Example #1
        public unsafe override int GetHashCode()
            int length = _value.Length;
            int hash   = length;

            fixed(byte *ap = _value)
                byte *a = ap;

                while (length >= 4)
                    hash = (hash + BitOps.RotateLeft(hash, 5)) ^ *(int *)a;
                    a   += 4; length -= 4;
                if (length >= 2)
                    hash = (hash + BitOps.RotateLeft(hash, 5)) ^ *(short *)a;
                    a   += 2; length -= 2;
                if (length > 0)
                    hash = (hash + BitOps.RotateLeft(hash, 5)) ^ *a;
                hash += BitOps.RotateLeft(hash, 7);
                hash += BitOps.RotateLeft(hash, 15);
Example #2
        private static void ConvertRowsAndColumns7To8(byte[] Data, byte[] Result, ref int tPos, ref int rPos, bool IsArea)
            int RowAndFlags  = BitOps.GetWord(Data, tPos);
            int RowAndFlags2 = 0;

            BitOps.SetWord(Result, rPos, RowAndFlags & 0x3FFF);
            rPos += 2; tPos += 2;
            if (IsArea)
                RowAndFlags2 = BitOps.GetWord(Data, tPos);
                BitOps.SetWord(Result, rPos, RowAndFlags2 & 0x3FFF);
                rPos += 2; tPos += 2;

            Result[rPos] = Data[tPos];
            rPos++; tPos++;
            Result[rPos] = (byte)((RowAndFlags >> 8) & (~0x3F));
            if (IsArea)
                Result[rPos] = Data[tPos];
                rPos++; tPos++;
                Result[rPos] = (byte)((RowAndFlags2 >> 8) & (~0x3F));
Example #3
            public int ToHashCode()
                int hash1 = _hash1 + BitOps.RotateLeft(_hash1, 8);
                int hash2 = _hash2 + BitOps.RotateLeft(_hash2, 8);

                return(hash1 ^ hash2);
Example #4
        private byte[] GetXFData(byte[] Data)
            byte[] Result = new byte[20];
            Array.Copy(Data, 0, Result, 0, 2);  //Font Index

            int PxlOffset = PxlVersion == TPxlVersion.v10 ? 2 : 0;
            int Findex    = BitOps.GetWord(Data, 2 + PxlOffset);

            // if (Findex > 230 && Findex < 0xFFF0) Findex -= 230;  Index < 230 are internal
            BitOps.SetWord(Result, 2, Findex);//Format Index. This is not valid Biff8 Format index, but it will be fixed at MergeFromPxlXF

            Result[4] = 1;

            Result[9] = 0xFC;

            byte VAlign = (byte)((((Data[10 + PxlOffset] >> 4) & 0x3) - 1) & 0x3);

            Result[6] = (byte)((Data[10 + PxlOffset] & 0xF) | (VAlign << 4)); //Text Attributes. Vertical Align is -1

            if (Data[14] != 0xFF)
                Result[17] = ((int)TFlxPatternStyle.Solid) << 1;
                Result[18] = (byte)(GetColor(Data[14]) | 0x80); //background color | 1 bit fgcolor
                Result[18] = 0xC0;

            Result[19] = 0x20;                 //Pattern fore color, not used on pxl.

            if (PxlVersion != TPxlVersion.v20) //border color
                BitOps.SetWord(Result, 14, (0x40 << 7) | (0x40));
                BitOps.SetWord(Result, 12, (0x40 << 7) | (0x40));
                BitOps.SetWord(Result, 14, (GetColor(Data[18]) << 7) | (GetColor(Data[16])));
                BitOps.SetWord(Result, 12, (GetColor(Data[19]) << 7) | (GetColor(Data[17])));

            if ((Data[11 + PxlOffset] & 0x2) != 0)
                Result[10] = 1;                                    //Has left border
            if ((Data[11 + PxlOffset] & 0x8) != 0)
                Result[10] |= (1 << 4);                                    //Has right border
            if ((Data[11 + PxlOffset] & 0x1) != 0)
                Result[11] |= 1;                                    //Has top border
            if ((Data[11 + PxlOffset] & 0x4) != 0)
                Result[11] |= (1 << 4);                                    //Has bottom border
Example #5
        internal bool CheckHeader()
            BofData = new byte[5];

            if (DataStream.Length - DataStream.Position < BofData.Length)
            ShRead(DataStream, BofData, 0, BofData.Length);
            if (BofData[0] != (int)pxl.BOF)
            int VersionNumber = BitOps.GetWord(BofData, 1);

            if (VersionNumber != 0x0009 && VersionNumber != 0x010F && VersionNumber != 0x010E)
            int StreamType = BitOps.GetWord(BofData, 3);

            if (StreamType != 0x005)

