Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare currencier for retrieving rates from all possible sources.
        /// </summary>
        static void EnsureImportingMeansSetup()
            if (fastWeb != null)

            fastWeb = new FastWeb2("https://www.google.com/")
                WebAccessRetries = 0

            rateParser = new BitParser()
                SelectMethod = SelectMethod.XPath,
                DetailType   = SelectDetailType.Property,
                SelectQuery  = "//*[contains(text(),' United States Dollar')]",
                Detail       = "InnerText",
                PostProcess  = new[]
                    new Mold(MoldType.Before, " United States Dollar"),
                    new Mold(MoldType.Substr, (-5).ToString()),
                    new Mold(MoldType.OnlyFloatChars),
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads MatrixData from swf into a byte-array
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Since were only interested in bytecode actions, theres no need to parse this data.
        /// </remarks>
        protected byte[] ReadMatrixData()
            byte[]   b  = br.ReadBytes(27);          // max. byte size of matrix record
            BitArray ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(b);

            int bitcount = 1;
            int Nbits;

            if (ba[bitcount - 1])
                Nbits     = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, bitcount, 5);
                bitcount += 5 + Nbits * 2;
            bitcount += 1;
            if (ba[bitcount - 1])
                Nbits     = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, bitcount, 5);
                bitcount += 5 + Nbits * 2;
            Nbits     = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, bitcount, 5);
            bitcount += 5 + Nbits * 2;
            int bytecount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)bitcount / 8.0));

            byte[] matrix = new byte[bytecount];
            for (int i = 0; i < bytecount; i++)
                matrix[i] = b[i];
            br.BaseStream.Position -= b.Length - bytecount;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="Pix15"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytes">Bytes.</param>
        public Pix15(byte[] bytes)
            BitArray ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(bytes);

            this.red   = (byte)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 1, 5);
            this.green = (byte)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 6, 5);
            this.blue  = (byte)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 11, 5);
        private void ParseAttributes(BaseTag tag)
            BitArray ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(tag.Data);

            FileAttributes.UseDirectBlit = (bool)ba[16 + 1];
            FileAttributes.UseGPU        = (bool)ba[16 + 2];
            FileAttributes.HasMetaData   = (bool)ba[16 + 3];
            FileAttributes.Actionscript3 = (bool)ba[16 + 4];
            FileAttributes.UseNetwork    = (bool)ba[16 + 7];
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the data from the binary reader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="binaryReader">Binary reader.</param>
        public override void ReadData(BufferedBinaryReader binaryReader)
            byte[]   b  = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4);
            BitArray ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(b);

            blockWidth  = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 0, 4);
            imageWidth  = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 4, 12);
            blockHeight = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 16, 4);
            imageHeight = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 20, 12);

            int   nbWBlock    = 0;
            int   nbBlockWInt = imageWidth / blockWidth;
            float nbBlockWDec = imageWidth / blockWidth;

            if (nbBlockWInt == nbBlockWDec)
                nbWBlock = nbBlockWInt;
                nbWBlock = nbBlockWInt + 1;

            int   nbHBlock    = 0;
            int   nbBlockHInt = imageHeight / blockHeight;
            float nbBlockHDec = imageHeight / blockHeight;

            if (nbBlockHInt == nbBlockHDec)
                nbHBlock = nbBlockHInt;
                nbHBlock = nbBlockHInt + 1;

            int nbBlock = nbWBlock * nbHBlock;

            if (nbBlock > 0)
                blocks = new ImageBlock[nbBlock];

                for (int i = 0; i < nbBlock; i++)
                    blocks[i] = new ImageBlock();
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the data from a binary reader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="binaryReader">Binary reader.</param>
        public void ReadData(BufferedBinaryReader binaryReader)
            byte[]   b  = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2);
            BitArray ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(b);

            dataSize = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 0, 16);

            data = null;
            if (dataSize != 0)
                data = new byte[dataSize];
                for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++)
                    data[i] = binaryReader.ReadByte();
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads RectData from swf into a byte-array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Since were only interested in bytecode actions, theres no need to parse this data.
        /// </remarks>
        protected byte[] ReadRectData()
            byte[]   b  = br.ReadBytes(17);          // max. byte size of rect record
            BitArray ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(b);

            int Nbits     = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 5);
            int bitcount  = 5 + Nbits * 4;
            int bytecount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)bitcount / 8.0));

            byte[] rect = new byte[bytecount];
            for (int i = 0; i < bytecount; i++)
                rect[i] = b[i];
            br.BaseStream.Position -= b.Length - bytecount;

        private Rectangle GetSwfRect(byte[] bytes)
            BitArray ba    = BitParser.GetBitValues(bytes);
            int      Nbits = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 5);
            int      index = 5;
            int      xmin  = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, index, Nbits) / 20;

            index += Nbits;
            int xmax = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, index, Nbits) / 20;

            index += Nbits;
            int ymin = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, index, Nbits) / 20;

