Example #1
        public void CalculateArbitrationTests_12()
            ArbitrationHunter      hunter = new ArbitrationHunter(null);
            Kraken                 kraken = new Kraken();
            ArbitrationOpportunity opportunity;
            Bitstamp               bitstamp = new Bitstamp();
            OrderBook              askBook  = new OrderBook();
            OrderBook              bidBook  = new OrderBook();

            kraken.OrderBook   = askBook;
            bitstamp.OrderBook = bidBook;

            //Test case 12: Part of ask order is fulfilled, not profitable after taking into account transfer fee
            //IMPORTANT NOTE! This test assumes Kraken has a trade fee of 0.0005, if that changes, this test *MIGHT* fail!
            kraken.TradeFee   = 0.0m;
            bitstamp.TradeFee = 0.0m;

            askBook.Asks.Add(new Order(1.1m, 400.0m));
            askBook.Asks.Add(new Order(0.8m, 402.0m));
            askBook.Asks.Add(new Order(1.0m, 410.0m));

            bidBook.Bids.Add(new Order(0.6m, 400.25m));
            bidBook.Bids.Add(new Order(1.0m, 399m));
            bidBook.Bids.Add(new Order(2.8m, 398m));

            opportunity = hunter.CalculateArbitration(kraken, bitstamp, 99m, 999999m, 0.01m, true);

            //Make sure opportunity was not found, as it is not profitable when taking into account transfer fee
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity == null);

            //Calculate arbitration again, but this time, don't take into account the transfer fee. An opportunity should be found this time.
            opportunity = hunter.CalculateArbitration(kraken, bitstamp, 99m, 999999m, 0.01m, false);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity != null);
Example #2
        public void BitstampGetOpenOrdersTest()
            Bitstamp bitstamp = new Bitstamp(FiatType.Usd);

            //If there is any problem connecting to the exchange, this will throw an error.
Example #3
        public void GetTotalBalances()
            ItBit    itbit    = new ItBit();
            Anx      anx      = new Anx();
            Bitstamp bitstamp = new Bitstamp();
            Kraken   kraken   = new Kraken();
            //Btce btce = new Btce();
            Bitfinex bitfinex = new Bitfinex();


            //TODO: Fix these! Should be calls to UpdateTotalBalances!

            Decimal itBitBtcAmount      = itbit.TotalBtc;
            Decimal itBitFiatAmount     = itbit.TotalFiat;
            Decimal anxBtcAmount        = anx.TotalBtc;
            Decimal anxFiatAmount       = anx.TotalFiat;
            Decimal bitstampBtcAmount   = bitstamp.TotalBtc;
            Decimal bitstampFiatoAmount = bitstamp.TotalFiat;
            Decimal bitfinexBtcAmount   = bitfinex.TotalBtc;
            Decimal bitfinexFiatAmount  = bitfinex.TotalFiat;

            //TODO Fix these! They should be the total amounts!
            Decimal krakenBtcAmount = kraken.AvailableBtc;
            Decimal krakenEurAmount = kraken.AvailableFiat;
            //Decimal btceBtcAmount = btce.AvailableBtc;
            //Decimal btceEuroAmount = btce.AvailableFiat;
Example #4
        public void BitstampGetUsdEurConversionRateTest()
            Bitstamp bitstamp       = new Bitstamp();
            decimal  conversionRate = bitstamp.GetUsdEurConversionRate();

            //As long as this returned a number, the call to the api was successful
            Assert.IsTrue(conversionRate > 0);
Example #5
        public void BitstampAccountInformationUpdateTest()
            Bitstamp bitstamp = new Bitstamp();

            //If there is any problem connecting to the exchange, this will throw an error.

            //Only need to ensure UpdateAccountInformation updates trade fee, as btc and fiat balances are allowed to be zero.
            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.TradeFee > 0.0m);
Example #6
        public void BitstampAvailableBalanceUpdateTest()
            Bitstamp bitstamp = new Bitstamp(FiatType.Usd);

            //If there is any problem connecting to the exchange, this will throw an error.

            //Only need to ensure UpdateBalances updates trade fee, as btc and fiat balances are allowed to be zero.
            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.TradeFee > 0.0m);
Example #7
        public void BitstampUpdateOrderBookTest()
            Bitstamp bitstamp = new Bitstamp();

            //If there is any problem connecting to the exchange, this will throw an error.