Example #6
        private static bool Convert3D8To7(TReferences References, byte Token, byte[] Data, byte[] ResultData, ref int tPos, ref int rPos)
            BitOps.SetWord(ResultData, rPos, 0xFFFF);
            rPos += 2;

            Array.Clear(ResultData, rPos, 8); //reserved.
            rPos += 8;

            int  Sheet1, Sheet2;
            bool HasExternal; string ExternBookName;

            References.GetSheetsFromExternSheet(BitOps.GetWord(Data, tPos), out Sheet1, out Sheet2, out HasExternal, out ExternBookName);
            tPos += 2;

            if (Sheet1 > FlxConsts.Max_PxlSheets || Sheet2 > FlxConsts.Max_PxlSheets)
            if (HasExternal)
            BitOps.SetWord(ResultData, rPos, Sheet1);
            rPos += 2;
            BitOps.SetWord(ResultData, rPos, Sheet2);
            rPos += 2;

Example #7
        public static unsafe int ComputeASCIINameHashCode(byte *data, int length, out bool isAscii)
            int hash1     = 0x6DA3B944;
            int hash2     = 0;
            int asciiMask = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2)
                int b1 = data[i];
                asciiMask |= b1;
                hash1      = (hash1 + BitOps.RotateLeft(hash1, 5)) ^ b1;
                if ((i + 1) < length)
                    int b2 = data[i];
                    asciiMask |= b2;
                    hash2      = (hash2 + BitOps.RotateLeft(hash2, 5)) ^ b2;

            hash1 += BitOps.RotateLeft(hash1, 8);
            hash2 += BitOps.RotateLeft(hash2, 8);

            isAscii = (asciiMask & 0x80) == 0;

            return(hash1 ^ hash2);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// CoreCLR <a href="https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/030e0af89bb897554acef575075c69aaf5176268/src/vm/typehashingalgorithms.h#L15">ComputeNameHashCode</a>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name string to hash</param>
        public static int NameHashCode(string name)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

            int hash1 = 0x6DA3B944;
            int hash2 = 0;

            // DIFFERENT FROM CORERT: We hash UTF-8 bytes here, while CoreRT hashes UTF-16 characters.
            byte[] src = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name);
            for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; i += 2)
                hash1 = unchecked (hash1 + BitOps.RotateLeft(hash1, 5)) ^ src[i];
                if (i + 1 < src.Length)
                    hash2 = unchecked (hash2 + BitOps.RotateLeft(hash2, 5)) ^ src[i + 1];

            hash1 = unchecked (hash1 + BitOps.RotateLeft(hash1, 8));
            hash2 = unchecked (hash2 + BitOps.RotateLeft(hash2, 8));

            return(unchecked ((int)(hash1 ^ hash2)));
Example #9
            public void Append(string src)
                if (src.Length == 0)

                int startIndex = 0;

                if ((_numCharactersHashed & 1) == 1)
                    _hash2     = (_hash2 + BitOps.RotateLeft(_hash2, 5)) ^ src[0];
                    startIndex = 1;

                for (int i = startIndex; i < src.Length; i += 2)
                    _hash1 = (_hash1 + BitOps.RotateLeft(_hash1, 5)) ^ src[i];
                    if ((i + 1) < src.Length)
                        _hash2 = (_hash2 + BitOps.RotateLeft(_hash2, 5)) ^ src[i + 1];

                _numCharactersHashed += src.Length;
Example #10
 public void BitsRequiredTest()
     for (uint i = 0; i < 1200; i++)
         var req = BitOps.RequiredBits(i);
         Assert.Greater(1 << req, i, "i: " + i);
Example #11
 private static bool IsFile(byte[] Data, int Flags, int pos)
     if ((Flags & 0x01) == 0x01 && (Flags & 0x100) == 0)
         return(BitOps.CompareMem(FILEGUID, Data, pos));
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Releases one or more particles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentTime">The current time.</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The number of particles to release.</param>
        void ReleaseParticles(TickCount currentTime, int amount)
            // Find how many we can actually release
            var lastIndex = Math.Min(Budget - 1, _lastAliveIndex + amount);

