public JsonResult MarkShipped(ShippedVM vm) { string id = BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN") ? vm.SenderId ?? BifSessionData.Id : BifSessionData.Id; var match = DAL.Context.Matches.Where(x => x.ExchangeId == BifSessionData.ExchangeId && x.SenderId == id) .Select(x => new { Match = x, ExchangeName = x.Exchange.Name, SenderEmail = x.Sender.Email, SenderUsername = x.Sender.Profile.RedditUsername, RecipientEmail = x.Recipient.Email, RecipientUsername = x.Recipient.Profile.RedditUsername }) .FirstOrDefault(); if (match == null) { return(Json(new { Success = false })); } match.Match.Carrier = vm.Carrier; match.Match.TrackingNo = vm.TrackingNo; match.Match.ShipDate = DateTime.Now; DAL.Context.SaveChanges(); ShippingNoticeVM noticeVM = new ShippingNoticeVM { Carrier = match.Match.Carrier, TrackingNo = match.Match.TrackingNo, ExchangeName = match.ExchangeName, SenderEmail = match.SenderEmail, SenderUsername = match.SenderUsername, RecipientEmail = match.RecipientEmail, RecipientUsername = match.RecipientUsername }; sendShippingEmails(noticeVM); return(Json(new { Success = true })); }
public JsonResult UpdateExclusion(string id, string userId) { userId = BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN") ? userId ?? BifSessionData.Id : BifSessionData.Id; //int exclusions = Convert.ToInt32(BifSessionData.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "")?.Value ?? "2"); //if (userId != BifSessionData.Id) // exclusions = Convert.ToInt32(DAL.Context.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "")?.Value ?? "2"); List <MatchPreference> preferences = DAL.Context.MatchPreferences.Where(x => x.UserId == userId && x.PreferenceType == MatchPreferenceType.NotUser).ToList(); List <MatchPreference> existing = preferences.Where(x => x.Value == id).ToList(); if (existing.Any()) { DAL.Context.MatchPreferences.RemoveRange(existing); DAL.Context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { Success = true, Action = "Unset", UserId = userId })); } int allowedExclusions = Convert.ToInt32(BifSessionData.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "")?.Value ?? "2"); if (preferences.Count >= allowedExclusions) { return(Json(new { Success = false, Action = "", UserId = userId })); } DAL.Context.MatchPreferences.Add(new MatchPreference { UserId = userId, PreferenceType = MatchPreferenceType.NotUser, Value = id }); DAL.Context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { Success = true, Action = "Set", UserId = userId })); }
public ActionResult MatchPreferences(string id, string userId) { int.TryParse(id, out int exchangeId); if (exchangeId == 0) { exchangeId = BifSessionData.ExchangeId; } userId = BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN") ? userId ?? BifSessionData.Id : BifSessionData.Id; int exclusions = Convert.ToInt32(BifSessionData.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "")?.Value ?? "2"); if (userId != BifSessionData.Id) { exclusions = Convert.ToInt32(DAL.Context.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "")?.Value ?? "2"); } var allUsers = DAL.Context.Users.Where(x => x.UserStatus == IdentityUser.UserStatuses.Approved && x.Profile != null || x.Id == userId) .Select(x => new { Id = x.Id, Username = x.UserName ?? x.Profile.RedditUsername, City = x.Profile.City, State = x.Profile.State, Zip = x.Profile.Zip, x.Profile.ZipCode }).OrderBy(x => x.Username).ToList(); var me = allUsers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId); List <KeyValuePair <MatchPreferenceType, string> > preferences = DAL.Context.MatchPreferences.Where(x => x.UserId == userId) .AsEnumerable().Select(x => new KeyValuePair <MatchPreferenceType, string>(x.PreferenceType, x.Value)).ToList(); //Exchange exchange = DAL.Context.Exchanges.Find(exchangeId); MatchPreferencesVM vm = new MatchPreferencesVM { UserId = userId, //ExchangeName = exchange?.Name, AllUsers = allUsers.Select(x => new UserPublicProfile { Id = x.Id, Username = x.Username, Location = $"{x.City}, {x.State}", Zip = x.Zip, Distance = DistanceTools.Haversine(x.ZipCode.Latitude, x.ZipCode.Longitude, me?.ZipCode.Latitude ?? 0m, me?.ZipCode.Longitude ?? 0m) }).ToList(), MatchPreferences = preferences, AllowedExclusions = exclusions }; return(View(vm)); }
