Example #1
        public virtual void Apply(Graphics graphics, Bitmap applyBitmap, Rectangle rect, RenderMode renderMode)
            applyRect = IntersectRectangle(applyBitmap.Size, rect);

            if (applyRect.Width == 0 || applyRect.Height == 0)
                // nothing to do

            bbb = new BitmapBuffer(applyBitmap, applyRect);
            try {
                for (int y = 0; y < bbb.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < bbb.Width; x++)
                        if (parent.Contains(applyRect.Left + x, applyRect.Top + y) ^ Invert)
                            IteratePixel(x, y);
            } finally {
                bbb.DrawTo(graphics, applyRect.Location);
                bbb = null;
        public static void Apply(Graphics graphics, Bitmap applyBitmap, Rectangle rect, int pixelSize)
            if (pixelSize <= 1 || rect.Width == 0 || rect.Height == 0)
                // Nothing to do
            if (rect.Width < pixelSize)
                pixelSize = rect.Width;
            if (rect.Height < pixelSize)
                pixelSize = rect.Height;

            using (BitmapBuffer bbbDest = new BitmapBuffer(applyBitmap, rect)) {
                using (BitmapBuffer bbbSrc = new BitmapBuffer(applyBitmap, rect)) {
                    List <Color> colors        = new List <Color>();
                    int          halbPixelSize = pixelSize / 2;
                    for (int y = -halbPixelSize; y < bbbSrc.Height + halbPixelSize; y = y + pixelSize)
                        for (int x = -halbPixelSize; x <= bbbSrc.Width + halbPixelSize; x = x + pixelSize)
                            for (int yy = y; yy < y + pixelSize; yy++)
                                if (yy >= 0 && yy < bbbSrc.Height)
                                    for (int xx = x; xx < x + pixelSize; xx++)
                                        colors.Add(bbbSrc.GetColorAt(xx, yy));
                            Color currentAvgColor = Colors.Mix(colors);
                            for (int yy = y; yy <= y + pixelSize; yy++)
                                if (yy >= 0 && yy < bbbSrc.Height)
                                    for (int xx = x; xx <= x + pixelSize; xx++)
                                        bbbDest.SetColorAt(xx, yy, currentAvgColor);
                bbbDest.DrawTo(graphics, rect.Location);
Example #3
        public unsafe override void Apply(Graphics graphics, Bitmap applyBitmap, Rectangle rect, RenderMode renderMode)
            applyRect = IntersectRectangle(applyBitmap.Size, rect);

            if (applyRect.Height <= 0 || applyRect.Width <= 0)

            int    blurRadius     = GetFieldValueAsInt(FieldType.BLUR_RADIUS);
            double previewQuality = GetFieldValueAsDouble(FieldType.PREVIEW_QUALITY);

            // do nothing when nothing can be done!
            if (blurRadius < 1)

            using (BitmapBuffer bbbDest = new BitmapBuffer(applyBitmap, applyRect)) {
                using (BitmapBuffer bbbSrc = new BitmapBuffer(applyBitmap, applyRect)) {
                    Random rand = new Random();

                    int    r      = blurRadius;
                    int[]  w      = CreateGaussianBlurRow(r);
                    int    wlen   = w.Length;
                    long[] waSums = new long[wlen];
                    long[] wcSums = new long[wlen];
                    long[] aSums  = new long[wlen];
                    long[] bSums  = new long[wlen];
                    long[] gSums  = new long[wlen];
                    long[] rSums  = new long[wlen];
                    for (int y = 0; y < applyRect.Height; ++y)
                        long waSum = 0;
                        long wcSum = 0;
                        long aSum  = 0;
                        long bSum  = 0;
                        long gSum  = 0;
                        long rSum  = 0;

                        for (int wx = 0; wx < wlen; ++wx)
                            int srcX = wx - r;
                            waSums[wx] = 0;
                            wcSums[wx] = 0;
                            aSums[wx]  = 0;
                            bSums[wx]  = 0;
                            gSums[wx]  = 0;
                            rSums[wx]  = 0;

                            if (srcX >= 0 && srcX < bbbDest.Width)
                                for (int wy = 0; wy < wlen; ++wy)
                                    int srcY = y + wy - r;

                                    if (srcY >= 0 && srcY < bbbDest.Height)
                                        int[] colors = bbbSrc.GetColorArrayAt(srcX, srcY);
                                        int   wp     = w[wy];