            // Ensure our particles array is large enough to fit the new particles.
            // When we resize the array, we use the "next power of two" sizing concept to reduce the
            // memory fragmentation (.NET internally does the same with most collections). To speed things up,
            // we just find the next power of two instead of looping until we have a large enough value.
            if (_particles.Length - 1 < lastIndex)
                var newSize = BitOps.NextPowerOf2(lastIndex + 1);
                             "If this assert fails, something is probably wrong with BitOps.NextPowerOf2() or BitOps.IsPowerOf2().");
                Debug.Assert(newSize >= lastIndex + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref _particles, newSize);

            // Start releasing the particles
            var hasReleaseModifiers = ParticleModifiers.HasReleaseModifiers;

            for (var i = _lastAliveIndex + 1; i <= lastIndex; i++)
                var particle = _particles[i];
                if (particle == null)
                    particle      = Particle.Create();
                    _particles[i] = particle;

                // Set up the particle
                particle.Momentum  = Vector2.Zero;
                particle.LifeStart = currentTime;
                particle.LifeEnd   = (TickCount)(currentTime + ParticleLife.GetNext());
                particle.Rotation  = ReleaseRotation.GetNext();
                particle.Scale     = ReleaseScale.GetNext();
                ReleaseColor.GetNext(ref particle.Color);

                // Get the offset and force
                Vector2 offset;
                Vector2 force;
                GenerateParticleOffsetAndForce(particle, out offset, out force);

                // Set the position
                Vector2.Add(ref _origin, ref offset, out particle.Position);

                // Set the velocity
                Vector2.Multiply(ref force, ReleaseSpeed.GetNext(), out particle.Velocity);

                if (hasReleaseModifiers)
                    ParticleModifiers.ProcessReleasedParticle(this, particle);

            // Increase the index of the last active particle
            _lastAliveIndex = lastIndex;
Example #13
        internal TNoteRecord(int aId, byte[] aData) : base(aId, BitOps.GetWord(aData, 2))
            OptionFlags = BitConverter.ToUInt16(aData, 4);
            ObjId       = BitConverter.ToUInt16(aData, 6);

            long aSize = 0;

            StrOps.GetSimpleString(true, aData, 8, false, 0, ref Author, ref aSize);
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// CoreCLR <a href="https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/030e0af89bb897554acef575075c69aaf5176268/src/vm/typehashingalgorithms.h#L88">ComputeGenericInstanceHashCode</a>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hashcode">Base hash code</param>
 /// <param name="instantiation">Instantiation to include in the hash</param>
 private static int GenericInstanceHashCode(int hashcode, Instantiation instantiation)
     for (int i = 0; i < instantiation.Length; i++)
         int argumentHashCode = TypeHashCode(instantiation[i]);
         hashcode = unchecked (hashcode + BitOps.RotateLeft(hashcode, 13)) ^ argumentHashCode;
     return(unchecked (hashcode + BitOps.RotateLeft(hashcode, 15)));
Example #15
        private static byte[] ReadStandardSalt(byte[] VerifierBytes)
            int SaltSize = (int)BitOps.GetCardinal(VerifierBytes, 0);

            byte[] Salt = new byte[SaltSize];
            Array.Copy(VerifierBytes, 4, Salt, 0, Salt.Length);

Example #16
        private static const long[] AntiDiagonalMasks8 = new long[] { 0x80L, 0x8040L, 0x804020L, 0x80402010L, 0x8040201008L, 0x804020100804L, 0x80402010080402L, unchecked ((long)0x8040201008040201L), 0x4020100804020100L, 0x2010080402010000L, 0x1008040201000000L, 0x804020100000000L, 0x402010000000000L, 0x201000000000000L, 0x100000000000000L }; //from top right to bottom left

        private static long HAndVMoves(int s)
            //REMINDER: requires OCCUPIED to be up to date
            long binaryS = 1L << s;
            long possibilitiesHorizontal = (OCCUPIED - 2 * binaryS) ^ BitOps.Reverse(BitOps.Reverse(OCCUPIED) - 2 * BitOps.Reverse(binaryS));
            long possibilitiesVertical   = ((OCCUPIED & FileMasks8[s % 8]) - (2 * binaryS)) ^ BitOps.Reverse(BitOps.Reverse(OCCUPIED & FileMasks8[s % 8]) - (2 * BitOps.Reverse(binaryS)));

