Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Get a tag group definition from a game name and four character tag
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="game"></param>
		/// <param name="group_tag"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Does not handle Struct group tags.
		/// If <paramref name="game"/> equals <see cref="BlamVersion.Unknown"/>, <see cref="MiscGroups"/> is used for finding the TagGroup
		/// </remarks>
		/// <exception cref="Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException">When <paramref name="game"/> is an unhandled game</exception>
		public static TagGroup TagGroupFrom(BlamVersion game, uint group_tag)
			if (group_tag == uint.MaxValue) return TagGroup.Null;

			if ((game & BlamVersion.Halo1) != 0)			return Halo1.TagGroups.Groups.FindTagGroup(group_tag);
#if !NO_HALO2
			else if ((game & BlamVersion.Halo2) != 0)		return Halo2.TagGroups.Groups.FindTagGroup(group_tag);
#if !NO_HALO3
			else if ((game & BlamVersion.Halo3) != 0)		return Halo3.TagGroups.Groups.FindTagGroup(group_tag);
			else if ((game & BlamVersion.HaloOdst) != 0)	return HaloOdst.TagGroups.Groups.FindTagGroup(group_tag);
			else if ((game & BlamVersion.HaloReach) != 0)	return HaloReach.TagGroups.Groups.FindTagGroup(group_tag);
#if !NO_HALO4
			else if ((game & BlamVersion.Halo4) != 0)	return Halo4.TagGroups.Groups.FindTagGroup(group_tag);
			else if ((game & BlamVersion.Stubbs) != 0)		return Stubbs.TagGroups.Groups.FindTagGroup(group_tag);
			else if (game == BlamVersion.Unknown)			return MiscGroups.Groups.FindTagGroup(group_tag);

			throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException(game);
Example #2
		int ImplicitUpgradeCalculateFieldStartIndex(Definition def, int size_of, BlamVersion engine, uint flags)
			int index;
			if (!implicitUpgradeFieldIndexes.TryGetValue(size_of, out index))
				int current_size_of = VersioningGetRealSizeOf(flags);
				for (int x = def.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--)
					var f = def[x];

					//if(f.FieldType != FieldType.UselessPad)
						current_size_of -= FieldUtil.Sizeof(f, engine, false, flags);

					if (current_size_of == size_of)
						implicitUpgradeFieldIndexes.Add(size_of, index = x);
					else if (current_size_of < size_of) // field layouts don't match up
						return -1;

			return index;
Example #3
		public static Interface GetInterface(BlamVersion v)
			if ((v & BlamVersion.Halo1) != 0) return new Blam.Halo1.CheApe.Project.Interface();
#if !NO_HALO2
			else if ((v & BlamVersion.Halo2) != 0) return new Blam.Halo2.CheApe.Project.Interface();

			throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException(v);
Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes a blank xml document for someone to start filling in
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="file"></param>
		/// <param name="engine"></param>
		public static void WriteBlankDocument(string file, BlamVersion engine)
			// maybe I should use XmlTextWriter, but I rly don't care right now...
			using (var io = new System.IO.StreamWriter(file))
				io.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"us-ascii\" standalone=\"yes\"?>");
				io.WriteLine("<definitions game=\"{0}\">", engine);
Example #5
		public BuilderTagIndex(BlamVersion version, Managers.ITagIndex source_index) : base(version, source_index)
			int max_tag_count = 1024;

			var g = Program.GetManager(version).FindGame(version);
			if (g != null) max_tag_count = g.Tags.MaxCount;

			Array = new Managers.DataArray<BuilderItem>(max_tag_count, "builder tag instances");
Example #6
		static void ScanForScriptFunctions(BlamVersion engine, string path, string[] script_functions)
			using (var handler = new CacheHandler<Blam.Halo3.CacheFile>(engine, path))
				var cf = handler.CacheInterface;

