Example #1
    protected override void Start()
        blinkingText = GetComponent <BlinkingText>();
        isBlinking   = false;

        string minutes      = (((int)timeLeft) / 60).ToString();
        float  secondsFloat = (timeLeft % 60);
        string seconds      = secondsFloat.ToString("f2");

        timerText.text = minutes + ". " + seconds;
 public TitleScreen(int x, int y, int width, int height) : base(x, y, width, height, false)
     this.background = SeasideScramble.self.textureUtils.getExtendedTexture("SSCMaps", "TitleScreenBackground");
     this.menuText   = new BlinkingText("Sea Side Scramble: Lite Edition" + System.Environment.NewLine + "Click or press A to start.", 1000);
Example #3
        public MultiLanguageTextInput()

            // The CoreTextEditContext processes text input, but other keys are
            // the apps's responsibility.
            _coreWindow                 = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread();
            _coreWindow.KeyDown        += CoreWindow_KeyDown;
            _coreWindow.PointerPressed += CoreWindow_PointerPressed;

            // Create a CoreTextEditContext for our custom edit control.
            CoreTextServicesManager manager = CoreTextServicesManager.GetForCurrentView();

            _editContext = manager.CreateEditContext();

            // Get the Input Pane so we can programmatically hide and show it.
            _inputPane = InputPane.GetForCurrentView();

            // For demonstration purposes, this sample sets the Input Pane display policy to Manual
            // so that it can manually show the software keyboard when the control gains focus and
            // dismiss it when the control loses focus. If you leave the policy as Automatic, then
            // the system will hide and show the Input Pane for you. Note that on Desktop, you will
            // need to implement the UIA text pattern to get expected automatic behavior.
            _editContext.InputPaneDisplayPolicy = CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy.Manual;

            // Set the input scope to Text because this text box is for any text.
            // This also informs software keyboards to show their regular
            // text entry layout.  There are many other input scopes and each will
            // inform a keyboard layout and text behavior.
            _editContext.InputScope = CoreTextInputScope.Text;

            // The system raises this event to request a specific range of text.
            _editContext.TextRequested += EditContext_TextRequested;

            // The system raises this event to request the current selection.
            _editContext.SelectionRequested += EditContext_SelectionRequested;

            // The system raises this event when it wants the edit control to remove focus.
            _editContext.FocusRemoved += EditContext_FocusRemoved;

            // The system raises this event to update text in the edit control.
            _editContext.TextUpdating += EditContext_TextUpdating;

            // The system raises this event to change the selection in the edit control.
            _editContext.SelectionUpdating += EditContext_SelectionUpdating;

            // The system raises this event when it wants the edit control
            // to apply formatting on a range of text.
            _editContext.FormatUpdating += EditContext_FormatUpdating;

            // The system raises this event to request layout information.
            // This is used to help choose a position for the IME candidate window.
            _editContext.LayoutRequested += EditContext_LayoutRequested;

            // The system raises this event to notify the edit control
            // that the string composition has started.
            _editContext.CompositionStarted += EditContext_CompositionStarted;

            // The system raises this event to notify the edit control
            // that the string composition is finished.
            _editContext.CompositionCompleted += EditContext_CompositionCompleted;

            // The system raises this event when the NotifyFocusLeave operation has
            // completed. Our sample does not use this event.
            // _editContext.NotifyFocusLeaveCompleted += EditContext_NotifyFocusLeaveCompleted;

            // Set our initial UI.
Example #4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
     blinkingText = GameObject.Find("Blink").GetComponent<BlinkingText> ();
     musicManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<MusicManager> ();