public void GoToDoTasksPortalInBlend() { if (PortalExistsForHQNumber() == false) { Macro.Alert("A portal has not been created for this loan. Please create a portal and try again."); } else { string portalId = BlendUtility.GetPortalId(this.Loan); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start($"{WcmSettings.BlendSettings.BlendPortalUri}/#/loans/{portalId}/followUps"); } }
private PostDocumentRequest PopulatePostDocumentRequest(Attachment attachment, WCMDisclosurePackage package) { var loan = this.Loan; var result = new PostDocumentRequest() { PortalId = loan.Fields["CX.BLEND.LOANID"].ToString(), BorrowerPartyId = BlendUtility.GetCurrentBorrowerPairBorrowerBlendId(loan), CoBorrowerPartyId = BlendUtility.GetCurrentBorrowerPairCoBorrowerBlendId(loan), LosLoanNumber = loan.LoanNumber, FileName = attachment.Title, DisplayNameAndLosType = attachment.Title, DocumentDeliveryType = MapDocDeliveryType(package) }; return(result); }
private async void Button_CreateAppraisalCreditCardTask_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GenericIsLoanEligibleForTask loanReadyForAppraisalTaskCheck = _passFailUtility.IsLoanReadyForAppraisalTaskCheck(); if (loanReadyForAppraisalTaskCheck.IsLoanEligible == false) { Macro.Alert($"{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, loanReadyForAppraisalTaskCheck.ReasonsWhyLoanIsNotEliglbe)}"); return; } var pleaseWaitForm = new PleaseWaitDialog(); PostAppraisalTaskResponse postCcTask = null; await new TaskFactory().StartNew(() => { pleaseWaitForm.Progress.Report("Generating payment link, appraisal doc, and task in borrower portal..."); postCcTask = BlendUtility.CreateAppraisalCreditCardCaptureTaskToBorrowerPortal(EncompassApplication.CurrentLoan, WcmSettings.BlendSettings.CreateOrderAppraisalTaskUri); }).ContinueWith((x) => { pleaseWaitForm.PleaseWaitForm.Close(); if (postCcTask.WasSuccessful == false) { Macro.Alert($"Error creating Appraisal Credit Card Payment Task: '{postCcTask.ErrorMessage}'"); } else if (postCcTask.DidAppraisalTaskPost == false) { Macro.Alert($"Appraisal task did not post: '{postCcTask.ReasonTaskDidNotPost}'"); } else { if (postCcTask.DidAppraisalTaskPost) { Macro.Alert($"Order Appraisal Task Posted Succesfully!"); } else { Macro.Alert($"Hit unintended else statemnt. Pleae send screenshot to dev team. " + $"DidAppraisalTaskPost '{postCcTask.DidAppraisalTaskPost}'..WasSuccessful '{postCcTask.WasSuccessful}'. " + $"ErrorMessage' {postCcTask.ErrorMessage}'"); } } }); }
private PostDocumentRequest PopulatePostDocumentRequest( EllieMae.EMLite.LoanServices.BamObjects.PdfDocument disclosure, DeliveryTypeEnum packageDeliveryType) { var loan = EncompassApplication.CurrentLoan; var result = new PostDocumentRequest() { PortalId = loan.Fields["CX.BLEND.LOANID"].ToString(), BorrowerPartyId = BlendUtility.GetCurrentBorrowerPairBorrowerBlendId(loan), CoBorrowerPartyId = BlendUtility.GetCurrentBorrowerPairCoBorrowerBlendId(loan), LosLoanNumber = loan.LoanNumber, FileName = disclosure.Title, DisplayNameAndLosType = disclosure.Title, DocumentDeliveryType = MapDocDeliveryType(disclosure.SignatureType, packageDeliveryType) }; return(result); }
