private void ConvertAttributesToCharacteristics(BlePeripheralService service)
            #region Example attr table

//			*=== Service: 42 48 12 4a 7f 2c 48 47 b9 de 04 a9 02 00 06 d5
//			*====== Att: 26 - 00 28
//			*====== Att: 27 - 03 28
//			*====== Att: 28 - 42 48 12 4a 7f 2c 48 47 b9 de 04 a9 02 04 06 d5
//			*====== Att: 29 - 02 29
//			*====== Att: 30 - 03 28
//			*====== Att: 31 - 42 48 12 4a 7f 2c 48 47 b9 de 04 a9 02 05 06 d5
//			*====== Att: 32 - 02 29


            BlePeripheralCharacteristic current = null;
            bool createCharacteristic           = false;

            foreach (BlePeripheralAttribute attr in service.Attributes)
                if (attr.AttributeUUID.Equals(BlePeripheralAttribute.SERVICE_UUID))
                    // defines service - do nothing
                else if (attr.AttributeUUID.Equals(BlePeripheralAttribute.CHARACTERISTIC_UUID))
                    // finish previous characteristic
                    current = null;

                    // crete characteristic from next attribute
                    createCharacteristic = true;
                else if (attr.AttributeUUID.Equals(BlePeripheralAttribute.CHARACTERISTIC_CCC_UUID))
                    // add ccc capabilities to characteristic
                    // if new characteristic begins - create it else skip and do nothing
                    if (createCharacteristic)
                        current = new BlePeripheralCharacteristic(attr.AttributeUUID, attr.Handle);
                        createCharacteristic = false;

        private void FindAttributes(BlePeripheralService service)
            byte[] findInfo = Ble.Lib.BLECommandATTClientFindInformation(this.Connection, service.StartHandle, service.EndHandle);

            FindInformationFoundEventHandler infoHandler = (sender, e) => this.AttributeFound(service, e);

            Ble.Lib.BLEEventATTClientFindInformationFound += infoHandler;

            ProcedureCompletedEventArgs    procedureResponse = null;
            ProcedureCompletedEventHandler handler           = (sender, e) => {
                procedureResponse = e;

            Ble.Lib.BLEEventATTClientProcedureCompleted += handler;

            Ble.SendCommand(this.Port, findInfo);

            this.WaitEvent(() => procedureResponse != null);

            Ble.Lib.BLEEventATTClientFindInformationFound -= infoHandler;
            Ble.Lib.BLEEventATTClientProcedureCompleted   -= handler;
 private void AttributeFound(BlePeripheralService service, FindInformationFoundEventArgs e)
     service.Attributes.Add(new BlePeripheralAttribute(e.uuid, e.chrhandle));