            //This assumes that the exchange has at least 1 order on each side. Technically this can give a false negative, but it's unlikely.
            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.OrderBook.Asks.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.OrderBook.Bids.Count == 1);
Example #8
        public void BitstampBuyCostRoundTest()
            Bitstamp bitstamp = new Bitstamp(FiatType.Usd);

            //Need to set the trade fee for this test to work
            bitstamp.TradeFee = 0.25m;

            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.ApplyFeeToBuyCost(20.09m) == 20.15m);
            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.ApplyFeeToBuyCost(90.95m) == 91.18m);

            //Buy 0.02 @ 395.65 = 7.91
            //Fee price = 7.91 * 0.0025 = 0.019775 = 0.02
            //Total cost = 7.91 + 0.02 = 7.93
            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.ApplyFeeToBuyCost(Decimal.Multiply(395.65m, 0.02m)) == 7.93m);
Example #9
        public void TransferInsertTest()
            BaseExchange sellExchange = new Kraken();
            BaseExchange buyExchange  = new Bitstamp();
            int          MaxId        = 0;

            sellExchange.AvailableBtc = 1.0234234234m;
            buyExchange.AvailableBtc  = 2.4534534m;
            decimal transferAmount = 0.6319841998m;

            //First need to create an arbitration run and opportunity
            ArbitrationRun         testRun         = TestsHelper.CreateArbitrationRun();
            ArbitrationOpportunity testOpportunity = TestsHelper.CreateArbitrationOpportunity(buyExchange, sellExchange, testRun.Id.Value);

            //Before the test can continue, ensure the arbitraiton opportunity was properly inserted
            Assert.IsTrue(testOpportunity.Id != null);

            Transfer testTransfer = new Transfer(buyExchange, sellExchange, transferAmount);

            //Get the max id from TRANSFER table
            Object result = DatabaseManager.ExecuteQuery("select MaxId = max(id) from TRANSFER").Rows[0]["MaxId"];

            if (result != DBNull.Value)
                MaxId = (int)result;

            //Now save the TRANSFER to the db

            //Select the transfer from the db
            result = DatabaseManager.ExecuteQuery(string.Format("select id from TRANSFER where id = {0} AND ORIGIN_EXCHANGE = '{1}' and DESTINATION_EXCHANGE = '{2}' AND AMOUNT = {3}", testTransfer.Id, buyExchange.Name, sellExchange.Name, transferAmount)).Rows[0][0];

            //Clean up before testing result
            if (result != DBNull.Value)
                //Remove the test transfer
                DatabaseManager.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("delete from TRANSFER where id = {0}", testTransfer.Id));


            //The above query should return the transfer that was created.
            Assert.IsTrue(result != DBNull.Value);
Example #10
        public void BitstampSellCostRoundTest()
            Bitstamp bitstamp = new Bitstamp(FiatType.Usd);

            //Need to set the trade fee for this test to work
            bitstamp.TradeFee = 0.25m;

            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.ApplyFeeToSellCost(20.09m) == 20.03m);
            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.ApplyFeeToSellCost(90.95m) == 90.72m);

            //Sell 0.04831514 @ 415.5 = 20.07494067 = 20.07
            //Fee price = 20.07 * 0.0025 = 0.050175 = 0.06
            //Total cost = 20.07 - 0.06 = 20.01
            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.ApplyFeeToSellCost(Decimal.Multiply(0.04831514m, 415.5m)) == 20.01m);

            //Sell 0.05513812 @ 365 = 20.1254138 = 20.13
            //Fee price = 20.13 * 0.0025 = 0.050325 = 0.06
            //Total cost = 20.13 - 0.06 = 20.07
            Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.ApplyFeeToSellCost(Decimal.Multiply(0.05513812m, 365.0m)) == 20.07m);
Example #11
        public void CalculateArbitrationTests_11()
            ArbitrationHunter      hunter = new ArbitrationHunter(null);
            Kraken                 kraken = new Kraken();
            ArbitrationOpportunity opportunity;
            Bitstamp               bitstamp = new Bitstamp();
            OrderBook              askBook  = new OrderBook();
            OrderBook              bidBook  = new OrderBook();

            kraken.OrderBook   = askBook;
            bitstamp.OrderBook = bidBook;

