public void Dtrust()
            pin     = "blockiotestpininsecure";
            blockIo = new BlockIo(api_key, pin, 2, new Options(baseUrl));
            var response = blockIo.WithdrawFromDtrustAddress(dTrustRequestBodyContent);

            Assert.AreEqual("success", response.Status);
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());

            path = Path.GetFullPath(path) + "/.env";
            DotEnv.Config(true, path);
            DotEnv.Config(true, path, Encoding.Unicode, false);
            var envReader = new EnvReader();

            string     DtrustAddress      = null;
            string     DtrustAddressLabel = "dTrust1_witness_v0";
            BlockIo    blockIo            = new BlockIo(envReader.GetStringValue("API_KEY"), envReader.GetStringValue("PIN"));
            List <Key> PrivKeys           = new List <Key>()
                new Key().ExtractKeyFromPassphraseString("verysecretkey1"),
                new Key().ExtractKeyFromPassphraseString("verysecretkey2"),
                new Key().ExtractKeyFromPassphraseString("verysecretkey3"),
                new Key().ExtractKeyFromPassphraseString("verysecretkey4")
            List <string> PublicKeys = new List <string>()

            string signers = string.Join(",", PublicKeys);
            var    res     = blockIo.GetNewDtrustAddress(new { label = DtrustAddressLabel, public_keys = signers, required_signatures = "3", address_type = "witness_v0" });

            if (res.Status != "success")
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + res.Data);
                // if this failed, we probably created the same label before. let's fetch the address then

                res           = blockIo.GetDtrustAddressByLabel(new { label = DtrustAddressLabel });
                DtrustAddress = res.Data.address;
                DtrustAddress = res.Data.address;
            Console.WriteLine("Our dTrust Address: " + DtrustAddress);

            res = blockIo.WithdrawFromLabels(new { from_labels = "default", to_address = DtrustAddress, amounts = "0.0002" });
            Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal Response: " + res.Data);

            res = blockIo.GetDtrustAddressBalance(new { label = DtrustAddressLabel });
            Console.WriteLine("Dtrust address label Balance: " + res.Data);

            var normalAddress = blockIo.GetAddressByLabel(new { label = "default" }).Data.address.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine("Withdrawing from dtrust_address_label to the 'default' label in normal multisig");

            res = blockIo.WithdrawFromDtrustAddress(new { from_labels = DtrustAddressLabel, to_address = normalAddress, amounts = "0.0002" });

            Console.WriteLine("Withdraw from Dtrust Address response: " + res.Data);

            int keyIte;

            foreach (dynamic input in res.Data.inputs)
                keyIte = 0;
                foreach (dynamic signer in input.signers)
                    signer.signed_data = Helper.SignInputs(PrivKeys[keyIte++], input.data_to_sign.ToString(), signer.signer_public_key.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Our Signed Request: " + res.Data);
            Console.WriteLine("Finalize Withdrawal: ");
            Console.WriteLine("Get transactions sent by our dtrust_address_label address: ");
            Console.WriteLine(blockIo.GetDtrustTransactions(new { type = "sent", labels = DtrustAddressLabel }).Data);