// we want to disable name, email fields when a portal has already been created so a user doesn't change them private void DisableThirdPartyFieldsForPortalsAlreadyCreated() { // get a count of the title only portal ids created var topIds = BlendUtility.GetTitleOnlyBlendPartyPortalIds(this.Loan); //get a list of all controls that contain title only fields var controls = this.Form.GetAllFieldControls(); var titleOnlyPersonControls = controls.Where(x => x.Field.FieldID.ToUpper().Contains("CX.BLEND.TPO")).ToList(); for (int i = 1; i <= topIds.Count; i++) { // title only fields have a number at the end (i.e. cx.blend.tpo.firstname1) // go through and disable controls where field ID contains tpo naming convention AND the number var controlsThatAreForThisTitleOnlyParty = titleOnlyPersonControls.Where(x => x.Field.FieldID.Contains(i.ToString())); foreach (var controlToDisable in controlsThatAreForThisTitleOnlyParty) { EncompassHelper.EnableDisableControl(controlToDisable.ControlID, this.Form, false); } } }
private bool MapDocumentToEfolder(Loan loan, BlendDocReturned document, TrackedDocument eFolder) { string docId = document.Id; try { var url = WcmSettings.GetDocumentFromBlendUri; GetDocumentResponse docResponse = BlendUtility.GetDocumentFromBlendPortal(docId, url); var data = new EllieMae.Encompass.BusinessObjects.DataObject(docResponse.DocumentData); EllieMae.Encompass.BusinessObjects.Loans.Attachment attachment = loan.Attachments.AddObject(data, ".pdf"); attachment.Title = $"{document.Name}"; eFolder.Attach(attachment); // once attached go update the export status var uri = WcmSettings.UpdateDocExportStatusBlendUri; var updateRequest = new UpdateDocumentExportStatusRequest() { BlendDocumentId = docId, UtcDocumentExportTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortDateString() }; var requestTest = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateRequest); var updateResponse = BlendUtility.PostDocumentExportStatusUpdate(updateRequest, uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Macro.Alert($"Error mapping {document.Name} to eFolder. Please submit a Help Desk Ticket." + Environment.NewLine + $"Error Message: {ex.Message}"); return(false); } return(true); }
private void FormWrapper_FormOpened(object sender, FormOpenedArgs e) { var form = e.OpenForm; if (!form.Name.Equals("UnderwritingDetailsDialog", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return; } var pnlStatus = form.Controls.Find("pageStatus", true); if (pnlStatus != null && pnlStatus.Count() > 0) { Panel uwStatusPanel = (Panel)pnlStatus[0]; if (uwStatusPanel.Controls != null && uwStatusPanel.Controls.Count > 0) { string borrowerName = ""; // populate borrower checkboxes that let you select who to send tasks to BorrowerPair currentPair = EncompassApplication.CurrentLoan.BorrowerPairs.Current; string borrowerBlendId = BlendUtility.GetCurrentBorrowerPairBorrowerBlendId(EncompassApplication.CurrentLoan); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(borrowerBlendId)) { return; } borrowerName = $"{currentPair.Borrower.FirstName} {currentPair.Borrower.LastName}"; //if (currentPair.CoBorrower != null) //{ // string coborrowerBlendId = BlendUtility.GetCurrentBorrowerPairCoBorrowerBlendId(theLoan); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(coborrowerBlendId) == false) // { // CoBorrowePortalId = coborrowerBlendId; // checkBox_CoBorrower.Text = $"{currentPair.CoBorrower.FirstName} {currentPair.CoBorrower.LastName}"; // checkBox_CoBorrower.Visible = true; // } //} //has this condition already been posted // if y, show updates control // if n, show post control var conditionManager = new BlendConditionManagerPost_Control(borrowerName); conditionManager.Location = new Point(100, 70); conditionManager.Visible = true; conditionManager.BringToFront(); uwStatusPanel.Controls.Add((Control)conditionManager); uwStatusPanel.Refresh(); //var SendDisclosures = new Button(); //SendDisclosures.Name = "WcmDisclosures"; //SendDisclosures.Text = "WCM TESTING"; //SendDisclosures.Size = new Size(70, 22); //// Back.Image = (Image)Resources.Back; //SendDisclosures.Click += new EventHandler(SendDisclosuresButton_Click); //SendDisclosures.Location = new Point(75, 22); //SendDisclosures.Visible = true; //SendDisclosures.Enabled = true; //SendDisclosures.BringToFront(); //ButtonsPanel.Controls.Add((Control)SendDisclosures); //ButtonsPanel.Refresh(); } } }