            //Test case 11: Part of ask order is fulfilled, taking into account transfer fee
            //IMPORTANT NOTE! This test assumes Kraken has a transfer fee of 0.0005, if that changes, this test will fail!
            kraken.TradeFee   = 0.0m;
            bitstamp.TradeFee = 0.0m;

            askBook.Asks.Add(new Order(1.1m, 400.0m));
            askBook.Asks.Add(new Order(0.8m, 402.0m));
            askBook.Asks.Add(new Order(1.0m, 410.0m));

            bidBook.Bids.Add(new Order(0.6m, 401.0m));
            bidBook.Bids.Add(new Order(1.0m, 399m));
            bidBook.Bids.Add(new Order(2.8m, 398m));

            opportunity = hunter.CalculateArbitration(kraken, bitstamp, 99m, 999999m, 0.01m, true);

            //Make sure opportunity was found correctly
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.BuyExchange == kraken);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.SellExchange == bitstamp);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.BuyAmount == 0.6m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.SellAmount == 0.6m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.Profit == 0.39975m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.BuyPrice == 400m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.SellPrice == 401m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.TotalBuyCost == 240m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.TotalSellCost == 240.60m);
Example #12
        public void CalculateArbitrationTests_01()
            ArbitrationHunter      hunter = new ArbitrationHunter(null);
            Kraken                 kraken = new Kraken();
            ArbitrationOpportunity opportunity;
            Bitstamp               bitstamp = new Bitstamp();
            OrderBook              askBook  = new OrderBook();
            OrderBook              bidBook  = new OrderBook();

            kraken.OrderBook   = askBook;
            bitstamp.OrderBook = bidBook;

            //Test case 1: Part of ask order is fulfilled, no trade fees to account for
            kraken.TradeFee   = 0.0m;
            bitstamp.TradeFee = 0.0m;

            askBook.Asks.Add(new Order(1.1m, 400.0m));
            askBook.Asks.Add(new Order(0.8m, 402.0m));
            askBook.Asks.Add(new Order(1.0m, 410.0m));

            bidBook.Bids.Add(new Order(0.6m, 401.0m));
            bidBook.Bids.Add(new Order(1.0m, 399m));
            bidBook.Bids.Add(new Order(2.8m, 398m));

            opportunity = hunter.CalculateArbitration(kraken, bitstamp, 99m, 999999m, 0.58m, false);

            //Make sure opportunity was found correctly
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.BuyExchange == kraken);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.SellExchange == bitstamp);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.BuyAmount == 0.6m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.SellAmount == 0.6m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.Profit == 0.6m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.BuyPrice == 400m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.SellPrice == 401m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.TotalBuyCost == 240m);
            Assert.IsTrue(opportunity.TotalSellCost == 240.60m);
Example #13
        public void BitstampBuySellQueryDeleteTest()
            Bitstamp bitstamp = new Bitstamp(FiatType.Usd);
            string   buyOrderId;
            string   sellorderId;

            //First, insert a buy and sell order. If there are any errors with either of these operations,
            //an exception will be thrown.

            //This is the lowest possible buy order you can put in bitstamp
            buyOrderId = bitstamp.Buy(1, 5.00m);

            //Set the sell price at an absurdely high value so the sell order doesn't actully get executed.
            sellorderId = bitstamp.Sell(bitstamp.MinimumBitcoinOrderAmount, 99999m);

            //Both orders should still be open

            //Now delete both orders. If there are any errors with either of these operations,
            //an exception will be thrown.
Example #14
        private static void PopulateExchanges(string securityJsonFilename)
            m_security = new ApiSecurity(securityJsonFilename);
            foreach (var exch in m_security.ApiKeys.Keys)
                var c = m_security.ApiKeys[exch];
                //Console.WriteLine("{0} '{1}' '{2}'", exch, c.ApiKey, c.ApiSecret);

            ApiCredentials creds;