				ScanForScriptFunctionsImpl(script_functions, handler.CacheInterface);
Example #7
		internal protected override Blam.Cache.BuilderBase ConstructCacheBuilder(BlamVersion game)
			Blam.Cache.BuilderBase cb = null;

			if ((game & BlamVersion.Stubbs) != 0)
				cb = new Stubbs.Builder();

			return cb;
Example #8
		static string EngineGetTestResultsPath(BlamVersion engine)
			switch (engine)
				case BlamVersion.Halo2_Xbox:	return kTestResultsPathXbox;
				case BlamVersion.Halo2_Alpha:	return kTestResultsPathXboxAlpha;
				case BlamVersion.Halo2_PC:		return kTestResultsPathPc;

				default: return kTestResultsPath;
Example #9
		internal protected override Blam.CacheFile LoadCacheFile(BlamVersion game, string file_path, bool is_resource)
			Blam.CacheFile cf = null;

			if ((game & BlamVersion.HaloOdst) != 0)
//				if (is_resource)
//					return null;
				/*else*/ cf = new HaloOdst.CacheFile(file_path);

			return cf;
Example #10
		public static void InitializeScriptFunctionsList(BlamVersion engine, out string[] script_functions)
			switch (engine)
				case BlamVersion.Halo3_Xbox:	script_functions = new string[kScriptFunctionCountHalo3]; break;

				case BlamVersion.HaloOdst_Xbox:	script_functions = new string[kScriptFunctionCountHaloOdst]; break;

				case BlamVersion.HaloReach_Beta: script_functions = new string[kScriptFunctionCountReachBeta]; break;
				case BlamVersion.HaloReach_Xbox: script_functions = new string[kScriptFunctionCountReachRetail]; break;
				default: script_functions = null; break;
			for (int x = 0; x < script_functions.Length; x++)
				script_functions[x] = "123";
Example #11
		void CacheOutputInformation(BlamVersion game)
			string dir = null;
			if (game == BlamVersion.Stubbs_PC)
				dir = kMapsDirectoryPc;
			else if (game == BlamVersion.Stubbs_Xbox)
				dir = kMapsDirectoryXbox;

					game, dir, kMapNames);
Example #12
		public EngineSettingsForm(BlamVersion version)


			object settings = null;
			switch (version.ToBuild())
				case BlamBuild.Halo1: settings = BlamLib.Program.Halo1.Manager.Settings; break;
				case BlamBuild.Halo2: settings = BlamLib.Program.Halo2.Manager.Settings; break;
				case BlamBuild.Halo3: settings = BlamLib.Program.Halo3.Manager.Settings; break;
				case BlamBuild.HaloOdst: settings = BlamLib.Program.HaloOdst.Manager.Settings; break;
				case BlamBuild.HaloReach: settings = BlamLib.Program.HaloReach.Manager.Settings; break;
				case BlamBuild.Stubbs: settings = BlamLib.Program.Stubbs.Manager.Settings; break;

			PropGrid.SelectedObject = settings;
Example #13
		protected static void SecurityAesDecrypt(BlamVersion game, Blam.CacheSectionType section_type, byte[] input, out byte[] output,
			GetAesParametersProc GetAesParameters)
			output = null;

			using (var aesm = new Crypt.AesManaged())
				aesm.KeySize = 128;
				aesm.Padding = Crypt.PaddingMode.Zeros;
				aesm.Mode = Crypt.CipherMode.CBC;

				byte[] key, iv;
				GetAesParameters(game, section_type, out key, out iv);

				if (key != null && iv != null)
					using (var ctx = aesm.CreateDecryptor(key, iv))
						output = ctx.TransformFinalBlock(input, 0, input.Length);
Example #14
		protected ProjectState(BlamVersion engine, Project proj)
			this.engine = engine;

			Managers.GameManager.Namespace nspace;
			Managers.GameManager.Platform plat;
			// Get the namespace of the engine we're using
			Managers.GameManager.FromBlamVersion(engine, out nspace, out plat);

