public void Run()
            // Create filenames, deleting existing files if exist
            string filename = CreateFilename();

            // Set up sample data.
            // Note that we might get minor rounding errors when storing.
            // The Equals implementation of the Item accounts for that.
            const int itemCount = 10000;
            IEnumerable<ArraySegment<Item>> data = Utils.GenerateData(
                0, itemCount, i => new Item(i));

            // Create new BinCompressedSeriesFile file that stores a sequence of Item structs
            // The file is indexed by a long value inside Item marked with the [Index] attribute.
            // See the Item struct declaration
            using (var bf = new BinCompressedSeriesFile<long, Item>(filename))
                // Automatically pick the constructor that would set all the public fields in the struct
                var cmpxFld = ((ComplexField) bf.RootField);
                cmpxFld.PopulateFields(ComplexField.Mode.Constructor | ComplexField.Mode.Fields);

                Console.WriteLine("Serialized Fields:\n  {0}\n", string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "  ", cmpxFld.Fields));
                Console.WriteLine("Deserialized with constrtuctor:\n  {0}\n", cmpxFld.Constructor);

                bf.InitializeNewFile(); // Finish new file initialization and create an empty file


                // Verify that the created files are identical (use the default bitwise value type Equals)
                if (!bf.Stream().SequenceEqual(data.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File does not have the right data");

                Console.WriteLine("File {0} created with {1,10:#,#} bytes", filename, bf.BaseStream.Length);

            // Check that the settings are stored ok in the file and can be re-initialized on open
            using (var bf1 = (IWritableFeed<long, Item>) BinaryFile.Open(filename))
                if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(data.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File does not have the right data on the second check");

            // cleanup
        public void Run()
            // Create filenames, deleting existing files if exist
            string filename = CreateFilename();

            // Set up sample data.
            // Note that we might get minor rounding errors when storing.
            // The Equals implementation of the ReadonlyItemLngDbl accounts for that.
            const int itemCount = 10000;
            IEnumerable <ArraySegment <ReadonlyItemLngDbl> > data = Utils.GenerateData(
                0, itemCount, i => new ReadonlyItemLngDbl(i, (i / 100.0) * 65.0));

            // Create new BinCompressedSeriesFile file that stores a sequence of ReadonlyItemLngDbl structs
            // The file is indexed by a long value inside ReadonlyItemLngDbl marked with the [Index] attribute.
            // Here we provide a custom field factory that will analyze each field as it is being created,
            // and may choose to supply a custom field or null to use the default.
            // The name is the automatically generated, starting with the "root" for the TVal with each
            // subfield appended afterwards, separated by a dot.
            // Alternatively, ReadonlyItemLngDbl.SequenceNum can be marked with [Field(typeof(IncrementalIndex))]
            // For complex types, [Field] attribute can also be set on the type itself.
            using (var bf = new BinCompressedSeriesFile <long, ReadonlyItemLngDbl>(filename))
                // When a new instance of BinCompressedSeriesFile is created,
                // RootField will be pre-populated with default configuration objects.
                // Some fields, such as doubles, require additional configuration before the file can be initialized.
                var root = (ReadonlyItemLngDblField)bf.RootField;

                // Index is always increasing
                var seq = (ScaledDeltaIntField)root.SequenceNumField;
                seq.DeltaType = DeltaType.Positive;

                // This double will contain values with no more than 2 digits after the decimal points.
                // Before serializing, multiply the value by 100 to convert to long.
                var val1 = (ScaledDeltaFloatField)root.ValueField;
                val1.Multiplier = 100;

                bf.UniqueIndexes = true; // enforce index uniqueness - each index is +1
                bf.InitializeNewFile();  // Finish new file initialization and create an empty file


                // Verify that the created files are identical (use the default bitwise value type Equals)
                if (!bf.Stream().SequenceEqual(data.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File does not have the right data");

                Console.WriteLine("File {0} created with {1,10:#,#} bytes", filename, bf.BaseStream.Length);

            // Check that the settings are stored ok in the file and can be re-initialized on open
            using (var bf1 = (IWritableFeed <long, ReadonlyItemLngDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename))
                if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(data.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File does not have the right data on the second check");

            // cleanup
        public void Run()
            // Create filenames, deleting existing files if exist
            string filename1 = CreateFilename(1);
            string filename2 = CreateFilename(2);
            string filename3 = CreateFilename(3);
            string filename4 = CreateFilename(4);

            var sw1 = new Stopwatch();
            var sw2 = new Stopwatch();
            var sw3 = new Stopwatch();
            var sw4 = new Stopwatch();

            // Set up sample data so that the delta between index's long is 1
            // and the delta between values is 0.65 => 65 with multiplier, which is bigger than
            // would fit into a 7 bit signed integer, but would fit into 7 bit unsigned one
            const int itemCount = 500000;
            IEnumerable <ArraySegment <ItemLngDbl> > data = Utils.GenerateData(
                0, itemCount, i => new ItemLngDbl(i, Math.Round((i / 100.0) * 65.0, 2)));

