IEnumerator RefreshData() { Block_DataModel[] data = null; StartCoroutine(heyAPI.CallAPIProcess(outcome => data = outcome)); //Wait until data has landed before proceeding. while (data == null) { yield return(null); } //List<BlockDataHolderB> newBlocks = new List<BlockDataHolderB>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { var tmpData = new Block_ViewModel(data[i]); if (!_content.ContainsKey(tmpData.blockNumber)) { //creating the spiral--var circleSpeed = 1; var forwardSpeed = 1; var circleSize = 23; var circleGrowSpeed = 0.1; var xPos = Mathf.Sin(i * 0.1f) * circleSize; var yPos = Mathf.Cos(i * 0.1f) * circleSize; zPos = zPos + forwardSpeed; Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(0, rotfix, 0); BlockDataHolderB holder = Instantiate(blockHolderPrefab, new Vector3(xPos, zPos, yPos), rot); rotfix += 5.7f; ////// /// //string tmpcheck = tmpData.blockNumber.ToString(); //if (GameObject.Find("tmpcheBlockHolderPrefab(Clone)")) //{ //We can pass in the index of an object along with it. utf8 = holder.Setup(tmpData, _content.Count); _content.Add(tmpData.blockNumber, holder); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.07f)); //to add delay in spawning fillbigtexewallonfirstopenn.TextFill(_content.Count, tmpData.blockNumber, utf8); //newBlocks.Add(holder); //Debug.Log($"Added block of id {tmpData.blockNumber}"); gotnewblock.Invoke(); //} } } verselift.Updatepos(zPos - 21); //lift the verse relative to highest block in the spiral. }
IEnumerator RefreshData() { Block_DataModel[] data = null; StartCoroutine(heyAPI.CallAPIProcess(outcome => data = outcome)); //Wait until data has landed before proceeding. while (data == null) { yield return(null); } //List<BlockDataHolderB> newBlocks = new List<BlockDataHolderB>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { var tmpData = new Block_ViewModel(data[i]); if (!_content.ContainsKey(tmpData.blockNumber)) { BlockDataHolderB holder = Instantiate(blockHolderPrefab, transform); //We can pass in the index of an object along with it. holder.Setup(tmpData, _content.Count); _content.Add(tmpData.blockNumber, holder); //newBlocks.Add(holder); Debug.Log($"Added block of id {tmpData.blockNumber}"); } } //You can store and cycle through only new blocks if you want //for (int i = 0; i < newBlocks.Count; i++) //{ // //The current index will be equals to the content dictionary count - new blocks count. // Debug.Log($"Block of id {newBlocks[i].data.blockNumber} is at dictionary index {_content.Count - newBlocks.Count + i}."); //} BlockDataHolderB lastItem = transform.GetChild(transform.childCount - 1).GetComponent <BlockDataHolderB>(); //To access an object in the dictionary, you can use a blockNumber -> Debug.Log($"{_content[]}"); //Below is how to handle the entire data as a whole, by looping through those. //Or you can loop through those using foreach //foreach (var kvp in _content) // Debug.Log($"Key: {kvp.Key}, Value: {}"); //foreach(BlockDataHolderB holder in _content.Values) // Debug.Log($"Value: {}"); //Check content based on its index //int index = 0; //foreach (BlockDataHolderB holder in _content.Values) // Debug.Log($"Item {} is at index {index++} out of {_content.Count}."); Debug.Log("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); //Get the first item //var holder = _content.First(); //Get the first item with -- //var holder = _content.First(o => int.Parse( > 300); }