			// Read the CheApe engine definition data we need for importing
			definition = new XmlInterface(engine);
			definition.Read(Managers.GameManager.GetRelativePath(nspace), "CheApe.xml");


			proj.OwnerState = this;
			project = proj;

 			Managers.BlamDefinition gd = Program.GetManager(engine);
 			(gd as Managers.IScriptingController).ScriptingCacheOpen(engine);
			scriptingInterface = gd[engine].GetResource<Scripting.XmlInterface>(Managers.BlamDefinition.ResourceScripts);
Example #15
		/// <summary>   Default constructor. </summary>
		public ModelExtractor(BlamVersion gameVersion)

			// Force controls added to the control panel to dock to the top
			mControlPanel.ControlAdded +=
				(sender, e) =>
					e.Control.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

			// Create the controller
			mController = new ModelExtractorController(gameVersion);
			// Attach to controller state changes
			mController.StateChanged += ControllerStateChanged;

			// Attach child controls to controller
			mTagsPathControl.BindPath("TagsFolder", mController.GetExtractorSettings());
			mDataPathControl.BindPath("DataFolder", mController.GetExtractorSettings());

			// Populate the model type list
			foreach (var type in mController.GetExtractorFactory().GetFileTypes())
				mModelTypeComboBox.Items.Add(String.Format("{0} (*.{1})", type.TypeName, type.TypeExtension));

			// Set the initial extractor type
			mModelTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
			mModelTypeComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += SelectedExtensionChanged;
Example #16
		protected Compiler(BlamVersion engine)
			Head = new CacheFileHeader(engine);
			MemoryStream = null;
			OwnerState = null;

			DebugStrings = new Util.StringPool(true);
			RamMemory = new BlamLib.IO.EndianWriter(new System.IO.MemoryStream(1024), this);
Example #17
			/// <summary>
			/// Returns a CacheFile object based on a cache name
			/// </summary>
			/// <remarks>
			/// If the <paramref name="cache_name"/> is null or empty then <paramref name="is_internal"/> 
			/// gets set to true and null is returned. If null and <paramref name="is_internal"/> is not set, 
			/// the CacheFile is either not loaded or the location was invalid.
			/// </remarks>
			/// <param name="ver">Halo3 engine version</param>
			/// <param name="cache_name">Blam based cache name</param>
			/// <param name="is_internal">bool reference to set if the reference is internal</param>
			/// <returns>The CacheFile associated with <paramref name="cache_name"/></returns>
			public static Blam.Halo3.CacheFile FromLocation(BlamVersion ver, string cache_name, out bool is_internal)
				is_internal = false;

				Blam.Halo3.CacheFile c = FromLocation(ver, cache_name);

				is_internal = c == null;
				return c;
Example #18
 /// <summary>Returns true if the engine version is for anything other than a game console</summary>
 /// <param name="version">game engine version</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <remarks>Returns true if its for the mac as well</remarks>
 public static bool IsPc(this BlamVersion version)
         (((version & BlamVersion.PC) != 0) ||
          ((version & BlamVersion.Mac) != 0));
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the supplied blam engine makes use of field set version
 /// headers in the tag file streams
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="version">game engine version</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool UsesFieldSetVersionHeader(this BlamVersion version)
     return(((version & BlamVersion.Halo1) == 0) &&
            ((version & BlamVersion.Stubbs) == 0));
Example #20
		internal protected override Blam.CacheFile LoadCacheFile(BlamVersion game, string file_path, bool is_resource)
			Blam.CacheFile cf = null;

			if((game & BlamVersion.Halo1) != 0)
				if (is_resource && game.IsPc()) // hacks 'r us. f*****g data file cache...
					if		(file_path.Contains("bitmaps.map"))	return new BitmapCacheFile(game, file_path);
					else if (file_path.Contains("sounds.map"))	return new SoundCacheFile(game, file_path);
					else if (file_path.Contains("loc.map"))		return new LocCacheFile(game, file_path);
					cf = new Halo1.CacheFile(file_path);

