Example #1
        protected override void ReadContentFrom(BinaryReader reader)
            // load each strike table
            int beginPos = (int)reader.BaseStream.Position;
            var count    = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (count > MaxBitmapStrikes)
                throw new Exception("Too many bitmap strikes in font.");

            var sizeTableHeaders = new BitmapSizeTable[count];
            int skipLen          = sizeof(uint) + sizeof(ushort) * 2 + 12 * 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableSize   = reader.ReadUInt32();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableCount  = reader.ReadUInt32();

                // skip colorRef, metrics entries, start and end glyph indices
                reader.BaseStream.Position  += skipLen;
                sizeTableHeaders[i].PpemX    = reader.ReadByte();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].PpemY    = reader.ReadByte();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].BitDepth = reader.ReadByte();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].Flags    = (BitmapSizeFlags)reader.ReadByte();

            // read index subtables
            var indexSubTables = new IndexSubTable[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(beginPos + sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                indexSubTables[i] = new IndexSubTable
                    FirstGlyph = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                    LastGlyph  = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                    Offset     = reader.ReadUInt32()

            // read the actual data for each strike table
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // read the subtable header

                reader.BaseStream.Seek(beginPos + sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableOffset + indexSubTables[i].Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var indexFormat     = reader.ReadUInt16();
                var imageFormat     = reader.ReadUInt16();
                var imageDataOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
Example #2
        public Glyph[] BuildGlyphList()
            List <Glyph> glyphs   = new List <Glyph>();
            int          numSizes = _bmpSizeTables.Length;

            for (int n = 0; n < numSizes; ++n)
                BitmapSizeTable bmpSizeTable           = _bmpSizeTables[n];
                uint            numberofIndexSubTables = bmpSizeTable.numberOfIndexSubTables;
                for (uint i = 0; i < numberofIndexSubTables; ++i)
Example #3
        public static SbitTable Read(BinaryReader reader, TableRecord[] tables)
            if (!SfntTables.SeekToTable(reader, tables, FourCC.Eblc))

            // skip version
            var baseOffset = reader.Position();


            // load each strike table
            var count = reader.ReadInt32BE();

            if (count > MaxBitmapStrikes)
                throw new InvalidFontException("Too many bitmap strikes in font.");

            var sizeTableHeaders = new BitmapSizeTable[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableOffset = reader.ReadUInt32BE();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableSize   = reader.ReadUInt32BE();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableCount  = reader.ReadUInt32BE();

                // skip colorRef, metrics entries, start and end glyph indices
                reader.Skip(sizeof(uint) + sizeof(ushort) * 2 + 12 * 2);

                sizeTableHeaders[i].PpemX    = reader.ReadByte();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].PpemY    = reader.ReadByte();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].BitDepth = reader.ReadByte();
                sizeTableHeaders[i].Flags    = (BitmapSizeFlags)reader.ReadByte();

            // read index subtables
            var indexSubTables = new IndexSubTable[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                reader.Seek(baseOffset + sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableOffset);
                indexSubTables[i] = new IndexSubTable
                    FirstGlyph = reader.ReadUInt16BE(),
                    LastGlyph  = reader.ReadUInt16BE(),
                    Offset     = reader.ReadUInt32BE()

            // read the actual data for each strike table
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // read the subtable header
                reader.Seek(baseOffset + sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableOffset + indexSubTables[i].Offset);
                var indexFormat     = reader.ReadUInt16BE();
                var imageFormat     = reader.ReadUInt16BE();
                var imageDataOffset = reader.ReadUInt32BE();

Example #4
        protected override void ReadContentFrom(BinaryReader reader)
            // load each strike table
            int beginPos = (int)reader.BaseStream.Position;
            ushort versionMajor = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort versionMinor = reader.ReadUInt16();
            uint   numSizes     = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (numSizes > MaxBitmapStrikes)
                throw new Exception("Too many bitmap strikes in font.");

            var sizeTableHeaders = new BitmapSizeTable[numSizes];

            //int skipLen = sizeof(uint) + sizeof(ushort) * 2 + 12 * 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < numSizes; i++)

                //Type      Name                         Description
                //Offset32  indexSubTableArrayOffset     offset to index subtable from beginning of EBLC.
                //uint32    indexTablesSize              number of bytes in corresponding index subtables and array
                //uint32    numberOfIndexSubTables       an index subtable for each range or format change
                //uint32    colorRef                     not used; set to 0.
                //sbitLineMetrics hori                   line metrics for text rendered horizontally
                //sbitLineMetrics vert                   line metrics for text rendered vertically
                //uint16    startGlyphIndex              lowest glyph index for this size
                //uint16    endGlyphIndex                highest glyph index for this size
                //uint8     ppemX                        horizontal pixels per Em
                //uint8     ppemY                        vertical pixels per Em
                //uint8     bitDepth                     the Microsoft rasterizer v.1.7 or greater supports the following bitDepth values, as described below: 1, 2, 4, and 8.
                //int8      flags                        vertical or horizontal(see bitmapFlags)

