public void CreateMultiple( int apiaryId, int firstNumber, int lastNumber, SystemType systemType, BeehiveType beehiveType) { var beehives = new List <Beehive>(); for (int number = firstNumber; number <= lastNumber; number++) { var beehive = new Beehive { ApiaryId = apiaryId, Number = number, SystemType = systemType, BeehiveType = beehiveType, IsAlive = true, }; beehives.Add(beehive); } this.db.Beehives.AddRange(beehives); this.db.SaveChanges(); AddMultipleBeehivesToApiary(apiaryId, beehives); }
private static bool Prefix(Beehive __instance, ref string __result) { if (!Configuration.Current.Beehive.IsEnabled || !Configuration.Current.Beehive.showDuration) { return(true); } if (!PrivateArea.CheckAccess(__instance.transform.position, 0f, false)) { __result = Localization.instance.Localize(__instance.m_name + "\n$piece_noaccess"); return(false); } int honeyLevel = __instance.GetHoneyLevel(); if (honeyLevel > 0) { __result = Localization.instance.Localize(string.Concat(new object[] { __instance.m_name, " ( ", __instance.m_honeyItem.m_itemData.m_shared.m_name, " x ", honeyLevel, " ) " + calculateTimeLeft(__instance) + "\n[<color=yellow><b>$KEY_Use</b></color>] $piece_beehive_extract" })); return(false); } __result = Localization.instance.Localize(__instance.m_name + " ( $piece_container_empty ) " + calculateTimeLeft(__instance) + "\n[<color=yellow><b>$KEY_Use</b></color>] $piece_beehive_check"); return(false); }
private static string calculateTimeLeft(Beehive BeehiveInstance) { string info = ""; if (BeehiveInstance.GetHoneyLevel() == BeehiveInstance.m_maxHoney) { return(info); } float num = BeehiveInstance.m_nview.GetZDO().GetFloat("product"); float durationUntilDone = BeehiveInstance.m_secPerUnit - num; int minutes = (int)durationUntilDone / 60; if (((int)durationUntilDone) >= 120) { info = minutes + " minutes"; } else { info = (int)durationUntilDone + " seconds"; } return(" (" + info + ")"); }
public static void HiveUpdate(Beehive hive) { if ( !hive.IsCheckable ) return; //make sure it is time for update if ( DateTime.UtcNow >= hive.NextCheck ) { hive.NextCheck = DateTime.UtcNow + CheckDelay; //update check timer hive.LastGrowth = HiveGrowthIndicator.None; //reset growth indicator hive.HiveAge++; //update age of the hive hive.FindFlowersInRange(); //update flowers hive.FindWaterInRange(); //update water //apply any potions hive.ApplyBenefitEffects(); //apply negative effects if( !hive.ApplyMaladiesEffects() ) //Dead return; //update stage hive.Grow(); //update maladies hive.UpdateMaladies(); hive.BeehiveComponent.InvalidateProperties(); //to refresh beehive properties } }
public ActionResult New(int?Id) // parameter is the owning apiary { int fred = 0; if (Id != null) { fred = (int)Id; } if (fred == 0) { return(HttpNotFound()); // something has gone wrong if we get here } Apiary apiary = _context.Apiaries.Find(fred); // var viewModel = new BeehiveFormViewModel() //creating an fresh BeehiveFormViewModel var beehive = new Beehive() { BeehiveId = 0, BeehiveName = "enter beehive name", ApiaryId = apiary.ApiaryId }; // return View("BeehiveForm", viewModel); return(View("BeehiveForm", beehive)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ID,Name")] Beehive beehive) { if (id != beehive.ID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(beehive); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!BeehiveExists(beehive.ID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(beehive)); }