			return cf;
Example #21
 /// <summary>Invalid engine exception details</summary>
 /// <param name="expected">The engine we were expecting</param>
 /// <param name="got">The engine we actually got</param>
 /// <remarks>Meant for specific engine conflicts (eg, <see cref="BlamVersion.Halo1_Xbox"/> <see cref="BlamVersion.Halo1_PC"/>)</remarks>
 public InvalidBlamVersionException(BlamVersion expected, BlamVersion got) : base(null, "Invalid engine")
         "Invalid engine: expected '{0}' but got '{1}'",
         expected, got);
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispose a tag index from memory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index_id">Handle for the tag index object</param>
        public static void CloseTagIndex(Blam.DatumIndex index_id)
            BlamVersion engine = Managers.BlamDefinition.CacheDatumToEngine(index_id);

Example #23
		/// <summary>
		/// <see cref="BlamLib.Managers.IScriptingController"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="game"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool ScriptingCacheClose(BlamVersion game)
			int count = -1;

			switch (game)
				case BlamVersion.HaloOdst_Xbox:	count = Interlocked.Decrement(ref ScriptingCacheReferencesXbox);	break;
//				case BlamVersion.HaloOdst_PC:	count = Interlocked.Decrement(ref ScriptingCacheReferencesPC);		break;

				default: throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

			if(count == 0) // since it's pre-decrement assigned, it will equal to zero when nothing is using it anymore
				base.CloseResource(game, Managers.BlamDefinition.ResourceScripts);
				return true;
			else if (count == -1) throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

			return false;
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispose a cache file from memory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache_id">Handle for the cache file object</param>
        public static void CloseCacheFile(Blam.DatumIndex cache_id)
            BlamVersion engine = Managers.BlamDefinition.CacheDatumToEngine(cache_id);

Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a tag index that is loaded in memory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index_id">Handle for the tag index object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Managers.ITagIndex GetTagIndex(Blam.DatumIndex index_id)
            BlamVersion engine = Managers.BlamDefinition.TagIndexDatumToEngine(index_id);

Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a cache file that is loaded in memory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache_id">Handle for the cache file object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Blam.CacheFile GetCacheFile(Blam.DatumIndex cache_id)
            BlamVersion engine = Managers.BlamDefinition.CacheDatumToEngine(cache_id);

Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispose a cache builder from memory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder_id">Handle for the cache builder object</param>
        public static void CloseCacheBuilder(Blam.DatumIndex builder_id)
            BlamVersion engine = Managers.BlamDefinition.CacheBuilderDatumToEngine(builder_id);

Example #28
 /// <summary>Returns true if the supplied blam engine makes use of string ids</summary>
 /// <param name="version">game engine version</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool UsesStringIds(this BlamVersion version)
     return(((version & BlamVersion.Halo1) == 0) &&
            ((version & BlamVersion.Stubbs) == 0));
Example #29
		internal Project(BlamVersion v, string file_name)
			engine = v;
			fileName = file_name;
			folder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(file_name) + "\\";
Example #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Extension method for <see cref="BlamVersion"/> for streaming an instance to a stream
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="version"></param>
 /// <param name="s"></param>
 public static void Write(this BlamVersion version, IO.EndianWriter s)
Example #31
		public LocCacheFile(BlamVersion engine, string path) : base(engine, path) { }
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a <see cref="TagGroup"/> via a handle stored in a <see cref="DatumIndex"/> object which is a strong reference
        /// and can be trusted to work even when streamed to a file and loaded at another time after the application
        /// has reset
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="group_handle">Strong reference to a <see cref="TagGroup"/></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TagGroup TagGroupFromHandle(DatumIndex group_handle)
            if (group_handle == DatumIndex.Null)

