BitGroup GetFlagFromNode(XmlNode Bit) { if (Bit.Name != standard.BitNode) { return(null); } BitGroup flag = new BitGroup(); if (Bit.Attributes[standard.IndexAttr] == null) { return(null); } string[] indexes = Bit.Attributes[standard.IndexAttr].Value.Split(','); flag.bitRefs = CommonUtils.ParseStringArrayToIntArray(indexes); foreach (XmlNode Attribute in Bit.ChildNodes) { if (Attribute.Name == standard.DescriptionNode) { flag.description = Attribute.InnerText; } else if (Attribute.Name == standard.OptionNode) { try { flag.bitDescriptions.Add(int.Parse(Attribute.Attributes[standard.ValueNode].Value.ToString()), Attribute.InnerText); } catch { } } } flag.FillDescriptions(); return(flag); }
public void BitGroup_Set() { var start = new BitGroup(2, "10"); start.SetValue(1); Assert.That(start, Is.EqualTo(new BitGroup(2, "11"))); }
public PartiallyCompleteGroup(BitGroup bitValues) { this.maxLength = 31; this.blackBits = bitValues.Copy(); this.whiteBits = bitValues.Invert(); }
public void BitGroup_Invert_InvertsTheString() { var start = new BitGroup(2, "101"); var inverted = start.Invert(); Assert.That(inverted, Is.EqualTo(new BitGroup(2, "010"))); }
public void BitGroup_Invert() { var start = new BitGroup(2, "10"); var inverted = start.Invert(); var doubleInverted = inverted.Invert(); Assert.That(doubleInverted, Is.EqualTo(start)); }
public PartiallyCompleteGroup(int maxLength, string bitValues) { if (maxLength >= 31) { throw new ArgumentException("maxLength of BitSet cannot be larger than 31"); } this.maxLength = maxLength; this.blackBits = new BitGroup(maxLength, bitValues); this.whiteBits = new BitGroup(maxLength, bitValues.Replace("1", "_").Replace("0", "1")); }
public PartiallyCompleteGroup(int maxLength) { if (maxLength >= 31) { throw new ArgumentException("maxLength of BitSet cannot be larger than 31"); } this.maxLength = maxLength; this.blackBits = new BitGroup(maxLength); this.whiteBits = new BitGroup(maxLength); }
public Dictionary <string, FlagList> GetFlagLists(string filePath) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); try { xmlDoc.Load(filePath); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Dictionary <string, FlagList> list = new Dictionary <string, FlagList>(); if (xmlDoc.ChildNodes.Count == 0) { return(list); } foreach (XmlNode Flag in xmlDoc.SelectNodes(standard.FlagGroupNode)) { FlagList flagList = new FlagList(); try // this is needed for dynamic loader to work { = Flag.Attributes[standard.NameAttr].Value; } catch { return(list); } foreach (XmlNode Bit in Flag.ChildNodes) { BitGroup flag = GetFlagFromNode(Bit); if (flag == null) { continue; } flagList.flags.Add(flag.bitRefs[0], flag); } if (flagList.flags.Count > 0) { list.Add(, flagList); } } return(list); }
int GetFlagIntWithModifedFlagFromCell(DataGridViewCell cell, int i32, BitGroup flag) { int value; if (cell is DataGridViewComboBoxCell) { string optionName = cell.Value.ToString(); value = selectedFlagList.GetParsedFlagOptions(flag)[optionName]; return(flag.GetModifiedValue(i32, value)); } if (cell is DataGridViewTextBoxCell) { value = int.Parse(cell.Value.ToString()); return(flag.GetModifiedValue(i32, value)); } return(0); }
public void Dispose() { MarketWindowValue = null; _1ItemlistLabelValue = null; CloseButtonValue = null; BuyButtonValue = null; ItemlistGroupValue = null; ItemListValue = null; ItemGroupValue = null; ItemnameLabelValue = null; ItempriceLabelValue = null; ItemimagePictureValue = null; DescriptionGroupValue = null; DescriptionTextareaValue = null; DescriptionLabelValue = null; PriceLabelValue = null; NameLabelValue = null; }