public static string BeehiveGetHoverText_Patch(string __result, Beehive __instance) { string result = __result; if (!showAlternateText.Value) { return(result); } string statusToReplace = $"\n[<color=yellow><b>$KEY_Use</b></color>] $piece_beehive_check"; string honeyString = LocaliseString(__instance.m_honeyItem.m_itemData.m_shared.m_name); string EMPTY = LocaliseString($"( $piece_container_empty )"); string honeyCount = LocaliseString($"\n{honeyString} ( {__instance.GetHoneyLevel()} / {__instance.m_maxHoney} )"); string hasHoney = LocaliseString($"( {honeyString} x {__instance.GetHoneyLevel()} )"); if (beeStatus.Value) { string status; if (!__instance.CheckBiome()) { status = "<color=red>$piece_beehive_area</color>"; } else if (!__instance.HaveFreeSpace()) { status = "<color=red>$piece_beehive_freespace</color>"; } else if (!EnvMan.instance.IsDaylight() && !nightCheck.Value) { status = "<color=yellow>$piece_beehive_sleep</color>"; } else { status = "<color=lime>$piece_beehive_happy</color>"; } result = result.Replace(LocaliseString(statusToReplace), ""); result = result.Replace(LocaliseString($"{__instance.m_name}"), LocaliseString($"{__instance.m_name}\n{LocaliseString(status)}")); } if (result.Contains(EMPTY)) { if (beeStatus.Value) { return(result.Replace(EMPTY, honeyCount)); } return(result.Replace(EMPTY, honeyCount)); } if (result.Contains(hasHoney)) { if (beeStatus.Value) { return(result.Replace(hasHoney, honeyCount)); } return(result.Replace(hasHoney, honeyCount)); } return(result); }
public async Task <int> CreateBeehiveAsync( string ownerId, string creatorId, int number, BeehiveSystem beehiveSystem, BeehiveType beehiveType, DateTime dateTime, int apiaryId, BeehivePower beehivePower, bool hasDevice, bool hasPolenCatcher, bool hasPropolisCatcher, bool isItMovable) { var beehive = new Beehive { CreatorId = creatorId, OwnerId = ownerId, Number = number, BeehiveSystem = beehiveSystem, BeehiveType = beehiveType, BeehivePower = beehivePower, Date = dateTime, ApiaryId = apiaryId, HasDevice = hasDevice, HasPolenCatcher = hasPolenCatcher, HasPropolisCatcher = hasPropolisCatcher, IsItMovable = isItMovable, }; await this.beehiveRepository.AddAsync(beehive); await this.beehiveRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); if (beehive.Apiary.ApiaryType == ApiaryType.Movable) { await this.temporaryApiaryBeehiveService.AddBeehiveToApiary(apiaryId, beehive.Id); } var allApiaryHelpersIds = this.apiaryHelperRepository .All() .Where(x => x.ApiaryId == apiaryId) .Select(x => x.UserId); foreach (var helperId in allApiaryHelpersIds) { var helper = new BeehiveHelper { UserId = helperId, BeehiveId = beehive.Id, }; await this.beehiveHelperRepository.AddAsync(helper); } await this.beehiveHelperRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); return(beehive.Id); }
void Awake() { // Register this script as the singleton instance. Instance = this; // Create audio sources for sound playback. hiveGrowSource = AudioHelper.CreateAudioSource(gameObject, hiveGrowSound); }
// GET: /<controller>/ public IActionResult Create(int id) { Beehive beehive = new Beehive(); beehive.BeekeeperIDFK = id; return(View(beehive)); }
public void BeehiveInitialized(Beehive hive) { if (Vector3.Distance(hive.transform.position, transform.position) < hive.ScanRadius) { hive.plants.Add(this); } ; }
public static void Initialize(MonitorContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); // Look for any students. if (context.SensorTypes.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } var sensorTypes = new SensorType[] { new SensorType { TypeDescription = "Hive Temperature" }, new SensorType { TypeDescription = "Hive Mass" }, new SensorType { TypeDescription = "Battery Level" }, new SensorType { TypeDescription = "Ambient Temperature" } }; foreach (SensorType s in sensorTypes) { context.SensorTypes.Add(s); } context.SaveChanges(); var apiaries = new Apiary[] { new Apiary { Name = "Test Apiary", Postcode = "KT1" } }; foreach (Apiary c in apiaries) { context.Apiaries.Add(c); } context.SaveChanges(); var beehives = new Beehive[] { new Beehive { Name = "test beehive" } }; foreach (Beehive b in beehives) { context.Beehives.Add(b); } context.SaveChanges(); }
