Example #1
        public void FilterByTag(int tag)
            var blogs = bops.BlogsByTag(tag);

            foreach (var blog in blogs)
                IEnumerable <Tag> tags = blog.Tags.Where(r => r.TagId == tag);
                Assert.IsTrue(tags.Count() != 0);
Example #2
        //Testing new pagination/routing
        public ActionResult Blog(int?id, int?page)
            var repo = RepositoryFactory.CreateRepository();
            var vm   = new BlogVM();

            vm.BlogEntries = _blops.GetUnexpiredPosts();

            if (id != null)
                vm.BlogEntries = _blops.BlogsByTag(id);
            var pageNumber = page ?? 1;

            // The 2nd param in the next line defines the size of the page
            vm.BlogEntries = vm.BlogEntries.ToPagedList(pageNumber, 5);
            vm.Tags        = repo.GetAllTags();