/// <summary>
        /// Search for a bible passage in the cache
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchCriteria"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <SystemResponse <BiblePassage> > GetPassageFromCache(string searchCriteria)
            // create an equality filter
            FilterDefinition <BiblePassage> filter = Builders <BiblePassage> .Filter.Eq(b => b.PassageRef, searchCriteria);

            // look in the DB
            IAsyncCursor <BiblePassage> result = await _biblePassageCollection.FindAsync(filter);

            BiblePassage passage = result.FirstOrDefault();

            if (passage == null || passage == default(BiblePassage))
                return(new SystemResponse <BiblePassage>(true, $"Unable to find passage with PassageRef {searchCriteria}."));

            return(new SystemResponse <BiblePassage>(passage, "Success!"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a new cache value for a specified passage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchCriteria"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <BiblePassage> SetPassageForCache(BiblePassage passage)
            // create an equality filter
            FilterDefinition <BiblePassage> filter = Builders <BiblePassage> .Filter.Eq(b => b.PassageRef, passage.PassageRef);

            // look in the DB
            IAsyncCursor <BiblePassage> result = await _biblePassageCollection.FindAsync(filter);

            BiblePassage found = result.FirstOrDefault();

            // we should not find one
            if (found == null || found == default(BiblePassage))
                // save the item in the collection, then return once it's been assigned an _id
                await _biblePassageCollection.InsertOneAsync(passage);


            // however if we found one, return that one
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a list of all Passage Objets
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <SystemResponse <SermonPassageResponse> > GetSinglePassageForSearch(string searchCriteria)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchCriteria))
                return(new SystemResponse <SermonPassageResponse>(true, string.Format(SystemMessages.NullProperty, "searchCriteria")));

            if (searchCriteria.Length < 3 || searchCriteria.Length > 200)
                return(new SystemResponse <SermonPassageResponse>(true, string.Format(SystemMessages.PropertyNameCharactersLengthRange, 3, 200)));

            var response = new SermonPassageResponse();

            // check the cache first and see if it's in there, before going to the ESV API
            var cacheResponse = await _passagesRepository.GetPassageFromCache(searchCriteria);

            if (!cacheResponse.HasErrors && cacheResponse.Result != null)
                // if there were no errors then apply the cache result
                response.Passage = cacheResponse.Result.PassageText;

                return(new SystemResponse <SermonPassageResponse>(response, "Success!"));

            // this just means that we didn't find it in the cache, so keep going normally

            // since ESV returns everything as one massive string, I need to convert everything to objects
            // Then to strings if I wish
            var getPassagesResponse = await _passagesRepository.GetPassagesForSearch(searchCriteria);

            if (getPassagesResponse == null)
                return(new SystemResponse <SermonPassageResponse>(true, SystemMessages.ErrorWithESVApi));

            var passageResponse = getPassagesResponse.passages.FirstOrDefault();

            if (passageResponse == null)
                return(new SystemResponse <SermonPassageResponse>(true, SystemMessages.ErrorWithESVApi));

            var footerRemovalResponse = RemoveFooterFromResponse(passageResponse);
            var finalPassage          = RemoveFooterTagsAndFormatVerseNumbers(footerRemovalResponse);

            // replace the canonical with what was requested
            finalPassage     = finalPassage.Replace(string.Format("{0}\n\n", getPassagesResponse.canonical), "");
            response.Passage = finalPassage;

            // store the result in the cache, but use a discard for the result, because we just need it to execute
            var biblePassage = new BiblePassage
                CreateDate  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                PassageRef  = searchCriteria,
                PassageText = finalPassage

            _ = _passagesRepository.SetPassageForCache(biblePassage);

            return(new SystemResponse <SermonPassageResponse>(response, "Success!"));