private bool IsBeehiveDataCorrect(BeehiveTypes type, Beehive beehive) { if ((type == BeehiveTypes.Dadano && !IsDadanoDataCorrect(type, beehive)) || (type == BeehiveTypes.Daugiaaukštis && !IsDaugiaaukstisDataCorrect(type, beehive)) || (type == BeehiveTypes.NukleosoSekcija && !IsNukleusoSekcijaDataCorrect(type, beehive))) { return(false); } return(true); }
private bool IsDaugiaaukstisDataCorrect(BeehiveTypes type, Beehive beehive) { if (type == BeehiveTypes.Daugiaaukštis && beehive.No != null && beehive.MaxNestCombs == null && beehive.NestCombs == null && beehive.MaxHoneyCombsSupers == null && beehive.Color == null && beehive.AcquireDay == null) { return(true); } return(false); }
// GET: /<controller>/ public IActionResult Delete(int?id) { var beehiveToDelete = new Beehive(); if (id != null) { beehiveToDelete = _context.Beehives.FirstOrDefault(d => d.BeehiveID == id); } return(View(beehiveToDelete)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ID,Name")] Beehive beehive) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(beehive); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(beehive)); }
private bool IsNukleusoSekcijaDataCorrect(BeehiveTypes type, Beehive beehive) { if (type == BeehiveTypes.NukleosoSekcija && beehive.No == null && beehive.MaxNestCombs == null && beehive.NestCombs == null && beehive.MaxHoneyCombsSupers == null && beehive.Color == null && beehive.AcquireDay == null) { return(true); } return(false); }
public State GetState(AverageStatistic averageStatistic, Beehive beehive) { var recommendedTemperature = beehive.RecommendedTemperature; var recommendedHumidity = beehive.RecommendedHumidity; var valueState = TemperatureDeviation(recommendedTemperature, averageStatistic.AverageTemperature) + HumidityDeviation(recommendedHumidity, averageStatistic.AverageHumidity); valueState = MapValue(valueState); return(new State(valueState)); }
public IActionResult Edit([Bind("BeekeeperIDFK,HiveName,InstallDate,Notes,HoneyProduction")] Beehive beehive) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Entry(beehive).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); try { // Attempt to save changes to the database _context.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex) { foreach (var entry in ex.Entries) { if (entry.Entity is Beehive) { // Using a NoTracking query means we get the entity but it is not tracked by the context // and will not be merged with existing entities in the context. var databaseEntity = _context.Beehives.AsNoTracking().Single(p => p.BeehiveID == ((Beehive)entry.Entity).BeehiveID); var databaseEntry = _context.Entry(databaseEntity); foreach (var property in entry.Metadata.GetProperties()) { var proposedValue = entry.Property(property.Name).CurrentValue; var originalValue = entry.Property(property.Name).OriginalValue; var databaseValue = databaseEntry.Property(property.Name).CurrentValue; // TODO: Logic to decide which value should be written to database // entry.Property(property.Name).CurrentValue = <value to be saved>; // Update original values to entry.Property(property.Name).OriginalValue = databaseEntry.Property(property.Name).CurrentValue; } } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Don't know how to handle concurrency conflicts for " + entry.Metadata.Name); } } // Retry the save operation _context.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Beehives", routeValues: new { id = beehive.BeekeeperIDFK })); } return(View(beehive)); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //Initialise singleton patterns, game states and default variable values. bm = this; gameState = GameState.HIVE_VIEW; weekProgress = 0; weekNumber = 1; //Construct new beehive. beehive = new Beehive(numberOfFrames, startingPopulation); beehive.setHoney(startingHoney); UpdateScreenFrame(beehive.beehiveFrames[0]); }