public JsonResult AddItem(BoxItem item, string userId, int exchangeId) { string id = BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN") ? userId ?? BifSessionData.Id : BifSessionData.Id; Exchange exchange = DAL.Context.Exchanges.Find(BifSessionData.ExchangeId); if (exchange == null || exchange.CloseDate.AddDays(30) < DateTime.Today) { return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = "This Exchange is now closed. The box may no longer be edited" })); } if (item.UntappdId != null) { UntappdClient untappdClient = UntappdClient.Create(); Beer beer = untappdClient.Lookup(item.UntappdId.Value); item.Name = $"{beer.Name} ({beer.Brewery.Name})"; item.UntappdRating = beer.Rating; } Item entity = new Item { UserId = id, ExchangeId = exchangeId, Format = item.Format, Name = item.Name, Type = item.Type, UntappdId = item.UntappdId, USOunces = item.USOunces, Cost = item.Cost, UntappdRating = item.UntappdRating }; DAL.Context.Items.Add(entity); DAL.Context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { Success = true, UserId = id, Id = entity.Id, ExchangeId = BifSessionData.ExchangeId, Format = item.Format, Name = item.Name, Type = item.Type, UntappdId = item.UntappdId, USOunces = item.USOunces, Cost = item.Cost, UntappdRating = item.UntappdRating == null ? null : Math.Round(item.UntappdRating ?? 0, 2).ToString("0.00") })); }
public PartialViewResult BoxSummary(string id, string userid) { int.TryParse(id, out int exchangeId); userid = BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN") ? userid ?? BifSessionData.Id : BifSessionData.Id; Exchange exchange = DAL.Context.Exchanges.Find(exchangeId); List <Item> items = DAL.Context.Items.Where(x => x.UserId == userid && x.ExchangeId == exchangeId).ToList(); BoxBuilder boxBuilder = new BoxBuilder(items) .SetMinimumOunces(exchange?.MinOunces) .SetMinimumBeerRating(exchange?.MinRating) .SetMinimumBoxRating(exchange?.MinBoxRating) .SetMinimumUnique(exchange?.MinUnique) .SetMinimumCost(exchange?.MinCost); return(PartialView("__BoxSummary", boxBuilder)); }
public ActionResult Box(string id, string userId) { if (BifSessionData.UserStatus <= 0 || !BifSessionData.HasProfile) { ViewBag.Message = "Your user profile is still pending. An administrator will review and approve your profile before you can use the Box Builder. Please check back soon."; return(View("Message")); } int.TryParse(id, out int exchangeId); if (exchangeId == 0) { exchangeId = BifSessionData.ExchangeId; } if (exchangeId == 0) { ViewBag.Message = "No Exchange selected."; return(View("Message")); } userId = BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN") ? userId ?? BifSessionData.Id : BifSessionData.Id; Exchange exchange = DAL.Context.SignUps.Where(s => s.UserId == userId && s.ExchangeId == exchangeId).Select(x => x.Exchange).FirstOrDefault(); if (exchange == null && exchangeId != 0) { return(RedirectToAction("", "Home")); } BoxVM vm = new BoxVM { UserId = userId, ExchangeId = exchangeId, ExchangeName = exchange?.Name ?? "Open", IsLocked = exchange?.ShipDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-14), Items = boxItems(userId, exchangeId), }; return(View(vm)); }