            return((possibilitiesHorizontal & RankMasks8[s / 8]) | (possibilitiesVertical & FileMasks8[s % 8]));
Example #17
 private TScreenTipRecord(int aId, byte[] aData)
     : this(aId)
     FirstRow = BitOps.GetWord(aData, 2);
     LastRow  = BitOps.GetWord(aData, 4);
     FirstCol = BitOps.GetWord(aData, 6);
     LastCol  = BitOps.GetWord(aData, 8);
     FText    = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(aData, 10, aData.Length - 10 - 2);
Example #18
        private static byte[] ConvertToBiff8(TExternSheetList ExternSheetList, byte Token, byte[] Data, ref int tPos)
            byte[] Result;
            int    rPos = 0;

            switch (TBaseParsedToken.CalcBaseToken((ptg)Token))
            case ptg.Name:
                Result = new byte[4];      //Wrong on Excel docs!
                BitOps.SetWord(Result, 0, BitOps.GetWord(Data, tPos));
                tPos += 14;

            case ptg.NameX:
                Result = new byte[6];     //This is actually 6
                BitOps.SetWord(Result, 2, BitOps.GetWord(Data, tPos + 10));
                tPos += 24;

            case ptg.Ref:
            case ptg.RefN:
                Result = new byte[4];
                ConvertRowsAndColumns7To8(Data, Result, ref tPos, ref rPos, false);

            case ptg.Area:
            case ptg.AreaN:
                Result = new byte[8];
                ConvertRowsAndColumns7To8(Data, Result, ref tPos, ref rPos, true);

            case ptg.RefErr:
                tPos += 3;
                return(new byte[4]);

            case ptg.AreaErr:
                tPos += 6;
                return(new byte[8]);

            case ptg.Ref3d:
            case ptg.Ref3dErr:
                Result = new byte[6];
                Convert3D7To8(ExternSheetList, Token, Data, Result, ref tPos, ref rPos);
                ConvertRowsAndColumns7To8(Data, Result, ref tPos, ref rPos, false);

            case ptg.Area3d:
            case ptg.Area3dErr:
                Result = new byte[10];
                Convert3D7To8(ExternSheetList, Token, Data, Result, ref tPos, ref rPos);
                ConvertRowsAndColumns7To8(Data, Result, ref tPos, ref rPos, true);

            XlsMessages.ThrowException(XlsErr.ErrBadToken, Token);
            return(null);  //just to compile.
Example #19
        internal void WriteHeader(TOle2File OleFile)
            OleFile.WriteRaw(PropHeader, PropHeader.Length);
            int SectCount = (int)BitOps.GetCardinal(PropHeader, 24);

            for (int i = 0; i < SectCount; i++)
                OleFile.WriteRaw(FmtSection[i], FmtSection[i].Length);
Example #20
        private static int ViaSpan(uint value)
            int log10 = Unsafe.AddByteOffset(
                ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(s_Log10Ceiling32),

            int diff = (int)((value - s_Pow10Ceiling32[log10]) >> 31);

            return((int)(log10 - diff));
Example #21
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImmutableHashMap&lt;TKey, TValue&gt;.HashBucket"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="hashRoll">The hash roll.</param>
            /// <param name="used">The used.</param>
            /// <param name="buckets">The buckets.</param>
            /// <param name="count">The count.</param>
            private HashBucket(int hashRoll, uint used, Bucket[] buckets, int count)
                Debug.Assert(buckets != null);
                Debug.Assert(buckets.Length == (int)BitOps.PopCount(used));

                _hashRoll = hashRoll & 31;
                _used     = used;
                _buckets  = buckets;
                _count    = count;
Example #22
        private static int[] GetOptChoose(byte[] RPN, int start, int endpos)
            int[] Result = new int[BitOps.GetWord(RPN, start) + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < Result.Length; i++)
                Result[i] = endpos + BitOps.GetWord(RPN, start + 2 * (i + 1));

Example #23
        public override bool Equals(object o)
            TExcelString x = o as TExcelString;

            if (x == null)
            return((x.OptionFlags == OptionFlags) && (x.Data == Data) && (BitOps.CompareMem(x.RichTextFormats, RichTextFormats)) && (BitOps.CompareMem(x.FarEastData, x.FarEastData)));
Example #24
        public static void BitOps_RotateRight_ulong()
            ulong value = 0b01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101ul;

