public string Bencode()
            Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            this.serialize(dictionary, null);
            Bencoding.BElement bencoded = bencode(dictionary);
            string             b        = bencoded.ToBencodedString();

Example #2
        public string Bencode()
            JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var json = ser.Serialize(this);

            // Deserialize into a dictionary and remove
            // empty attributes
            var jsonDict = ser.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(json);

            removeEmptyFields(ref jsonDict);

            Bencoding.BElement bencoded = bencode(jsonDict);
            string             b        = bencoded.ToBencodedString();

Example #3
        static int Main(string[] args)
            #region Init
            string      host = Dns.GetHostName();
            IPHostEntry ip   = Dns.GetHostEntry(host);
            for (int i = 0; i < ip.AddressList.Length; i++)
            string   myip   = ip.AddressList[0].ToString();
            Encoding ibm437 = Encoding.GetEncoding(437);

            #region CommandLine
            // Check for command line argument then find designated file
            // Read from standard input if command line argument does not exist
            string path = "";
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.Write("No torrent file selected\n");
                Console.Write("Input file name: ");
                path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\" + Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\" + args[0];

            #region ReadFile
            // Read file
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                Console.Write("Torrent file does not exist\n");
            string payload             = "";
            Bencoding.BElement[] tfile = new Bencoding.BElement[0];
            StreamReader         read  = new StreamReader(path, ibm437);
            payload = read.ReadToEnd();
            tfile   = Bencoding.BencodeDecoder.Decode(payload);

            #region TrackerStarter
            // Parse file
            // Get the primary tracker URL
            string trackerurl = ((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["announce"].ToString();

            // Build the HTTP GET request parameters
            string suffix = "";
            suffix += @"?info_hash=";
            SHA1   infohash   = new SHA1Managed();
            string infostring = ((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["info"].ToBencodedString();
            suffix += Byte2Hashstring(infohash.Hash);
            suffix += @"&peer_id=";
            string myid = "0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F";
            suffix += myid;
            suffix += @"&port=";
            suffix += IN_PORT;
            suffix += @"&uploaded=";
            long uploaded = 0;
            suffix += uploaded;
            suffix += @"&downloaded=";
            long downloaded = 0;
            suffix += downloaded;
            suffix += @"&left=";
            long left = Int64.Parse(((Bencoding.BDictionary)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["info"])["length"].ToBencodedString().Substring(1, ((Bencoding.BDictionary)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["info"])["length"].ToBencodedString().Length - 2));
            suffix += left;
            suffix += @"&event=started";
            suffix += @"&numwant=";
            suffix += NUM_WANT;
            suffix += @"&compact=1";
            suffix += @"&no_peer_id=1";

            // Change URL to HTTP prefix
            trackerurl = @"http://" + trackerurl.Substring(trackerurl.IndexOf(@"://") + 3);

            // Query the primary tracker
            string    text   = null;
            WebClient client = new WebClient();
            try {
                text = client.DownloadString(trackerurl + suffix);
            catch (Exception e) {
                // If connection to tracker failed
            Bencoding.BElement[] response = new Bencoding.BElement[0];
            bool failed = true;
            // Check if response is actually a failure
            if (text != null)
                response = Bencoding.BencodeDecoder.Decode(text);
                if (response[0].ToBencodedString().IndexOf("failure reason") < 0)
                    failed = false;
            // If there was a failure
            try {
                // Try each alternate tracker
                for (int i = 0; failed && ((Bencoding.BList)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["announce-list"])[i] != null; i++)
                    string temp = ((Bencoding.BList)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["announce-list"])[i].ToBencodedString();
                    text = null;
                    // Change prefix to HTTP
                    if (temp.IndexOf("http://") < 0)
                    trackerurl = @"http://" + temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf("://") + 3, temp.Length - 1 - temp.IndexOf("://") - 3);
                    client     = new WebClient();
                    try {
                        text = client.DownloadString(trackerurl + suffix);
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        // If connection to tracker failed
                    response = new Bencoding.BElement[0];
                    failed   = true;
                    // Check if response is actually a failure
                    if (text != null)
                        response = Bencoding.BencodeDecoder.Decode(text);
                        if (response[0].ToBencodedString().IndexOf("failure reason") < 0)
                            failed = false;
            catch (Exception) {

            // Check if all tracker connection attempts were failures
            if (!failed)
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully connected to a tracker");
                Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to any trackers");

