Example #1
        private void OnBestMoveFound(BestMoveParams bestMoveParams, EvaluatedMove evaluatedMove)
            if (null == evaluatedMove)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(evaluatedMove));

            if (evaluatedMove != bestMoveParams.BestMove)
                BestMoveFound?.Invoke(this, new BestMoveFoundEventArgs(evaluatedMove.Move, evaluatedMove.Depth, evaluatedMove.ScoreAfterMove));
                bestMoveParams.BestMove = evaluatedMove;
Example #2
        private async Task <Move> GetBestMoveAsync(GameBoard gameBoard, int maxDepth, TimeSpan maxTime, int maxHelperThreads, CancellationToken token)
            if (null == gameBoard)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(gameBoard));

            if (maxDepth < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxDepth");

            if (maxTime < TimeSpan.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxTime");

            if (maxHelperThreads < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxHelperThreads");

            if (gameBoard.GameIsOver)
                throw new Exception("Game is over.");

            BestMoveParams bestMoveParams = new BestMoveParams()
                MaxSearchDepth   = maxDepth,
                MaxSearchTime    = maxTime,
                MaxHelperThreads = maxHelperThreads,

            EvaluatedMoveCollection evaluatedMoves = await EvaluateMovesAsync(gameBoard, bestMoveParams, token);

            if (evaluatedMoves.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("No moves after evaluation!");

            // Make sure at least one move is reported
            OnBestMoveFound(bestMoveParams, evaluatedMoves.BestMove);

Example #3
        private async Task <EvaluatedMoveCollection> EvaluateMovesAsync(GameBoard gameBoard, BestMoveParams bestMoveParams, CancellationToken token)
            EvaluatedMoveCollection movesToEvaluate = new EvaluatedMoveCollection();

            EvaluatedMove bestMove = null;

            // Try to get cached best move if available
            ulong key = gameBoard.ZobristKey;

            if (TranspositionTable.TryLookup(key, out TranspositionTableEntry tEntry) && null != tEntry.BestMove)
                bestMove = new EvaluatedMove(tEntry.BestMove, tEntry.Value, tEntry.Depth);
                OnBestMoveFound(bestMoveParams, bestMove);

            if (null != bestMove && double.IsPositiveInfinity(bestMove.ScoreAfterMove))
                // Winning move, don't search

            List <EvaluatedMove> validMoves = GetPreSortedValidMoves(gameBoard, bestMove);

            movesToEvaluate.Add(validMoves, false);

            if (movesToEvaluate.Count <= 1 || bestMoveParams.MaxSearchDepth == 0)
                // No need to search

            // Iterative search
            int depth = 1 + Math.Max(0, movesToEvaluate.BestMove.Depth);

            while (depth <= bestMoveParams.MaxSearchDepth)
                // Start LazySMP helper threads
                CancellationTokenSource helperCTS = new CancellationTokenSource();
                Task[] helperThreads = StartHelperThreads(gameBoard, depth, bestMoveParams.MaxHelperThreads, helperCTS);

                // "Re-sort" moves to evaluate based on the next iteration
                movesToEvaluate = await EvaluateMovesToDepthAsync(gameBoard, depth, movesToEvaluate, token);

                // End LazySMP helper threads
                EndHelperThreads(helperThreads, helperCTS);

                // Fire BestMoveFound for current depth
                OnBestMoveFound(bestMoveParams, movesToEvaluate.BestMove);

                if (double.IsInfinity(movesToEvaluate.BestMove.ScoreAfterMove))
                    // The best move ends the game, stop searching

                // Prune game-losing moves if possible

                if (movesToEvaluate.Count <= 1)
                    // Only one move, no reason to keep looking

                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // Cancelled, stop searching

                depth = 1 + Math.Max(depth, movesToEvaluate.BestMove.Depth);