            // Create new BinCompressedSeriesFile file that stores a sequence of ItemLngDbl structs
            // The file is indexed by a long value inside ItemLngDbl marked with the [Index] attribute.
            // Here we provide a custom field factory that will analyze each field as it is being created,
            // and may choose to supply a custom field or null to use the default.
            // The name is the automatically generated, starting with the "root" for the TVal with each
            // subfield appended afterwards, separated by a dot.
            // Alternatively, ItemLngDbl.SequenceNum can be marked with [Field(typeof(IncrementalIndex))]
            // For complex types, [Field] attribute can also be set on the type itself.
            using (var bf1 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile <long, ItemLngDbl>(
                       (store, type, name) =>
                       type == typeof(long) && name == "root.SequenceNum"
                       // For the long field named "SequenceNum" provide custom IncrementalIndex field serializer
                        ? new IncrementalIndex(store, type, name)
                        : null))
                using (var bf2 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile <long, ItemLngDbl>(filename2))
                    using (var bf3 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile <long, ItemLngDbl>(filename3))
                        using (var bf4 = new BinSeriesFile <long, ItemLngDbl>(filename4))
                            // Configure bf1 to be the most compression optimized:
                            //  * use custom incremental field serializer IncrementalIndex
                            //  * use positive-only DeltaType for the value (it always increases in this test)
                            // When a new instance of BinCompressedSeriesFile is created,
                            // RootField will be pre-populated with default configuration objects.
                            // Some fields, such as doubles, require additional configuration before the file can be initialized.
                            var root1 = (ComplexField)bf1.RootField;

                            // This double will contain values with no more than 2 digits after the decimal points.
                            // Before serializing, multiply the value by 100 to convert to long.
                            // Next value will always be same or larger than the previous one
                            var val1 = (ScaledDeltaFloatField)root1["Value"].Field;
                            val1.Multiplier   = 100;
                            val1.DeltaType    = DeltaType.Positive;
                            bf1.UniqueIndexes = true; // enforce index uniqueness - each index is +1
                            bf1.InitializeNewFile();  // Finish new file initialization and create an empty file

                            // Initialize bf2 same as bf1, but without custom serializer
                            var val2 = (ScaledDeltaFloatField)((ComplexField)bf2.RootField)["Value"].Field;
                            val2.Multiplier   = 100;
                            val2.DeltaType    = DeltaType.Positive;
                            bf2.UniqueIndexes = true;

                            // Initialize bf3 in an identical fashion as bf2, but without positive-only delta type.
                            var val3 = ((ScaledDeltaFloatField)((ComplexField)bf3.RootField)["Value"].Field);
                            val3.Multiplier   = 100;
                            bf3.UniqueIndexes = true;

                            // Initialize the third uncompressed file without any parameters.
                            bf4.UniqueIndexes = true;

                            // Append the same data to all files, measuring how long it takes
                            // Please note that the timing is not very accurate here, and will give different results depending on the order




                            // Verify that the created files are identical (use the default bitwise value type Equals)
                            if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf2.Stream()))
                                throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #2");
                            if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf3.Stream()))
                                throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #3");
                            if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf4.Stream()))
                                throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #4");

                            // Print file sizes to see if there was any benefit
                            Console.WriteLine("Finished creating files with {0:#,#} items:\n", itemCount);
                                "{2,40}: {0,10:#,#} bytes in {1}", bf1.BaseStream.Length, sw1.Elapsed,
                                "DeltaType.Positive and Calculated index");
                                "{2,40}: {0,10:#,#} bytes in {1}", bf2.BaseStream.Length, sw2.Elapsed, "DeltaType.Positive");
                                "{2,40}: {0,10:#,#} bytes in {1}", bf3.BaseStream.Length, sw3.Elapsed, "No optimizations");
                            Console.WriteLine("{2,40}: {0,10:#,#} bytes in {1}", bf4.BaseStream.Length, sw4.Elapsed, "Uncompressed");

            // Check that the settings are stored ok in the file and can be re-initialized on open
            using (var bf1 = (IWritableFeed <long, ItemLngDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename1))
                using (var bf2 = (IWritableFeed <long, ItemLngDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename2))
                    if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf2.Stream()))
                        throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #2");

            // cleanup
        public void Run()
            // Create filenames, deleting existing files if exist
            string filename1 = CreateFilename(1);
            string filename2 = CreateFilename(2);
            string filename3 = CreateFilename(3);
            string filename4 = CreateFilename(4);

            var sw1 = new Stopwatch();
            var sw2 = new Stopwatch();
            var sw3 = new Stopwatch();
            var sw4 = new Stopwatch();

            // Set up sample data so that the delta between index's long is 1
            // and the delta between values is 0.65 => 65 with multiplier, which is bigger than
            // would fit into a 7 bit signed integer, but would fit into 7 bit unsigned one
            const int itemCount = 500000;
            IEnumerable<ArraySegment<ItemLngDbl>> data = Utils.GenerateData(
                0, itemCount, i => new ItemLngDbl(i, Math.Round((i/100.0)*65.0, 2)));

            // Create new BinCompressedSeriesFile file that stores a sequence of ItemLngDbl structs
            // The file is indexed by a long value inside ItemLngDbl marked with the [Index] attribute.
            // Here we provide a custom field factory that will analyze each field as it is being created,
            // and may choose to supply a custom field or null to use the default.
            // The name is the automatically generated, starting with the "root" for the TVal with each
            // subfield appended afterwards, separated by a dot.
            // Alternatively, ItemLngDbl.SequenceNum can be marked with [Field(typeof(IncrementalIndex))]
            // For complex types, [Field] attribute can also be set on the type itself.
            using (var bf1 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile<long, ItemLngDbl>(
                    (store, type, name) =>
                    type == typeof (long) && name == "root.SequenceNum"
                    // For the long field named "SequenceNum" provide custom IncrementalIndex field serializer
                        ? new IncrementalIndex(store, type, name)
                        : null))
            using (var bf2 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile<long, ItemLngDbl>(filename2))
            using (var bf3 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile<long, ItemLngDbl>(filename3))
            using (var bf4 = new BinSeriesFile<long, ItemLngDbl>(filename4))
                // Configure bf1 to be the most compression optimized:
                //  * use custom incremental field serializer IncrementalIndex
                //  * use positive-only DeltaType for the value (it always increases in this test)
                // When a new instance of BinCompressedSeriesFile is created,
                // RootField will be pre-populated with default configuration objects.
                // Some fields, such as doubles, require additional configuration before the file can be initialized.
                var root1 = (ComplexField) bf1.RootField;

                // This double will contain values with no more than 2 digits after the decimal points.
                // Before serializing, multiply the value by 100 to convert to long.
                // Next value will always be same or larger than the previous one
                var val1 = (ScaledDeltaFloatField) root1["Value"].Field;
                val1.Multiplier = 100;
                val1.DeltaType = DeltaType.Positive;
                bf1.UniqueIndexes = true; // enforce index uniqueness - each index is +1
                bf1.InitializeNewFile(); // Finish new file initialization and create an empty file

                // Initialize bf2 same as bf1, but without custom serializer
                var val2 = (ScaledDeltaFloatField) ((ComplexField) bf2.RootField)["Value"].Field;
                val2.Multiplier = 100;
                val2.DeltaType = DeltaType.Positive;
                bf2.UniqueIndexes = true;

                // Initialize bf3 in an identical fashion as bf2, but without positive-only delta type.
                var val3 = ((ScaledDeltaFloatField) ((ComplexField) bf3.RootField)["Value"].Field);
                val3.Multiplier = 100;
                bf3.UniqueIndexes = true;

                // Initialize the third uncompressed file without any parameters.
                bf4.UniqueIndexes = true;

                // Append the same data to all files, measuring how long it takes
                // Please note that the timing is not very accurate here, and will give different results depending on the order




                // Verify that the created files are identical (use the default bitwise value type Equals)
                if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf2.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #2");
                if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf3.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #3");
                if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf4.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #4");

                // Print file sizes to see if there was any benefit
                Console.WriteLine("Finished creating files with {0:#,#} items:\n", itemCount);
                    "{2,40}: {0,10:#,#} bytes in {1}", bf1.BaseStream.Length, sw1.Elapsed,
                    "DeltaType.Positive and Calculated index");
                    "{2,40}: {0,10:#,#} bytes in {1}", bf2.BaseStream.Length, sw2.Elapsed, "DeltaType.Positive");
                    "{2,40}: {0,10:#,#} bytes in {1}", bf3.BaseStream.Length, sw3.Elapsed, "No optimizations");
                Console.WriteLine("{2,40}: {0,10:#,#} bytes in {1}", bf4.BaseStream.Length, sw4.Elapsed, "Uncompressed");

            // Check that the settings are stored ok in the file and can be re-initialized on open
            using (var bf1 = (IWritableFeed<long, ItemLngDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename1))
            using (var bf2 = (IWritableFeed<long, ItemLngDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename2))
                if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf2.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #2");

            // cleanup
        public void Run()
            string filename = GetType().Name + ".bts";
            if (File.Exists(filename)) File.Delete(filename);

            // Create new BinCompressedSeriesFile file that stores a sequence of ItemLngDbl structs
            // The file is indexed by a long value inside ItemLngDbl marked with the [Index] attribute.
            using (var bf = new BinCompressedSeriesFile<long, ItemLngDbl>(filename))
                // Initialize new file parameters and create it
                bf.UniqueIndexes = true; // enforce index uniqueness
                bf.Tag = "Sample Data"; // optionally provide a tag to store in the file header

                // Configure value storage. This is the only difference with using BinSeriesFile.
                // When a new instance of BinCompressedSeriesFile is created,
                // RootField will be pre-populated with default configuration objects.
                // Some fields, such as doubles, require additional configuration before the file can be initialized.
                var root = (ComplexField) bf.RootField;

                // This double will contain values with no more than 2 digits after the decimal points.
                // Before serializing, multiply the value by 100 to convert to long.
                ((ScaledDeltaFloatField) root["Value"].Field).Multiplier = 100;

                bf.InitializeNewFile(); // Finish new file initialization and create an empty file

                // Set up data generator to generate 10 items starting with index 3
                IEnumerable<ArraySegment<ItemLngDbl>> data = Utils.GenerateData(3, 10, i => new ItemLngDbl(i, i/100.0));

                // Append data to the file

                // Read all data and print it using Stream() - one value at a time
                // This method is slower than StreamSegments(), but easier to use for simple one-value iteration
                Console.WriteLine(" ** Content of file {0} after the first append", filename);
                Console.WriteLine("FirstIndex = {0}, LastIndex = {1}", bf.FirstIndex, bf.LastIndex);
                foreach (ItemLngDbl val in bf.Stream())

            // Re-open the file, allowing data modifications
            // IWritableFeed<,> interface is better as it will work with non-compressed files as well
            using (var bf = (IWritableFeed<long, ItemLngDbl>) BinaryFile.Open(filename, true))
                // Append a few more items with different ItemLngDbl.Value to tell them appart
                IEnumerable<ArraySegment<ItemLngDbl>> data = Utils.GenerateData(10, 10, i => new ItemLngDbl(i, i/25.0));

                // New data indexes will overlap with existing, so allow truncating old data
                bf.AppendData(data, true);

                // Print values
                Console.WriteLine("\n ** Content of file {0} after the second append", filename);
                Console.WriteLine("FirstIndex = {0}, LastIndex = {1}", bf.FirstIndex, bf.LastIndex);
                foreach (ItemLngDbl val in bf.Stream())

            // Re-open the file for reading only (file can be opened for reading in parallel, but only one write)
            // IEnumerableFeed<,> interface is better as it will work with non-compressed files as well
            using (var bf = (IWritableFeed<long, ItemLngDbl>) BinaryFile.Open(filename, true))
                // Show first item with index >= 5
                    "\nFirst item on or after index 5 is {0}\n",
                    bf.Stream(5, maxItemCount: 1).First());

                // Show last item with index < 7 (iterate backwards)
                    "Last item before index 7 is {0}\n",
                    bf.Stream(7, inReverse: true, maxItemCount: 1).First());

                // Average of values for indexes >= 4 and < 8
                    "Average of values for indexes >= 4 and < 8 is {0}\n",
                    bf.Stream(4, 8).Average(i => i.Value));

                // Sum of the first 3 values with index less than 18 and going backwards
                    "Sum of the first 3 values with index less than 18 and going backwards is {0}\n",
                    bf.Stream(18, maxItemCount: 3, inReverse: true).Sum(i => i.Value));

            // cleanup
Example #6
        public void Run()
            string filename1 = GetType().Name + "1.bts";

            if (File.Exists(filename1))
            string filename2 = GetType().Name + "2.bts";

            if (File.Exists(filename2))
            string filename3 = GetType().Name + "3.bts";

            if (File.Exists(filename3))

            // Create new BinCompressedSeriesFile file that stores a sequence of ItemLngDblDbl structs
            // The file is indexed by a long value inside ItemLngDblDbl marked with the [Index] attribute.
            // For comparison sake, also create identical but non-state-linked compressed and uncompressed.
            using (var bf1 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile <long, ItemLngDblDbl>(filename1))
                using (var bf2 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile <long, ItemLngDblDbl>(filename2))
                    using (var bf3 = new BinSeriesFile <long, ItemLngDblDbl>(filename3))
                        // Configure value storage. This is the only difference with using BinSeriesFile.
                        // When a new instance of BinCompressedSeriesFile is created,
                        // RootField will be pre-populated with default configuration objects.
                        // Some fields, such as doubles, require additional configuration before the file can be initialized.
                        var root = (ComplexField)bf1.RootField;

                        var fld1 = (ScaledDeltaFloatField)root["Value1"].Field;
                        var fld2 = (ScaledDeltaFloatField)root["Value2"].Field;

                        // This double will contain values with no more than 2 digits after the decimal points.
                        // Before serializing, multiply the value by 100 to convert to long.
                        fld1.Multiplier = 100;
                        fld2.Multiplier = 100;

                        // ** IMPORTANT: Set the second field's state name the same as the first field, linking them together
                        fld2.StateName = fld1.StateName;

                        bf1.InitializeNewFile(); // Finish new file initialization and create an empty file

                        // Set up data generator to generate items with closely related value1 and value2
                        IEnumerable <ArraySegment <ItemLngDblDbl> > data =
                            Utils.GenerateData(1, 10000, i => new ItemLngDblDbl(i, i * 10, i * 10 + Math.Round(1 / (1.0 + i % 100), 2)));

                        // Append data to the file


                        // Initialize the second in an identical fashion without linking the states and append the same data
                        var root2 = (ComplexField)bf2.RootField;
                        ((ScaledDeltaFloatField)root2["Value1"].Field).Multiplier = 100;
                        ((ScaledDeltaFloatField)root2["Value2"].Field).Multiplier = 100;

                        // Initialize the third uncompressed file and append the same data.

                        // Print file sizes to see if there was any benefit
                        Console.WriteLine("      Shared: {0,10:#,#} bytes", bf1.BaseStream.Length);
                        Console.WriteLine("   NonShared: {0,10:#,#} bytes", bf2.BaseStream.Length);
                        Console.WriteLine("Uncompressed: {0,10:#,#} bytes", bf3.BaseStream.Length);

                        if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf2.Stream()))
                            throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #2");
                        if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf3.Stream()))
                            throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #3");

            // Check that the settings are stored ok in the file and can be re-initialized on open
            using (var bf1 = (IWritableFeed <long, ItemLngDblDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename1))
                using (var bf2 = (IWritableFeed <long, ItemLngDblDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename2))
                    if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf2.Stream()))
                        throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #2");

            // cleanup
        public void Run()
            string filename1 = GetType().Name + "1.bts";
            if (File.Exists(filename1)) File.Delete(filename1);
            string filename2 = GetType().Name + "2.bts";
            if (File.Exists(filename2)) File.Delete(filename2);
            string filename3 = GetType().Name + "3.bts";
            if (File.Exists(filename3)) File.Delete(filename3);

            // Create new BinCompressedSeriesFile file that stores a sequence of ItemLngDblDbl structs
            // The file is indexed by a long value inside ItemLngDblDbl marked with the [Index] attribute.
            // For comparison sake, also create identical but non-state-linked compressed and uncompressed.
            using (var bf1 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile<long, ItemLngDblDbl>(filename1))
            using (var bf2 = new BinCompressedSeriesFile<long, ItemLngDblDbl>(filename2))
            using (var bf3 = new BinSeriesFile<long, ItemLngDblDbl>(filename3))
                // Configure value storage. This is the only difference with using BinSeriesFile.
                // When a new instance of BinCompressedSeriesFile is created,
                // RootField will be pre-populated with default configuration objects.
                // Some fields, such as doubles, require additional configuration before the file can be initialized.
                var root = (ComplexField) bf1.RootField;

                var fld1 = (ScaledDeltaFloatField) root["Value1"].Field;
                var fld2 = (ScaledDeltaFloatField) root["Value2"].Field;

