private TagHelperDescriptor CreateDescriptor(BlazorSymbols symbols, INamedTypeSymbol type)
            var typeName     = type.ToDisplayString(FullNameTypeDisplayFormat);
            var assemblyName = type.ContainingAssembly.Identity.Name;

            var builder = TagHelperDescriptorBuilder.Create(BlazorMetadata.Component.TagHelperKind, typeName, assemblyName);


            // This opts out this 'component' tag helper for any processing that's specific to the default
            // Razor ITagHelper runtime.
            builder.Metadata[TagHelperMetadata.Runtime.Name] = BlazorMetadata.Component.RuntimeName;

            if (type.IsGenericType)
                builder.Metadata[BlazorMetadata.Component.GenericTypedKey] = bool.TrueString;

                for (var i = 0; i < type.TypeArguments.Length; i++)
                    var typeParameter = type.TypeArguments[i] as ITypeParameterSymbol;
                    if (typeParameter != null)
                        CreateTypeParameterProperty(builder, typeParameter);

            var xml = type.GetDocumentationCommentXml();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
                builder.Documentation = xml;

            // Components have very simple matching rules. The type name (short) matches the tag name.
            builder.TagMatchingRule(r => r.TagName = type.Name);

            foreach (var property in GetProperties(symbols, type))
                if (property.kind == PropertyKind.Ignored)

                CreateProperty(builder,, property.kind);

            if (builder.BoundAttributes.Any(a => a.IsParameterizedChildContentProperty()) &&
                !builder.BoundAttributes.Any(a => string.Equals(a.Name, BlazorMetadata.ChildContent.ParameterAttributeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                // If we have any parameterized child content parameters, synthesize a 'Context' parameter to be
                // able to set the variable name (for all child content). If the developer defined a 'Context' parameter
                // already, then theirs wins.
                CreateContextParameter(builder, childContentName: null);

            var descriptor = builder.Build();

        private TagHelperDescriptor CreateDescriptor(BlazorSymbols symbols, INamedTypeSymbol type)
            var typeName     = type.ToDisplayString(FullNameTypeDisplayFormat);
            var assemblyName = type.ContainingAssembly.Identity.Name;

            var builder = TagHelperDescriptorBuilder.Create(BlazorMetadata.Component.TagHelperKind, typeName, assemblyName);


            // This opts out this 'component' tag helper for any processing that's specific to the default
            // Razor ITagHelper runtime.
            builder.Metadata[TagHelperMetadata.Runtime.Name] = BlazorMetadata.Component.RuntimeName;

            if (type.IsGenericType)
                builder.Metadata[BlazorMetadata.Component.GenericTypedKey] = bool.TrueString;

                for (var i = 0; i < type.TypeArguments.Length; i++)
                    var typeParameter = type.TypeArguments[i] as ITypeParameterSymbol;
                    if (typeParameter != null)
                        CreateTypeParameterProperty(builder, typeParameter);

            var xml = type.GetDocumentationCommentXml();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
                builder.Documentation = xml;

            // Components have very simple matching rules. The type name (short) matches the tag name.
            builder.TagMatchingRule(r => r.TagName = type.Name);

            foreach (var property in GetProperties(symbols, type))
                if (property.kind == PropertyKind.Ignored)

                CreateProperty(builder,, property.kind);

            var descriptor = builder.Build();

        public void Execute(TagHelperDescriptorProviderContext context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

            var compilation = context.GetCompilation();

            if (compilation == null)
                // No compilation, nothing to do.

            // We need to see private members too
            compilation = WithMetadataImportOptionsAll(compilation);

            var symbols = BlazorSymbols.Create(compilation);

            var types   = new List <INamedTypeSymbol>();
            var visitor = new ComponentTypeVisitor(symbols, types);

            // Visit the primary output of this compilation, as well as all references.
            foreach (var reference in compilation.References)
                // We ignore .netmodules here - there really isn't a case where they are used by user code
                // even though the Roslyn APIs all support them.
                if (compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(reference) is IAssemblySymbol assembly)

            for (var i = 0; i < types.Count; i++)
                var type       = types[i];
                var descriptor = CreateDescriptor(symbols, type);

                foreach (var childContent in descriptor.GetChildContentProperties())
                    // Synthesize a separate tag helper for each child content property that's declared.
                    context.Results.Add(CreateChildContentDescriptor(symbols, descriptor, childContent));
        private TagHelperDescriptor CreateChildContentDescriptor(BlazorSymbols symbols, TagHelperDescriptor component, BoundAttributeDescriptor attribute)
            var typeName     = component.GetTypeName() + "." + attribute.Name;
            var assemblyName = component.AssemblyName;

            var builder = TagHelperDescriptorBuilder.Create(BlazorMetadata.ChildContent.TagHelperKind, typeName, assemblyName);


            // This opts out this 'component' tag helper for any processing that's specific to the default
            // Razor ITagHelper runtime.
            builder.Metadata[TagHelperMetadata.Runtime.Name] = BlazorMetadata.ChildContent.RuntimeName;

            // Opt out of processing as a component. We'll process this specially as part of the component's body.
            builder.Metadata[BlazorMetadata.SpecialKindKey] = BlazorMetadata.ChildContent.TagHelperKind;

            var xml = attribute.Documentation;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
                builder.Documentation = xml;

