private BibtexFile convertParseNode(ParseNode node) { Nodes.BibtexFile parseFile = (Nodes.BibtexFile)node; BibtexFile bibtex = new BibtexFile(); foreach (Entry entry in parseFile.Entries) { if (entry.Type == "String") { bibtex.StringDefinitions.Add(entry.Tags.First().Key, entry.Tags.First().Value); } else { BibtexEntry bibtexEntry = new BibtexEntry { Key = entry.Key, Type = entry.Type }; entry.Tags.ToList().ForEach(x => bibtexEntry.Tags.Add(x.Key, x.Value)); bibtex.Entries.Add(bibtexEntry); } } return(bibtex); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs and initialises a styled Bibitem. /// </summary> /// <param name="auxEntry">The aux entry associated with the citation.</param> /// <param name="bibtexEntry">The bibtex entry associated to the citation key.</param> /// <param name="entryStyle">The style to apply to the Bibitem.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception> /// /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when the AuxEntry key and the BibtexEntry key do not match.</exception> public Bibitem(int index, AuxEntry auxEntry, BibtexEntry bibtexEntry, EntryStyle entryStyle) { if (auxEntry is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(auxEntry)); } if (bibtexEntry is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bibtexEntry)); } if (entryStyle is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entryStyle)); } if (!auxEntry.Key.Equals(bibtexEntry.CitationKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { throw new ArgumentException($"The AuxEntry Key '{auxEntry.Key}' must match the BibtexEntry CitationKey '{bibtexEntry.CitationKey}'!"); } Index = index; CitationKey = auxEntry.Key; Label = bibtexEntry.GetStyledLabel(entryStyle, index); Detail = bibtexEntry.ApplyStyle(entryStyle); }
private BibtexFile convertParseNode(ParseNode node) { Nodes.BibtexFile parseFile = (Nodes.BibtexFile) node; BibtexFile bibtex = new BibtexFile(); foreach (Entry entry in parseFile.Entries) { if (entry.Type == "String") { bibtex.StringDefinitions.Add(entry.Tags.First().Key, entry.Tags.First().Value); } else { BibtexEntry bibtexEntry = new BibtexEntry { Key = entry.Key, Type = entry.Type }; entry.Tags.ToList().ForEach(x => bibtexEntry.Tags.Add(x.Key, x.Value)); bibtex.Entries.Add(bibtexEntry); } } return bibtex; }
public PostData(BibtexEntry entry) { Entry = entry; }
private void AddBibTeXEntry(BibtexEntry entry) { string title = entry.getField("title"); string subtitle = ""; string author = entry.getField("author"); string editor = entry.getField("editor"); title = TrimEntry(title); author = TrimEntry(author); editor = TrimEntry(editor); if (author == null) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: empty author field in entry {0}", entry.getId()); author = ""; } if (editor == null) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: empty editor field in entry {0}", entry.getId()); editor = ""; } string[] authors = author.Split(new string[] { " and ", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string new_author = ""; foreach (string a in authors) { if (a.Length > 0 && new_author != "") { new_author = new_author + ";" + TrimEntry(a); } else if (a.Length > 0) { new_author = TrimEntry(a); } } if (editor == "") { editor = new_author; } if (new_author == "") { new_author = editor; } string booktitle = entry.getField("booktitle"); string edition = entry.getField("edition"); string isbn = entry.getField("isbn"); string journalorseriestitle = entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("ARTICLE") ? entry.getField("journal") : entry.getField("series"); string volume = entry.getField("volume"); string issue = entry.getField("issue"); string pages = entry.getField("pages"); string startpage = ""; string endpage = ""; if (pages != null) { string[] splittedPages = pages.Split(new string[] { "-", "--" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (splittedPages.Length > 0) { startpage = splittedPages[0].Trim(); } if (splittedPages.Length > 1) { endpage = splittedPages[1].Trim(); } } string issn = entry.getField("issn"); string publisher = entry.getField("publisher"); string publicationdate = entry.getField("year"); string abstract_txt = entry.getField("abstract"); string doi = entry.getField("doi"); string fulltexturl = entry.getField("url"); string notes = entry.getField("notes"); string publicationtype = ""; string orgcode = BibTex2eCitation.Properties.Settings.Default.DefaultOrgCode.ToString(); if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("ARTICLE")) { publicationtype = "Journal Items"; } else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("BOOK")) { publicationtype = "Monographs/ Monograph Items"; } else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("PHDTHESIS")) { publicationtype = "Doctoral Thesis and Habilitation"; } else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("MASTERSTHESIS")) { publicationtype = "Master Thesis and Bachelor Thesis"; } else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("INPROCEEDINGS")) { publicationtype = "Conference Contributions"; } string language = "English"; dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { title, new_author, publicationdate, editor, publicationtype, "", orgcode, subtitle, booktitle, edition, "", "", isbn, journalorseriestitle, volume, issue, startpage, endpage, issn, publisher, "", "", abstract_txt, doi, fulltexturl, "", "", "", notes, "", language }); }