            index += Nbits;
            int ymax = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, index, Nbits) / 20;

            return(new Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax));
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads RectData from swf into a byte-array
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Since were only interested in bytecode actions, theres no need to parse this data.
        /// </remarks>
        protected byte[] ReadCXFormWithAlphaData()
            byte[]   b  = br.ReadBytes(17);          // max. byte size of transform record
            BitArray ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(b);

            bool hasAdd  = ba[0];
            bool hasMult = ba[1];

            int Nbits    = (int)BitParser.ReadUInt32(ba, 2, 4);
            int bitcount = 6 + (hasAdd ? Nbits * 4 : 0) + (hasMult ? Nbits * 4 : 0);

            int bytecount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)bitcount / 8.0));

            byte[] cfa = new byte[bytecount];
            for (int i = 0; i < bytecount; i++)
                cfa[i] = b[i];
            br.BaseStream.Position -= b.Length - bytecount;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="binaryReader">Binary reader.</param>
        /// <param name="firstByte">First byte.</param>
        /// <param name="buttonType">Button type.</param>
        public void ReadData(BufferedBinaryReader binaryReader,
                             byte firstByte, TagCodeEnum buttonType)
            BitArray ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(new byte[1] {

            buttonStateHitTest = ba.Get(4);
            buttonStateDown    = ba.Get(5);
            buttonStateOver    = ba.Get(6);
            buttonStateUp      = ba.Get(7);

            characterId = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
            placeDepth  = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
            placeMatrix = new Matrix();
            colorTransform = null;

            if (buttonType == TagCodeEnum.DefineButton2)
                colorTransform = new CXFormWithAlphaData();
        *                               Read SWF Tags

        /// <summary>
        /// Read and parse PlaceObject2Tag, leave non-bytecode data as raw byte-array
        /// </summary>
        protected PlaceObject2Tag ReadPlaceObject2Tag()

            // get flags
            byte     byte0 = br.ReadByte();
            BitArray flags = new BitArray(new byte[1] {


            byte[] depth = br.ReadBytes(2);
            byte[] chId;
            byte[] matrix;
            byte[] ctf;
            byte[] ratio;
            byte[] name;
            byte[] clpd;

            bool hasActions;             // even if length is 0

            byte[] actionHead;

            // contains byte code data
            ClipActionRec[] clipActions;

            // read data, depending on flag settings
            if (flags[6])
                chId = br.ReadBytes(2);
                chId = new byte[0];

            if (flags[5])
                matrix = ReadMatrixData();
                matrix = new byte[0];

            if (flags[4])
                ctf = ReadCXFormWithAlphaData();
                ctf = new byte[0];

            if (flags[3])
                ratio = br.ReadBytes(2);
                ratio = new byte[0];

            if (flags[2])
                // save stream position
                long startStream = br.BaseStream.Position;

                // read characters
                byte ch;
                    ch = br.ReadByte();
                } while (ch != 0);

                // block length
                int len = Convert.ToInt32(br.BaseStream.Position - startStream);

                // reset stream position
                br.BaseStream.Position = startStream;
                // read name
                name = br.ReadBytes(len);
                name = new byte[0];

            // clip id
            if (flags[1])
                clpd = br.ReadBytes(2);
                clpd = new byte[0];

            hasActions = flags[0];

            // get bytecode actions
            if (hasActions)
                // different behaviour for Flash 6+
                actionHead = (version >= 6) ? br.ReadBytes(6) : br.ReadBytes(4);

                // read clip action records to list
                ArrayList clpAc = new ArrayList();

                ClipActionRec a;
                    a = ReadClipActionRec();
                    if (a != null)
                } while (a != null);

                // copy list to array
                clipActions = new ClipActionRec[clpAc.Count];
                clpAc.CopyTo(clipActions, 0);
                // no actions -> null

            // tag-header (non-bytecode data before clipActionRec in tag) size varies with flags
            int size = 3                  // flags
                       + chId.Length
                       + matrix.Length
                       + ctf.Length
                       + ratio.Length
                       + name.Length
                       + clpd.Length
                       + actionHead.Length;

            byte[] header = new byte[size];
            int    pos    = 1;

            // copy all data to our tag-header array
            header[0] = byte0;
            depth.CopyTo(header, 1);         pos += depth.Length;
            chId.CopyTo(header, pos);        pos += chId.Length;
            matrix.CopyTo(header, pos);      pos += matrix.Length;
            ctf.CopyTo(header, pos);         pos += ctf.Length;
            ratio.CopyTo(header, pos);       pos += ratio.Length;
            name.CopyTo(header, pos);        pos += name.Length;
            clpd.CopyTo(header, pos);        pos += clpd.Length;
            actionHead.CopyTo(header, pos);

            // return tag
            return(new PlaceObject2Tag(header, clipActions));
        /// <summary>
        /// see <see cref="SwfDotNet.IO.Tags.BaseTag">base class</see>
        /// </summary>
        public override void ReadData(byte version, BufferedBinaryReader binaryReader)
            RecordHeader rh = new RecordHeader();


            characterId = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
            rect        = new Rect();