            BlamVersion engine    = (BlamVersion)group_handle.Salt;
            ushort      index     = group_handle.Index;
            bool        is_struct = Util.Flags.Test(index, (ushort)0x8000);

            switch (engine)
            case BlamVersion.Halo1:

#if !NO_HALO2
            case BlamVersion.Halo2:
                if (is_struct)

#if NO_HALO3
            case BlamVersion.Halo3:
                if (is_struct)

            case BlamVersion.HaloOdst:
                // TODO: ummm, add the code for struct groups
                //if (is_struct) return HaloOdst.StructGroups.Groups[index];

            case BlamVersion.HaloReach:
                if (is_struct)

#if NO_HALO4
            case BlamVersion.Halo4:
                if (is_struct)

            case BlamVersion.Stubbs:

            case BlamVersion.Unknown:

                throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException(engine);
Example #33
		public override Blam.CacheFile GetCacheFileFromLocation(BlamVersion ver, string cache_name) { return Program.HaloOdst.FromLocation(ver, cache_name); }
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a CacheFile object based on a cache name
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="ver">Halo3 engine version</param>
            /// <param name="cache_name">Blam based cache name</param>
            /// <returns>The CacheFile associated with <paramref name="cache_name"/></returns>
            public static Blam.Halo3.CacheFile FromLocation(BlamVersion ver, string cache_name)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cache_name))

                Blam.CacheType t = BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.None;
                if (cache_name.Contains("mainmenu"))
                    t = BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.MainMenu;
                else if (cache_name.Contains("shared"))
                    t = BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.Shared;
                else if (cache_name.Contains("campaign"))
                    t = BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.SharedCampaign;
                    throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException(cache_name);

                if (ver == BlamVersion.Halo3_Xbox)
                    switch (t)
                    case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.MainMenu:           return(XboxMainmenu);

                    case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.Shared:                     return(XboxShared);

                    case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.SharedCampaign:     return(XboxCampaign);
                else if (ver == BlamVersion.Halo3_Epsilon)
                    switch (t)
                    case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.MainMenu:           return(EpsilonMainmenu);

                    case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.Shared:                     return(EpsilonShared);

                    case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.SharedCampaign:     return(EpsilonCampaign);
                else if (ver == BlamVersion.Halo3_Beta)
                    switch (t)
                    case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.MainMenu:           return(BetaMainmenu);

                    case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.Shared:                     return(BetaShared);

                    case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.SharedCampaign:     throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

Example #35
		/// <summary>
		/// <see cref="BlamLib.Managers.IVertexBufferController"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="game"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool VertexBufferCacheClose(BlamVersion game)
			int count = -1;

			switch (game)
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_Xbox:	count = Interlocked.Decrement(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesXbox);	break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_XboxX:	count = Interlocked.Decrement(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesXboxX);break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_PC:		//count = Interlocked.Decrement(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesPC);	break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_PCX:		//count = Interlocked.Decrement(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesPCX);break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_Mac:		//count = Interlocked.Decrement(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesMac);break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_CE:		count = Interlocked.Decrement(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesCE);	break;

				default: throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

			if(count == 0) // since it's pre-decrement assigned, it will equal to zero when nothing is using it anymore
				base.CloseResource(game, Managers.BlamDefinition.ResourceVertexBuffers);
				return true;
			else if (count == -1) throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