public ActionResult Index(ProfileVM vm) { string phoneNumber = vm.Phone; if (phoneNumber != null) { phoneNumber = Regex.Replace(vm.Phone, @"\D", ""); if (phoneNumber.Length != 10) { ModelState.AddModelError("Phone", "Phone Number is not valid. Please enter your phone number with area code. No extensions. (NNN-NNN-NNNN)"); } } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { vm.Email = BifSessionData.Email; return(View(vm)); } string id = BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN") ? vm.Id ?? BifSessionData.Id : BifSessionData.Id; Profile profile = DAL.Context.Profiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id) ?? new Profile { Id = id }; profile.FullName = vm.Name; profile.UntappdUsername = vm.UntappdUsername; profile.RedditUsername = vm.RedditUsername; profile.Address = vm.Address; profile.City = vm.City; profile.State = vm.State; profile.Zip = vm.Zip; profile.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber; profile.DeliveryNotes = vm.DeliveryNotes; profile.Piney = vm.Piney; profile.Juicy = vm.Juicy; profile.Tart = vm.Tart; profile.Funky = vm.Funky; profile.Malty = vm.Malty; profile.Roasty = vm.Roasty; profile.Sweet = vm.Sweet; profile.Smokey = vm.Smokey; profile.Spicy = vm.Spicy; profile.Crisp = vm.Crisp; profile.References = vm.References; profile.Comments = vm.Comments; //profile.Wishlist = vm.Wishlist; profile.UpdateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; if (profile.CreateDate == null) { profile.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; profile.Rating = 4; DAL.Context.Profiles.Add(profile); } DAL.Context.SaveChanges(); //bool success = signUp(, id, out string message); if (id == BifSessionData.Id) // Only send if edited by self { createUserConfirmationEmail(id); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
private bool signUp(int exchangeId, string userId, out string message) { var exchange = DAL.Context.Exchanges.Where(x => x.Id == exchangeId) .Select(x => new { Exchange = x, SignUp = x.SignUps.Any(s => s.UserId == userId) }).FirstOrDefault(); message = null; if (exchange?.Exchange == null) { message = "The requested Exchange cannot be found."; return(false); } if (exchange.Exchange.OpenDate <= DateTime.Now || exchange.Exchange.CloseDate >= DateTime.Now && !BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN")) { message = "The requested Exchange is not currently open for signups."; return(false); } if (exchange.SignUp) { message = $"You are already registered for the {exchange.Exchange.Name} Exchange."; return(false); } if (!BifSessionData.HasProfile) { message = $"You have not yet completed your Profile. Please update your <a href=\"{Url.Action("", "Profile")}\">Profile</a> before signing up."; return(false); } SignUp signup = new SignUp { ExchangeId = exchangeId, UserId = userId, SignUpDate = DateTime.Now, Approved = false }; DAL.Context.SignUps.Add(signup); DAL.Context.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public ActionResult Index(string id = null) { if (BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN")) { id = id ?? BifSessionData.Id; } else { id = BifSessionData.Id; } var user = DAL.Context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == id) .Select(x => new { Email = x.Email, Profile = x.Profile, IsSignedUp = x.SignUps.Any(s => s.ExchangeId == BifSessionData.ExchangeId) }) .FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(View("Error")); //TODO: Message View } if (user.Profile == null) { return(View(new ProfileVM { Email = user.Email })); } string phoneNumber = user.Profile.PhoneNumber?.PadLeft(10, ' ') ?? ""; ProfileVM vm = new ProfileVM { Id = id, Name = user.Profile.FullName, Address = user.Profile.Address, City = user.Profile.City, State = user.Profile.State, Zip = user.Profile.Zip, DeliveryNotes = user.Profile.DeliveryNotes, RedditUsername = user.Profile.RedditUsername, UntappdUsername = user.Profile.UntappdUsername, References = user.Profile.References, //Wishlist = user.Profile.Wishlist, Comments = user.Profile.Comments, Piney = user.Profile.Piney, Juicy = user.Profile.Juicy, Tart = user.Profile.Tart, Funky = user.Profile.Funky, Malty = user.Profile.Malty, Roasty = user.Profile.Roasty, Sweet = user.Profile.Sweet, Smokey = user.Profile.Smokey, Spicy = user.Profile.Spicy, Crisp = user.Profile.Crisp, Phone = $"{phoneNumber}", Email = user.Email, UpdateDate = user.Profile.UpdateDate, //IsSignedUp = user.IsSignedUp }; return(View(vm)); }