            /*creds = m_security.ApiKeys["B2C2"];                             // BINANCE
             * b2c2 = B2C2.Create(creds);
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.B2C2] = b2c2;*/

            creds   = m_security.ApiKeys["BINANCE"];                        // BINANCE
            binance = Binance.Create(creds);
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.BINANCE] = binance;

            creds    = m_security.ApiKeys["BITFINEX"];                      // BITFINEX
            bitfinex = Bitfinex.Create(creds);
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.BITFINEX] = bitfinex;

            creds    = m_security.ApiKeys["BITFLYER"];                      // BITFLYER
            bitflyer = BitFlyer.Create(creds);
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.BITFLYER] = bitflyer;

            creds    = m_security.ApiKeys["BITSTAMP"];                      // BITSTAMP
            bitstamp = Bitstamp.Create(creds, "client_id");
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.BITSTAMP] = bitstamp;

            creds   = m_security.ApiKeys["BITTREX"];                        // BITTREX
            bittrex = Bittrex.Create(creds);
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.BITTREX] = bittrex;

            creds = m_security.ApiKeys["GDAX"];                             // GDAX
            gdax  = GDAX.Create(creds, "mickey+mouse");
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.GDAX] = gdax;

            creds  = m_security.ApiKeys["HITBTC"];                          // HITBTC
            hitbtc = HitBTC.Create(creds);
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.HITBTC] = hitbtc;

            creds = m_security.ApiKeys["ITBIT"];                            // ITBIT
            itbit = ItBit.Create(creds);
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.ITBIT] = itbit;

            creds  = m_security.ApiKeys["KRAKEN"];                          // KRAKEN
            kraken = Kraken.Create(creds);
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.KRAKEN] = kraken;

            creds    = m_security.ApiKeys["POLONIEX"];                      // POLONIEX
            poloniex = Poloniex.Create(creds);
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.POLONIEX] = poloniex;

            /*creds = m_security.ApiKeys["BLEUTRADE"];                        // BLEUTRADE
             * bleutrade = Bleutrade.Create(creds);
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.BLEUTRADE] = bleutrade;
             * creds = m_security.ApiKeys["BLINKTRADE"];                       // BLINKTRADE
             * blinktrade = BlinkTrade.Create(creds);
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.BLINKTRADE] = blinktrade;*/

            gemini = Gemini.Instance;
            Exchanges[CryptoExch.GEMINI] = Gemini.Instance;

            // For each exchange, subscribe to the various events
            foreach (var exchange in Exchanges.Values)
                exchange.UpdateOrderBookEvent += Exchanges_UpdateOrderBookEvent;
                exchange.UpdateOrdersEvent    += Exchanges_UpdateOrdersEvent;
                exchange.UpdateTickerEvent    += Exchanges_UpdateTickerEvent;

                /*var ws = exchange as IExchangeWebSocket;
                 * if (ws != null)
                 *  ws.StartWebSocket(null);*/

            /*Exchanges[CryptoExch.VAULTORO] = Vaultoro.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.CHANGELLY] = Changelly.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.BITHUMB] = Bithumb.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.BITMEX] = BitMEX.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.BITSQUARE] = Bitsquare.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.BTCC] = BTCC.Instance;
             * //Exchanges[CryptoExch.BTER] = BTER.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.CEX] = Cex.Instance;
             * //Exchanges[CryptoExch.COINIGY] = Coinigy.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.COINONE] = Coinone.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.GATEIO] = GateIO.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.HUOBI] = Huobi.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.KORBIT] = Korbit.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.KUCOIN] = Kucoin.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.OKCOIN] = OkCoin.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.OKEX] = OKEx.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.WEX] = Wex.Instance;
             * Exchanges[CryptoExch.XCRYPTO] = XCrypto.Instance;*/
Example #15
        public async Task <ITickers> GetTicker([FromBody] CompositeStockExchangeObject compositeStockExchangeObject)
            decimal exchangeRate = compositeStockExchangeObject.ExchangeRate;

            Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange selectedStockExchange = compositeStockExchangeObject.StockExchange;
            string selectedPairs = compositeStockExchangeObject.SelectedPairs;

            IStockExchanges stockExchanges;

            switch (selectedStockExchange)
            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Binance:
                stockExchanges = new Binance();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Bitfinex:
                stockExchanges = new Bitfinex();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Bitmex:
                stockExchanges = new Bitmex();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Bitstamp:
                stockExchanges = new Bitstamp();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Bittrex:
                stockExchanges = new Bittrex();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Cex:
                stockExchanges = new Cex();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Exmo:
                stockExchanges = new Exmo();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Gdax:
                stockExchanges = new Gdax();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Gemini:
                stockExchanges = new Gemini();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Kraken:
                stockExchanges = new Kraken();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.Poloniex:
                stockExchanges = new Poloniex();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