			return false;
Example #36
 public LocCacheFile(BlamVersion engine, string path) : base(engine, path)
Example #37
 /// <summary>   Constructor. </summary>
 /// <param name="game">     The game engine version. </param>
 /// <param name="path">     Full pathname of the tags root directory. </param>
 /// <param name="tags_dir"> (Optional) the tags folder name. </param>
 public TagIndexHandler(BlamVersion game, string path, string tags_dir = "tags")
     mGameVersion    = game;
     mIndexHandle    = BlamLib.Program.GetManager(mGameVersion).OpenTagIndex(game, path, tags_dir);
     mIndexInterface = BlamLib.Program.GetTagIndex(mIndexHandle) as T;
 protected internal override Blam.Cache.BuilderBase ConstructCacheBuilder(BlamVersion game)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
Example #39
 /// <summary>Returns true if the engine version is for any of the xbox systems</summary>
 /// <param name="version">game engine version</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsXbox(this BlamVersion version)
     return((version & BlamVersion.Xbox) != 0);
 public abstract bool StringIdCacheOpen(BlamVersion game);
Example #41
 internal static void SecurityAesDecrypt(BlamVersion game, CacheSectionType section_type, byte[] input, out byte[] output)
     SecurityAesDecrypt(game, section_type, input, out output, GetAesParameters);
Example #42
		public XmlInterface(BlamVersion engine) { this.engine = engine; }
Example #43
			/// <summary>
			/// Returns a CacheFile object based on a cache name
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="ver">Halo3 engine version</param>
			/// <param name="cache_name">Blam based cache name</param>
			/// <returns>The CacheFile associated with <paramref name="cache_name"/></returns>
			public static Blam.Halo3.CacheFile FromLocation(BlamVersion ver, string cache_name)
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cache_name)) return null;

				Blam.CacheType t = BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.None;
				if (cache_name.Contains("mainmenu"))		t = BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.MainMenu;
				else if (cache_name.Contains("shared"))		t = BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.Shared;
				else if (cache_name.Contains("campaign"))	t = BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.SharedCampaign;
				else										throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException(cache_name);

				if (ver == BlamVersion.Halo3_Xbox)
					switch (t)
						case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.MainMenu:		return XboxMainmenu;
						case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.Shared:			return XboxShared;
						case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.SharedCampaign:	return XboxCampaign;
				else if (ver == BlamVersion.Halo3_Epsilon)
					switch (t)
						case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.MainMenu:		return EpsilonMainmenu;
						case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.Shared:			return EpsilonShared;
						case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.SharedCampaign:	return EpsilonCampaign;
				else if (ver == BlamVersion.Halo3_Beta)
					switch (t)
						case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.MainMenu:		return BetaMainmenu;
						case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.Shared:			return BetaShared;
						case BlamLib.Blam.CacheType.SharedCampaign:	throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

				return null;
Example #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Extension method for <see cref="BlamVersion"/> for streaming an instance from a stream
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="version"></param>
 /// <param name="s"></param>
 public static void Read(this BlamVersion version, IO.EndianReader s)
     version = (BlamVersion)s.ReadUInt16();
Example #45
 public override Blam.CacheFile GetCacheFileFromLocation(BlamVersion ver, string cache_name, out bool is_internal)
     return(Program.Halo4.FromLocation(ver, cache_name, out is_internal));
 public abstract bool ScriptingCacheClose(BlamVersion game);
Example #47
		protected DataCacheFile(BlamVersion engine, string path)
			if (!SharableReferencePc(path) && !SharableReferenceCe(path))
				InputStream = new IO.EndianReader(path, IO.EndianState.Little, this);
				if (!CacheIsReadonly(path))
					OutputStream = new IO.EndianWriter(path, IO.EndianState.Little, this);

			cacheIndex = new DataIndex();

			engineVersion = engine;
 public abstract bool VertexBufferCacheOpen(BlamVersion game);
Example #49
		/// <summary>
		/// <see cref="BlamLib.Managers.IScriptingController"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="game"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override bool ScriptingCacheOpen(BlamVersion game)
			int count = 0;

			switch (game)
				case BlamVersion.HaloOdst_Xbox:	count = Interlocked.Increment(ref ScriptingCacheReferencesXbox);	break;
//				case BlamVersion.HaloOdst_PC:	count = Interlocked.Increment(ref ScriptingCacheReferencesPC);		break;