void PostToDatabase(BibtexEntry entry) { PostData post = new PostData(entry); string tablePrefix = "wp_2a8dr8"; try { string sql = string.Format("SELECT ID from {0}_users where user_login='******'", tablePrefix); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); int userId = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); /* check for a post with this citekey */ cmd.CommandText = string.Format("select count(*) from {0}_posts where post_name='{1}'", tablePrefix, post.Key); int number = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); if (number > 0) { Debug.WriteLine("*** There is already an entry for " + entry.getCiteKey() + " ***"); return; } MySqlCommand postCmd = new MySqlCommand(); postCmd.Connection = conn; if (number == 0) { postCmd.CommandText = string.Format( @"insert into {0}_posts (post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title, post_excerpt, post_status, comment_status, ping_status, post_password, post_name, to_ping, pinged, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_content_filtered, post_parent, guid, menu_order, post_type, post_mime_type, comment_count) values (@post_author, @post_date, @post_date_gmt, @post_content, @post_title, @post_excerpt, @post_status, @comment_status, @ping_status, @post_password, @post_name, @to_ping, @pinged, @post_modified, @post_modified_gmt, @post_content_filtered, @post_parent, @guid, @menu_order, @post_type, @post_mime_type, @comment_count)", tablePrefix); postCmd.Prepare(); Dictionary <string, object> paramValues = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@post_author", userId }, { "@post_date", post.DateTime }, { "@post_date_gmt", post.DateTime }, { "@post_content", post.PostText }, { "@post_title", post.Title }, { "@post_excerpt", "" }, { "@post_status", "publish" }, { "@comment_status", "closed" }, { "@ping_status", "open" }, { "@post_password", "" }, { "@post_name", post.Key }, { "@to_ping", "" }, { "@pinged", "" }, { "@post_modified", DateTime.Now }, { "@post_modified_gmt", DateTime.Now }, { "@post_content_filtered", "" }, { "@post_parent", 0 }, { "@guid", entry.getCiteKey() }, { "@menu_order", 0 }, { "@post_type", "post" }, { "@post_mime_type", "" }, { "@comment_count", 0 } }; foreach (var kvp in paramValues) { postCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } else { postCmd.CommandText = string.Format( @"update {0}_posts set post_content=@post_content, post_title=@post_title, post_date=@post_date, post_date_gmt=@post_date_gmt where post_name = '{1}'", tablePrefix, post.Key); postCmd.Prepare(); Dictionary <string, object> paramValues = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@post_date", post.DateTime }, { "@post_date_gmt", post.DateTime }, { "@post_content", post.PostText }, { "@post_title", post.Title } }; foreach (var kvp in paramValues) { postCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } postCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); AddCategoryToPost("Publications", post.Key); } catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private void ParseField(BibtexEntry entry) { string key = ParseTextToken().ToLower(); //"Field: _"+key+"_"); SkipWhitespace(); Consume('='); string content = ParseFieldContent(key); if (content.Length > 0) { if (entry.getField(key) == null) entry.setField(key, content); else { // The following hack enables the parser to deal with multiple // author or // editor lines, stringing them together instead of getting just // one of them. // Multiple author or editor lines are not allowed by the bibtex // format, but // at least one online database exports bibtex like that, making // it inconvenient // for users if JabRef didn't accept it. if (key.Equals("author") || key.Equals("editor")) entry.setField(key, entry.getField(key) + " and " + content); } } }
public BibtexEntry ParseEntry(BibtexEntryType tp) { string id = Util.createNeutralId();// createId(tp, _db); BibtexEntry result = new BibtexEntry(id, tp); SkipWhitespace(); Consume('{', '('); SkipWhitespace(); int c = Peek(); if ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) SkipWhitespace(); string key = null; bool doAgain = true; while (doAgain) { doAgain = false; try { if (key != null) key = key + ParseKey();// parseTextToken(), else key = ParseKey(); } catch (NoLabelException ex) { // This exception will be thrown if the entry lacks a key // altogether, like in "@article{ author = { ...". // It will also be thrown if a key Contains =. c = (char) Peek(); if (char.IsWhiteSpace((char)c) || (c == '{') || (c == '\"')) { string fieldName = ex.Message.Trim().ToLower(); string cont = ParseFieldContent(fieldName); result.setField(fieldName, cont); } else { if (key != null) key = key + ex.Message + "="; else key = ex.Message + "="; doAgain = true; } } } if ((key != null) && key.Equals("")) key = null; result.setField(Globals.KEY_FIELD, key); SkipWhitespace(); while (true) { c = Peek(); if ((c == '}') || (c == ')')) { break; } if (c == ',') Consume(','); SkipWhitespace(); c = Peek(); if ((c == '}') || (c == ')')) { break; } ParseField(result); } Consume('}', ')'); return result; }
public SaveException(string message, BibtexEntry entry) : base(message) { this.entry = entry; }
public SaveException(string message, int status) : base(message) { entry = null; this.status = status; }
//~ Constructors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public SaveException(string message) : base(message) { entry = null; }