Example #1
    public void CardPlay(BattleGenerator battlegenerator_CS, int cardNumer)
        if (!(cardOnSlot[cardNumer - 1].requiresTarget) || !(battlegenerator_CS.targetedEnemy is null))
            if (cardOnSlot[cardNumer - 1].cardCost <= battlegenerator_CS.hero_CS.energy)
                cardOnSlot[cardNumer - 1].Effect(battlegenerator_CS);
                if (cardOnSlot[cardNumer - 1].isExhaust == true)
                    exhaustList.Add(cardOnSlot[cardNumer - 1]);
                    graveyardList.Add(cardOnSlot[cardNumer - 1]);

                if (deckList.Count == 0)
                    cardOnSlot[cardNumer - 1] = new BlankCard();
                    cardOnSlot[cardNumer - 1].Replace();
                    battlegenerator_CS.hud_CS.CardUpdate(cardOnSlot[cardNumer - 1], cardNumer);
                    battlegenerator_CS.hud_CS.DeckUpdate(deckList.Count, graveyardList.Count, exhaustList.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// called when the player must take their turn
        /// </summary>
        public void playTurn()
            GameManager.drawHand(this); //Draw hand

            currentAction   = 1;        //Set all current turn variables to starting amounts
            currentBuy      = 1;
            currentTreasure = 0;

            bool stillActionPhase = true;    //keeps track of whether the player is still in the action phase

            do                               //ACTION PHASE LOOP
                bool haveActionCard = false; //keeps track of if the player has an action card in hand

                foreach (Card card in hand)  //check hand to see if the player has an action card
                    if (card.isAction)
                        haveActionCard = true;

                if (haveActionCard)
                    if (currentAction > 0)
                    {                               //PLAYER HAS ACTIONS AND ACTION CARDS
                        foreach (Card card in hand) //Display cards in hand

                        bool stillChoosingCard = true;            //keeps track of when the player has successfully chosen a card
                        Card chosenCard        = new BlankCard(); //declare and instantiate chosenCard so that we can use it.
                                                                  //it is declared as a blankCard to because objects can't be declared as interfaces
                        string cardToPlay = "";

                            Console.WriteLine("WHICH CARD TO PLAY (OR ENTER 'NONE')"); //ask the user for what action card to play
                            cardToPlay = Console.ReadLine();                           //store the name of the card wanted to play

                            foreach (Card card in hand)                                //loop through hand and check if the card entered is actually in the players hand
                                if (String.Compare(card.name, cardToPlay, true) == 0)  //compare card name entered to the name of each card in hand
                                    stillChoosingCard = false;                         //the card entered is actually in hand and the player has chosen a card
                                    chosenCard        = card;

                            if (String.Compare(cardToPlay, "NONE", true) == 0)   //check if player entered none
                                stillChoosingCard = false;
                        } while (stillChoosingCard);    //repeats until player enters a card that is actually in the player's hand

                        if (String.Compare(cardToPlay, "NONE", true) != 0)
                            hand.Remove(chosenCard);    //remove chosen card from hand. this is like the player laying the card down
                            inPlay.Add(chosenCard);     //add chosen card to inPlay

                            chosenCard.playCard(this);  //resolve the action card
                            stillActionPhase = false;
                        stillActionPhase = false;   //action phase is over if the player has no more actions to be able to play more action cards
                    stillActionPhase = false;   //action phase is over if there are no actions in the players hand
            } while (stillActionPhase);

            foreach (Card card in hand)  //loop through all cards in hand and play all treasure cards
                if (card.isTreasure)

            //BUY PHASE
            bool stillBuyPhase = true;


                if (currentBuy > 0)
                    bool stillChoosingCard = true;            //keeps track of when the player has successfully chosen a card
                    Card chosenCard        = new BlankCard(); //declare and instantiate chosenCard so that we can use it.
                                                              //it is declared as a blankCard to because objects can't be declared as interfaces
                    string cardToBuy = "";
                        Console.WriteLine("CURRENT TREASURE: " + currentTreasure);
                        Console.WriteLine("WHICH CARD TO BUY (OR ENTER 'NONE')"); //ask the user for what card to buy
                        cardToBuy = Console.ReadLine();                           //store the name of the card wanted to buy

                        foreach (Card card in GameManager.supplyPile)             //loop through supply pile and check if the card entered is actually in the supply pile
                            if (String.Compare(card.name, cardToBuy, true) == 0)  //compare card name entered to the name of each card in supply pile
                                if (card.cost <= currentTreasure)                 //check that the player can afford the card they chose
                                    stillChoosingCard = false;                    //the card entered is actually in pile and the player has chosen a card
                                    chosenCard        = card;

                        if (String.Compare(cardToBuy, "NONE", true) == 0)   //check if player entered none
                            stillChoosingCard = false;
                    } while (stillChoosingCard);    //repeats until player enters a card that is actually in the supply pile

                    if (String.Compare(cardToBuy, "NONE", true) != 0)
                        GameManager.supplyPile.Remove(chosenCard);  //actions are done as if the player bought thecard put it in the discard
                        this.discard.Add(chosenCard);               //and now has fewer buys and treasure
                        currentTreasure -= chosenCard.cost;
                        stillBuyPhase = false;
                    stillBuyPhase = false;
            } while (stillBuyPhase);

            //CLEANUP PHASE
            List <Card> copyOfHand = new List <Card>();

            foreach (Card card in hand)

            foreach (Card card in copyOfHand)    //remove all cards from hand and put them in the discard

            List <Card> copyOfInPlay = new List <Card>();

            foreach (Card card in inPlay)
            foreach (Card card in copyOfInPlay)  //remove all cards from in play and put them in the discard