Example #1
 public static List <Evidence> Extend(List <Evidence> list, BayesianNode node, bool value)
     return(new List <Evidence>(list)
         new Evidence(node, value)
Example #2
    public void MakeDecision()
        // You can specify a list of evidence
        List <string> observations = new List <string> {
            "brave=" + GetIsBrave(),
            "enemy_amount=" + GetEnemyAmount(),
            "cover_type=" + GetCoverType()

        // You can then use them to infer another variable in the network
        double[] fightDistribution = ve.Infer("fight", observations);
        bool     fight             = ve.PickOne(fightDistribution) == 0;

        // You can do chain interence based on previous inference results
        observations.Add("fight=" + fight);

        // The API functions are overloaded to fit your needs
        // e.g. you can use a less string-based approach if you want to do things programmatically
        BayesianNetwork network         = ve.GetNetwork();
        Proposition     braveProp       = network.FindNode("brave").Instantiate(GetIsBrave());
        Proposition     enemyAmountProp = network.FindNode("enemy_amount").Instantiate(GetEnemyAmount());
        Proposition     hasCoverProp    = network.FindNode("cover_type").Instantiate(GetCoverType());
        Proposition     fightProp       = network.FindNode("fight").Instantiate(fight.ToString());
        BayesianNode    runAwayNode     = ve.GetNetwork().FindNode("run_away");

        double[] runawayDistribution = ve.Infer(runAwayNode, braveProp, enemyAmountProp, hasCoverProp, fightProp);
        bool     runaway             = ve.PickOne(runawayDistribution) == runAwayNode.var.GetTokenIndex("True");

        // Since it is a bayesian network, you can infer any variables with partial or even no information
        ve.Infer("enemy_amount", "fight=True");

        if (enemyAmount.Equals("NoEnemy"))
            decisionText.text = "Did not see any enemy.";
        else if (fight)
            decisionText.text = "The NPC decided to fight. ";
        else if (!fight && runaway)
            decisionText.text = "The NPC decided to run away.";
            decisionText.text = "The NPC decided to wait for his chance.";
        decisionText.text = "Decision made: " + decisionText.text;

        probabilityText.text = string.Format("true: {0}%\t\tfalse: {1}%\ntrue: {2}%\t\tfalse: {3}%",
                                             fightDistribution[0] * 100, fightDistribution[1] * 100, runawayDistribution[0] * 100, runawayDistribution[1] * 100);
 public Evidence(BayesianNode node, bool report)
     Node   = node;
     Report = report;
Example #4
 public static List <BayesianNode> Rest(List <BayesianNode> list, BayesianNode first)
     return(list.Where(n => n != first).ToList());
Example #5
        private void computarProbabilidadesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (CheckConsistency())
                    //obtener la evidencia
                    if (flowChartViewer1.Charts.Count > 0 && Evidence.Count > 0)
                    //transformar el grafo del visor a un grafo de nodos bayesianos

                    var graph = new BayesianGraph();
                    var          dict = new Dictionary <BayesianNode, BayesianNodeChartElement>(flowChartViewer1.Charts.Count);
                    BayesianNode node;
                    var          dict2 = new Dictionary <BayesianNodeChartElement, BayesianNode>(flowChartViewer1.Charts.Count);


                    foreach (var item in flowChartViewer1.Charts.Cast <BayesianNodeChartElement>())
                        node = new BayesianNode(item.Parents.Count, item.Childs.Count(), item.States.Count,
                                                item.Parents.Select(x => x.States.Count).ToArray())
                            Probabilities = item.Condicional_Probabilities, Name = item.Name

                        dict.Add(node, item);
                        dict2.Add(item, node);

                    foreach (var bnodechart in flowChartViewer1.Charts.Cast <BayesianNodeChartElement>())
                        foreach (var child in bnodechart.Childs)
                            graph.AddEdge(dict2[bnodechart], dict2[child]);
                    //ejecutar el traspaso de mensajes en un poliarbol o en una red multiplemente conexa
                    progressBar1.Value = 5;
                    MessageTransfer.Increment += UpdateProgress;

                    if (graph.Arbol())
                        if (Evidence.Count > 0)
                            MessageTransfer.Message_Tranfer_Poliarbol(graph, Evidence[EvidenceIndex]);
                        foreach (var nodebayesian in graph)
                        var markovnet = new MarkovNet(graph);
                        if (Evidence.Count > 0)
                            MessageTransfer.Message_Tranfer_Arbol_Union(markovnet, Evidence[EvidenceIndex]);
                        foreach (var nodebayesian in markovnet.BayesianNet)

                    progressBar1.Value = 100;

