public static BlogOption OverrideOption(this BlogOption self, BlogUtil util) { self.LockTags = self.LockTags && util.CheckAdmin(true); // Admin and writer self.NoRate = self.NoRate && util.CheckAdmin(); // Only admin self.NoComment = self.NoComment && util.CheckAdmin(); // Only admin self.NoApprove = self.NoApprove && util.CheckAdmin(); return(self); }
public static BlogOption MergeWith(this BlogOption self, BlogUtil util, BlogOption modified) { if (modified == null) { return(self); } if (util.CheckAdmin(true)) { self.LockTags = modified.LockTags; } if (util.CheckAdmin()) { self.NoRate = modified.NoRate; self.NoApprove = modified.NoApprove; } self.LockDesc = modified.LockDesc; return(self); }
private bool CheckUserOwnsMessage(Message m) { return(m != null && (m.Recipient.Equals(User.Identity.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || m.Sender.Equals(User.Identity.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || (m.Recipient.Equals("admin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && _blogUtil.CheckAdmin()))); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create(BlogEdit blog, [FromServices] HtmlSanitizerService sanitizerService) { ViewBag.CategoryList = _catUtil.GetCategoryDropdown(); ViewBag.UserHanGroup = GetUserHanGroup(); string content = blog.Content; bool isLocalimg = false; Blog newblog; List <string> imglist = null; try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { throw new BlogException(); } if (content == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BlogHelper.removeAllTags(content))) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "内容不能为空或纯图片"); throw new BlogException(); } if (NolinkCategories == null || !NolinkCategories.Contains(blog.CategoryID)) { if (blog.BlogLinks == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "链接地址不能为空"); throw new BlogException(); } else { blog.BlogLinks = blog.BlogLinks.Where(b => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(b.url)).ToArray(); if (!BlogHelper.checkBlogLinks(blog.BlogLinks)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "链接地址不能为空,且不得包含javascript"); throw new BlogException(); } } } if (!_blogUtil.CheckAdmin()) { content = sanitizerService.Sanitize(content); } if (blog.HanGroupID.HasValue && !_db.HanGroupMembers.Any(h => h.Username == User.Identity.Name && h.HanGroupID == blog.HanGroupID)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "汉化组ID无效,请刷新重试。"); throw new BlogException(); } List <IFormFile> BlogImages = new List <IFormFile>(); if (Request.Form.Files.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Request.Form.Files.Count; i++) { var file = Request.Form.Files[i]; if (file.Length > 0) { if (!file.ContentType.Contains("image")) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "不接受的文件类型"); throw new BlogException(); } else if (file.Length > 1048576 * 4) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "文件不得超过4MB"); throw new BlogException(); } isLocalimg = true; BlogImages.Add(file); } else { content = BlogHelper.removeImgPlaceholder(content, i); } } } if (!isLocalimg) { var imgname = BlogHelper.getFirstImg(content); if (imgname == null || imgname.Length < 5) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "请添加预览图!(上传或在文中外链图片)"); throw new BlogException(); } imglist = new List <string>() { imgname }; } else { try { imglist = await _uploadUtil.SaveImagesAsync(BlogImages); } catch (Exception e) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "保存图片时发生异常:(" + e.Message + ")。如多次出错,请汇报给管理员。"); throw new BlogException(e.Message, e); } if (imglist.Count < 1) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "图片服务器上传出错,请稍后再试。