDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }
public IdentityController(BloggingDbContext context) { this.context = context; }
private void SeedData() { using (var dbContext = new BloggingDbContext(_contextOptions)) { dbContext.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync(); Blog google = new Blog { Url = "" }; Blog facebook = new Blog { Url = "" }; Blog lttStore = new Blog { Url = "" }; //adding blogs dbContext.Blogs.AddRangeAsync( google, facebook, lttStore ); dbContext.Posts.AddRangeAsync( new Post { Title = "How to be unpopular in the business insurance world", Content = "fslahfsdakjfds", Blog = google }, new Post { Title = "Why your accessory never works out the way you plan", Content = "fslahfsdakjfds", Blog = google }, new Post { Title = "The 17 worst songs about special olympic world games", Content = "fslahfsdakjfds", Blog = google }, new Post { Title = "The 8 worst home tech gadgets in history", Content = "fslahfsdakjfds", Blog = facebook }, new Post { Title = "14 things your boss expects you know about football highlights", Content = "fslahfsdakjfds", Blog = facebook }, new Post { Title = "10 things your boss expects you know about popular songs", Content = "fslahfsdakjfds", Blog = facebook }, new Post { Title = "Why you'll never succeed at vaccination schedules", Content = "fslahfsdakjfds", Blog = lttStore }, new Post { Title = "Why celebrity cruises will change your life", Content = "fslahfsdakjfds", Blog = lttStore }, new Post { Title = "Why hairstyles are killing you", Content = "fslahfsdakjfds", Blog = lttStore } ); dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
public BlogService(BloggingDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }