Example #1
        public void Abs(int n, int d)
            var actual   = BigRational.Abs(new BigRational(n, d));
            var expected = new BigRational(Math.Abs(n), Math.Abs(d));

            AssertEqual(expected, actual);
    public void E()
        var expected = Math.E;
        var actual   = BigRational.E;

        Assert.True(BigRational.Abs(expected - actual) < new BigRational(1, 100000000000000));
    public void SqrtIrrational()
        var expected = BigRational.SqrtAsRationals(2).Skip(100).First();
        var actual   = BigRational.Sqrt(new(2), 13);

        Assert.True(BigRational.Abs(expected - actual) < new BigRational(1, 1000000000));
Example #4
 public static object Abs(object a)
     if (a is int)
     else if (a is long)
     else if (a is decimal)
     else if (a is double)
     else if (a is BigInteger)
     else if (a is BigRational)
Example #5
        public bool HasValueNear(BigRational value, BigRational?epsilon = null)
            var eps = epsilon ?? new BigRational(1, 1000000);
            var y   = BigRational.Abs(Constraint.EvaluateAt(value));

            return(y < eps);
Example #6
        private static string GetMixedFormat(BigRational value, char separator)
            StringBuilder sb = new();

            BigInteger  whole        = value.GetWholePart();
            BigRational fractionPart = value.GetFractionPart();

            if (!whole.IsZero)
                sb.Append(whole.ToString("R", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
                if (separator != DisplaySeparator)
                    // When the DisplaySeparator is being used,
                    // then the whole and fractional parts need
                    // to be separated by whitespace.
                    sb.Append(' ');

                // If the rational number was negative, then the
                // whole part will have been rendered as a negative
                // number, so we need to ensure that the fractional
                // part doesn't render as a negative value too.
                fractionPart = BigRational.Abs(fractionPart);

            AppendCommonFormat(sb, fractionPart, separator);

Example #7
        public void BigRational_Abs_ReturnsAbsoluteValue()
            var value1 = new BigRational((BigInteger)10);

            Assert.Equal("10/1", value1.Abs().ToString("B", null));

            var value2 = new BigRational(-(BigInteger)10);

            Assert.Equal("10/1", value2.Abs().ToString("B", null));

            var value3 = BigRational.Zero;

            Assert.Equal("0/1", value3.Abs().ToString("B", null));

            var value4 = BigRational.Create(VeryBigNumber);

            Assert.Equal($"{VeryBigNumber}/1", value4.Abs().ToString("B", null));

            var value5 = BigRational.Create($"-{VeryBigNumber}");

            Assert.Equal($"{VeryBigNumber}/1", value4.Abs().ToString("B", null));
Example #8
        private Value decimalToFraction(BigRational Decimal)
            BigInteger  fractionNumerator   = int.MaxValue;
            BigInteger  fractionDenominator = 1;
            BigRational accuracyFactor      = .0000001;
            int         decimalSign;
            BigRational Z;
            BigInteger  previousDenominator;
            BigInteger  scratchValue;

            if (Decimal < 0)
                decimalSign = -1;
                decimalSign = 1;
            Decimal = BigRational.Abs(Decimal);
            if (Decimal == (BigInteger)Decimal)
                fractionNumerator   = (int)Decimal * decimalSign;
                fractionDenominator = 1;
                return(new Value(fractionDenominator, fractionNumerator, NumberType.rational));
            Z = Decimal;
            previousDenominator = 0;
            while (!(Z == (BigInteger)Z) && (BigRational.Abs((Decimal - ((BigRational)fractionNumerator / fractionDenominator))) > accuracyFactor))
                Z                   = 1 / (Z - (BigInteger)Z);
                scratchValue        = fractionDenominator;
                fractionDenominator = fractionDenominator * (BigInteger)Z + previousDenominator;
                previousDenominator = scratchValue;
                fractionNumerator   = (BigInteger)(Decimal * fractionDenominator + .5);
            fractionNumerator = decimalSign * fractionNumerator;
            return(new Value(fractionNumerator, fractionDenominator, NumberType.rational));
Example #9
        public static BigRational IntegralSinX2Row(int a)
            BigRational sum = 0;
            BigRational previous;
            BigRational factorial = 1;

            var minus = 1;
            var n     = 0;

                var member = minus
                             * BigRational.Pow(a, 4 * n + 3)
                             / (factorial * (4 * n + 3));
                minus     *= -1;
                factorial *= (2 * n + 1) * (2 * n);
                previous   = sum;
                sum       += member;
            } while (BigRational.Abs(sum - previous) > Error);

        public void big_rational_static_methods()
            Assert.True(0.5 == BigRational.Abs(0.5d));
            Assert.True(0.5 == BigRational.Abs(-0.5d));
            Assert.False(0.5 == BigRational.Abs(-1));
            Assert.False(0.5 == BigRational.Abs(1));