                                        waSums[wx] += wp;
                                        wp         *= colors[0] + (colors[0] >> 7);
                                        wcSums[wx] += wp;
                                        wp        >>= 8;

                                        aSums[wx] += wp * colors[0];
                                        bSums[wx] += wp * colors[3];
                                        gSums[wx] += wp * colors[2];
                                        rSums[wx] += wp * colors[1];

                                int wwx = w[wx];
                                waSum += wwx * waSums[wx];
                                wcSum += wwx * wcSums[wx];
                                aSum  += wwx * aSums[wx];
                                bSum  += wwx * bSums[wx];
                                gSum  += wwx * gSums[wx];
                                rSum  += wwx * rSums[wx];

                        wcSum >>= 8;

                        if (waSum == 0 || wcSum == 0)
                            SetColorAt(bbbDest, 0, y, new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 });
                            int alpha = (int)(aSum / waSum);
                            int blue  = (int)(bSum / wcSum);
                            int green = (int)(gSum / wcSum);
                            int red   = (int)(rSum / wcSum);

                            SetColorAt(bbbDest, 0, y, new int[] { alpha, red, green, blue });

                        for (int x = 1; x < applyRect.Width; ++x)
                            for (int i = 0; i < wlen - 1; ++i)
                                waSums[i] = waSums[i + 1];
                                wcSums[i] = wcSums[i + 1];
                                aSums[i]  = aSums[i + 1];
                                bSums[i]  = bSums[i + 1];
                                gSums[i]  = gSums[i + 1];
                                rSums[i]  = rSums[i + 1];

                            waSum = 0;
                            wcSum = 0;
                            aSum  = 0;
                            bSum  = 0;
                            gSum  = 0;
                            rSum  = 0;

                            int wx;
                            for (wx = 0; wx < wlen - 1; ++wx)
                                long wwx = (long)w[wx];
                                waSum += wwx * waSums[wx];
                                wcSum += wwx * wcSums[wx];
                                aSum  += wwx * aSums[wx];
                                bSum  += wwx * bSums[wx];
                                gSum  += wwx * gSums[wx];
                                rSum  += wwx * rSums[wx];

                            wx = wlen - 1;

                            waSums[wx] = 0;
                            wcSums[wx] = 0;
                            aSums[wx]  = 0;
                            bSums[wx]  = 0;
                            gSums[wx]  = 0;
                            rSums[wx]  = 0;

                            int srcX = x + wx - r;

                            if (srcX >= 0 && srcX < applyRect.Width)
                                for (int wy = 0; wy < wlen; ++wy)
                                    int srcY = y + wy - r;
                                    // only when in EDIT mode, ignore some pixels depending on preview quality
                                    if ((renderMode == RenderMode.EXPORT || rand.NextDouble() < previewQuality) && srcY >= 0 && srcY < applyRect.Height)
                                        int[] colors = bbbSrc.GetColorArrayAt(srcX, srcY);
                                        int   wp     = w[wy];

                                        waSums[wx] += wp;
                                        wp         *= colors[0] + (colors[0] >> 7);
                                        wcSums[wx] += wp;
                                        wp        >>= 8;

                                        aSums[wx] += wp * (long)colors[0];
                                        bSums[wx] += wp * (long)colors[3];
                                        gSums[wx] += wp * (long)colors[2];
                                        rSums[wx] += wp * (long)colors[1];

                                int wr = w[wx];
                                waSum += (long)wr * waSums[wx];
                                wcSum += (long)wr * wcSums[wx];
                                aSum  += (long)wr * aSums[wx];
                                bSum  += (long)wr * bSums[wx];
                                gSum  += (long)wr * gSums[wx];
                                rSum  += (long)wr * rSums[wx];

                            wcSum >>= 8;

                            if (waSum == 0 || wcSum == 0)
                                SetColorAt(bbbDest, x, y, new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 });
                                int alpha = (int)(aSum / waSum);
                                int blue  = (int)(bSum / wcSum);
                                int green = (int)(gSum / wcSum);
                                int red   = (int)(rSum / wcSum);

                                SetColorAt(bbbDest, x, y, new int[] { alpha, red, green, blue });
                bbbDest.DrawTo(graphics, applyRect.Location);