如多次出错,请汇报给管理员。"); throw new BlogException(); } } string imgpath = string.Empty; if (imglist != null) { imgpath = string.Join(";", imglist); } bool approve = User.IsInRole("Administrator") || User.IsInRole("Writers") || User.IsInRole("Moderator"); // Replace 【】() with []() blog.BlogTitle = blog.BlogTitle.ToSingleByteCharacterString(); blog.ImagePath = imgpath; content = BlogHelper.RemoveComments(content); newblog = _blogUtil.AddBlog(blog.BlogTitle, content, blog.CategoryID, imgpath, User.Identity.Name, approve, isLocalimg, blog.BlogLinks); var taglist = new List <Tag>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blog.BlogTags)) { string[] tags = TagUtil.SplitTags(blog.BlogTags); taglist = _tagUtil.AddTagsForBlog(newblog.BlogID, tags, newblog.Author); } var save = false; if (BlogHelper.BlogIsHarmony(_db, newblog, HarmonySettings)) { newblog.isHarmony = true; save = true; } if (blog.HanGroupID.HasValue) { _db.HanGroupBlogs.Add(new HanGroupBlog { BlogID = newblog.BlogID, HanGroupID = blog.HanGroupID.Value }); save = true; } if (blog.Option != null && !blog.Option.IsDefault()) { newblog.option = blog.Option.OverrideOption(_blogUtil); if (newblog.option.NoApprove) { newblog.isApproved = false; } save = true; } if (save) { _db.SaveChanges(); } TriggerNewBlog(newblog, taglist); } catch (BlogException e) { if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(Json(new { err = e.Message + string.Join(";", ModelState.Values.SelectMany(m => m.Errors) .Select(err => err.ErrorMessage) .ToList()) })); } return(View(blog)); } catch { if (isLocalimg && imglist != null) { await _uploadUtil.DeleteFilesAsync(imglist.Concat(new[] { blog.ImagePath.Split(';')[0].Replace("/upload/", "/thumbs/") })); } throw; } if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(Json(new { id = newblog.BlogID, src = BlogHelper.firstImgPath(newblog, true) })); } return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = newblog.BlogID })); }
private bool CanJoinAuditor(int UserLevel) { if (!HasPassedExam()) { return(false); } var setting = _dataSettings; return((setting.JoinAuditorLevel > 0 && UserLevel >= setting.JoinAuditorLevel) || _blogUtil.CheckAdmin(true)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create(TopicEdit topic, [FromServices] HtmlSanitizerService sanitizerService) { ViewBag.CategoryID = sl; topic.LoadBlog(_db); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Topic ntopic = new Topic(); if (!_blogUtil.CheckAdmin()) { topic.Content = sanitizerService.Sanitize(topic.Content); } int i = 0; foreach (var bid in topic.BlogIDs.Distinct()) { var b = topic.Blogs.SingleOrDefault(bb => bb.BlogID == bid); if (b == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "未找到ID编号为" + bid + "的资源"); return(View(topic)); } var blogintopic = new BlogsInTopic { blog = b, topic = ntopic, BlogOrder = i++ }; _db.BlogsInTopics.Add(blogintopic); } ntopic.Author = User.Identity.Name; ntopic.CategoryID = topic.CategoryID; ntopic.Content = topic.Content; ntopic.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; ntopic.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; ntopic.TopicVisit = 0; ntopic.TopicTitle = topic.TopicTitle; if (topic.TopicImage != null) { //ValidateFileAttribute里已经检查过了 ntopic.isLocalImg = true; var imglist = await _uploadUtil.SaveImagesAsync(new IFormFile[] { topic.TopicImage }); if (imglist.Count < 1) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "图片服务器上传出错,请稍后再试。如多次出错,请汇报给管理员。"); return(View(topic)); } ntopic.ImagePath = imglist[0]; } else { string imgname = BlogHelper.getFirstImg(ntopic.Content); if (imgname == null || imgname.Length < 5) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "请添加预览图!(上传或在文中外链图片)"); return(View(topic)); } ntopic.ImagePath = imgname; } if (topic.TopicBanner != null) { var imglist = await _uploadUtil.SaveImagesAsync(new IFormFile[] { topic.TopicBanner }, false); if (imglist.Count < 1) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "图片服务器上传出错,请稍后再试。如多次出错,请汇报给管理员。"); return(View(topic)); } ntopic.BannerPath = imglist[0]; } var tag = _db.Tags.SingleOrDefault(t => t.TagName == topic.TagName); if (tag == null) { tag = new Tag { TagName = topic.TagName }; } ntopic.tag = tag; var mention = new MentionHandler(_udb); ntopic.Content = mention.ParseMentions(BlogHelper.RemoveComments(ntopic.Content)); _db.Topics.Add(ntopic); _db.SaveChanges(); mention.SendMentionMsg(_msgUtil, ntopic.Author, ntopic.TopicTitle, Url.Action("Details", new { id = ntopic.TopicID })); TriggerNewTopic(ntopic); return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = ntopic.TopicID })); } return(View(topic)); }