            // Child content matches the property name, but only as a direct child of the component.
            builder.TagMatchingRule(r =>
                r.TagName   = attribute.Name;
                r.ParentTag = component.TagMatchingRules.First().TagName;

            if (attribute.IsParameterizedChildContentProperty())
                // For child content attributes with a parameter, synthesize an attribute that allows you to name
                // the parameter.
                builder.BindAttribute(b =>
                    b.Name          = "Context";
                    b.TypeName      = typeof(string).FullName;
                    b.Documentation = string.Format(Resources.ChildContentParameterName_Documentation, attribute.Name);

            var descriptor = builder.Build();

            public static BlazorSymbols Create(Compilation compilation)
                var symbols = new BlazorSymbols();

                symbols.BlazorComponent = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(BlazorApi.BlazorComponent.MetadataName);
                if (symbols.BlazorComponent == null)
                    // No definition for BlazorComponent, nothing to do.

                symbols.IComponent = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(BlazorApi.IComponent.MetadataName);
                if (symbols.IComponent == null)
                    // No definition for IComponent, nothing to do.

                symbols.ParameterAttribute = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(BlazorApi.ParameterAttribute.MetadataName);
                if (symbols.ParameterAttribute == null)
                    // No definition for [Parameter], nothing to do.

                symbols.RenderFragment = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(BlazorApi.RenderFragment.MetadataName);
                if (symbols.RenderFragment == null)
                    // No definition for RenderFragment, nothing to do.

                symbols.RenderFragmentOfT = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(BlazorApi.RenderFragmentOfT.MetadataName);
                if (symbols.RenderFragmentOfT == null)
                    // No definition for RenderFragment, nothing to do.

 public ComponentTypeVisitor(BlazorSymbols symbols, List <INamedTypeSymbol> results)
     _symbols = symbols;
     _results = results;
        // Does a walk up the inheritance chain to determine the set of parameters by using
        // a dictionary keyed on property name.
        // We consider parameters to be defined by properties satisfying all of the following:
        // - are visible (not shadowed)
        // - have the [Parameter] attribute
        // - have a setter, even if private
        // - are not indexers
        private IEnumerable <(IPropertySymbol property, PropertyKind kind)> GetProperties(BlazorSymbols symbols, INamedTypeSymbol type)
            var properties = new Dictionary <string, (IPropertySymbol, PropertyKind)>(StringComparer.Ordinal);

                if (type == symbols.BlazorComponent)
                    // The BlazorComponent base class doesn't have any [Parameter].
                    // Bail out now to avoid walking through its many members, plus the members
                    // of the System.Object base class.

                var members = type.GetMembers();
                for (var i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
                    var property = members[i] as IPropertySymbol;
                    if (property == null)
                        // Not a property

                    if (properties.ContainsKey(property.Name))
                        // Not visible

                    var kind = PropertyKind.Default;
                    if (property.Parameters.Length != 0)
                        // Indexer
                        kind = PropertyKind.Ignored;

                    if (property.SetMethod == null)
                        // No setter
                        kind = PropertyKind.Ignored;

                    if (property.IsStatic)
                        kind = PropertyKind.Ignored;

                    if (!property.GetAttributes().Any(a => a.AttributeClass == symbols.ParameterAttribute))
                        // Does not have [Parameter]
                        kind = PropertyKind.Ignored;

                    if (kind == PropertyKind.Default && property.Type.TypeKind == TypeKind.Enum)
                        kind = PropertyKind.Enum;

                    if (kind == PropertyKind.Default && property.Type == symbols.RenderFragment)
                        kind = PropertyKind.ChildContent;

                    if (kind == PropertyKind.Default &&
                        property.Type is INamedTypeSymbol namedType &&
                        namedType.IsGenericType &&
                        namedType.ConstructedFrom == symbols.RenderFragmentOfT)
                        kind = PropertyKind.ChildContent;

                    if (kind == PropertyKind.Default && property.Type.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate)
                        kind = PropertyKind.Delegate;

                    properties.Add(property.Name, (property, kind));

                type = type.BaseType;
            }while (type != null);

Example #8
        private TagHelperDescriptor CreateDescriptor(BlazorSymbols symbols, INamedTypeSymbol type)
            var typeName     = type.ToDisplayString(FullNameTypeDisplayFormat);
            var assemblyName = type.ContainingAssembly.Identity.Name;

            var builder = TagHelperDescriptorBuilder.Create(BlazorMetadata.Component.TagHelperKind, typeName, assemblyName);


            // This opts out this 'component' tag helper for any processing that's specific to the default
            // Razor ITagHelper runtime.
            builder.Metadata[TagHelperMetadata.Runtime.Name] = BlazorMetadata.Component.RuntimeName;

            var xml = type.GetDocumentationCommentXml();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
                builder.Documentation = xml;

            // Components have very simple matching rules. The type name (short) matches the tag name.
            builder.TagMatchingRule(r => r.TagName = type.Name);

            foreach (var property in GetProperties(symbols, type))
                if (property.kind == PropertyKind.Ignored)

                builder.BindAttribute(pb =>
                    pb.Name     =;
                    pb.TypeName =;

                    if (property.kind == PropertyKind.Enum)
                        pb.IsEnum = true;

                    if (property.kind == PropertyKind.ChildContent)
                        pb.Metadata.Add(BlazorMetadata.Component.ChildContentKey, bool.TrueString);

                    if (property.kind == PropertyKind.Delegate)
                        pb.Metadata.Add(BlazorMetadata.Component.DelegateSignatureKey, bool.TrueString);

                    xml =;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
                        pb.Documentation = xml;

            var descriptor = builder.Build();