//[HttpPost] //public JsonResult SignUpAsync(string userId, int exchangeId = 0) { // bool success = signUp(exchangeId, userId, out string message); // return Json(new {Success = success, Message = message}); //} private bool doSignUp(Exchange exchange, string userId, string comment, out string message) { message = null; if (exchange == null) { message = "The requested Exchange cannot be found."; return(false); } DateTime signUpEndDate = exchange.MatchDate ?? exchange.OpenDate.AddDays(14); if ((DateTime.Now < exchange.OpenDate || DateTime.Now >= signUpEndDate) && !BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN")) { message = "The requested Exchange is not currently open for signups."; return(false); } if (!BifSessionData.HasProfile) { message = $"You have not yet completed your Profile. Please update your <a href=\"{Url.Action("", "Profile")}\">Profile</a> before signing up."; return(false); } SignUp signup = new SignUp { ExchangeId = exchange.Id, UserId = userId, SignUpDate = DateTime.Now, Approved = false, Comment = comment }; DAL.Context.SignUps.Add(signup); DAL.Context.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public ActionResult Index(string id) { id = BifSessionData.IsInRole("ADMIN") ? id ?? BifSessionData.Id : BifSessionData.Id; var match = DAL.Context.Exchanges.Where(x => x.Id == BifSessionData.ExchangeId) .Select(x => new { Exchange = x, Match = x.Matches.FirstOrDefault(m => m.SenderId == id), }).Select(x => new { Exchange = x.Exchange, Match = x.Match, Profile = x.Match.Recipient.Profile, SignUpComment = x.Match.Recipient.Profile.SignUps.FirstOrDefault().Comment, Email = x.Match.Recipient.Email }).FirstOrDefault(); //var match = DAL.Context.Matches.Where(x => x.SenderId == id && x.ExchangeId == BifSessionData.ExchangeId) // .Select(x => new { // Profile = x.Recipient.Profile, // Email = x.Recipient.Email, // Match = x, // Exchange = x.Exchange // } ).FirstOrDefault(); if (match?.Exchange.MatchDate != null && match.Exchange.MatchDate > DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-14)) // UTC -14 on a date is 9:00AM EST { ViewBag.MessageTitle = "No Matches Yet"; ViewBag.Message = $"Matches should be ready on {match.Exchange.MatchDate?.ToLongDateString()}. Don't worry, we'll let you know when they're posted. "; return(View("Message")); } if (match.Match == null) { ViewBag.MessageTitle = "No Matches Yet"; ViewBag.Message = $"Matches should be ready around {match.Exchange?.MatchDate?.ToLongDateString()}. Don't worry, we'll let you know when they're posted. "; return(View("Message")); } string phoneNumber = match.Profile.PhoneNumber?.PadLeft(10, ' '); DateTime hideDate = match.Exchange.ShipDate?.AddDays(14) ?? match.Exchange.MatchDate?.AddDays(28) ?? match.Exchange.CreateDate.AddDays(60); MatchVM vm = new MatchVM { Name = match.Profile.FullName, Address = hideDate >= DateTime.Now ? match.Profile.Address : "", City = hideDate >= DateTime.Now ? match.Profile.City : "", State = hideDate >= DateTime.Now ? match.Profile.State : "", Zip = hideDate >= DateTime.Now ? match.Profile.Zip : "", RedditUsername = match.Profile.RedditUsername, UntappdUsername = match.Profile.UntappdUsername, References = match.Profile.References, //Wishlist = match.Profile.Wishlist, Comments = match.Profile.Comments, Piney = match.Profile.Piney, Juicy = match.Profile.Juicy, Tart = match.Profile.Tart, Funky = match.Profile.Funky, Malty = match.Profile.Malty, Roasty = match.Profile.Roasty, Sweet = match.Profile.Sweet, Smokey = match.Profile.Smokey, Spicy = match.Profile.Spicy, Crisp = match.Profile.Crisp, Phone = hideDate >= DateTime.Now ? phoneNumber == null ? null : $"{phoneNumber.Substring(0, 3)}-{phoneNumber.Substring(3, 3)}-{phoneNumber.Substring(6, 4)}" : "", Email = hideDate >= DateTime.Now ? match.Email : "", SenderId = id, Carrier = match.Match.Carrier, TrackingNo = match.Match.TrackingNo, ExchangeName = match.Exchange.Name, ShipDate = match.Match.ShipDate, CloseDate = match.Exchange.CloseDate }; return(View("Index", vm)); }