                // This double will contain values with no more than 2 digits after the decimal points.
                // Before serializing, multiply the value by 100 to convert to long.
                fld1.Multiplier = 100;
                fld2.Multiplier = 100;

                // ** IMPORTANT: Set the second field's state name the same as the first field, linking them together
                fld2.StateName = fld1.StateName;

                bf1.InitializeNewFile(); // Finish new file initialization and create an empty file

                // Set up data generator to generate items with closely related value1 and value2
                IEnumerable<ArraySegment<ItemLngDblDbl>> data =
                    Utils.GenerateData(1, 10000, i => new ItemLngDblDbl(i, i*10, i*10 + Math.Round(1/(1.0 + i%100), 2)));

                // Append data to the file


                // Initialize the second in an identical fashion without linking the states and append the same data
                var root2 = (ComplexField) bf2.RootField;
                ((ScaledDeltaFloatField) root2["Value1"].Field).Multiplier = 100;
                ((ScaledDeltaFloatField) root2["Value2"].Field).Multiplier = 100;

                // Initialize the third uncompressed file and append the same data.

                // Print file sizes to see if there was any benefit
                Console.WriteLine("      Shared: {0,10:#,#} bytes", bf1.BaseStream.Length);
                Console.WriteLine("   NonShared: {0,10:#,#} bytes", bf2.BaseStream.Length);
                Console.WriteLine("Uncompressed: {0,10:#,#} bytes", bf3.BaseStream.Length);

                if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf2.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #2");
                if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf3.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #3");

            // Check that the settings are stored ok in the file and can be re-initialized on open
            using (var bf1 = (IWritableFeed<long, ItemLngDblDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename1))
            using (var bf2 = (IWritableFeed<long, ItemLngDblDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename2))
                if (!bf1.Stream().SequenceEqual(bf2.Stream()))
                    throw new BinaryFileException("File #1 != #2");

            // cleanup
Example #8
        public void Run()
            string filename = GetType().Name + ".bts";

            if (File.Exists(filename))

            // Create new BinCompressedSeriesFile file that stores a sequence of ItemLngDbl structs
            // The file is indexed by a long value inside ItemLngDbl marked with the [Index] attribute.
            using (var bf = new BinCompressedSeriesFile <long, ItemLngDbl>(filename))
                // Initialize new file parameters and create it
                bf.UniqueIndexes = true;          // enforce index uniqueness
                bf.Tag           = "Sample Data"; // optionally provide a tag to store in the file header

                // Configure value storage. This is the only difference with using BinSeriesFile.
                // When a new instance of BinCompressedSeriesFile is created,
                // RootField will be pre-populated with default configuration objects.
                // Some fields, such as doubles, require additional configuration before the file can be initialized.
                var root = (ComplexField)bf.RootField;

                // This double will contain values with no more than 2 digits after the decimal points.
                // Before serializing, multiply the value by 100 to convert to long.
                ((ScaledDeltaFloatField)root["Value"].Field).Multiplier = 100;

                bf.InitializeNewFile(); // Finish new file initialization and create an empty file

                // Set up data generator to generate 10 items starting with index 3
                IEnumerable <ArraySegment <ItemLngDbl> > data = Utils.GenerateData(3, 10, i => new ItemLngDbl(i, i / 100.0));

                // Append data to the file

                // Read all data and print it using Stream() - one value at a time
                // This method is slower than StreamSegments(), but easier to use for simple one-value iteration
                Console.WriteLine(" ** Content of file {0} after the first append", filename);
                Console.WriteLine("FirstIndex = {0}, LastIndex = {1}", bf.FirstIndex, bf.LastIndex);
                foreach (ItemLngDbl val in bf.Stream())

            // Re-open the file, allowing data modifications
            // IWritableFeed<,> interface is better as it will work with non-compressed files as well
            using (var bf = (IWritableFeed <long, ItemLngDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename, true))
                // Append a few more items with different ItemLngDbl.Value to tell them appart
                IEnumerable <ArraySegment <ItemLngDbl> > data = Utils.GenerateData(10, 10, i => new ItemLngDbl(i, i / 25.0));

                // New data indexes will overlap with existing, so allow truncating old data
                bf.AppendData(data, true);

                // Print values
                Console.WriteLine("\n ** Content of file {0} after the second append", filename);
                Console.WriteLine("FirstIndex = {0}, LastIndex = {1}", bf.FirstIndex, bf.LastIndex);
                foreach (ItemLngDbl val in bf.Stream())

            // Re-open the file for reading only (file can be opened for reading in parallel, but only one write)
            // IEnumerableFeed<,> interface is better as it will work with non-compressed files as well
            using (var bf = (IWritableFeed <long, ItemLngDbl>)BinaryFile.Open(filename, true))
                // Show first item with index >= 5
                    "\nFirst item on or after index 5 is {0}\n",
                    bf.Stream(5, maxItemCount: 1).First());

                // Show last item with index < 7 (iterate backwards)
                    "Last item before index 7 is {0}\n",
                    bf.Stream(7, inReverse: true, maxItemCount: 1).First());