private bool DownloadAndMapBlendApplicationDocuments(Loan loan) { TrackedDocument eFolder = null; string blendLoanId = loan.Fields["CX.BLEND.LOANID"].ToString(); List <BlendDocReturned> eFolderDocuments = new List <BlendDocReturned>(); string url = WcmSettings.GetAllPortalDocumentsUri; GetAllPortalDocumentsResponse getAllDocsResponse = BlendUtility.GetAllBlendPortalDocuments(blendLoanId, url); var responseTest = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getAllDocsResponse); try { foreach (var doc in getAllDocsResponse.Documents) { var docType = doc.Type; switch (docType) { case "CREDIT_REPORT": eFolder = loan.Log.TrackedDocuments.Add("Credit Report", "Started"); var creditReportMapped = MapDocumentToEfolder(loan, doc, eFolder); if (creditReportMapped) { DeleteAttachmentFromFileManager(loan, doc); } break; case "BLEND_INCOME_VERIFICATION": //case "VERIFICATION_OF_INCOME": eFolder = loan.Log.TrackedDocuments.Add("Income - Written VOE", "Started"); var voiMapped = MapDocumentToEfolder(loan, doc, eFolder); if (voiMapped) { DeleteAttachmentFromFileManager(loan, doc); } break; case "PAY_STUB": case "IRSW2": eFolder = loan.Log.TrackedDocuments.Add("Income- Paystubs/W-2s", "Started"); var payMapped = MapDocumentToEfolder(loan, doc, eFolder); if (payMapped) { DeleteAttachmentFromFileManager(loan, doc); } break; case "4506t": case "4506c": eFolder = loan.Log.TrackedDocuments.Add("Income-4506C", "Started"); var taxReturnMapped = MapDocumentToEfolder(loan, doc, eFolder); if (taxReturnMapped) { DeleteAttachmentFromFileManager(loan, doc); } break; case "IRS1040": eFolder = loan.Log.TrackedDocuments.Add("Income- Pers Tax Returns w/Scheds", "Started"); var irsMapped = MapDocumentToEfolder(loan, doc, eFolder); if (irsMapped) { DeleteAttachmentFromFileManager(loan, doc); } break; case "PRE_APPROVAL_LETTER": case "PRE_QUALIFICATION_LETTER": eFolder = loan.Log.TrackedDocuments.Add("Preapproval - Blend", "Started"); if (MapDocumentToEfolder(loan, doc, eFolder)) { DeleteAttachmentFromFileManager(loan, doc); loan.Fields["CX.BLEND.PREAPP.SENT"].Value = "Y"; } break; case "GENERATED_ASSET_STATEMENT": var assetPlaceholder = loan.Log.TrackedDocuments.GetDocumentsByTitle("Asset - Bank Statements - Chk/Svgs"); if (assetPlaceholder.Count > 0) { foreach (TrackedDocument assetDoc in assetPlaceholder) { eFolder = assetDoc; break; } } else { eFolder = loan.Log.TrackedDocuments.Add("Asset - Bank Statements - Chk/Svgs", "Started"); } var assetsMapped = MapDocumentToEfolder(loan, doc, eFolder); if (assetsMapped) { DeleteAttachmentFromFileManager(loan, doc); } break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Macro.Alert($"Error mapping Blend Documents to the eFolder. Please submit a helpdesk Ticket." + Environment.NewLine + $"Error Message: {e.Message}"); return(false); } //once mapped set the date field loan.Fields["CX.BLEND.APP.DOCS.IMPORTED"].Value = DateTime.Now; return(true); }
public void GoToCoPilotInBlend() { BlendUtility.GoToCoPilotInBlend(this.Loan, WcmSettings.BlendSettings.BlendPortalUri); }
public bool PortalExistsForHQNumber() { return(BlendUtility.PortalAccountExistsForThisLoan(this.Loan)); }