                    Tests.Add(new BayesianTest()
                        Evidence      = Evidence[EvidenceIndex].Clone(),
                        Probabilities =
                            graph.Select(x => x.ConditionalProbability.Clone() as double[]).ToArray()
                    TestsIndex = Tests.Count - 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Hubo algun problema al calcular las probabilidades condicionales. " + ex.Message);
Example #6
 public Query(BayesianNode node, bool question)
     Node     = node;
     Question = question;
    /// <summary>
    /// Se le llama al inicio de la escena
    /// Se le llama cada vez que se pulsa un toogle o se desliza el slider
    /// </summary>
    public void MakeDecision()
        ////Lista con las observaciones de la escena
        //List<string> observations = new List<string> {
        //    "brave=" + GetIsBrave(),
        //    "enemy_amount=" + GetEnemyAmount(),
        //    "cover_type=" + GetCoverType()
        ///*EJEMPLO: [brave=True, enemy_amount= 3, cover_type=Full_cover] */
        ////Usamos la lista para inferir otra variable en la red
        ////Calculamos la probabilidad de luchar en función de la observación
        //double[] fightDistribution = ve.Infer("fight", observations);

        ////Obtenemos si lucha o no
        //bool fight = ve.PickOne(fightDistribution) == 0;

        ////Añadimos si lucha o no a la lista de observaciones para tenerlo en cuenta para las siguientes inferencias
        //observations.Add("fight=" + fight);

        // The API functions are overloaded to fit your needs
        // e.g. you can use a less string-based approach if you want to do things programmatically
        //Creamos la red de decisión
        BayesianNetwork network = ve.GetNetwork();

        //Obtenemos referencia a todas las proposiciones y las crea con los valores observables
        Proposition braveProp       = network.FindNode("brave").Instantiate(GetIsBrave());
        Proposition enemyAmountProp = network.FindNode("enemy_amount").Instantiate(GetEnemyAmount());
        Proposition hasCoverProp    = network.FindNode("cover_type").Instantiate(GetCoverType());

        BayesianNode fightNode = ve.GetNetwork().FindNode("fight");

        double[] fightDistribution = ve.Infer(fightNode, braveProp, enemyAmountProp, hasCoverProp);
        bool     fight             = ve.PickOne(fightDistribution) == fightNode.var.GetTokenIndex("True");

        //Obtenemos la referencia a la proposición creada
        Proposition fightProp = network.FindNode("fight").Instantiate(fight.ToString());

        //Inferimos el nuevo nodo y tomamos una decisión
        BayesianNode runAwayNode = ve.GetNetwork().FindNode("run_away");

        double[] runawayDistribution = ve.Infer(runAwayNode, braveProp, enemyAmountProp, hasCoverProp, fightProp);
        bool     runaway             = ve.PickOne(runawayDistribution) == runAwayNode.var.GetTokenIndex("True");

        //Se puede inferir todo lo que quieras con información parcial o sin información
        ve.Infer("enemy_amount", "fight=True");

        //Escribir la decisión en función de lo que nos salga del coñete
        if (enemyAmount.Equals("NoEnemy"))
            decisionText.text = "Did not see any enemy.";
        else if (fight)
            decisionText.text = "The NPC decided to fight. ";
        else if (!fight && runaway)
            decisionText.text = "The NPC decided to run away.";
            decisionText.text = "The NPC decided to wait for his chance.";

        decisionText.text = "Decision made: " + decisionText.text;

        probabilityText.text = string.Format("true: {0}%\t\tfalse: {1}%\ntrue: {2}%\t\tfalse: {3}%",
                                             fightDistribution[0] * 100, fightDistribution[1] * 100, runawayDistribution[0] * 100, runawayDistribution[1] * 100);