            Assert.Equal(0b10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010ul, BitOps.RotateRight(value, 1));
            Assert.Equal(0b01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101ul, BitOps.RotateRight(value, 2));
            Assert.Equal(0b10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010ul, BitOps.RotateRight(value, 3));
            Assert.Equal(value, BitOps.RotateRight(value, int.MinValue));                        // % 64 = 0
            Assert.Equal(BitOps.RotateLeft(value, 63), BitOps.RotateRight(value, int.MaxValue)); // % 64 = 63
Example #25
 internal TPaneRecord(int aId, byte[] aData)
     : base()
     Id              = aId;
     ColSplit        = BitOps.GetWord(aData, 0);
     RowSplit        = BitOps.GetWord(aData, 2);
     FirstVisibleRow = BitOps.GetWord(aData, 4);
     FirstVisibleCol = BitOps.GetWord(aData, 6);
     ActivePane      = BitOps.GetWord(aData, 8);
Example #26
 internal static TPaletteRecord CreateStandard()
     byte[] aData = new byte[2 + XlsConsts.HighColorPaletteRange * 4];
     BitOps.SetWord(aData, 0, XlsConsts.HighColorPaletteRange);
     for (int i = XlsConsts.LowColorPaletteRange - 1; i < XlsConsts.HighColorPaletteRange; i++)
         BitOps.SetCardinal(aData, 2 + i * 4, StandardPaletteData[i]);
     return(new TPaletteRecord((int)xlr.PALETTE, aData));
Example #27
    public void BenchBitOps()
        BitOps t = new BitOps();

        t.adjust = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < BitOpsIterations; i++)
Example #28
        public static int ComputeGenericInstanceHashCode <ARG>(int genericDefinitionHashCode, ARG[] genericTypeArguments)
            int hashcode = genericDefinitionHashCode;

            for (int i = 0; i < genericTypeArguments.Length; i++)
                int argumentHashCode = genericTypeArguments[i].GetHashCode();
                hashcode = (hashcode + BitOps.RotateLeft(hashcode, 13)) ^ argumentHashCode;
            return(hashcode + BitOps.RotateLeft(hashcode, 15));
Example #29
        internal override byte[] GetFilePassRecord()
            byte[] Result = new byte[GetFilePassRecordLen()];
            BitOps.SetWord(Result, 0, (UInt16)(xlr.FILEPASS));
            BitOps.SetWord(Result, 2, GetFilePassRecordLen() - XlsConsts.SizeOfTRecordHeader);
            BitOps.SetWord(Result, 4, 0);
            BitOps.SetWord(Result, 6, FKey);
            BitOps.SetWord(Result, 8, FHash);

Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a heuristic guess for what might be a good starting size of the atlas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">The items that will be going into the atlas.</param>
        /// <param name="maxSize">The maximum size of the atlas in either dimension.</param>
        /// <returns>The starting size to use for the atlas.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="items"/> is null.</exception>
        static Point GetStartSize(IEnumerable <ITextureAtlasable> items, int maxSize)
            if (items == null)
                const string errmsg = "items is null.";
                if (log.IsFatalEnabled)
                throw new ArgumentException(errmsg, "items");

            var maxWidth  = 0;
            var maxHeight = 0;
            var totalSize = 0;

            // Add the area of every AtlasItem along with find the largest width
            foreach (var item in items)
                maxWidth   = Math.Max(maxWidth, item.SourceRect.Width + Padding * 2);
                maxHeight  = Math.Max(maxHeight, item.SourceRect.Height + Padding * 2);
                totalSize += item.SourceRect.Width * item.SourceRect.Height + Padding * 2;

            // Get the guessed size to use
            var guessedSize = (int)Math.Sqrt(totalSize);

            // Check that the maxSize is able to fit the textures
            if (maxWidth > maxSize || maxHeight > maxSize)
                const string errmsg = "One or more ITextureAtlases can not fit into the atlas with the given maximum texture size";
                throw new ArgumentException(errmsg, "items");

            // Use the higher of the two values and round to the next power of 2
            var width  = BitOps.NextPowerOf2(Math.Max(guessedSize, maxWidth));
            var height = BitOps.NextPowerOf2(Math.Max(guessedSize, maxHeight));

            // If possible, divide one of the sizes in half
            if (width / 2 > maxWidth)
                width /= 2;
            else if (height / 2 > maxHeight)
                height /= 2;

            // Finally, force below the maximum size
            width  = Math.Min(width, maxSize);
            height = Math.Min(height, maxSize);

            return(new Point(width, height));
Example #31
    public static void BenchBitOps()
        BitOps t = new BitOps();
        t.adjust = 0;

        foreach (var iteration in Benchmark.Iterations)
            using (iteration.StartMeasurement())
                for (int i = 0; i < BitOpsIterations; i++) 
Example #32
 public BitOps combine(BitOps y)
     return y.bitOpsWith(this);