public AddTitleOnlyPartyResponse CreateTitleOnlyPartyPortal(int tpoIndex) { var loan = this.Loan; var titleOnlyPartyIdField = loan.Fields[$"CX.BLEND.TPO.ID{tpoIndex}"]; if (titleOnlyPartyIdField.IsEmpty() == false) { Macro.Alert("ERROR: A Blend Portal has already been created for this Title Only Party. Please try to create one on a different line."); return(null); } AddTitleOnlyPartyResponse response = new AddTitleOnlyPartyResponse(); List <string> fieldIdsThatMustBeFilledOut = new List <string>() { $"CX.BLEND.TPO.FIRSTNAME{tpoIndex}", $"CX.BLEND.TPO.LASTNAME{tpoIndex}", $"CX.BLEND.TPO.EMAIL{tpoIndex}", $"CX.BLEND.TPO.SIGNERTYPE{tpoIndex}" }; List <LoanField> emptyFields = new List <LoanField>(); foreach (var item in fieldIdsThatMustBeFilledOut) { var field = loan.Fields[item]; if (field.IsEmpty()) { emptyFields.Add(field); } } if (emptyFields.Any()) { var fieldIds = emptyFields.Select(x => x.ID).ToList(); EncompassUtilities.HighlightEmptyFields(fieldIds, this.Form, loan); string fieldDescriptions = string.Join(", ", emptyFields.Select(x => x.Descriptor).ToList()); Macro.Alert($"Error Creating Third Party Portal{Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine}Required fields are empty: {fieldDescriptions}."); return(null); } string tpoFirstName = loan.Fields[$"CX.BLEND.TPO.FIRSTNAME{tpoIndex}"].Value.ToString(); string tpoLastName = loan.Fields[$"CX.BLEND.TPO.LASTNAME{tpoIndex}"].Value.ToString(); string email = loan.Fields[$"CX.BLEND.TPO.EMAIL{tpoIndex}"].Value.ToString(); string vestingType = loan.Fields[$"CX.BLEND.TPO.SIGNERTYPE{tpoIndex}"].Value.ToString(); // get blend parties before creating tpo var getPartiesResponse = BlendUtility.GetPartiesOnLoan(BlendUtility.GetPortalId(loan), WcmSettings.BlendSettings.GetAllLoanPartiesUri); if (getPartiesResponse.WasSuccessful == false) { response.ErrorMessage = $"Error Creating Third Party Portal{Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine}Error retreiving loan parties. '{getPartiesResponse.ErrorMessage}'."; response.WasSuccessful = false; return(response); } List <LoanParty> loanPartiesBeforeCommit = getPartiesResponse.LoanParties; // Macro.Alert(loanPartiesBeforeCommit.Count + " Parties Before Commit"); // need to map WCM 'vesting type' value to Ellie Mae's values Dictionary <string, string> vestingDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // WCM field value, encompass value vestingDictionary.Add("OTHER", ""); vestingDictionary.Add("SETTLOR", "Title Only Settlor Trustee"); vestingDictionary.Add("SPOUSE", "Non Title Spouse"); vestingDictionary.Add("TITLE_HOLDER", "Title only"); vestingDictionary.Add("TITLE_HOLDER_TRUSTEE", "Title Only Trustee"); var thisVesting = vestingDictionary.Where(x => x.Key.Equals(vestingType)).FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thisVesting.Value)) { Macro.Alert($"Error Creating Third Party Portal{Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine}ERROR: Unable to map vesting party '{vestingType}' for Blend."); return(null); } //check for entry in borrower Information - Vesting screen prior to mapping to file contacts and remove if entry is same as third Party being created bool doesVestingEntryExist = false; int vestingIndex = loan.AdditionalVestingParties.Count; string tpoName = tpoFirstName + " " + tpoLastName; if (loan.Fields[$"TR0{vestingIndex}01"].ToString().Equals(tpoName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { doesVestingEntryExist = true; } // grab SSN and DOB before deleting to include in FileContact/ newly created Vesting string ssnVestedParty = loan.Fields[$"TR0{vestingIndex}03"].GetStringValueBlankIfNull(); string dobVestedParty = loan.Fields[$"TR0{vestingIndex}12"].GetStringValueBlankIfNull(); if (doesVestingEntryExist) { loan.AdditionalVestingParties.RemoveAt(vestingIndex); } // create non-borrowering owner contact programatically int contactIndex = loan.NBOContacts.Add(); loan.Fields[$"NBOC0{contactIndex}01"].Value = tpoFirstName; loan.Fields[$"NBOC0{contactIndex}03"].Value = tpoLastName; loan.Fields[$"NBOC0{contactIndex}11"].Value = email; loan.Fields[$"NBOC0{contactIndex}09"].Value = thisVesting.Value; loan.Fields[$"NBOC0{contactIndex}16"].Value = dobVestedParty; List <LoanParty> loanPartiesAfterCommit = new List <LoanParty>(); // when 'commit' is called, KM's bridge plugin will create title only party in Blend // there is a chance that the creating the Title only party, commiting, and getting parties again from blend // happens so fast, we won't get new party created. Creating a loop to try this sequence 3 times and wait a few seconds between each one for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { loan.Commit(); loan.Fields[$"TR0{vestingIndex}03"].Value = ssnVestedParty; // get blend parties after creating tpo and we should have 1 more.... getPartiesResponse = BlendUtility.GetPartiesOnLoan(BlendUtility.GetPortalId(loan), WcmSettings.BlendSettings.GetAllLoanPartiesUri); if (getPartiesResponse.WasSuccessful == false) { string msg = $"Error Creating Third Party Portal{Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine}{loan.LoanNumber}Error retreiving loan parties. '{getPartiesResponse.ErrorMessage}'."; response.WasSuccessful = false; response.ErrorMessage = msg; Macro.Alert(msg); return(response); } loanPartiesAfterCommit = getPartiesResponse.LoanParties; //Macro.Alert(loanPartiesAfterCommit.Count + " Parties"); if (loanPartiesBeforeCommit.Count != loanPartiesAfterCommit.Count) { // sucess! This means titl only party was created, so continue break; } if (loanPartiesAfterCommit.Count == loanPartiesAfterCommit.Count) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); } } if (loanPartiesAfterCommit.Count == loanPartiesBeforeCommit.Count) { response.WasSuccessful = false; string msg = $"Error Creating Third Party Portal{Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine}{loan.LoanNumber}. The number of loan parties in Blend is the same as after trying to create Title Only Party. This is a big issue. Please submit a tech request."; response.ErrorMessage = msg; Macro.Alert(msg); return(response); } // find new loan party foreach (var party in loanPartiesBeforeCommit) { var borrower = loanPartiesAfterCommit.Where(x =>, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (borrower != null) { loanPartiesAfterCommit.Remove(borrower); } } if (loanPartiesAfterCommit.Count != 1) { response.WasSuccessful = false; string msg = $"Error Creating Third Party Portal{Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine}{loan.LoanNumber}. There are '{loanPartiesAfterCommit}' new loan parties. We should only have 1. This is a problem. Please submit a tech request."; response.ErrorMessage = msg; Macro.Alert(msg); return(response); } // this is our new loan party var titleOnlyParty = loanPartiesAfterCommit[0]; titleOnlyPartyIdField.Value =; Macro.Alert($"True. {Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine}Third Party Portal Created Succesfully. Party ID: {}."); return(response); }
public void GoToBorrowerPortalInBlend() { BlendUtility.GoToBorrowerPortalInBrowser(this.Loan, WcmSettings.BlendSettings.BlendPortalUri); }