Example #1
        public McpeWrapper GetBatch()
            lock (_cacheSync)
                if (!isDirty && _cachedBatch != null)


                McpeFullChunkData fullChunkData = McpeFullChunkData.CreateObject();
                fullChunkData.chunkX    = x;
                fullChunkData.chunkZ    = z;
                fullChunkData.chunkData = GetBytes();
                byte[] bytes = fullChunkData.Encode();

                var batch = BatchUtils.CreateBatchPacket(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true);

                _cachedBatch = batch;
                _cache       = null;
                isDirty      = false;

Example #2
        internal static McpeWrapper CreateMcpeBatch(byte[] bytes)
            McpeWrapper batch = BatchUtils.CreateBatchPacket(new Memory <byte>(bytes, 0, (int)bytes.Length), CompressionLevel.Optimal, true);

Example #3
        private IEnumerable <PayloadReaderTestDescriptor> CreateCrossReferenceTestDescriptors(CrossReferenceTestCase testCase, ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(testCase, "testCase");

            var emptyPayload = new OData.Common.PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadEdmModel = new EdmModel().Fixup()

            IEnumerable <OData.Common.PayloadTestDescriptor> operationPayloads = new[] { emptyPayload };

            // One of the operations in the test case may specify a reference link value to use to generate payloads
            string payloadReferenceLink = testCase.ChangeSets.SelectMany(cset => cset.Operations).Select(o => o.PayloadCrossReferenceLink).SingleOrDefault(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

            if (payloadReferenceLink != null)
                EdmModel testModel = Test.OData.Utils.Metadata.TestModels.BuildTestModel();
                operationPayloads =
                    GeneratePayloadElementsWithCrossReferenceLinks(payloadReferenceLink, testConfiguration).Select(
                        p => new OData.Common.PayloadTestDescriptor
                    PayloadElement  = p,
                    PayloadEdmModel = testModel,

            var testDescriptors = new List <PayloadReaderTestDescriptor>();

            foreach (var payload in operationPayloads)
                IEnumerable <IMimePart> requestChangesets = testCase.ChangeSets.Select(
                    c => (IMimePart)BatchUtils.GetRequestChangeset(
                        c.Operations.Select(o =>
                    // check whether we need to inject a payload into this operation
                    var operationPayload = string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.PayloadCrossReferenceLink) ? emptyPayload : payload;

                    ODataUri operationUri = new ODataUri(new[] { ODataUriBuilder.Unrecognized(o.Uri.OriginalString) });
                    var requestOperation  = operationPayload.InRequestOperation(HttpVerb.Post, operationUri, this.RequestManager);
                    requestOperation.Headers.Add(HttpHeaders.ContentId, o.ContentId);


                var testDescriptor = new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.PayloadReaderSettings)
                    DebugDescription      = testCase.DebugDescription,
                    PayloadElement        = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(requestChangesets.ToArray()).AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("batch_foo")),
                    ExpectedException     = testCase.ExpectedException,
                    SkipTestConfiguration = (testConfig) => !testConfig.IsRequest,


Example #4
        private void SendBuffered(int messageCount, MemoryStream memStream)
            if (messageCount == 0)

            var batch = BatchUtils.CreateBatchPacket(memStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)memStream.Length, CompressionLevel.Fastest, false);

            memStream.Position = 0;

            Server.SendPackage(this, batch);
Example #5
        private bool RegenerateProjectUsingUVS(FileSystemPath uprojectFilePath, FileSystemPath engineRoot)
            if (PlatformUtil.RuntimePlatform != PlatformUtil.Platform.Windows)

            var pathToUnrealVersionSelector =
                engineRoot / "Engine" / "Binaries" / "Win64" / "UnrealVersionSelector.exe";

            if (!pathToUnrealVersionSelector.ExistsFile)
                myLogger.Info($"[UnrealLink]: {pathToUnrealVersionSelector} is not available");

            var commandLine =
                GetPlatformCommandLine(pathToUnrealVersionSelector, "/projectFiles", $"\"{uprojectFilePath}\"");

                lock (HACK_getMutexForUBT())
                    myLogger.Info($"[UnrealLink]: Regenerating project files: {commandLine}");
            catch (ErrorLevelException errorLevelException)
                               $"[UnrealLink]: Failed refresh project files: calling {pathToUnrealVersionSelector} {commandLine}");

Example #6
        private byte[] Compress(ICollection <Packet> packets)
            long length = 0;

            foreach (Packet packet in packets)
                length += packet.Encode().Length;

            var compressionLevel = _session.CompressionThreshold > -1 && length >= _session.CompressionThreshold ?
                                   System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel.Fastest : System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel.NoCompression;

            using (MemoryStream stream = MiNetServer.MemoryStreamManager.GetStream())
                int checksum;

                using (var compressStream = new DeflateStream(stream, compressionLevel, true))
                    foreach (Packet packet in packets)
                        byte[] bs = packet.Encode();

                        if (bs != null && bs.Length > 0)
                            BatchUtils.WriteLength(compressStream, bs.Length);
                            compressStream.Write(bs, 0, bs.Length);



                byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray();

Example #7
        public void SendQueue()
            if (_sendQueueNotConcurrent.Count == 0)

            if (!Monitor.TryEnter(_syncHack))

                using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
                    Queue <Packet> queue = _sendQueueNotConcurrent;

                    int messageCount = 0;

                    int lenght = queue.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                        Packet packet = null;
                        lock (_queueSync)
                            if (queue.Count == 0)
                                packet = queue.Dequeue();
                            catch (Exception e)

                        if (packet == null)

                        if (State == ConnectionState.Unconnected)

                        if (lenght == 1)
                            Server.SendPacket(this, packet);
                        else if (packet is McpeWrapper)
                            SendBuffered(messageCount, memStream);
                            messageCount = 0;
                            Server.SendPacket(this, packet);
                            // The following is necessary if no throttling is done on chunk sending,
                            // but having it creates a lot of packet lag when using SpawnLevel. You can see it
                            // as players standing still, but having running particles.
                            //Thread.Sleep(1); // Really important to slow down speed a bit
                        else if (packet.NoBatch)
                            SendBuffered(messageCount, memStream);
                            messageCount = 0;
                            Server.SendPacket(this, packet);
                            if (messageCount == 0)
                                memStream.Position = 0;

                            byte[] bytes = packet.Encode();
                            if (bytes != null)
                                BatchUtils.WriteLength(memStream, bytes.Length);
                                //memStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Endian.SwapInt32(bytes.Length)), 0, 4);
                                memStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);


                    if (State == ConnectionState.Unconnected)

                    SendBuffered(messageCount, memStream);
Example #8
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            string poolId = "JobPrepReleaseSamplePool";
            string jobId  = "JobPrepReleaseSampleJob";

            var settings = Config.LoadAccountSettings();

            // Location of the file that the job tasks will work with, a text file in the
            // node's "shared" directory.
            string taskOutputFile = "$AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/job_prep_and_release.txt";

            // The job prep task will write the node ID to the text file in the shared directory
            string jobPrepCmdLine = $@"/bin/bash -c ""echo $AZ_BATCH_NODE_ID tasks: > {taskOutputFile}""";

            // Each task then echoes its ID to the same text file
            string taskCmdLine = $@"/bin/bash -c ""echo $AZ_BATCH_TASK_ID >> {taskOutputFile}""";

            // The job release task will then delete the text file from the shared directory
            string jobReleaseCmdLine = $@"/bin/bash -c ""rm {taskOutputFile}""";

            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(settings.BatchServiceUrl, settings.BatchAccountName, settings.BatchAccountKey);

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                var pool = await BatchUtils.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, poolId);

                var prepTask = new JobPreparationTask {
                    CommandLine = jobPrepCmdLine
                var releaseTask = new JobReleaseTask {
                    CommandLine = jobReleaseCmdLine

                var job = await BatchUtils.CreateJobIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, pool.Id, jobId, prepTask : prepTask, releaseTask : releaseTask);

                // Create the tasks that the job will execute
                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();
                for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
                    string    taskId          = "task" + i.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
                    string    taskCommandLine = taskCmdLine;
                    CloudTask task            = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);

