/// <summary>
 ///     Invoke before request handler if it is set.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The session event arguments.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private async Task InvokeBeforeRequest(SessionEventArgs args)
     if (BeforeRequest != null)
         await BeforeRequest.InvokeAsync(this, args, ExceptionFunc);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Invoke before request handler if it is set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The session event arguments.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task onBeforeRequest(SessionEventArgs args)
            args.TimeLine["Request Received"] = DateTime.Now;

            if (BeforeRequest != null)
                await BeforeRequest.InvokeAsync(this, args, ExceptionFunc);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the core request handler method for a particular connection from client
        /// Will create new session (request/response) sequence until
        /// client/server abruptly terminates connection or by normal HTTP termination
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        /// <param name="clientStream"></param>
        /// <param name="clientStreamReader"></param>
        /// <param name="clientStreamWriter"></param>
        /// <param name="httpsConnectHostname"></param>
        /// <param name="endPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="connectRequest"></param>
        /// <param name="isTransparentEndPoint"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task HandleHttpSessionRequest(TcpClient client, CustomBufferedStream clientStream,
                                                    CustomBinaryReader clientStreamReader, HttpResponseWriter clientStreamWriter, string httpsConnectHostname,
                                                    ProxyEndPoint endPoint, ConnectRequest connectRequest, bool isTransparentEndPoint = false)
            TcpConnection connection = null;

                //Loop through each subsequest request on this particular client connection
                //(assuming HTTP connection is kept alive by client)
                while (true)
                    // read the request line
                    string httpCmd = await clientStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpCmd))

                    var args = new SessionEventArgs(BufferSize, endPoint, ExceptionFunc)
                        ProxyClient = { TcpClient = client },
                        WebSession  = { ConnectRequest = connectRequest }

                        Request.ParseRequestLine(httpCmd, out string httpMethod, out string httpUrl, out var version);

                        //Read the request headers in to unique and non-unique header collections
                        await HeaderParser.ReadHeaders(clientStreamReader, args.WebSession.Request.Headers);

                        Uri httpRemoteUri;
                        if (uriSchemeRegex.IsMatch(httpUrl))
                                httpRemoteUri = new Uri(httpUrl);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception($"Invalid URI: '{httpUrl}'", ex);
                            string host        = args.WebSession.Request.Host ?? httpsConnectHostname;
                            string hostAndPath = host;
                            if (httpUrl.StartsWith("/"))
                                hostAndPath += httpUrl;

                            string url = string.Concat(httpsConnectHostname == null ? "http://" : "https://", hostAndPath);
                                httpRemoteUri = new Uri(url);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception($"Invalid URI: '{url}'", ex);

                        args.WebSession.Request.RequestUri  = httpRemoteUri;
                        args.WebSession.Request.OriginalUrl = httpUrl;

                        args.WebSession.Request.Method      = httpMethod;
                        args.WebSession.Request.HttpVersion = version;
                        args.ProxyClient.ClientStream       = clientStream;
                        args.ProxyClient.ClientStreamReader = clientStreamReader;
                        args.ProxyClient.ClientStreamWriter = clientStreamWriter;

                        //proxy authorization check
                        if (!args.IsTransparent && httpsConnectHostname == null && await CheckAuthorization(clientStreamWriter, args) == false)

                        if (!isTransparentEndPoint)
                            args.WebSession.Request.Host = args.WebSession.Request.RequestUri.Authority;

                        //if win auth is enabled
                        //we need a cache of request body
                        //so that we can send it after authentication in WinAuthHandler.cs
                        if (isWindowsAuthenticationEnabledAndSupported && args.WebSession.Request.HasBody)
                            await args.GetRequestBody();

                        //If user requested interception do it
                        if (BeforeRequest != null)
                            await BeforeRequest.InvokeAsync(this, args, ExceptionFunc);

                        var response = args.WebSession.Response;

                        if (args.WebSession.Request.CancelRequest)
                            await HandleHttpSessionResponse(args);

                            if (!response.KeepAlive)


                        //create a new connection if hostname/upstream end point changes
                        if (connection != null &&
                            (!connection.HostName.Equals(args.WebSession.Request.RequestUri.Host, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                             (args.WebSession.UpStreamEndPoint != null &&
                            connection = null;

                        if (connection == null)
                            connection = await GetServerConnection(args, false);

                        //if upgrading to websocket then relay the requet without reading the contents
                        if (args.WebSession.Request.UpgradeToWebSocket)
                            //prepare the prefix content
                            var requestHeaders = args.WebSession.Request.Headers;
                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(httpCmd);

                            await connection.StreamWriter.WriteHeadersAsync(requestHeaders);

                            string httpStatus = await connection.StreamReader.ReadLineAsync();

                            Response.ParseResponseLine(httpStatus, out var responseVersion, out int responseStatusCode, out string responseStatusDescription);
                            response.HttpVersion       = responseVersion;
                            response.StatusCode        = responseStatusCode;
                            response.StatusDescription = responseStatusDescription;

                            await HeaderParser.ReadHeaders(connection.StreamReader, response.Headers);

                            if (!args.IsTransparent)
                                await clientStreamWriter.WriteResponseAsync(response);

                            //If user requested call back then do it
                            if (BeforeResponse != null && !args.WebSession.Response.ResponseLocked)
                                await BeforeResponse.InvokeAsync(this, args, ExceptionFunc);

                            await TcpHelper.SendRaw(clientStream, connection.Stream, BufferSize,
                                                    (buffer, offset, count) => { args.OnDataSent(buffer, offset, count); },
                                                    (buffer, offset, count) => { args.OnDataReceived(buffer, offset, count); },


                        //construct the web request that we are going to issue on behalf of the client.
                        await HandleHttpSessionRequestInternal(connection, args);

                        //if connection is closing exit
                        if (!response.KeepAlive)
                    catch (Exception e) when(!(e is ProxyHttpException))
                        throw new ProxyHttpException("Error occured whilst handling session request", e, args);