/// <summary> /// Continues the loading. /// </summary> internal void ContinueLoading() { using (IQueryAdapter queryReactor = Yupi.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { int catalogPageLoaded; PetRace.Init(queryReactor); _catalog.Initialize(queryReactor, out catalogPageLoaded); UserChatInputFilter.Load(); ServerSecurityChatFilter.InitSwearWord(); BlackWordsManager.Load(); SoundMachineSongManager.Initialize(); ServerCpuLowPriorityWorker.Init(queryReactor); _roomManager.InitVotedRooms(queryReactor); _roomManager.LoadCompetitionManager(); } StartGameLoop(); _pixelManager.StartTimer(); }
/// <summary> /// Continues the loading. /// </summary> internal void ContinueLoading() { int catalogPageLoaded; GetNavigator().LoadNewPublicRooms(); PetTypeManager.Load(); GetCatalogManager().Init(out catalogPageLoaded); UserChatInputFilter.Load(); ServerSecurityChatFilter.Load(); BlackWordsManager.Load(); SoundMachineSongManager.Load(); ServerCpuLowPriorityWorker.Load(); GetRoomManager().InitVotedRooms(); GetRoomManager().LoadCompetitionManager(); StartGameLoop(); GetPixelManager().StartTimer(); }
internal static void InvokeCommand(string inputData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputData) && Logging.DisabledState) { return; } if (Logging.DisabledState == false) { Logging.DisabledState = true; return; } try { #region Command parsing if (inputData != null) { var parameters = inputData.Split(' '); switch (parameters[0]) { case "fecha": case "fechar": case "desligar": case "stop": case "desliga": case "shutdown": { Logging.DisablePrimaryWriting(true); Console.WriteLine("Shutdown process started successfully at " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); OtanixEnvironment.PreformShutDown(); break; } case "alert": { var Notice = inputData.Substring(6); var HotelAlert = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.SendNotif); HotelAlert.AppendString(LanguageLocale.GetValue("console.noticefromadmin") + "\n\n" + Notice); HotelAlert.AppendString(""); getGame().GetClientManager().QueueBroadcaseMessage(HotelAlert); Console.WriteLine("[" + Notice + "] sent"); break; } case "help": case "ajuda": { Console.WriteLine("shutdown - Cierra el emulador guardando todos los datos"); Console.WriteLine("alert (message) - Envía una alerta al hotel"); Console.WriteLine("flush"); Console.WriteLine(" cache - Refresca la caché del emulador."); Console.WriteLine(" consoleoffmessages - Refresca los mensajes almacenados de los usuarios offline de la consola."); Console.WriteLine(" emusettings - Refresca el archivo values.ini"); Console.WriteLine(" commands - Refresca el archivo commands.ini y locale.pets.ini"); Console.WriteLine(" language - Refresca el archivo locale.ini y los welcome.ini"); Console.WriteLine(" settings"); Console.WriteLine(" ranks - Coge el número de rangos de la tabla ranks."); Console.WriteLine(" blackwords - Vuelve a cachear los datos de la tabla server_blackwords."); Console.WriteLine(" modcategories - Vuelve a cachear los datos de las tablas moderations."); Console.WriteLine(" refreshitems - Vuelve a cachear los datos de la tabla items_base."); Console.WriteLine(" bans - Vuelve a cachear los datos de la tabla bans."); Console.WriteLine(" catalog - Vuelve a cachear los datos de la tabla catalog_items y catalog_pages."); Console.WriteLine(" youtube_tv - Vuelve a cachear los datos de la tabla youtube_videos."); Console.WriteLine(" modeldata - Vuelve a cachear los datos de la tabla room_models."); Console.WriteLine(" console - Limpia el aspecto visual de la consola."); Console.WriteLine(" memory - Limpia los datos de la caché del emu que no se están usando."); break; } case "flush": { if (parameters.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("You need to specify a parameter within your command. Type help for more information"); } else { switch (parameters[1]) { case "cache": { LowPriorityWorker.FlushCache(); break; } case "consoleoffmessages": { Console.WriteLine("Se han borrado un total de " + MessengerChat.MessagesCount + " mensajes"); MessengerChat.ClearMessages(); break; } case "emusettings": { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = OtanixEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { EmuSettings.Initialize(dbClient); StaffChat.Initialize(dbClient); } Console.WriteLine("Emu Settings reloaded."); break; } case "commands": { Console.WriteLine("Flushing commands"); ChatCommandRegister.Init(); PetLocale.Init(); Console.WriteLine("Commands flushed"); break; } case "language": { Console.WriteLine("Flushing language files"); LanguageLocale.Init(); Console.WriteLine("Language files flushed"); break; } case "settings": { if (parameters.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("You need to specify a parameter within your command. Type help for more information"); } else { switch (parameters[2]) { case "ranks": { using (var dbClient = OtanixEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { Ranks.LoadMaxRankId(dbClient); } Console.WriteLine("Rangos actualizados con éxito."); break; } case "blackwords": { using (var dbClient = OtanixEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { BlackWordsManager.Load(dbClient); } Console.WriteLine("BlackWords actualizados con éxito."); break; } case "modcategories": { using (var dbClient = OtanixEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { OtanixEnvironment.GetGame().GetModerationTool().LoadMessagePresets(dbClient); OtanixEnvironment.GetGame().GetModerationTool().LoadModActions(dbClient); } break; } case "refreshitems": { getGame().GetItemManager().reloaditems(); Console.WriteLine("Item definition reloaded"); break; } case "bans": { using (var dbClient = OtanixEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { OtanixEnvironment.GetGame().GetBanManager().LoadBans(dbClient); } Console.WriteLine("Bans flushed"); break; } case "catalog": { Console.WriteLine("Flushing catalog settings"); using (var dbClient = OtanixEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { getGame().GetCatalog().Initialize(dbClient); getGame().GetCatalogPremium().Initialize(dbClient); } getGame().GetCatalog().InitCache(); ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.UpdateShop); Message.AppendBoolean(false); // timer? OtanixEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().QueueBroadcaseMessage(Message); Console.WriteLine("Catalog flushed"); break; } case "youtube_tv": { using (var dbClient = OtanixEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { getGame().GetYoutubeManager().Initialize(dbClient); } break; } case "modeldata": { Console.WriteLine("Flushing modeldata"); using (var dbClient = OtanixEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { getGame().GetRoomManager().LoadModels(dbClient); } Console.WriteLine("Models flushed"); break; } } } break; } case "console": { Console.Clear(); break; } case "memory": { GC.Collect(); Console.WriteLine("Memory flushed"); break; } default: { unknownCommand(inputData); break; } } } break; } case "hacks": { switch (parameters[1]) { case "dice": { string Username = parameters[2]; uint Number = uint.Parse(parameters[3]); GameClient Session = OtanixEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Username); if (Session == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Username"); break; } if (Number < 1 || Number > 6) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Number"); break; } Session.GetHabbo().DiceNumber = Number; break; } case "packet": { string Username = parameters[2]; GameClient Session = OtanixEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Username); if (Session == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Username"); break; } Session.PacketSaverEnable = !Session.PacketSaverEnable; Console.WriteLine("Actual State " + Session.PacketSaverEnable + " for user " + Username); break; } } break; } default: { unknownCommand(inputData); break; } } } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error in command [" + inputData + "]: " + e); } Console.WriteLine(); }