                // Average of values for indexes >= 4 and < 8
                    "Average of values for indexes >= 4 and < 8 is {0}\n",
                    bf.Stream(4, 8).Average(i => i.Value));

                // Sum of the first 3 values with index less than 18 and going backwards
                    "Sum of the first 3 values with index less than 18 and going backwards is {0}\n",
                    bf.Stream(18, maxItemCount: 3, inReverse: true).Sum(i => i.Value));

            // cleanup
Example #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string sourcedirectory = string.Empty;
            string dbdirectory     = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string fileextension   = "asc";

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                switch (args[i])
                case "-s":
                    sourcedirectory = args[i + 1];

                case "-o":
                    dbdirectory = args[i + 1];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcedirectory) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbdirectory))
                Console.WriteLine("USAGE: TimeSeriesDB.exe -s sourcedirectory [-o output directory]");

            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss.fff"));
            SortedList <string, List <string> > FilesSortedByMarket = new SortedList <string, List <string> >();

            foreach (string file in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(sourcedirectory, "*." + fileextension, SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                string   fname      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                string[] fnameelems = fname.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                string   market     = fnameelems[0];
                if (FilesSortedByMarket.ContainsKey(market))
                    FilesSortedByMarket.Add(market, new List <string>()

            // get quote files by market and process to build
            // stream of best bid-offer
            foreach (string markets in FilesSortedByMarket.Keys)
                #region Process Ticker Files
                if (NameToMarketId.ContainsKey(markets))
                    if (MarketName != markets)
                        MarketName = markets;
                        MarketId   = NameToMarketId[MarketName];
                        Console.WriteLine("Processing {0}", MarketName);
                    List <string> files = FilesSortedByMarket[MarketName];

                    // loop over all quotes files for the market and insert each quote into sortedquotedata
                    #region Process Ticker Quote Files
                    Parallel.ForEach(files.Where(x => x.Contains("_Q")), new ParallelOptions()
                        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount * 2
                    }, quotedatafile =>
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}", quotedatafile);

                        // list that contains sorted time series of trades and quotes for all markets
                        var sortedalltimeseries = CreateList(new { TimeSeriesRecord = (TSRecord)null });

                        string tradedatafile = quotedatafile.Replace("X_Q", "X_T");
                        if (!File.Exists(tradedatafile))
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTrade data file does not exist: {0}", tradedatafile);

                        Dictionary <DateTime, uint> markettodt = new Dictionary <DateTime, uint>();
                        var sortedquotedata = CreateList(new { Key = (TSDateTime)null, Value = (QuoteData)null });                         // new[] { new { Key = (TSDateTime)null, Value = (QuoteData)null } }.ToList();
                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(quotedatafile))
                            String line = null;
                            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                QuoteData qd = new QuoteData(line);
                                if (qd.Dt.TimeOfDay >= WhenTimeIsBefore && qd.Dt.TimeOfDay <= WhenTimeIsAfter && qd.Bid != 0.0 && qd.Ask != 0.0 && qd.BidSz != 0 && qd.AskSz != 0 && qd.Bid <= qd.Ask && ExchangeInclusionList.Contains(qd.Exch))
                                    uint seqno = 1;
                                    if (markettodt.ContainsKey(qd.Dt))
                                        seqno             = markettodt[qd.Dt];
                                        markettodt[qd.Dt] = seqno + 1;
                                        markettodt[qd.Dt] = 1;
                                    TSDateTime tsdt = new TSDateTime(qd.Dt, MarketId, seqno);                                     //GetSeqNo(qd.Dt, MarketId));
                                    sortedquotedata.Add(new { Key = new TSDateTime(qd.Dt, MarketId, seqno), Value = qd });
//						List<QuoteData> quotedata = ParseQuoteData(item, sortedquotedata);
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tSorting quotes for {0}", quotedatafile);
                        sortedquotedata.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Key.Timestamp.CompareTo(p2.Key.Timestamp));

                        #region Build Inside Quotes For Ticker
                        // we have sorted quotes for a market. now build stream of best bid-offer
                        var sortedbiddata = CreateList(new { Exch = string.Empty, Price = 0.0, Size = (uint)0 });
                        var sortedaskdata = CreateList(new { Exch = string.Empty, Price = 0.0, Size = (uint)0 });
                        var sortedquotes  = CreateList(new { Dt = (ulong)0, Exch = string.Empty, Bid = 0.0, BidSz = (uint)0, Ask = 0.0, AskSz = (uint)0 });

                        string prevbidexch  = string.Empty;
                        string prevaskexch  = string.Empty;
                        double prevbidprice = 0.0;
                        double prevaskprice = 0.0;
                        uint prevbidsize    = 0;
                        uint prevasksize    = 0;
                        DateTime prevdt     = DateTime.Now;

                        // walk sortedquotedata to compute inside market
                        // insert inside market records into sortedquotes
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tBuilding inside market for {0}", quotedatafile);
                        foreach (var qd in sortedquotedata)
                            bool newbiddata = true;
                            bool newaskdata = true;

                            var mqqs = sortedbiddata.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Exch == qd.Value.BidExch);
                            if (mqqs == null)
                                sortedbiddata.Add(new { Exch = qd.Value.BidExch, Price = qd.Value.Bid, Size = qd.Value.BidSz });
                            else if (mqqs != null && (mqqs.Price != qd.Value.Bid || mqqs.Size != qd.Value.BidSz))
                                sortedbiddata.Add(new { Exch = qd.Value.BidExch, Price = qd.Value.Bid, Size = qd.Value.BidSz });
                                newbiddata = false;

