Example #1
 protected virtual void OnInterpreterProcessedQuote(BitMexWebsocketQuote c)
     if (InterpreterProcessedQuote != null)
         InterpreterProcessedQuote(this, c);
Example #2
        //ProcessMessage is called every time a message is received from the Websocket, here the message is interpreted and directed to the correct function
        public void ProcessMessage(object source, string message)
            //The Websocket message contains an update regarding the QUOTE subscription
            //We get rid of the unnecessary part of the string and deserialise the remaining to obtain an object of BitMexWebsocketQuote type
            //We then pass the call another event to update the object through a Delegate
            //Note that the websocket message can contain several quotes at the same time so what we do is deserialize to a list and only keep the last
            //because the last is the most recent
            if (message.Contains("\"table\":\"quote\""))
                    string search = "\"data\":";
                    int    i      = message.IndexOf(search);
                    string json   = message.Substring(i + search.Length);
                    json = json.Remove(json.Length - 1);
                    BitMexWebsocketQuote quote = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <BitMexWebsocketQuote> >(json).Last();
                catch (Exception e)
                    ActivityLog.Error("WEBSOCKET INTERPRETER", e.Message);

            //We add this check so that we do not log API Keys in plain text in the log file
            if (message.Contains("error") && !message.Contains("authKey"))
                ActivityLog.Error("WEBSOCKET INTERPRETER", message);

            //We add this check so that we do not log API Keys in plain text in the log file
            if (message.Contains("error") && message.Contains("authKey"))
                ActivityLog.Error("WEBSOCKET INTERPRETER", "Authentication Failed, Please Check API Keys");
Example #3
 //When we try to connect to the websocket the objects are instantiated
 private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         if (btnConnect.Text == "Connect")
             if (cboWebsocketURL.SelectedIndex != 1 && cboWebsocketURL.SelectedIndex != 0)
             string apiKey    = "";
             string apiSecret = "";
             if (websocketClient == null || !websocketClient.GetIsConnected())
                 if (chkAuthenticate.Checked)
                     apiKey    = txtAPIKey.Text;
                     apiSecret = txtAPISecret.Text;
                 websocketClient      = new BitMexWebsocketClient(new Uri(cboWebsocketURL.Text), apiKey, apiSecret);
                 websocketInterpreter = new BitMexWebsocketInterpreter();
                 quote = new BitMexWebsocketQuote();
         if (btnConnect.Text == "Disconnect")
             websocketClient = null;
     catch (Exception ex)
         ActivityLog.Error("FORM", ex.Message);
Example #4
 //Update the values of the Textboxes when the object is updated
 //Note that quote also contains Symbol and Size of Bid and Ask however we are not using them in this example
 public void UpdateQuoteValues(object source, BitMexWebsocketQuote c)
     txtAsk.Text = quote.AskPrice.ToString();
     txtBid.Text = quote.BidPrice.ToString();