				default: throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

			if(count == 1)
				base.PrecacheResource(game, Managers.BlamDefinition.ResourceScripts);
				return true;
			else if (count == 0) throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

			return false;
 public abstract bool VertexBufferCacheClose(BlamVersion game);
Example #51
 public override Blam.CacheFile GetCacheFileFromLocation(BlamVersion ver, string cache_name)
     return(Program.Halo4.FromLocation(ver, cache_name));
Example #52
 /// <summary>BlamVersion to BlamBuild</summary>
 /// <param name="ver">game engine version</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static BlamBuild ToBuild(this BlamVersion ver)
     return(((BlamBuild)ver) & BlamBuild.kAll);
Example #53
		public override Blam.CacheFile GetCacheFileFromLocation(BlamVersion ver, string cache_name, out bool is_internal) { return Program.HaloOdst.FromLocation(ver, cache_name, out is_internal); }
Example #54
File: test.cs Project: mloc/scc
 internal Project(BlamVersion v, string file_name)
     engine   = v;
     fileName = file_name;
     folder   = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(file_name) + "\\";
Example #55
		/// <summary>
		/// <see cref="BlamLib.Managers.IVertexBufferController"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="game"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool VertexBufferCacheOpen(BlamVersion game)
			int count = 0;

			switch (game)
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_Xbox:	count = Interlocked.Increment(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesXbox);	break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_XboxX:	count = Interlocked.Increment(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesXboxX);break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_PC:		//count = Interlocked.Increment(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesPC);	break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_PCX:		//count = Interlocked.Increment(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesPCX);break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_Mac:		//count = Interlocked.Increment(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesMac);break;
				case BlamVersion.Halo1_CE:		count = Interlocked.Increment(ref VertexBufferCacheReferencesCE);	break;

				default: throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

			if(count == 1)
				base.PrecacheResource(game, Managers.BlamDefinition.ResourceVertexBuffers);
				return true;
			else if (count == 0) throw new Debug.Exceptions.UnreachableException();

			return false;
Example #56
 public static bool HasFlag(this BlamVersion ver, BlamVersion flag)
     return((ver & flag) == flag);
 public abstract bool StringIdCacheClose(BlamVersion game);
Example #58
 /// <summary>BlamVersion to BlamPlatform</summary>
 /// <param name="ver">game engine version</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static BlamPlatform ToPlatform(this BlamVersion ver)
     return(((BlamPlatform)ver) & BlamPlatform.kAll);
Example #59
		/// <summary>
		/// Translate a BlamVersion enumeration into a Namespace and Platform enumerations
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="g">Enumeration to translate</param>
		/// <param name="n"><paramref name="g"/>'s Namespace</param>
		/// <param name="p"><paramref name="g"/>'s Platform</param>
		public static void FromBlamVersion(BlamVersion g, out Namespace n, out Platform p)
			n = Namespace.Unknown;
			p = Platform.Unknown;

			if ((g & BlamVersion.Xbox) != 0)	p = Platform.Xbox;
			else if ((g & BlamVersion.PC) != 0)	p = Platform.PC;
			else if ((g & BlamVersion.Mac) != 0)p = Platform.Mac;

			if ((g & BlamVersion.Halo1) != 0)			n = Namespace.Halo1;
			else if ((g & BlamVersion.Stubbs) != 0)		n = Namespace.Stubbs;
			else if ((g & BlamVersion.Halo2) != 0)		n = Namespace.Halo2;
			else if ((g & BlamVersion.Halo3) != 0)		n = Namespace.Halo3;
			else if ((g & BlamVersion.HaloOdst) != 0)	n = Namespace.HaloOdst;
			else if ((g & BlamVersion.HaloReach) != 0)	n = Namespace.HaloReach;
			else if ((g & BlamVersion.Halo4) != 0)		n = Namespace.Halo4;
 public abstract bool ScriptingCacheOpen(BlamVersion game);