            #region MainLoop
            // Parsing the tracker response
            long interval     = ((Bencoding.BInteger)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(response[0]))["interval"]).Value;
            long timetoupdate = interval / 10 * 9;
            // Prime listener
            TcpListener inb = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, IN_PORT);
            inb.Server.Blocking = false;
            TcpClient[] peers           = new TcpClient[0];
            int[]       peerttl         = new int[0];
            int[]       am_choking      = new int[0];
            int[]       am_interested   = new int[0];
            int[]       peer_choking    = new int[0];
            long        filelength      = ((Bencoding.BInteger)((Bencoding.BDictionary)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["info"])["length"]).Value;
            long        piecelength     = ((Bencoding.BInteger)((Bencoding.BDictionary)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["info"])["piece length"]).Value;
            long        numpieces       = ((Bencoding.BString)((Bencoding.BDictionary)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["info"])["pieces"]).Value.Length / 20;
            string      filename        = ((Bencoding.BString)((Bencoding.BDictionary)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(tfile[0]))["info"])["name"]).Value;
            int[]       peer_interested = new int[0];
            bool[][]    peer_pieces     = new bool[0][];
            bool[]      have_pieces     = new bool[numpieces + numpieces % 8];
            // Main loop
            Console.Write("Starting Main Loop\n");
            for (; ;)
                #region TrackerQuery
                // Periodically request and parse HTTP information
                if (timetoupdate <= 0)
                    #region QueryTracker
                    // Request tracker information
                    suffix  = "";
                    suffix += @"?info_hash=";
                    suffix += Byte2Hashstring(infohash.Hash);
                    suffix += @"&peer_id=";
                    suffix += myid;
                    suffix += @"&port=";
                    suffix += IN_PORT;
                    suffix += @"&uploaded=";
                    suffix += uploaded;
                    suffix += @"&downloaded=";
                    suffix += downloaded;
                    suffix += @"&left=";
                    suffix += left;
                    suffix += @"&numwant=";
                    suffix += NUM_WANT;
                    suffix += @"&compact=1";
                    suffix += @"&no_peer_id=1";
                    try {
                        text = client.DownloadString(trackerurl + suffix);
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        // If connection to tracker failed
                    response = new Bencoding.BElement[0];
                    failed   = true;
                    // Check if response is actually a failure
                    if (text != null)
                        response = Bencoding.BencodeDecoder.Decode(text);
                        if (response[0].ToBencodedString().IndexOf("failure reason") < 0)
                            failed = false;
                    if (failed)
                        Console.WriteLine("Connection with tracker broken");

                    interval     = ((Bencoding.BInteger)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(response[0]))["interval"]).Value;
                    timetoupdate = interval;

                    #region ConnectToPeers
                    // Parse tracker information
                    string peerlist = ((Bencoding.BString)((Bencoding.BDictionary)(response[0]))["peers"]).ToBencodedString();
                    peerlist = peerlist.Substring(peerlist.IndexOf(":") + 1);
                    int peerlen = peerlist.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < peerlist.Length; i += 6)
                        // Convert response from byte data
                        byte[] ipbytes   = GetBytes(peerlist.Substring(i, 4));
                        byte[] portbytes = GetBytes(peerlist.Substring(i + 4, 2));
                        string ipstring  = ipbytes[0] + "." + ipbytes[2] + "." + ipbytes[4] + "." + ipbytes[6];
                        int    portint   = portbytes[0] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + portbytes[2];
                        // Sometimes I get weird data in between bytes
                        // Actual IP and port number differ from what I calculate in these cases
                        // I don't see a correlation between the noise and error so I drop them
                        if (ipbytes[1] != 0 || ipbytes[3] != 0 || ipbytes[5] != 0 || ipbytes[7] != 0 || portbytes[1] != 0 || portbytes[3] != 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Outbound: {0}:{1}", ipstring, portint);
                        // Attempt connection to peer
                        try {
                            TcpClient     temppeer = new TcpClient(ipstring, portint);
                            NetworkStream stream   = temppeer.GetStream();
                            // Immediately send the handshake (Currently byte-wise representation of the data)
                            byte[] handshake = new byte[MAX_HANDSHAKE];
                            // Pstrlen
                            handshake[0] = (byte)PSTR.Length;
                            // Pstr
                            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < PSTR.ToCharArray().Length; i2++)
                                handshake[i2 + 1] = (byte)PSTR.ToCharArray()[i2];
                            // Reserved
                            // 8 bytes left as 0
                            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < infohash.Hash.Length; i2++)
                                handshake[1 + PSTR.Length + 8 + i2] = infohash.Hash[i2];
                            // Peer ID
                            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < myid.Length; i2++)
                                handshake[1 + PSTR.Length + 8 + infohash.Hash.Length + i2] = (byte)myid.ToCharArray()[i2];
                            stream.Write(handshake, 0, 49 + PSTR.Length);
                            //stream.Read(handshake, 0, handshake.Length);
                            stream.Read(handshake, 0, 1);
                            stream.Read(handshake, 1, 49 - 1 + handshake[0]);
                            // Verify correct info_hash
                            bool pass = true;
                            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < infohash.Hash.Length; i2++)
                                if (infohash.Hash[i2] != handshake[1 + handshake[0] + 8 + i2])
                                    pass = false;
                            if (!pass)
                                Console.WriteLine("\tDenied: Peer did not have matching info_hash");
                            // Add peer to active peer list
                            peers           = TcpAdd(peers, temppeer);
                            peerttl         = IntAdd(peerttl, PEER_TTL);
                            am_choking      = IntAdd(am_choking, 1);
                            am_interested   = IntAdd(am_interested, 0);
                            peer_choking    = IntAdd(peer_choking, 1);
                            peer_interested = IntAdd(peer_interested, 0);
                            peer_pieces     = BoolAdd(peer_pieces, new bool[numpieces + numpieces % 8]);
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            // Connection failed
                            Console.Write("\tFailure: ");