            BitArray ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(new byte[1] {

            bool hasText = ba.Get(0);         //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();

            wordWrap  = ba.Get(1);            //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            multiline = ba.Get(2);            //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            password  = ba.Get(3);            //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            readOnly  = ba.Get(4);            //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            bool hasTextColor = ba.Get(5);    //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            bool hasMaxLength = ba.Get(6);    //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            bool hasFont      = ba.Get(7);    //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();


            ba = BitParser.GetBitValues(new byte[1] {
            //binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); //Reserved
            autoSize = ba.Get(1);         //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            bool hasLayout = ba.Get(2);   //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();

            noSelect = ba.Get(3);         //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            border   = ba.Get(4);         //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            //binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); //Reserved
            html         = ba.Get(6);     //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();
            usedOutlines = ba.Get(7);     //binaryReader.ReadBoolean();

            if (hasFont)
                fontId     = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
                fontHeight = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();

            if (hasTextColor)
                textColor = new RGBA();

            if (hasMaxLength)
                maxLenght = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();

            if (hasLayout)
                align       = binaryReader.ReadByte();
                leftMargin  = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
                rightMargin = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
                indent      = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
                leading     = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();

            variableName = binaryReader.ReadString();
            if (hasText)
                initialText = binaryReader.ReadString();
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Next report. Or null if there is none.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GLPBase NextReport()
            GLPBase iBase = null;

            bool sendAck = false;

            if (m_bHeaderFound == false && m_cirBuf.UsedLength >= 14)
                // Looking for header.
                byte[] arrPackets = m_cirBuf.Peek(0, 14);

                m_arrDeviceID = new byte[8];
                // Device ID
                Array.Copy(arrPackets, m_arrDeviceID, 8);
                // Packet type
                m_iPacketType = arrPackets[8];
                // Packet count
                m_iPacketCount = arrPackets[9];
                // Firmware version
                BitParser bp = new BitParser(2, true, false);
                bp.WriteData(arrPackets, 10, 2);
                int build = bp.ReadIntX(6);
                int major = bp.ReadIntX(7);
                int minor = bp.ReadIntX(3);
                m_FirmwareVersion = minor + "." + major + "." + build;

                ushort ackAndLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(arrPackets, 12);

                if ((ackAndLength & 0x8000) > 0)
                    sendAck = true;
                    sendAck = false;

                m_iPacketLength = ackAndLength & (ushort)0x7FFF;

                if (m_cirBuf.UsedLength >= m_iPacketLength)
                    byte[] CRC    = new byte[2];
                    byte[] packet = m_cirBuf.Peek(0, m_iPacketLength);

                    GetCRC(packet, ref CRC);

                    if (CRC[0] == packet[packet.Length - 2] && CRC[1] == packet[packet.Length - 1])
                        m_bHeaderFound      = true;
                        m_iPacketsProcessed = 0;
                        m_bHeaderFound = false;

            if (m_bHeaderFound)
                byte[] arrPackets = m_cirBuf.Peek(0, m_cirBuf.UsedLength);
                if (m_iPacketType == 0)
                    iBase = new GLPLogin(m_arrDeviceID, arrPackets);
                    //iBase.AddStatus("FirmwareVersion", m_FirmwareVersion);
                    iBase.loginPacket = true;
                    iBase.sendAck     = sendAck;

                if (m_iPacketType == 1)
                    iBase = new GLPReport(m_arrDeviceID, arrPackets);
                    iBase.AddStatus("FirmwareVersion", m_FirmwareVersion);

                    // Forward to next packet start.
                    m_cirBuf.Seek(iBase != null ? iBase.Length : 0);
                    iBase.sendAck = sendAck;

                if (m_iPacketType == 0x20)
                    iBase = new GLPTerminal(m_arrDeviceID, arrPackets);
                    m_cirBuf.Seek(iBase != null ? iBase.Length : 0);
                    iBase.sendAck = sendAck;

                if (m_iPacketType == 0x30)
                    iBase = new GLPBinaryPictureData(m_arrDeviceID, arrPackets);
                    m_cirBuf.Seek(iBase != null ? iBase.Length : 0);
                    iBase.sendAck = sendAck;

                if (m_iPacketType >= 0xF0 && m_iPacketType <= 0xFF)
                    iBase = new GLPLogin(m_arrDeviceID, arrPackets);
                    m_cirBuf.Seek(m_iPacketLength - 14); //bo nie wiemy jaka jest dlugosc
                    m_bHeaderFound    = false;
                    iBase.loginPacket = true;
                    iBase.sendAck     = sendAck;

                if (m_iPacketsProcessed >= m_iPacketCount || iBase.parseError)
                    // Forward to next packet start (jump CRC).
                    if (iBase.parseError)

                    m_bHeaderFound = false;