            case Common.StockExchange.Types.StockExchange.QuadrigaCx:
                stockExchanges = new QuadrigaCx();
                return(await stockExchanges.GetTickers(selectedPairs, exchangeRate));

                throw new NullStockExchangeException("Invalid StockExchange Selection");
Example #16
        public void OpportunityListValidatesProperly()
            int      requiredRoundsForValidarion = 3;
            Anx      anx      = new Anx();
            Bitstamp bitstamp = new Bitstamp();
            Kraken   kraken   = new Kraken();
            ItBit    itBit    = new ItBit();
            List <ArbitrationOpportunity> opportunityList = new List <ArbitrationOpportunity>();
            List <ArbitrationOpportunity> validatedList;
            List <BaseExchange>           exchangeList = new List <BaseExchange>();


            OpportunityValidator opportunityValidator = new OpportunityValidator(requiredRoundsForValidarion, exchangeList);

            //Build of a list of opportunities:
            ArbitrationOpportunity krakenItBitopportunity = new ArbitrationOpportunity(kraken, itBit)
                Profit = 2.23m
            ArbitrationOpportunity krakenBitstampopportunity = new ArbitrationOpportunity(kraken, bitstamp)
                Profit = 0.50m
            ArbitrationOpportunity anxItBitopportunity = new ArbitrationOpportunity(anx, itBit)
                Profit = 2.01m
            ArbitrationOpportunity anxItBitopportunity2 = new ArbitrationOpportunity(anx, itBit)
                Profit = 1.98m
            ArbitrationOpportunity anxItBitopportunity3 = new ArbitrationOpportunity(anx, itBit)
                Profit = 0.27m


            //Round one:
            validatedList = opportunityValidator.ValidateOpportunities(opportunityList);
            Assert.IsTrue(validatedList.Count == 0);

            //Round two:
            validatedList = opportunityValidator.ValidateOpportunities(opportunityList);
            Assert.IsTrue(validatedList.Count == 0);

            //Round three: An oppportunity between Anx and ItBit has survived until now (alebit with a different profit)
            //Add the Kraken - Bitstamp opportunity.
            //Remove Krakken - ItBit opportunity; it only lasts two rounds.

            //Remove the Anx - ItBit opportunity, than add another opportunity with those exchanges but a less profit

            validatedList = opportunityValidator.ValidateOpportunities(opportunityList);
            Assert.IsTrue(validatedList.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(validatedList[0].Profit == 1.98m);

            //Round 4: anxItBitopportunity should still be in the returned list
            //Remove the Anx - ItBit opportunity, than add another opportunity with those exchanges but a less profit
            validatedList = opportunityValidator.ValidateOpportunities(opportunityList);
            Assert.IsTrue(validatedList.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(validatedList[0].Profit == 0.27m);

            //Round 5: anxItBitopportunity should still be in the returned list, krakenBitstampopportunity should have been added
            validatedList = opportunityValidator.ValidateOpportunities(opportunityList);
            Assert.IsTrue(validatedList.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(validatedList[0].Profit == 0.50m);
            Assert.IsTrue(validatedList[1].Profit == 0.27m);
Example #17
        public void OpportunityProfitValidatesProperly()
            int                 requiredRoundsForValidarion = 3;
            Anx                 anx           = new Anx();
            Bitstamp            bitstamp      = new Bitstamp();
            Kraken              kraken        = new Kraken();
            ItBit               itBit         = new ItBit();
            List <BaseExchange> exchangeList  = new List <BaseExchange>();
            decimal             amount        = 0.2m;
            decimal             buyPrice      = 150m;
            decimal             totalBuyCost  = 30m;
            decimal             sellPrice     = 200m;
            decimal             totalSellCost = 40m;
            decimal             profit        = 10m;


            OpportunityValidator opportunityValidator = new OpportunityValidator(requiredRoundsForValidarion, exchangeList);

            //Note, can use a fake run id here because the trade is never persisted to the db.
            ArbitrationOpportunity testOpportunity = new ArbitrationOpportunity(anx, bitstamp, amount, buyPrice, totalBuyCost, sellPrice, totalSellCost, profit, 1);

            //First, set the balances for all the exchanges.
            anx.AvailableFiat      = 100m;
            anx.AvailableBtc       = 100m;
            bitstamp.AvailableFiat = 100m;
            bitstamp.AvailableBtc  = 100m;
            kraken.AvailableFiat   = 100m;
            kraken.AvailableBtc    = 100m;
            itBit.AvailableFiat    = 100m;
            itBit.AvailableBtc     = 100m;

            //Scenario 1; happy path. Buy and selling works as expected.

