/// <summary>
        /// Start the countdown, need to have a End Date
        /// </summary>
        public void StartCountdown()
            if (timer == null)
                timer = new Timer(tickPeriod, 0, 0f, true);

            if (saveThisCountdown)
                BinaryPrefs.SetString(buttonKey, endDate.ToString());

            countdownDisplayValue = TimeManager.Instance.GetCountdownDisplayValue(DateTime.Now, endDate);

            waitForDelayExpired = true;
            if (saveThisCountdown)
                BinaryPrefs.SetBool(buttonKey + waitForDelayExpiredKey, waitForDelayExpired);

            timer.Looped += NewTick;

    void Start()
        // BinaryPrefs works like PlayerPrefs:
        // BinaryPrefs gets values as fast as PlayerPrefs and sets them 40 times faster.

        // PLAYER PREFS
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("testInt", 5);
        int playerPrefsInt = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("testInt");

        // BINARY PREFS
        BinaryPrefs.SetInt("testInt", 5);
        int binaryPrefsInt = BinaryPrefs.GetInt("testInt");


        // BinaryPrefs handles useful types as:
        BinaryPrefs.SetBool("testBool", true);
        BinaryPrefs.SetDouble("testDouble", 2.2);


        // BinaryPrefs handles multi-dimensional array serialization:
        BinaryPrefs.SetClass("testClass", new TwoDimensionArray()
            m_Value = new int[, , ] {
                    { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                    { 4, 5, 6, 4 }
                    { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                    { 4, 5, 6, 4 }


        // BinaryPrefs is compatible with Json:
        BinaryPrefs.SetString("testJson", JsonUtility.ToJson(new DataToJson()));


        // BinaryPrefs comes along with useful tools:

        BinaryPrefs.ForceSave(); // Use with caution
        BinaryPrefs.DeleteAll(); // Use with caution

        /// <summary>
        /// Reset the countdown, set the End Date to Now, trigger the OnEndWait event
        /// </summary>
        public void ResetCountdown()

            if (saveThisCountdown)
                BinaryPrefs.SetString(buttonKey, endDate.ToString());


            waitForDelayExpired = false;

            if (saveThisCountdown)
                BinaryPrefs.SetBool(buttonKey + waitForDelayExpiredKey, waitForDelayExpired);