void dataGridView_OnTextChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == (int)Column.CurrentOptionColumnIndex || e.ColumnIndex == (int)Column.ValueColumnIndex) { DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex]; int bitID; try { bitID = int.Parse(dataGridView.Rows[cell.RowIndex].Cells[(int)Column.IDColumnIndex].Value.ToString()); } catch { return; } BitGroup flag = selectedFlagList.flags[bitID]; if ((Column)e.ColumnIndex == Column.ValueColumnIndex) { try { cell.Value = CommonUtils.Clamp(int.Parse(cell.Value.ToString()), 0, flag.GetMaxSize()); } catch { cell.Value = 0; } } int i32 = GetValueFromTextBox(); txtBoxBits.Text = GetFlagIntWithModifedFlagFromCell(cell, i32, flag).ToString(); txtBoxBits.Refresh(); if (e.ColumnIndex == (int)Column.CurrentOptionColumnIndex) { RefreshValueInDataGridView(e.RowIndex); } if (e.ColumnIndex == (int)Column.ValueColumnIndex) { RefreshCurrentOptionInDataGridView(e.RowIndex); } BitButtons.RefreshAll(); SetColorsInDataGridView(); } }
public bool GroupMatchesKnownSquares(BitGroup group) { return group.MatchBlacks(this.blackBits) && group.MatchWhites(this.whiteBits); }
public PartiallyCompleteGroup(BitGroup blacks, BitGroup whites) { this.maxLength = 31; this.blackBits = blacks; this.whiteBits = whites; }
public void Start() { _tag = new Dictionary <BitButton, int>(); Component[] windows = gameObject.GetComponents(typeof(BitWindow)); BitWindow window = null; for (int i = 0; i < windows.Length; i++) { if (windows[i].name == "calculator_window") { window = (BitWindow)windows[i]; } } if (window == null) { Debug.LogError("Main window not found."); return; } _result = window.FindControl <BitLabel>("Result"); _resultLabel = window.FindControl <BitLabel>("ResultLabel"); _group = window.FindControl <BitGroup>("Group"); BitButton b; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { b = _group.FindControl <BitButton>(i.ToString()); _tag.Add(b, i); b.MouseClick += NumericClick; } b = _group.FindControl <BitButton>("."); b.MouseClick += DotClick; b = _group.FindControl <BitButton>("+"); _tag.Add(b, (int)Operations.Plus); b.MouseClick += OperationClick; b = _group.FindControl <BitButton>("-"); _tag.Add(b, (int)Operations.Minus); b.MouseClick += OperationClick; b = _group.FindControl <BitButton>("*"); //b.Tag = Operations.Multiplication; _tag.Add(b, (int)Operations.Multiplication); b.MouseClick += OperationClick; b = _group.FindControl <BitButton>("/"); _tag.Add(b, (int)Operations.Division); b.MouseClick += OperationClick; b = _group.FindControl <BitButton>("="); b.MouseClick += EqualsClick; b = _group.FindControl <BitButton>("C"); b.MouseClick += ClearClick; b = _group.FindControl <BitButton>("Bk"); b.MouseClick += BackClick; Reset(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { BitGroupComponent = this.GetComponent <BitGroup>(); }
public void MatchWhites(string bitsToCheck, string knownWhiteSquares, bool shouldMatch) { var result = new BitGroup(4, bitsToCheck).MatchWhites(new BitGroup(4, knownWhiteSquares)); Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(shouldMatch)); }
public SolvedSquaresResult(BitGroup knownGroup) { this.knownGroup = knownGroup; }
void Awake(){ root = GetComponent<BitStage>(); gameControlWindow = root.FindControl<BitWindow>("EGameControlWindow"); conversation = gameControlWindow.FindControl<BitBox>("ConversationBox"); BitGroup headGroup = gameControlWindow.FindControl<BitGroup>("HeadGroup"); helpButton = headGroup.FindControl<BitButton>("help"); exitButton = headGroup.FindControl<BitButton>("exit"); progressBar = headGroup.FindControl<BitGroup>("progress_bg").FindControl<BitHorizontalProgressBar>(); tickCounter = gameControlWindow.FindControl<BitGroup>("TickCounter_bg").FindControl<BitVerticalProgressBar>(); centerGroup = gameControlWindow.FindControl<BitGroup>("CenterGroup"); skipDemoBtn = centerGroup.FindControl<BitButton>("SkipDemoBtn"); playDemoBtn = centerGroup.FindControl<BitButton>("PlayDemoBtn"); startButton = centerGroup.FindControl<BitButton>("start"); gameHelpWindow = root.FindControl<BitWindow>("EGameHelpWindow"); hPictureRender = gameHelpWindow.FindControl<BitPicture>(); hPreBtn = gameHelpWindow.FindControl<BitButton>("help_btn_prev"); hNextBtn = gameHelpWindow.FindControl<BitButton>("help_btn_next"); hCloseBtn = gameHelpWindow.FindControl<BitButton>("close"); hAlwaysShowHelp = gameHelpWindow.FindControl<BitToggle>(); gameWindow = root.FindControl<BitWindow>("GameWindow"); }