public async Task <Beehive> GetBeehiveByIdAsync(int id) { try { Beehive beehive = await _databaseContext.Beehives.FindAsync(id); return(beehive); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } }
private static void Postfix(ref Beehive __instance) { var rnd = new Random(); if (rnd.Next(100) > 80) { var silver = ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab("Silver").GetComponent <ItemDrop>(); __instance.m_honeyItem = silver; } // For testing... or cheating //__instance.m_maxHoney = 30; //__instance.m_secPerUnit = 30; }
public IActionResult Create([Bind("HiveName,InstallDate,Notes,HoneyProduction")] Beehive beehive) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { beehive.BeekeeperIDFK = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Session.GetString("BeekeeperID")); _context.Beehives.Add(beehive); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Beehives", routeValues: new { id = beehive.BeekeeperIDFK })); } return(View(beehive)); }
public void IsBeehiveCorrectlyAdded() { try { db.DeleteAll <Beehive>(); } catch (SQLiteException) { db.CreateTable <Beehive>(); } Beehive beehive = CreateTestBeehive(); db.Insert(beehive); Assert.AreEqual(beehive, db.Table <Beehive>().ElementAt(0), "Beehive should be the same when added to the database."); }
private async void Add(object sender, EventArgs e) { db.CreateTable <Beehive>(); Beehive lastBeehive = db.Table <Beehive>().OrderByDescending(b => b.ID).FirstOrDefault(); int id; if (lastBeehive == null) { id = 1; } else { id = lastBeehive.ID++; } Beehive beehive = new Beehive() { ID = id, Number = _number.Text, Stores = int.Parse(_stores.Text), Name = _name.Text, TypeBeehive = _typeOfBeehive.SelectedItem.ToString(), TypeBees = _typeOfBee.SelectedItem.ToString(), Feedings = 0, Reviews = 0, Treatments = 0, Honey = 0, Wax = 0, Propolis = 0, Pollen = 0, RoyalJelly = 0, Poison = 0 }; if (apiary == null) { apiary = db.Query <Apiary>("select * from Apiary where id = " + int.Parse(_apiary.SelectedItem.ToString().Split().ToArray()[0])).First(); } beehive.ApiaryID = apiary.ID; db.Insert(beehive); await DisplayAlert(null, "Кошер " + _name.Text + " се добави в пчелинa.", "OK"); await Navigation.PushAsync(new MainPage(db.DatabasePath)); }
public async Task <bool> AddBeehiveAsync(Beehive beehive) { try { var tracking = await _databaseContext.Beehives.AddAsync(beehive); await _databaseContext.SaveChangesAsync(); bool isAdded = tracking.State == EntityState.Added; return(isAdded); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public async Task <bool> RemoveBeehiveAsync(Beehive beehive) { try { var tracking = _databaseContext.Beehives.Remove(beehive); await _databaseContext.SaveChangesAsync(); bool isRemoved = tracking.State == EntityState.Deleted; return(isRemoved); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public async Task <bool> UpdateBeehiveAsync(Beehive beehive) { try { var tracking = _databaseContext.Update(beehive); await _databaseContext.SaveChangesAsync(); bool isModified = tracking.State == EntityState.Modified; return(isModified); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public IActionResult Delete([Bind("BeehiveID")] Beehive beehive) { if (beehive != null) { var beehiveToDelete = _context.Beehives.FirstOrDefault(d => d.BeehiveID == beehive.BeehiveID); _context.Entry(beehiveToDelete).State = EntityState.Deleted; _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Beehives", routeValues: new { id = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Session.GetString("BeekeeperID")) })); } return(View(beehive)); }
private Beehive CreateTestBeehive() { Beehive beehive = new Beehive() { Name = "Beehive1", Number = "80043", Power = 4, Feedings = 4, //Production = 456, TypeBeehive = "Mobile", Treatments = 6, TypeBees = "Yellow", Reviews = 4, Stores = 5 }; return(beehive); }