                //sbitLineMetrics  (12 bytes)
                //Type    Name
                //int8    ascender
                //int8    descender
                //uint8   widthMax
                //int8    caretSlopeNumerator
                //int8    caretSlopeDenominator
                //int8    caretOffset
                //int8    minOriginSB
                //int8    minAdvanceSB
                //int8    maxBeforeBL
                //int8    minAfterBL
                //int8    pad1
                //int8    pad2

                BitmapSizeTable bmpsizeTable = new BitmapSizeTable();
                bmpsizeTable.SubTableOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
                bmpsizeTable.SubTableSize   = reader.ReadUInt32();
                bmpsizeTable.SubTableCount  = reader.ReadUInt32();
                reader.ReadUInt32();//not use, colorRef The colorRef and bitDepth fields are reserved for future enhancements

                //metrics entries
                reader.BaseStream.Position += (12 * 2); //skip line matric

                bmpsizeTable.startGlyph = reader.ReadUInt16();
                bmpsizeTable.endGlyph   = reader.ReadUInt16();
                bmpsizeTable.PpemX      = reader.ReadByte();
                bmpsizeTable.PpemY      = reader.ReadByte();
                bmpsizeTable.BitDepth   = reader.ReadByte(); //The colorRef and bitDepth fields are reserved for future enhancements. For monochrome bitmaps they should have the values colorRef=0 and bitDepth=1.

                //The 'flags' byte contains two bits to indicate the direction of small glyph metrics: horizontal or vertical.The remaining bits are reserved.
                bmpsizeTable.Flags = (BitmapSizeFlags)reader.ReadByte();

                sizeTableHeaders[i] = bmpsizeTable; //save

            // read index subtables
            var indexSubTables = new IndexSubTable[numSizes];

            for (int i = 0; i < numSizes; i++)
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(beginPos + sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Type      Name                                Description
                //uint16    firstGlyphIndex                     first glyph code of this range
                //uint16    lastGlyphIndex                      last glyph code of this range(inclusive)
                //Offset32  additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable     add to indexSubTableArrayOffset to get offset from beginning of 'EBLC'

                indexSubTables[i] = new IndexSubTable
                    FirstGlyph = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                    LastGlyph  = reader.ReadUInt16(),
                    Offset     = reader.ReadUInt32()

            // read the actual data for each strike table
            for (int i = 0; i < numSizes; i++)
                // read the subtable header

                reader.BaseStream.Seek(beginPos + sizeTableHeaders[i].SubTableOffset + indexSubTables[i].Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Type          Name            Description
                //uint16        indexFormat     format of this indexSubTable
                //uint16        imageFormat     format of 'EBDT' image data
                //Offset32      imageDataOffset offset to image data in 'EBDT' table
                ushort indexFormat     = reader.ReadUInt16();
                ushort imageFormat     = reader.ReadUInt16();
                uint   imageDataOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
                //There are currently five different formats used for the indexSubTable,
                //depending upon the size and type of bitmap data in the glyph code range.
                //Apple 'bloc' tables support only formats 1 through 3.
                //The choice of which indexSubTable format to use is up to the font manufacturer,
                //but should be made with the aim of minimizing the size of the font file.
                //Ranges of glyphs with variable metrics -that is, where glyphs may differ from each other in bounding box height,
                //width, side bearings or advance - must use format 1, 3 or 4.Ranges of glyphs with constant metrics can save space by using format 2 or 5, which keep a single copy of the metrics information in the indexSubTable rather than a copy per glyph in the 'EBDT' table.In some monospaced fonts it makes sense to store extra white space around some of the glyphs to keep all metrics identical, thus permitting the use of format 2 or 5.
                //Structures for each indexSubTable format are listed below.

                //TODO: impl this
Example #5
        protected override void ReadContentFrom(BinaryReader reader)
            long   cblcBeginPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
            ushort majorVersion = reader.ReadUInt16(); //3
            ushort minorVersion = reader.ReadUInt16(); //0
            uint   numSizes     = reader.ReadUInt32();

            //The CblcHeader is followed immediately by the BitmapSize table array(s).
            //The numSizes in the CblcHeader indicates the number of BitmapSize tables in the array.
            //Each strike is defined by one BitmapSize table.
            BitmapSizeTable[] bmpSizeTables = new BitmapSizeTable[numSizes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numSizes; ++i)
                bmpSizeTables[i] = BitmapSizeTable.ReadBitmapSizeTable(reader);
            _bmpSizeTables = bmpSizeTables;

            //Type      Name            Description
            //uint16    firstGlyphIndex First glyph ID of this range.
            //uint16    lastGlyphIndex  Last glyph ID of this range(inclusive).
            //Offset32  additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable     Add to indexSubTableArrayOffset to get offset from beginning of EBLC.

            //After determining the strike,
            //the rasterizer searches this array for the range containing the given glyph ID.
            //When the range is found, the additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable is added to the indexSubTableArrayOffset
            //to get the offset of the IndexSubTable in the EBLC.

