public void StartBattle() { Debug.Log("Hit the Trigger............................... Trigger"); List <Classes.Enamy> EnamyList = new List <Classes.Enamy>(); if (area == Areas.area1) { for (int i = 0; i < clas.Enamies.Count; i++) { // if(clas.Enamies[i].classType == Classes.TypeClass.normal && clas.Enamies[i].Level <= LevelLimit) if (clas.Enamies[i].classType == Classes.TypeClass.normal) { EnamyList.Add(clas.Enamies[i]); Debug.Log("added enamy"); } } Debug.Log(EnamyList.Count); int enami = Random.Range(0, EnamyList.Count); Debug.Log(EnamyList.Count + "number" + enami + EnamyList[enami].Name); int enamyLv = Random.Range(LevelLimit - 3, LevelLimit); EnamyList[enami].Level = enamyLv; battleEvent.StartBattle(EnamyList[enami]); } }
// ..................................................................... choose type // happens after the talk text public void DoType() { if (npc == Npctype.StoreClerk) { ChatPannel.gameObject.SetActive(false); StoreMenuPannel.gameObject.SetActive(true); ConstructStoreSlots(); } else if (npc == Npctype.Crafter) { ChatPannel.gameObject.SetActive(false); CraftPannel.gameObject.SetActive(true); ConstructCraftSlots(); } else if (npc == Npctype.commonNpc) { if (currentChosenItem > 0) { GiveQuestItem(); } // talkLines = talkLines2; EndNpcEvent(); Debug.Log("did the event to turn it off"); } else if (npc == Npctype.QuestGiver) { if (inventory.inventory.Contains(items.items[QuestGiverItemId])) { return; } // ChatPannel.gameObject.SetActive(false); GiveQuestItem(); // talkLines = talkLines2; EndNpcEvent(); } else if (npc == Npctype.BossEvent) { ChatPannel.gameObject.SetActive(false); battleM.StartBattle(clas.Enamies[BossEnamyIndexId]); GiveQuestItem(); EndNpcEvent(); } }