            //Prep the validator

            //Simulate the trade going through
            anx.AvailableFiat      -= totalBuyCost;
            anx.AvailableBtc       += amount;
            bitstamp.AvailableFiat += totalSellCost;
            bitstamp.AvailableBtc  -= amount;

            //If there was as error, this will throw it.

            //Scenario 2: Buy never happens. Validator should throw an error
            bool errorThrown = false;

            anx.AvailableFiat      = 100m;
            anx.AvailableBtc       = 100m;
            bitstamp.AvailableFiat = 100m;
            bitstamp.AvailableBtc  = 100m;
            kraken.AvailableFiat   = 100m;
            kraken.AvailableBtc    = 100m;
            itBit.AvailableFiat    = 100m;
            itBit.AvailableBtc     = 100m;

            //Prep the validator

            //Simulate the trade going through, but buy never happens. This should cause the validator to throw an error.
            bitstamp.AvailableFiat += totalSellCost;
            bitstamp.AvailableBtc  -= amount;

            catch (Exception e)
                errorThrown = true;

        public void PersistArbitrationOpportunity()
            //Arbitraty test values
            decimal  buyAmount         = 351.654316m;
            decimal  sellAmount        = 351.654316m;
            decimal  buyPrice          = 409.21m;
            decimal  sellPrice         = 410.87m;
            decimal  totalBuyCost      = 1201.14m;
            decimal  totalSellCost     = 1301.54m;
            decimal  profit            = totalSellCost - totalBuyCost;
            string   buyOrderId        = "Abc-123";
            string   sellOrderId       = "123-Abc";
            DateTime executionDateTime = DateTime.Now;

            Bitstamp               buyExchange          = new Bitstamp();
            Btce                   sellExchange         = new Btce();
            ArbitrationRun         testRun              = null;
            ArbitrationRun         updateTestRun        = null;
            ArbitrationOpportunity testArbitrationTrade = null;

                testRun              = TestsHelper.CreateArbitrationRun();
                updateTestRun        = TestsHelper.CreateArbitrationRun();
                testArbitrationTrade = new ArbitrationOpportunity(buyExchange, sellExchange);

                testArbitrationTrade.BuyAmount         = buyAmount;
                testArbitrationTrade.SellAmount        = sellAmount;
                testArbitrationTrade.ArbitrationRunId  = testRun.Id.Value;
                testArbitrationTrade.BuyPrice          = buyPrice;
                testArbitrationTrade.ExecutionDateTime = executionDateTime;
                testArbitrationTrade.Profit            = profit;
                testArbitrationTrade.SellPrice         = sellPrice;
                testArbitrationTrade.TotalBuyCost      = totalBuyCost;
                testArbitrationTrade.TotalSellCost     = totalSellCost;
                testArbitrationTrade.BuyOrderId        = buyOrderId;
                testArbitrationTrade.SellOrderId       = sellOrderId;

                //Now that the arbitration trade has been set up, save it to the db.

                //Ensure an id was set after the initial insert
                Assert.IsTrue(testArbitrationTrade.Id != null);

                string insertFetchSql = string.Format("" +
                                                      "select " +
                                                      "   ID, " +
                                                      "   CREATE_DATETIME, " +
                                                      "   LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME " +
                                                      "from " +
                                                      "   ARBITRATION_TRADE " +
                                                      "where " +
                                                      "   ID = {0} AND " +
                                                      "   BUY_AMOUNT = {1} AND " +
                                                      "   BUY_PRICE = {2} AND " +
                                                      "   SELL_PRICE = {3} AND" +
                                                      "   TOTAL_BUY_COST = {4} AND " +
                                                      "   TOTAL_SELL_COST = {5} AND " +
                                                      "   PROFIT = {6} AND " +
                                                      "   EXECUTION_DATETIME = '{7}' AND " +
                                                      "   SELL_EXCHANGE = '{8}' AND " +
                                                      "   BUY_EXCHANGE = '{9}' AND " +
                                                      "   BUY_ORDER_ID = '{10}' AND " +
                                                      "   SELL_ORDER_ID = '{11}' AND " +
                                                      "   ARBITRATION_RUN_ID = {12} AND " +
                                                      "   SELL_AMOUNT = {13}", testArbitrationTrade.Id.Value, buyAmount, buyPrice, sellPrice, totalBuyCost, totalSellCost, profit, executionDateTime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), sellExchange.Name, buyExchange.Name, buyOrderId, sellOrderId, testRun.Id.Value, sellAmount);