                #region AcceptConnections
                // Accept incoming connections from peers
                while (inb.Pending())
                    TcpClient temppeer;
                    while ((temppeer = inb.AcceptTcpClient()) != null)
                        string ipstring = IPAddress.Parse(((IPEndPoint)temppeer.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString()).ToString();
                        int    portint  = ((IPEndPoint)temppeer.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Port;
                        Console.WriteLine("Inbound: {0}:{1}", ipstring, portint);
                        // Immediately send the handshake (Currently byte-wise representation of the data)
                        NetworkStream stream    = temppeer.GetStream();
                        byte[]        handshake = new byte[MAX_HANDSHAKE];
                        stream.Read(handshake, 0, handshake.Length);
                        // Verify correct info_hash
                        bool pass = true;
                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < infohash.Hash.Length; i2++)
                            if (infohash.Hash[i2] != handshake[1 + handshake[0] + 8 + i2])
                                pass = false;
                        if (!pass)
                            Console.WriteLine("\tDenied: Peer did not have matching info_hash");
                        // Return handshake
                        // Pstrlen
                        handshake[0] = (byte)PSTR.Length;
                        // Pstr
                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < PSTR.ToCharArray().Length; i2++)
                            handshake[i2 + 1] = (byte)PSTR.ToCharArray()[i2];
                        // Reserved
                        // 8 bytes left as 0
                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < infohash.Hash.Length; i2++)
                            handshake[1 + PSTR.Length + 8 + i2] = infohash.Hash[i2];
                        // Peer ID
                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < myid.Length; i2++)
                            handshake[1 + PSTR.Length + 8 + infohash.Hash.Length + i2] = (byte)myid.ToCharArray()[i2];
                        stream.Write(handshake, 0, handshake.Length);
                        peers           = TcpAdd(peers, temppeer);
                        peerttl         = IntAdd(peerttl, PEER_TTL);
                        am_choking      = IntAdd(am_choking, 1);
                        am_interested   = IntAdd(am_interested, 0);
                        peer_choking    = IntAdd(peer_choking, 1);
                        peer_interested = IntAdd(peer_interested, 0);
                        peer_pieces     = BoolAdd(peer_pieces, new bool[numpieces + numpieces % 8]);
                        Console.WriteLine("Connection from peer accepted");

