Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// React to an Animal based on it's type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animal"></param>
        public void ReactTo(Animal animal, ref AIParameters AIparams)
            if (animal != null)
                //setting the the reactionLocation and reactionDistance here is
                //an optimization, many of the possible reactions use the distance
                //and location of theAnimal, so we might as well figure them out
                //only once !
                Vector2 otherLocation = animal.Location;
                ClosestLocation(ref location, ref otherLocation,
                                out reactionLocation);
                reactionDistance = Vector2.Distance(location, reactionLocation);

                //we only react if theAnimal is close enough that we can see it
                if (reactionDistance < AIparams.DetectionDistance)
                    Behaviors.Behaviors reactions = behaviors[animal.AnimalType];
                    foreach (Behavior reaction in reactions)
                        reaction.Update(animal, AIparams);
                        if (reaction.Reacted)
                            aiNewDir += reaction.Reaction;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates all the behaviors that this Bird knows about
        /// </summary>
        public void BuildBehaviors()
            Behaviors.Behaviors catReactions = new Behaviors.Behaviors();
            catReactions.Add(new FleeBehavior(this));
            behaviors.Add(AnimalType.Cat, catReactions);

            Behaviors.Behaviors birdReactions = new Behaviors.Behaviors();
            birdReactions.Add(new AlignBehavior(this));
            birdReactions.Add(new CohesionBehavior(this));
            birdReactions.Add(new SeparationBehavior(this));
            behaviors.Add(AnimalType.Bird, birdReactions);