            Assert.True(-0.5 == BigRational.Negate(0.5d));
            Assert.True(0.5 == BigRational.Negate(-0.5d));
            Assert.False(0.5 == BigRational.Negate(-1));
            Assert.False(-0.5 == BigRational.Negate(1));

            //Doesn't work great... testing with equals doubles fails
            Assert.True(new BigRational(1, 2) == BigRational.Invert(new BigRational(2, 1)));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(2, 1) == BigRational.Invert(new BigRational(1, 2)));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(-1, 2) == BigRational.Invert(new BigRational(-2, 1)));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(-2, 1) == BigRational.Invert(new BigRational(-1, 2)));

            Assert.True(new BigRational(BigInteger.One) + new BigRational(BigInteger.One) == 2);
            Assert.True(BigRational.Add(new BigRational(BigInteger.One), new BigRational(BigInteger.One)) == 2);

            //Not working for me
            //BigRational big1 = new BigRational(1.0);
            //Assert.AreEqual(new BigRational(2, 1), big1);

            //Not working for me
            //BigRational big2 = new BigRational(1.0);
            //Assert.True(0 == big2);

            Assert.True(new BigRational(BigInteger.One) - new BigRational(BigInteger.One) == 0);
            Assert.True(BigRational.Subtract(new BigRational(BigInteger.One), new BigRational(BigInteger.One)) == 0);

            BigRational big3 = new BigRational(1.0);

            Assert.True(-1.0 == -big3);

            BigRational big4 = new BigRational(1.0);

            Assert.True(1.0 == +big3);

            Assert.True(new BigRational(BigInteger.One) * new BigRational(BigInteger.One) == 1);
            Assert.True(BigRational.Multiply(new BigRational(BigInteger.One), new BigRational(BigInteger.One)) == 1);
            Assert.True(new BigRational(BigInteger.One) * new BigRational(2.0) == 2.0);
            Assert.True(BigRational.Multiply(new BigRational(BigInteger.One), new BigRational(2.0)) == 2.0);

            Assert.True(new BigRational(BigInteger.One) / new BigRational(BigInteger.One) == 1);
            Assert.True(BigRational.Divide(new BigRational(BigInteger.One), new BigRational(BigInteger.One)) == 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(new BigRational(1, 2), new BigRational(new BigInteger(1)) / new BigRational(new BigInteger(2)));                    //Again, mixing consructors doesn't work well.
            Assert.AreEqual(new BigRational(1, 2), BigRational.Divide(new BigRational(new BigInteger(1)), new BigRational(new BigInteger(2)))); //Again, mixing consructors doesn't work well. Testing with equals double 0.5 fails

            //Assert.True(new BigRational(BigInteger.One) < new BigRational(2.0)); //Don't mix the constructors for comparison!!!
            Assert.True(new BigRational(1.0) < new BigRational(2.0));
            Assert.False(new BigRational(2.0) < new BigRational(1.0));
            Assert.False(new BigRational(1.0) < new BigRational(1.0));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(1.0) <= new BigRational(2.0));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(1.0) <= new BigRational(1.0));
            Assert.False(new BigRational(2.0) <= new BigRational(1.0));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(1.0) == new BigRational(1.0));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(1.0) != new BigRational(2.0));

            Assert.False(new BigRational(1.0) > new BigRational(2.0));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(2.0) > new BigRational(1.0));
            Assert.False(new BigRational(BigInteger.One) > new BigRational(BigInteger.One));
            Assert.False(new BigRational(1.0) >= new BigRational(2.0));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(BigInteger.One) >= new BigRational(BigInteger.One));
            Assert.True(new BigRational(2.0) >= new BigRational(1.0));

            //Modulus doesn't seem to work well
            //Assert.AreEqual(BigRational.Zero, new BigRational(2.0) % new BigRational(1.0));
            //Assert.AreEqual(BigRational.One, new BigRational(3.0) % new BigRational(2.0));
            //Assert.True(new BigRational(1.5) % new BigRational(1.0) == new BigRational(0.5));
            //Assert.True(new BigRational(1.0) % new BigRational(2.0) == 0);