                            mqqs = sortedaskdata.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Exch == qd.Value.AskExch);
                            if (mqqs == null)
                                sortedaskdata.Add(new { Exch = qd.Value.AskExch, Price = qd.Value.Ask, Size = qd.Value.AskSz });
                            else if (mqqs != null && (mqqs.Price != qd.Value.Ask || mqqs.Size != qd.Value.AskSz))
                                sortedaskdata.Add(new { Exch = qd.Value.AskExch, Price = qd.Value.Ask, Size = qd.Value.AskSz });
                                newaskdata = false;

                            if (newbiddata)
                                sortedbiddata = sortedbiddata.OrderByDescending(x => x.Price).ThenByDescending(y => y.Size).ToList();
                            if (newaskdata)
                                sortedaskdata = sortedaskdata.OrderBy(x => x.Price).ThenByDescending(y => y.Size).ToList();

                            if (
                                ((prevbidprice != sortedbiddata[0].Price) || (prevbidsize != sortedbiddata[0].Size) ||
                                 (prevaskprice != sortedaskdata[0].Price) || (prevasksize != sortedaskdata[0].Size)
                                 //						|| (prevbidexch != sortedbiddata[0].Exch) || (prevaskexch != sortedaskdata[0].Exch)
                                (prevdt != qd.Value.Dt)
                                sortedquotes.Add(new { Dt = (ulong)new TSDateTime(qd.Key.Dt, qd.Key.MarketId, 0).Timestamp, Exch = sortedbiddata[0].Exch, Bid = (double)sortedbiddata[0].Price, BidSz = (uint)sortedbiddata[0].Size, Ask = (double)sortedaskdata[0].Price, AskSz = (uint)sortedaskdata[0].Size });
                                //						Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1}:{2}:{3} {4}:{5}:{6}", qd.Value.Dt.Ticks, sortedbiddata[0].Exch, sortedbiddata[0].Price, sortedbiddata[0].Size, sortedaskdata[0].Exch, sortedaskdata[0].Price, sortedaskdata[0].Size));
                                prevbidexch  = sortedbiddata[0].Exch;
                                prevbidprice = sortedbiddata[0].Price;
                                prevbidsize  = sortedbiddata[0].Size;
                                prevaskexch  = sortedaskdata[0].Exch;
                                prevaskprice = sortedaskdata[0].Price;
                                prevasksize  = sortedaskdata[0].Size;
                                prevdt       = qd.Value.Dt;
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tSorting inside market for {0}", quotedatafile);
                        sortedquotes.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Dt.CompareTo(p2.Dt));

                        #region Process Ticker Trades Files
                        var sortedtrades = CreateList(new { Key = (TSDateTime)null, Value = (TradeData)null });
                        if (sortedquotes.Count > 0)
                            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(tradedatafile))
                                String line = null;
                                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                        TradeData td = new TradeData(line);
                                        uint seqno   = 1;
                                        if (markettodt.ContainsKey(td.Dt))
                                            seqno             = markettodt[td.Dt];
                                            markettodt[td.Dt] = seqno + 1;
                                            markettodt[td.Dt] = 1;
                                        if (td.Dt.TimeOfDay >= WhenTimeIsBefore && td.Dt.TimeOfDay <= WhenTimeIsAfter && td.Price > 0.0 && td.Volume > 0 && ExchangeInclusionList.Contains(td.Exch))
                                            sortedtrades.Add(new { Key = new TSDateTime(td.Dt, TimeSeriesDB.MarketId, seqno), Value = td });
                            // need to process all trades files and create a sorted list of trades
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}", tradedatafile);
                        Console.WriteLine("\tSorting trades");
                        sortedtrades.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Key.Timestamp.CompareTo(p2.Key.Timestamp));

                        #region Build Interleaved Timeseries
                        var sortedtimeseries = CreateList(new { TimeSeriesRecord = (TSRecord)null });

                        ulong timestamp_msecs = 0;
                        ulong timestamp_quote = 0;
                        // loop over sortedtrades and create time series record
                        Console.WriteLine("\tBuilding interleaved timeseries");
                        foreach (var x in sortedtrades)
                            if (10 * ((ulong)x.Key.Dt.Ticks) > timestamp_msecs)
                                // find nearest quote by timestamp
                                int index       = BinarySearchForMatch(sortedquotes, (y) => { return(y.Dt.CompareTo(x.Key.Timestamp)); });
                                int idx         = index == 0 ? 0 : index - 1;
                                var quote       = sortedquotes[idx];
                                timestamp_quote = quote.Dt;
                                timestamp_msecs = 10 * ((ulong)x.Key.Dt.Ticks);
                            sortedtimeseries.Add(new { TimeSeriesRecord = new TSRecord(x.Key.Timestamp, x.Value.Exch, x.Value.Price, x.Value.Volume)
                                                           QuoteIdx = timestamp_quote
                                                       } });
                        foreach (var x in sortedquotes)
                            sortedtimeseries.Add(new { TimeSeriesRecord = new TSRecord(x.Dt, x.Exch, x.Bid, x.BidSz, x.Ask, x.AskSz) });

                        Console.WriteLine("\tSorting timeseries");
                        sortedtimeseries.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.TimeSeriesRecord.Idx.CompareTo(p2.TimeSeriesRecord.Idx));