                //Ensure all the values were properly inserted.
                DataTable result = DatabaseManager.ExecuteQuery(insertFetchSql);
                Assert.IsTrue(result != null && Convert.ToInt32(result.Rows[0]["ID"]) == testArbitrationTrade.Id.Value);

                //Create some bogus dates for CREATE_DATETIME and LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME
                DateTime createDateTime       = new DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 13, 25, 05);
                DateTime lastModifiedDateTime = new DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 13, 25, 05);

                //In order to test that CREATE_DATETIME and LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME behave properly on updates, need to put some bogus data in there:
                DatabaseManager.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("update ARBITRATION_TRADE set CREATE_DATETIME = '{0}', LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME = '{1}' where ID = {2}", createDateTime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), lastModifiedDateTime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), testArbitrationTrade.Id.Value));

                //Update properties with arbitraty test values.
                buyAmount         = 103264798.175785743216m;
                sellAmount        = 103264798.175785743216m;
                buyPrice          = 1.02m;
                sellPrice         = 10.02m;
                totalBuyCost      = 2.01m;
                totalSellCost     = 18.01m;
                profit            = totalSellCost - totalBuyCost;
                executionDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                buyOrderId        = "Choctaw-47";
                sellOrderId       = "Apache-48";

                //Update arbitration trade to have new values
                testArbitrationTrade.BuyAmount         = buyAmount;
                testArbitrationTrade.SellAmount        = sellAmount;
                testArbitrationTrade.ArbitrationRunId  = updateTestRun.Id.Value;
                testArbitrationTrade.BuyPrice          = buyPrice;
                testArbitrationTrade.ExecutionDateTime = executionDateTime;
                testArbitrationTrade.Profit            = profit;
                testArbitrationTrade.SellPrice         = sellPrice;
                testArbitrationTrade.TotalBuyCost      = totalBuyCost;
                testArbitrationTrade.TotalSellCost     = totalSellCost;
                testArbitrationTrade.BuyOrderId        = buyOrderId;
                testArbitrationTrade.SellOrderId       = sellOrderId;


                string updateFetchSql = string.Format("" +
                                                      "select " +
                                                      "   ID, " +
                                                      "   CREATE_DATETIME, " +
                                                      "   LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME " +
                                                      "from " +
                                                      "   ARBITRATION_TRADE " +
                                                      "where " +
                                                      "   ID = {0} AND " +
                                                      "   BUY_AMOUNT = {1} AND " +
                                                      "   BUY_PRICE = {2} AND " +
                                                      "   SELL_PRICE = {3} AND" +
                                                      "   TOTAL_BUY_COST = {4} AND " +
                                                      "   TOTAL_SELL_COST = {5} AND " +
                                                      "   PROFIT = {6} AND " +
                                                      "   EXECUTION_DATETIME = '{7}' AND " +
                                                      "   SELL_EXCHANGE = '{8}' AND " +
                                                      "   BUY_EXCHANGE = '{9}' AND " +
                                                      "   BUY_ORDER_ID = '{10}' AND " +
                                                      "   SELL_ORDER_ID = '{11}' AND " +
                                                      "   ARBITRATION_RUN_ID = {12} AND " +
                                                      "   SELL_AMOUNT = {13}", testArbitrationTrade.Id.Value, buyAmount, buyPrice, sellPrice, totalBuyCost, totalSellCost, profit, executionDateTime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), sellExchange.Name, buyExchange.Name, buyOrderId, sellOrderId, updateTestRun.Id.Value, sellAmount);

                result = DatabaseManager.ExecuteQuery(updateFetchSql);

                //Ensure a record was found with all the updated values
                Assert.IsTrue(result != null);