            //The first indexSubTableArray is located after the last bitmapSizeSubTable entry.
            //Then the IndexSubTables for the strike follow.
            //Another IndexSubTableArray(if more than one strike) and
            //its IndexSubTableArray are next.

            //The EBLC continues with an array and IndexSubTables for each strike.
            //We now have the offset to the IndexSubTable.
            //All IndexSubTable formats begin with an IndexSubHeader which identifies the IndexSubTable format,
            //the format of the EBDT image data,
            //and the offset from the beginning of the EBDT table to the beginning of the image data for this range.

            for (int n = 0; n < numSizes; ++n)
                BitmapSizeTable bmpSizeTable           = bmpSizeTables[n];
                uint            numberofIndexSubTables = bmpSizeTable.numberOfIndexSubTables;

                IndexSubTableArray[] indexSubTableArrs = new IndexSubTableArray[numberofIndexSubTables];
                for (uint i = 0; i < numberofIndexSubTables; ++i)
                    indexSubTableArrs[i] = new IndexSubTableArray(
                        reader.ReadUInt16(),      //First glyph ID of this range.
                        reader.ReadUInt16(),      //Last glyph ID of this range (inclusive).
                        reader.ReadUInt32());     //Add to indexSubTableArrayOffset to get offset from beginning of EBLC.

                IndexSubTableBase[] subTables = new IndexSubTableBase[numberofIndexSubTables];
                bmpSizeTable.indexSubTables = subTables;
                for (uint i = 0; i < numberofIndexSubTables; ++i)
                    IndexSubTableArray indexSubTableArr = indexSubTableArrs[i];
                    reader.BaseStream.Position = cblcBeginPos + bmpSizeTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + indexSubTableArr.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable;

                    IndexSubTableBase result = subTables[i] = IndexSubTableBase.CreateFrom(bmpSizeTable, reader);
                    result.firstGlyphIndex = indexSubTableArr.firstGlyphIndex;
                    result.lastGlyphIndex  = indexSubTableArr.lastGlyphIndex;
Example #6
        protected override void ReadContentFrom(BinaryReader reader)
            // load each strike table
            long eblcBeginPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
            ushort versionMajor = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort versionMinor = reader.ReadUInt16();
            uint   numSizes     = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (numSizes > MAX_BITMAP_STRIKES)
                throw new Exception("Too many bitmap strikes in font.");

            var bmpSizeTables = new BitmapSizeTable[numSizes];

            for (int i = 0; i < numSizes; i++)
                bmpSizeTables[i] = BitmapSizeTable.ReadBitmapSizeTable(reader);
            _bmpSizeTables = bmpSizeTables;

            //Type      Name            Description
            //uint16    firstGlyphIndex First glyph ID of this range.
            //uint16    lastGlyphIndex  Last glyph ID of this range(inclusive).
            //Offset32  additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable     Add to indexSubTableArrayOffset to get offset from beginning of EBLC.

            //After determining the strike,
            //the rasterizer searches this array for the range containing the given glyph ID.
            //When the range is found, the additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable is added to the indexSubTableArrayOffset
            //to get the offset of the IndexSubTable in the EBLC.

            //The first indexSubTableArray is located after the last bitmapSizeSubTable entry.
            //Then the IndexSubTables for the strike follow.
            //Another IndexSubTableArray(if more than one strike) and
            //its IndexSubTableArray are next.

            //The EBLC continues with an array and IndexSubTables for each strike.
            //We now have the offset to the IndexSubTable.
            //All IndexSubTable formats begin with an IndexSubHeader which identifies the IndexSubTable format,
            //the format of the EBDT image data,
            //and the offset from the beginning of the EBDT table to the beginning of the image data for this range.

            for (int n = 0; n < numSizes; ++n)
                BitmapSizeTable bmpSizeTable           = bmpSizeTables[n];
                uint            numberofIndexSubTables = bmpSizeTable.numberOfIndexSubTables;

                IndexSubTableArray[] indexSubTableArrs = new IndexSubTableArray[numberofIndexSubTables];
                for (uint i = 0; i < numberofIndexSubTables; ++i)
                    indexSubTableArrs[i] = new IndexSubTableArray(
                        reader.ReadUInt16(),      //First glyph ID of this range.
                        reader.ReadUInt16(),      //Last glyph ID of this range (inclusive).
                        reader.ReadUInt32());     //Add to indexSubTableArrayOffset to get offset from beginning of EBLC.

                IndexSubTableBase[] subTables = new IndexSubTableBase[numberofIndexSubTables];
                bmpSizeTable.indexSubTables = subTables;
                for (uint i = 0; i < numberofIndexSubTables; ++i)
                    IndexSubTableArray indexSubTableArr = indexSubTableArrs[i];
                    reader.BaseStream.Position = eblcBeginPos + bmpSizeTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + indexSubTableArr.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable;

                    subTables[i] = IndexSubTableBase.CreateFrom(bmpSizeTable, reader);