                #region HandleConnections
                // Handle connections with peers
                for (int i = 0; i < peers.Length; i++)
                    string ipstring = IPAddress.Parse(((IPEndPoint)peers[i].Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString()).ToString();
                    int    portint  = ((IPEndPoint)peers[i].Client.RemoteEndPoint).Port;
                    Console.WriteLine("Polling: {0}:{1}", ipstring, portint);
                    if (peers[i].GetStream().DataAvailable)
                        peerttl[i] = PEER_TTL;
                        NetworkStream stream = peers[i].GetStream();
                        byte[]        buffer = new byte[MAX_BUFFER];
                        stream.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
                        int len = buffer[0] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[1] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[2] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[3] - 1;
                        if (len == 0)
                        stream.Read(buffer, 4, 1);
                        int id = buffer[4];
                        if (id == 0)
                            peer_choking[i] = 1;
                            Console.WriteLine("Choking: {0}:{1}", ipstring, portint);
                        if (id == 1)
                            peer_choking[i] = 0;
                            Console.WriteLine("Unchoking: {0}:{1}", ipstring, portint);
                        if (id == 2)
                            peer_interested[i] = 1;
                            Console.WriteLine("Interested: {0}:{1}", ipstring, portint);
                        if (id == 3)
                            peer_interested[i] = 0;
                            Console.WriteLine("Uninterested: {0}:{1}", ipstring, portint);
                        if (id == 4)
                            stream.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
                            int length = buffer[0] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[1] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[2] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[3];
                            Console.WriteLine("Have: {0}:{1} {2}", ipstring, portint, length);
                        if (id == 5)
                            stream.Read(buffer, 0, len);
                            peer_pieces[i] = new bool[numpieces + numpieces % 8];
                            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < len; i2++)
                                try {
                                    peer_pieces[i][i2 * 8 + 0] = (buffer[i2] >> 7) - (buffer[i2] >> 8 << 1) == 1;
                                    peer_pieces[i][i2 * 8 + 1] = (buffer[i2] >> 6) - (buffer[i2] >> 7 << 1) == 1;
                                    peer_pieces[i][i2 * 8 + 2] = (buffer[i2] >> 5) - (buffer[i2] >> 6 << 1) == 1;
                                    peer_pieces[i][i2 * 8 + 3] = (buffer[i2] >> 4) - (buffer[i2] >> 5 << 1) == 1;
                                    peer_pieces[i][i2 * 8 + 4] = (buffer[i2] >> 3) - (buffer[i2] >> 4 << 1) == 1;
                                    peer_pieces[i][i2 * 8 + 5] = (buffer[i2] >> 2) - (buffer[i2] >> 3 << 1) == 1;
                                    peer_pieces[i][i2 * 8 + 6] = (buffer[i2] >> 1) - (buffer[i2] >> 2 << 1) == 1;
                                    peer_pieces[i][i2 * 8 + 7] = (buffer[i2] >> 0) - (buffer[i2] >> 1 << 1) == 1;
                                catch (Exception) {
                            Console.WriteLine("Bitfield: {0}:{1}", ipstring, portint);
                        if (id == 6)
                            stream.Read(buffer, 0, 12);
                            long index  = buffer[0] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[1] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[2] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[3];
                            long begin  = buffer[4] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[5] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[6] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[9];
                            long length = buffer[8] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[9] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[10] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[11];
                            Console.WriteLine("Request: {0}:{1} {2},{3},{4}", ipstring, portint, index, begin, length);
                        if (id == 7)
                            stream.Read(buffer, 0, 8);
                            long index  = buffer[0] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[1] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[2] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[3];
                            long begin  = buffer[4] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[5] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[6] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[9];
                            long length = len - 8;
                            stream.Read(buffer, 0, len - 8);
                            // Create a file and write to it
                            string tempname = filename + "." + index + "." + length;
                            if (!File.Exists(tempname))
                                File.WriteAllBytes(tempname, buffer);
                            // Get all files for the same piece in directory
                            List <string> filelist = new List <string>();
                            foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles("", "*"))
                            int   furthest = 0;
                            int   curpos   = 0;
                            Regex regex    = new Regex("*." + index + ".[0-9]*.[0-9]*");
                            // Check if they can be combined to create full piece
                            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < filelist.Count; i2++)
                                for (int i3 = 0; i3 < filelist.Count; i3++)
                                    string cur = filelist.ElementAt(i3);
                                    if (!regex.IsMatch(cur))
                                    string cur2 = cur.Substring(cur.LastIndexOf('.'));
                                    string cur3 = cur.Substring(0, cur.Length - cur2.Length);
                                    string cur4 = cur3.Substring(cur3.LastIndexOf('.'));

                                     * if (Int64.Parse(cur2.Substring(1)) ) {
                                     * }
                                     * */

                            Console.WriteLine("Piece: {0}:{1} {2},{3}", ipstring, portint, index, begin);
                        if (id == 8)
                            stream.Read(buffer, 0, 12);
                            long index  = buffer[0] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[1] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[2] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[3];
                            long begin  = buffer[4] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[5] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[6] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[9];
                            long length = buffer[8] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[9] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[10] * (byte.MaxValue + 1) + buffer[11];
                            Console.WriteLine("Cancel: {0}:{1} {2},{3},{4}", ipstring, portint, index, begin, length);
                    else if (peerttl[i] < 0)
                        peers           = TcpRemove(peers, i);
                        peerttl         = IntRemove(peerttl, i);
                        am_choking      = IntRemove(am_choking, i);
                        am_interested   = IntRemove(am_interested, i);
                        peer_choking    = IntRemove(peer_choking, i);
                        peer_interested = IntRemove(peer_interested, i);

                //for peers that are not choked
                //   request pieces from outcoming traffic

                //check liveliness of peers and replace dead (or useless) peers
                //with new potentially useful peers

                //update peers

                #region Completion
                bool complete = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < numpieces; i++)
                    if (!have_pieces[i])
                        complete = false;
                if (complete)

                #region WaitAndTimeUpdate
                Console.WriteLine("  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  ");
                timetoupdate -= MAIN_WAIT;
                for (int i = 0; i < peerttl.Length; i++)
                    peerttl[i] -= MAIN_WAIT;