                //Ensure the CREATE_DATETIME is the same, but the LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME is different
                Assert.IsTrue(createDateTime == (DateTime)result.Rows[0]["CREATE_DATETIME"]);
                Assert.IsTrue(lastModifiedDateTime != (DateTime)result.Rows[0]["LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME"]);
                //Remove test data from the database
                if (testArbitrationTrade.Id != null)

                if (testRun.Id != null)

                if (updateTestRun.Id != null)
Example #19
        public void NotEnoughtBtcExceptionAreSwallowedCorrectly()
            ArbitrationRun         testRun      = null;
            ArbitrationOpportunity opportunity1 = null;
            ArbitrationOpportunity opportunity2 = null;
            ArbitrationOpportunity opportunity3 = null;

                //Set up a test run
                testRun = TestsHelper.CreateArbitrationRun();

                //Set up the buy and sell exchanges.
                Bitstamp            bitstamp     = new Bitstamp();
                Kraken              kraken       = new Kraken();
                List <BaseExchange> exchangeList = new List <BaseExchange>();

                bitstamp.AvailableBtc  = 0.2m;
                bitstamp.AvailableFiat = 100m;
                kraken.AvailableBtc    = 0.2m;
                kraken.AvailableFiat   = 30m;

                //Initial trad; bitstamp will need to transfer 0.1 btc to kraken for this. It will be found in the rollup later.
                //Bitstamp now has 0.4 btc.
                opportunity1 = TestsHelper.CreateArbitrationOpportunity(bitstamp, kraken, testRun.Id.Value, 0.1m);

                //Made up numbers; they don't really matter for this test
                opportunity1.TotalBuyCost  = 10m;
                opportunity1.TotalSellCost = 10m;

                bitstamp.SimulatedBuy(opportunity1.BuyAmount, opportunity1.TotalBuyCost);
                kraken.SimulatedSell(opportunity1.BuyAmount, opportunity1.TotalSellCost);
                Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.AvailableBtc == 0.3m);

                //Now a couple a trade where btc is sold off at Bitstamp; enough to make the rollup transfer fail
                //Bitstamp now has 0.1
                opportunity2 = TestsHelper.CreateArbitrationOpportunity(kraken, bitstamp, testRun.Id.Value, 0.3m);

                //Made up numbers; they don't really matter for this test
                opportunity2.TotalBuyCost  = 30m;
                opportunity2.TotalSellCost = 30m;

                kraken.SimulatedBuy(opportunity2.BuyAmount, opportunity2.TotalBuyCost);
                bitstamp.SimulatedSell(opportunity2.BuyAmount, opportunity2.TotalSellCost);
                Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.AvailableBtc == 0.0m);

                //Now assume this trigger a transfer, so lets say 0.5btc is in transfer to bitstamp from kraken
                bitstamp.BTCInTransfer = 0.5m;

                //Now another buy at bitstamp; this will trigger a transfer rollup from bitstamp to kraken
                opportunity3 = TestsHelper.CreateArbitrationOpportunity(bitstamp, kraken, testRun.Id.Value, 0.15m);

                //Made up numbers; they don't really matter for this test
                opportunity3.TotalBuyCost  = 15m;
                opportunity3.TotalSellCost = 15m;

                bitstamp.SimulatedBuy(opportunity3.BuyAmount, opportunity3.TotalBuyCost);
                kraken.SimulatedSell(opportunity3.BuyAmount, opportunity3.TotalSellCost);
                Assert.IsTrue(bitstamp.AvailableBtc == 0.15m);

                //This should detect a transfer, but not actually create it
                List <Transfer> transferFound = TransferManager.DetectAndExecuteRollupTransfers_Simulate(3, testRun.Id.Value, exchangeList);
                Assert.IsTrue(transferFound == null);

                //Erase btc in transfer and look for transfers again, this time the TransferManager should throw an exception because
                //a bad transfer has been found (it's amount is > bitstamp total btc)
                bool errorFound = false;
                bitstamp.BTCInTransfer = 0m;

                    TransferManager.DetectAndExecuteRollupTransfers_Simulate(2, testRun.Id.Value, exchangeList);

                catch (NotEnoughBtcException e)
                    errorFound = true;

                Assert.IsTrue(errorFound, "TransferManager did not throw NotEnoughBtcException.");

            //Clean up test data
                if (opportunity1 != null)

                if (opportunity2 != null)

                if (opportunity3 != null)

                if (testRun != null)