private void Start() { _form = gameObject.GetComponent <BitEditorStage>(); if (_form == null) { Debug.LogError("Form not found"); return; } _window = _form.FindControl <BitWindow>("main_window"); if (_window == null) { Debug.LogError("'main_window' not found"); return; } _simpleButton = _window.FindControl <BitButton>("SimpleButton"); if (_simpleButton == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'SimpleButton' not found!"); } else { _simpleButton.MouseClick += SimpleButton_MouseClick; } _repeatButton = _window.FindControl <BitRepeatButton>("RepeatButton"); if (_repeatButton == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'RepeatButton' not found!"); } else { _repeatButton.MouseHold += RepeatButtonMouseHold; } _textGroup = _window.FindControl <BitGroup>("TextGroup"); if (_textGroup == null) { Debug.Log("'TextGroup' not fount!"); } _toggle = _window.FindControl <BitToggle>("Toggle"); if (_toggle == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'Toggle' not found!"); } else { _toggle.ValueChanged += Toggle_ValueChanged; if (_textGroup != null) { _textGroup.Enabled = false; } } if (_textGroup != null) { _textField = _textGroup.FindControl <BitTextField>("TextField"); if (_textField == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'TextField' not found!"); } else { _textField.TextChanged += TextChanged; } _textArea = _textGroup.FindControl <BitTextArea>("TextArea"); if (_textArea == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'TextArea' not found!"); } else { _textArea.TextChanged += TextChanged; } _passwordField = _textGroup.FindControl <BitPasswordField>("PasswordField"); if (_passwordField == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'PasswordField' not found!"); } else { _passwordField.TextChanged += TextChanged; } } _textureGroup = _window.FindControl <BitGroup>("TextureGroup"); if (_textureGroup == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'TextureGroup' not found!"); } else { // _texture = _textureGroup.FindControl<BitDrawTexture>("Texture"); // if (_texture == null) // { // Debug.LogWarning("'Texture' not found!"); // } } _hsLabel = _window.FindControl <BitLabel>("HorizontalSlider Label"); if (_hsLabel == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'HorizontalSlider Label' not found!"); } _horizontalSlider = _window.FindControl <BitHorizontalSlider>("HorizontalSlider"); if (_horizontalSlider == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'HorizontalSlider' not found!"); } else { _horizontalSlider.ValueChanged += HorizontalSlider_ValueChanged; } _vsLabel = _window.FindControl <BitLabel>("VerticalSlider Label"); if (_vsLabel == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'VerticalSlider Label' not found!"); } _verticalSlider = _window.FindControl <BitVerticalSlider>("VerticalSlider"); if (_verticalSlider == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'HorizontalSlider' not found!"); } else { _verticalSlider.ValueChanged += VerticalSlider_ValueChanged; } _gridList = _window.FindControl <BitGridList>("GridList"); if (_gridList == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'GridList' not found!"); } else { _gridList.Populator = new DefaultBitListPopulator(); } _multiselectionToggle = _window.FindControl <BitToggle>("MultiSelection Toggle"); if (_multiselectionToggle == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'MultiSelection Toggle' not found!"); } else { _multiselectionToggle.ValueChanged += MultiselectionToggle_ValueChanged; } _list = _window.FindControl <BitList>("List"); if (_list == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'List' not found!"); } else { _list.Populator = new MyListPopulator(); _list.SelectionChanged += List_SelectionChanged; } _listSelectionLabel = _window.FindControl <BitLabel>("ListSelection Label"); if (_listSelectionLabel == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'ListSelection Label' not found!"); } _labelWithPopup = _window.FindControl <BitLabel>("Label With Popup"); if (_labelWithPopup == null) { Debug.LogWarning("'Label With Popup' not found!"); } PopulateDropDown(); PopulateContextMenu(); }