private static void InfectArea(GenerationProgress progress) { var area = BiomeManager.Get <Epicenter>().Area; var widthL = SurfaceWidth / 2f; // The left side of the biome's width. var widthR = SurfaceWidth / 2f; // The right side of the biome's width. var j = area.Top; // The current iterator. We iterate from top to bottom via rows. // Just a shortcut function :P void InfectRow() { for (int i = area.Center.X - (int)widthL; i < area.Center.X + (int)widthR; i++) { TileExtensions.Infect(i, j); } } float GetJPercent() => (j - area.Top) / (float)area.Height; // Initial surface. Skinny. for (; GetJPercent() < 0.1 && widthL + widthR < area.Width; j++) { widthL += Rand(-1, 1); widthR += Rand(-1, 1); InfectRow(); } progress.Value = 0.3f; float inc = 1f; // How the shape of the biome should expand/ // Expansion. The underground is a lot larger than the above ground. for (; GetJPercent() < 0.5 && widthL + widthR < area.Width; j++) { inc += 0.01f; widthL += Rand(-inc / 3, inc); widthR += Rand(-inc / 3, inc); InfectRow(); } progress.Value = 0.5f; // The more jagged edges of the bottom of the biome's bottom inc = 0f; for (; GetJPercent() < 0.8; j++) { inc += 0.02f; widthL += Rand(-inc, inc); widthR += Rand(-inc, inc); InfectRow(); } progress.Value = 0.7f; // Finally, close the bottom of the biome for (; GetJPercent() < 1 && widthL + widthR > 0 && inc > 0; j++) { inc -= 0.065f; widthL += Rand(-inc - 1, inc / 2); widthR += Rand(-inc - 1, inc / 2); InfectRow(); } progress.Value = 0.9f; }
public void Generate(GenerationProgress progress) { const int lostCityHeight = 175; progress.Message = "Clearing out the Lost City"; Rectangle tunnels = BiomeManager.Get <Epicenter.Mouth>().Tunnels; Rectangle area = BiomeManager.Get <LostCity>().Area = new Rectangle(tunnels.X, tunnels.Bottom - 10, tunnels.Width, lostCityHeight); var noise = new FastNoise(WorldGen._genRandSeed) { NoiseType = FastNoise.NoiseTypes.CubicFractal, FractalType = FastNoise.FractalTypes.Billow, Frequency = 0.08f }; var focal = new Vector2(area.Center.X, (int)(area.Top + area.Width * 0.8)); var maxMiddleDist = (area.TopLeft() - focal).LengthSquared(); for (int i = area.Left; i < area.Right; i++) { for (int j = area.Top; j < area.Bottom; j++) { var middleDist = (new Vector2(i, j) - focal).LengthSquared() / maxMiddleDist; var result = noise.GetNoise(i, j); if (result < -0.52f * (1 + middleDist)) { WorldGen.KillTile(i, j); } } } }
public void Generate(GenerationProgress progress) { progress.Message = "Building up the Lost City"; var leftSide = InstantiateBuildings(Biome.Area.X - 10, Biome.Area.Bottom, -1); var rightSide = InstantiateBuildings(Biome.Area.X + 10, Biome.Area.Bottom, +1); ErectBuildings(leftSide); ErectBuildings(rightSide); BiomeManager.Get<LostCity>().buildings = leftSide.Concat(rightSide).ToList(); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); float targetFade = Math.Min(1, BiomeManager.Get <Epicenter>().TileCounts / (float)BiomeManager.Get <Epicenter>().TileCountThreshold / 5); Instance.Fade += (targetFade - Instance.Fade) / 60; if (Instance.Fade < 0.01f && targetFade == 0) { Instance.Fade = 0; } }
private static void SetArea(GenerationProgress progress) { var xPercent = ConfigReader.Get <float>(" edge offset"); var dungeonLeft = Main.dungeonX < Main.maxTilesX / 2; var width = (int)(Main.maxTilesX * 0.08); var height = (int)(Main.maxTilesY * 0.7); int x = (int)(!dungeonLeft ? xPercent * Main.maxTilesX : (1 - xPercent) * Main.maxTilesX - width ); int y = WorldgenExtensions.GetHighestInRange(x + width / 2 - SurfaceWidth / 2, x + width / 2 + SurfaceWidth / 2, (int)WorldGen.worldSurfaceLow, p => WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(p.X, p.Y)); BiomeManager.Get <Epicenter>().Area = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); progress.Value = 0.1f; }
public void Generate(GenerationProgress progress) { progress.Message = "Decorating the Lost City"; var buildings = BiomeManager.Get<LostCity>().buildings; foreach (var building in buildings) { for (int j = building.Area.Top; j <= building.Area.Bottom; j += building.FloorHeight) { for (int i = building.Area.Left + 1; i < building.Area.Right; i++) { IterateFloor(i, j, j == building.Area.Bottom); } } } GenLostChest(buildings); }
public override bool IsVisible() { return(BiomeManager.Get <Epicenter>().TileCounts > 0 || Fade > 0); }
private static void GeneratePit(int i, int j) { int basinDepth = ConfigReader.Get <int>("worldgen.mouth.basin depth"); float widthL = 3; float widthR = 3; float inc = 0; void ClearRow() { int left = i - (int)widthL; int right = i + (int)widthR; for (int k = left; k <= right; k++) { WorldGen.KillTile(k, j); if (!InfectiousWall.InfectWall(k, j)) { Framing.GetTileSafely(k, j).wall = (ushort)InfectiousWall.Default; } } } float GetJPercent() => (j - Area.Top) / (float)Area.Height; // Create the opening for (; GetJPercent() < 0.15f && widthL + widthR < Epicenter.SurfaceWidth * 0.8; j++) { inc += 0.07f; widthL += WorldGen.genRand.NextFloat(-inc / 2, inc); widthR += WorldGen.genRand.NextFloat(-inc / 2, inc); ClearRow(); } Rectangle basin = new Rectangle(i - (int)widthL, j, (int)(widthL + widthR), basinDepth); // Create the "stomach" area int oldJ = j; for (; j < oldJ + basinDepth; j++) { widthL += WorldGen.genRand.NextFloat(-1, 1); widthR += WorldGen.genRand.NextFloat(-1, 1); ClearRow(); } for (; widthL + widthR > 0 && inc > 0; j++) { inc -= 0.015f; widthL += WorldGen.genRand.NextFloat(-inc - 1, inc / 2); widthR += WorldGen.genRand.NextFloat(-inc - 1, inc / 2); ClearRow(); } int lowest = WorldgenExtensions.GetLowestInRange(basin.Left, basin.Right, basin.Top, p => WorldGen.SolidOrSlopedTile(p.X, p.Y)); basin.Height = lowest - basin.Top; BiomeManager.Get <Mouth>().Basin = basin; }