Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// If the damage gets past Blob's armor, then the Blob is broken up into pices
    /// baised on the damage dealt to it (minus the armor)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="damage"></param>
    public override void DamageThis(float damage)
        damage -= armor;
        if (damage > health)
            base.DamageThis(damage + armor);
        else if (damage > 0 && mergeTimer > -1)
            int pieces = (int)(damage / 8f) + 2;

            if (pieces > 1)
                //find the size of each new Blob by dividing the area of the old Blob by the number of
                //new Blobs, the calculating the new Blobs size from this area
                float area = (float)(scale.x * scale.x / 4 * System.Math.PI);
                area /= pieces;
                float theScale = (float)(System.Math.Sqrt(area * 4 / System.Math.PI));

                //create each new Blob
                for (int i = 0; i < pieces; i++)
                    //make each new Blob and have them spread out from the old Blob's position
                    float theAngle = i * 360.0f / pieces + angle;
                    Blob  current  = (Blob)level.CreateObject("BlobPF", position + new Vector2(size.x / pieces, 0).Rotate(theAngle), angle,
                                                              velocity + new Vector2(pieces, 0).Rotate(theAngle), angularVelocity + pieces, theScale);

                    //give each new Blob an equal portion of the old Blob's healh, mass and behaviors
                    current.mass      = mass / pieces;
                    current.health    = health / pieces;
                    current.maxHealth = maxHealth / pieces;
                    foreach (BlobBehaviour item in behaviors)
                        BlobBehaviour temp = item.clone();
                        temp.magnitude /= pieces;

                    current.team       = team;
                    current.color      = color;
                    current.mergeTimer = (int)(mergeCooldownSecs * level.updatesPerSec);

                //Destory the old Blob, since it is no longer needed. Make sure it dones't try to merge in the meantime.
                mergeTimer = -1;
                base.DamageThis(damage + armor);
Example #2
    public override bool Combine(BlobBehaviour other)
        if (other.GetType() == typeof(PullOthers))
            PullOthers theOther = (PullOthers)other;

            float amountThis = magnitude / (magnitude + other.magnitude);

            magnitude += other.magnitude;
            pullSpeed  = pullSpeed * amountThis + theOther.pullSpeed * (1 - amountThis);

Example #3
    public override bool Combine(BlobBehaviour other)
        if (other.GetType() == typeof(TowardsTarget))
            TowardsTarget theOther = (TowardsTarget)other;

            float amountThis = magnitude / (magnitude + other.magnitude);

            magnitude += other.magnitude;

            moveSpeed        = moveSpeed * amountThis + theOther.moveSpeed * (1 - amountThis);
            updateTargetSecs = updateTargetSecs * amountThis + theOther.updateTargetSecs * (1 - amountThis);

Example #4
    public override bool Combine(BlobBehaviour other)
        if (other.GetType() == typeof(Shoot))
            Shoot theOther = (Shoot)other;

            float amountThis = magnitude / (magnitude + other.magnitude);

            magnitude += other.magnitude;

            shotSpeed     = shotSpeed * amountThis + theOther.shotSpeed * (1 - amountThis);
            shotSize      = shotSize * amountThis + theOther.shotSize * (1 - amountThis);
            shootTimeSecs = shootTimeSecs * amountThis + theOther.shootTimeSecs * (1 - amountThis);

Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Combines the given BlobBehavior with this one if they are of the same type,
 /// adding their magnitudes and any other setting members. The combined
 /// BlobBehavior is this one, the other one can be deleted if the combine happened (this returned true).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">BlobBehavior to combine with this.</param>
 /// <returns>returns true if they combined, false if they didn't</returns>
 public abstract bool Combine(BlobBehaviour other);
Example #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Every so often, shoots a shotBlob from itself at closest enemy DestructableObject
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="thisBlob">The Blob this behavior is attached to.</param>
    public override void Update(Blob thisBlob)
        if (thisBlob.scale.x > shotSize)

            if (shootTimer <= 0)
                //reset shootTimer
                shootTimer = (int)(shootTimeSecs * Level.current.updatesPerSec / magnitude / thisBlob.difficultyModifier);

                SpaceObject target = thisBlob.ClosestObject <SpaceObject>(Level.current.GetTypes(true, true, false, false), false);

                if (target != null)

                    //find where the shotBlob should be shot to hit the target, given their current positions and velocities
                    Vector3 aimAt = SpaceObject.IntersectPosTime(target, shotSpeed, thisBlob.position + new Vector2(0, thisBlob.scale.x * 3).Rotate(thisBlob.angle));

                    //if the taget cannot be hit, just shoot straight at its current position
                    if (aimAt.z < 0)
                        aimAt = target.position;

                    //create the shotBlob with an the velocity to hit where it is being aimed at
                    float theAngle = thisBlob.AngleToAbsolute(aimAt);
                    Blob  shotBlob = (Blob)Level.current.CreateObject("BlobPF", thisBlob.position + new Vector2(0, thisBlob.scale.x * 3).Rotate(thisBlob.angle), theAngle,
                                                                      new Vector2(0, shotSpeed).Rotate(theAngle), thisBlob.angularVelocity + magnitude, shotSize);

                    float shotPortion = shotSize / thisBlob.scale.x;
                    float thisPortion = 1 - shotPortion;

                    //make the shotBlob's health, mass and Behaviors proportional to how much of thisBlob is it taking
                    //also decrease thisBlob's behaviors baised on how much the shotBlob took from it
                    shotBlob.mass   = thisBlob.mass * shotPortion;
                    shotBlob.health = thisBlob.health * shotPortion;
                    foreach (BlobBehaviour item in thisBlob.behaviors)
                        BlobBehaviour temp = item.clone();

                        temp.magnitude *= shotPortion;

                        item.magnitude *= thisPortion;

                    shotBlob.team  = thisBlob.team;
                    shotBlob.color = thisBlob.color;

                    //find the new size of thisBlob baised on how much area the shotBlob took from it
                    float area = (thisBlob.scale.x * thisBlob.scale.x / 4 * Mathf.PI);
                    area -= (shotSize * shotSize / 4 * Mathf.PI);
                    float theScale = Mathf.Sqrt(area * 4 / Mathf.PI);

                    //decrease thisBlob's size, mass and health baised on how much the shotBlob took from it
                    thisBlob.scale      = new Vector2(theScale, theScale);
                    thisBlob.mass      *= thisPortion;
                    thisBlob.health    *= thisPortion;
                    thisBlob.maxHealth -= shotBlob.health;
Example #7
 void Awake()
     instance = this;