                        Console.WriteLine("\tAdding {0} timeseries to master timeseries", TimeSeriesDB.MarketName);

                        Console.WriteLine("\tSorting master timeseries");
                        sortedalltimeseries.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.TimeSeriesRecord.Idx.CompareTo(p2.TimeSeriesRecord.Idx));

                        #region Write To Timeseries DB
                        if (sortedalltimeseries.Count > 0)
                            string filename = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", dbdirectory, Path.GetFileName(quotedatafile).Replace("_Q", "_TSDB").Replace(fileextension, "dts"));                             //new TSDateTime(sortedalltimeseries[0].TimeSeriesRecord.Idx).Dt.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"), new TSDateTime(sortedalltimeseries[sortedalltimeseries.Count - 1].TimeSeriesRecord.Idx).Dt.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"));

                            if (File.Exists(filename))

                            using (var file = new BinCompressedSeriesFile <ulong, TSRecord>(filename))
                                var root = (ComplexField)file.RootField;
                                ((ScaledDeltaFloatField)root["Bid"].Field).Multiplier = 1000;
                                ((ScaledDeltaFloatField)root["Ask"].Field).Multiplier = 1000;

                                file.UniqueIndexes = false;                               // enforces index uniqueness
                                file.InitializeNewFile();                                 // create file and write header

                                List <TSRecord> tsrlist = new List <TSRecord>();
                                foreach (var tsr in sortedalltimeseries)

                                ArraySegment <TSRecord> arr = new ArraySegment <TSRecord>(tsrlist.ToArray());
                                file.AppendData(new ArraySegment <TSRecord>[] { arr });

                // merge files together
                #region merge per day per tick ts files into a single per tick file
                string mergedfilename = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", dbdirectory, markets + ".dts");                 //new TSDateTime(sortedalltimeseries[0].TimeSeriesRecord.Idx).Dt.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"), new TSDateTime(sortedalltimeseries[sortedalltimeseries.Count - 1].TimeSeriesRecord.Idx).Dt.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"));
                if (File.Exists(mergedfilename))

                List <string> filestobemerged = Directory.GetFiles(dbdirectory, markets + "*.dts").ToList();
                    var pairs = filestobemerged.Where((x, i) => i % 2 == 0).Zip(filestobemerged.Where((x, i) => i % 2 == 1), (second, first) => new[] { first, second }).ToList();
                    Parallel.ForEach(pairs, new ParallelOptions()
                        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount * 2
                    }, pair =>
                        string mergedfile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                        File.Copy(mergedfile, mergedfile = dbdirectory + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(mergedfile));
                        string mergefile1 = pair[0];
                        string mergefile2 = pair[1];

                        List <TSDBEnumerator> sortedtsdbenumerators = new List <TSDBEnumerator>();
                        List <TSDBEnumerator> TSDBEnumerators       = pair.Select(x => new TSDBEnumerator(new TSStreamer(x), new TSDateTime(DateTime.MinValue, 0, 0).Timestamp, new TSDateTime(DateTime.MaxValue, 999, 99).Timestamp)).ToList();                  //.TimeSeriesDB.Stream(new TSDateTime(DateTime.MinValue, 0, 0).Timestamp, new TSDateTime(DateTime.MaxValue, 999, 99).Timestamp).GetEnumerator())).ToList();
                        using (var file = new BinCompressedSeriesFile <ulong, TSRecord>(mergedfile))
                            List <TSRecord> tsrlist = new List <TSRecord>();

                            var root = (ComplexField)file.RootField;
                            ((ScaledDeltaFloatField)root["Bid"].Field).Multiplier = 1000;
                            ((ScaledDeltaFloatField)root["Ask"].Field).Multiplier = 1000;

                            file.UniqueIndexes = false;                           // enforces index uniqueness
                            file.InitializeNewFile();                             // create file and write header

                            sortedtsdbenumerators.AddRange(TSDBEnumerators.Select(x => x));
                                foreach (var tsdbenumerator in TSDBEnumerators.Where(x => x.GetNext == true && x.TSEnumerator != null))
                                    tsdbenumerator.GetNext = false;
                                    if (true == tsdbenumerator.TSEnumerator.MoveNext())
                                        tsdbenumerator.TSRecord = tsdbenumerator.TSEnumerator.Current;
                                        tsdbenumerator.TSEnumerator = null;
                                        tsdbenumerator.TSRecord     = null;
                                if (sortedtsdbenumerators.Count > 0)
                                    sortedtsdbenumerators.Sort((item1, item2) => item1.TSRecord.Idx.CompareTo(item2.TSRecord.Idx));
                                    sortedtsdbenumerators[0].GetNext = true;
                                if (tsrlist.Count == 10000000)
                                    ArraySegment <TSRecord> arr = new ArraySegment <TSRecord>(tsrlist.ToArray());
                                    file.AppendData(new ArraySegment <TSRecord>[] { arr });
                            } while (sortedtsdbenumerators.Count > 0);
                            if (tsrlist.Count > 0)
                                ArraySegment <TSRecord> arr = new ArraySegment <TSRecord>(tsrlist.ToArray());
                                file.AppendData(new ArraySegment <TSRecord>[] { arr });
                        if (mergefile1.Contains(".tmp"))
                        if (mergefile2.Contains(".tmp"))
                } while (filestobemerged.Count > 1);
                if (filestobemerged.Count == 1)
                    File.Move(filestobemerged[0], dbdirectory + "\\" + markets + ".dts");

            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss.fff"));