Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// For a given color, gives information about a blob within the given bitmap that is that color
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap containing the blob</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color of the blob</param>
        /// <returns>An ImageBlobInfo object containing information of the blob of the given color</returns>
        public ImageBlobInfo(WriteableBitmap bitmap, Color color)
            Color              = color;
            Area               = 0;
            Centroid           = new Point(0, 0);
            SecondRowMoment    = 0;
            SecondMixedMoment  = 0;
            SecondColumnMoment = 0;
            MaxInertia         = 0;
            MinInertia         = 0;
            Circularity        = 0;
            Perimeter          = 0;

            int stride = (bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
            int height = bitmap.PixelHeight;
            int width  = bitmap.PixelWidth;

            byte[] pixelArray = new byte[bitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
            bitmap.CopyPixels(pixelArray, stride, 0);

            // Calculate Area and Centroid
            double r = 0;
            double c = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < width; column++)
                    int index = row * stride + 4 * column;
                    var pixel = Pixel.GetPixel(pixelArray, index);
                    if (pixel.Color == color)

                        r += row;    // add the row number
                        c += column; // add the column number
            Centroid = new Point(c / Area, r / Area);

            // Calculate Second-Order Moments
            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < width; column++)
                    int index = row * stride + 4 * column;
                    var pixel = Pixel.GetPixel(pixelArray, index);
                    if (pixel.Color == color)
                        SecondRowMoment    += Math.Pow(row - Centroid.Y, 2);
                        SecondMixedMoment  += (row - Centroid.Y) * (column - Centroid.X);
                        SecondColumnMoment += Math.Pow(column - Centroid.X, 2);
            SecondRowMoment    /= Area;
            SecondMixedMoment  /= Area;
            SecondColumnMoment /= Area;

            // Calculate Inertia
            var theta = (2 * SecondMixedMoment) / (SecondColumnMoment - SecondRowMoment);

            theta  = Math.Atan(theta);
            theta /= 2;

            var otherTheta = theta + Math.PI / 2;

            var inertiaOne = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(theta), 2) * SecondColumnMoment +
                             Math.Sin(theta) * Math.Cos(theta) * SecondMixedMoment +
                             Math.Pow(Math.Cos(theta), 2) * SecondRowMoment;

            var inertiaTwo = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(otherTheta), 2) * SecondColumnMoment +
                             Math.Sin(otherTheta) * Math.Cos(otherTheta) * SecondMixedMoment +
                             Math.Pow(Math.Cos(otherTheta), 2) * SecondRowMoment;

            MaxInertia = Math.Max(inertiaOne, inertiaTwo);
            MinInertia = Math.Min(inertiaOne, inertiaTwo);

            // Calculate Circulator
            double mean = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < width; column++)
                    int index = row * stride + 4 * column;
                    var pixel = Pixel.GetPixel(pixelArray, index);
                    if (pixel.Color == color)
                        mean += Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(column - Centroid.X, 2) + Math.Pow(row - Centroid.Y, 2));
            mean /= Area;

            double standardDeviation = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < width; column++)
                    int index = row * stride + 4 * column;
                    var pixel = Pixel.GetPixel(pixelArray, index);
                    if (pixel.Color == color)
                        var value = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(column - Centroid.X, 2) + Math.Pow(row - Centroid.Y, 2));
                        value             -= mean;
                        value              = Math.Pow(value, 2);
                        standardDeviation += value;
            standardDeviation /= Area;
            standardDeviation  = Math.Sqrt(standardDeviation);

            Circularity = mean / standardDeviation;

            // Calculate Perimeter
            var filteredBitmap  = BitmapColorer.EraseAllButCertainColor(bitmap, color);
            var perimeterBitmap = BitmapOperations.GetPerimeterBitmap(filteredBitmap);

            byte[] perimeterPixelArray = new byte[perimeterBitmap.PixelHeight * stride];
            perimeterBitmap.CopyPixels(perimeterPixelArray, stride, 0);

            var perimeterPixelList = BitmapOperations.BuildPerimeterPath(perimeterPixelArray, bitmap.PixelHeight, bitmap.PixelWidth, stride);

            for (int i = 0; i < perimeterPixelList.Count; i++)
                int comparisonIndex = i + 1;
                if (i == perimeterPixelList.Count - 1)
                    comparisonIndex = 0;

                // If the current pixel and the next pixel are vertical or horizontal neighbors
                if (perimeterPixelList[i] == perimeterPixelList[comparisonIndex] + stride ||
                    perimeterPixelList[i] == perimeterPixelList[comparisonIndex] - stride ||
                    perimeterPixelList[i] == perimeterPixelList[comparisonIndex] - 4 ||
                    perimeterPixelList[i] == perimeterPixelList[comparisonIndex] + 4)
                // If the current pixel and the next pixel are diagonal neighbors
                else if (perimeterPixelList[i] == perimeterPixelList[comparisonIndex] + stride + 4 ||
                         perimeterPixelList[i] == perimeterPixelList[comparisonIndex] + stride - 4 ||
                         perimeterPixelList[i] == perimeterPixelList[comparisonIndex] - stride + 4 ||
                         perimeterPixelList[i] == perimeterPixelList[comparisonIndex] - stride - 4)
                    Perimeter += 1.4;