public static void BeehiveInteract_Patch(Humanoid character, bool repeat, Beehive __instance) { if (beeStatus.Value) { character.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, ""); return; } if (!nightCheck.Value) { return; } if (!EnvMan.instance.IsDaylight()) { character.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, ""); } }
public static int FindWaterSources( Beehive hive ) { return Find( hive, false, hive.Range, m_WaterSources ); }
public BeehiveComponent(Beehive hive) : base (2330) { m_Hive = hive; }
public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader ) { base.Deserialize( reader ); int version = reader.ReadEncodedInt(); m_Hive = (Beehive)reader.ReadItem(); }
public BeesComponent( Beehive hive ) : base( 0x91b ) { m_Hive = hive; Movable = false; }
public BeehiveMainGump( Mobile from, Beehive hive ) : base( 20, 20 ) { m_hive = hive; Closable=true; Disposable=true; Dragable=true; Resizable=false; AddPage(0); AddBackground(37, 26, 205, 161, 3600); //vines AddItem(12, 91, 3307); AddItem(11, 24, 3307); AddItem(206, 87, 3307); AddItem(205, 20, 3307); AddImage(101, 66, 1417); //circle thing AddItem(118, 89, 2330); //beehive //potions AddItem(195, 46, 3848); AddItem(185, 96, 3847); AddItem(190, 71, 3850); AddItem(183, 121, 3852); AddItem(186, 146, 3849); //status icons AddItem(-5, 76, 882); //little bug thing AddItem(41, 121, 4088); AddItem(45, 148, 3336); AddItem(44, 49, 5154); AddItem(46, 100, 6884); //corner boxes AddImage(34, 20, 210); AddImage(228, 20, 210); AddImage(34, 172, 210); AddImage(228, 172, 210); //boxes around status icons AddImage(58, 71, 212); //infestation AddImage(58, 96, 212); //disease AddImage(58, 121, 212); //water AddImage(58, 146, 212); //flower //potion lables AddLabel(190, 47, 0x481, hive.potAgility.ToString() ); //agility AddLabel(190, 71, 0x481, hive.potPoison.ToString() ); //poison AddLabel(190, 96, 0x481, hive.potCure.ToString() ); //cure AddLabel(190, 121, 0x481, hive.potHeal.ToString() ); //heal AddLabel(190, 146, 0x481, hive.potStrength.ToString() ); //strength //status labels switch( hive.ParasiteLevel ) //parasites { case 1: AddLabel(81, 71, 52, @"-"); break; case 2: AddLabel(81, 71, 37, @"-"); break; } switch( hive.DiseaseLevel ) //disease { case 1: AddLabel(81, 96, 52, @"-");break; case 2: AddLabel(81, 96, 37, @"-");break; } switch( hive.ScaleWater() ) //water { case ResourceStatus.None : AddLabel(81, 121, 37, @"X"); break; case ResourceStatus.VeryLow : AddLabel(81, 121, 37, @"-"); break; case ResourceStatus.Low : AddLabel(81, 121, 52, @"-"); break; case ResourceStatus.High : AddLabel(81, 121, 67, @"+"); break; case ResourceStatus.VeryHigh: AddLabel(81, 121, 52, @"+"); break; case ResourceStatus.TooHigh : AddLabel(81, 121, 37, @"+"); break; } switch( hive.ScaleFlower() ) //flowers { case ResourceStatus.None : AddLabel(81, 145, 37, @"X"); break; case ResourceStatus.VeryLow : AddLabel(81, 145, 37, @"-"); break; case ResourceStatus.Low : AddLabel(81, 145, 52, @"-"); break; case ResourceStatus.High : AddLabel(81, 145, 67, @"+"); break; case ResourceStatus.VeryHigh: AddLabel(81, 145, 52, @"+"); break; case ResourceStatus.TooHigh : AddLabel(81, 145, 37, @"+"); break; } //corner labels AddLabel(40, 20, 0x481, ((int)hive.HiveStage).ToString() ); //top left (stage) //last growth switch( m_hive.LastGrowth ) { case HiveGrowthIndicator.PopulationDown: AddLabel(234, 20, 37, "-"); break; //red - case HiveGrowthIndicator.PopulationUp : AddLabel(234, 20, 67, "+"); break; //green + case HiveGrowthIndicator.NotHealthy : AddLabel(234, 20, 37, "!"); break; //red ! case HiveGrowthIndicator.LowResources : AddLabel(234, 20, 52, "!"); break; //yellow ! case HiveGrowthIndicator.Grown : AddLabel(234, 20, 92, "+"); break; //blue + } AddLabel(40, 172, 0x481, "?"); //help AddLabel(232, 172, 37, @"\"); //destroy AddItem(214, 176, 6256, 0); //destroy //misc labels if( hive.HiveStage >= HiveStatus.Producing ) AddLabel(100, 42, 92, "Colony : "+hive.Population.ToString()+"0k" ); else if( hive.HiveStage >= HiveStatus.Brooding ) AddLabel(100, 42, 92, " Brooding"); else AddLabel(100, 42, 92, " Colonizing"); switch( hive.OverallHealth ) //overall health { case HiveHealth.Dying: AddLabel(116, 146, 37, "Dying"); break; case HiveHealth.Sickly: AddLabel(116, 146, 52, "Sickly"); break; case HiveHealth.Healthy: AddLabel(116, 146, 67, "Healthy"); break; case HiveHealth.Thriving: AddLabel(116, 146, 92, "Thriving"); break; } //resource AddButton(58, 46, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butResource, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //help AddButton(34, 172, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butHelp, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //destroy AddButton(228, 172, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butDestroy, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //agility AddButton(202, 46, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butAgil, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //poison AddButton(202, 71, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butPois, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //cure AddButton(202, 96, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butCure, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //heal AddButton(202, 121, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butHeal, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //strength AddButton(202, 146, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butStr, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); }
public BeehiveDestroyGump( Mobile from, Beehive hive ) : base( 20, 20 ) { m_hive = hive; Closable=true; Disposable=true; Dragable=true; Resizable=false; AddPage(0); AddBackground(37, 26, 205, 137, 3600); AddItem(11, 20, 3307); AddItem(205, 20, 3307); AddItem(12, 65, 3307); AddItem(206, 69, 3307); AddLabel(84, 43, 92, "Destory the hive?"); AddItem(73, 68, 2330); AddItem(160, 68, 5359); AddImage(131, 74, 5601); //arrow AddButton(83, 114, 1150, 1152, (int)Buttons.butCancel, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddButton(166, 115, 1153, 1155, (int)Buttons.butOkay, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); }
public BeehiveProductionGump( Mobile from, Beehive hive ) : base( 20, 20 ) { m_hive = hive; Closable=true; Disposable=true; Dragable=true; Resizable=false; AddPage(0); AddBackground(37, 133, 205, 54, 3600); AddBackground(37, 67, 205, 80, 3600); AddBackground(37, 26, 205, 55, 3600); AddItem(12, 91, 3307); AddItem(11, 24, 3307); AddItem(206, 87, 3307); AddItem(205, 20, 3307); AddItem(76, 99, 5154); AddItem(149, 97, 2540); //honey if( m_hive.HiveStage < HiveStatus.Producing ) {//too early to produce AddLabel(185, 97, 37, "X"); } else { AddLabel(185, 97, 0x481, m_hive.Honey.ToString() ); } //wax if( m_hive.HiveStage < HiveStatus.Producing ) {//too early to produce AddLabel(113, 97, 37, "X"); } else { AddLabel(113, 97, 0x481, m_hive.Wax.ToString() ); } AddLabel(110, 43, 92, "Production"); //title AddItem(44, 47, 6256); AddItem(191, 151, 2540); AddItem(42, 153, 5154); AddImage(162, 96, 212); AddImage(90, 96, 212); AddButton(204, 150, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butHoney, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddButton(57, 43, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butExit, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddButton(56, 150, 212, 212, (int)Buttons.butWax, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); }