                // Add the tasks in one API call as opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. Bulk task
                // submission helps to ensure efficient underlying API calls to the Batch service.
                Console.WriteLine("Submitting tasks and awaiting completion...");
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(job.Id, tasks);

                // Wait for the tasks to complete before proceeding. The long timeout here is to allow time
                // for the nodes within the pool to be created and started if the pool had not yet been created.
                await batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WhenAll(

                Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed.");

                // Print the contents of the shared text file modified by the job preparation and other tasks.
                ODATADetailLevel nodeDetail          = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id, state");
                IPagedEnumerable <ComputeNode> nodes = batchClient.PoolOperations.ListComputeNodes(poolId, nodeDetail);
                await nodes.ForEachAsync(async (node) =>
                    // Check to ensure that the node is Idle before attempting to pull the text file.
                    // If the pool was just created, there is a chance that another node completed all
                    // of the tasks prior to the other node(s) completing their startup procedure.
                    if (node.State == ComputeNodeState.Idle)
                        var files = await node.ListNodeFiles().ToListAsync();
                        NodeFile sharedTextFile = await node.GetNodeFileAsync("shared/job_prep_and_release.txt");
                        Console.WriteLine("Contents of {0} on {1}:", sharedTextFile.Path, node.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine(await sharedTextFile.ReadAsStringAsync());

                // Terminate the job to mark it as Completed; this will initiate the Job Release Task on any node
                // that executed job tasks. Note that the Job Release Task is also executed when a job is deleted,
                // thus you need not call Terminate if you typically delete your jobs upon task completion.
                await batchClient.JobOperations.TerminateJobAsync(job.Id);

                // Wait for the job to reach state "Completed." Note that this wait is not typically necessary in
                // production code, but is done here to enable the checking of the release tasks exit code below.
                await BatchUtils.WaitForJobToReachStateAsync(batchClient, job.Id, JobState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));

                // Print the exit codes of the prep and release tasks by obtaining their execution info
                List <JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation> prepReleaseInfo = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListJobPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus(job.Id).ToListAsync();

                foreach (JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation info in prepReleaseInfo)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: ", info.ComputeNodeId);

                    // If no tasks were scheduled to run on the node, the JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation will be null
                    if (info.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("  Prep task exit code:    {0}", info.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation.ExitCode);

                    // If no tasks were scheduled to run on the node, the JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation will be null
                    if (info.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("  Release task exit code: {0}", info.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.ExitCode);

                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.WriteLine("Delete job? [yes] no");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    // Note that deleting the job will execute the job release task if the job was not previously terminated
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id);

                Console.WriteLine("Delete pool? [yes] no");
                response = Console.ReadLine();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(poolId);
Example #9
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            const string poolId = "FileHandlingPool";
            const string jobId  = "FileHandlingJobDemo";

            var settings = Config.LoadAccountSettings();

            SetupStorage(settings.StorageAccountName, settings.StorageAccountKey);

            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(settings.BatchServiceUrl, settings.BatchAccountName, settings.BatchAccountKey);

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                var pool = await BatchUtils.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, poolId);

                var job = await BatchUtils.CreateJobIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, poolId, jobId);

                //set up auto storage file
                ResourceFile autoStorageFile = ResourceFile.FromAutoStorageContainer(AutoStorageContainerName, AutoStorageFileName);
                Console.WriteLine("\n[INFO] Autostorage resource File reference: ");
                Console.WriteLine("AutoStorageContainer: " + autoStorageFile.AutoStorageContainerName);
                Console.WriteLine("FilePath: " + autoStorageFile.FilePath);

                //upload file to external storage and add it as a resource file
                string storageConnectionString =

                CloudStorageAccount storageAccount    = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);
                CloudBlobClient     blobClient        = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                CloudBlobContainer  externalContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(ExternalStorageContainerName);
                await externalContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                var externalFile = await UploadFileToContainer(blobClient, ExternalStorageContainerName, "resource_files/resource_file.txt", "resource_file.txt");

                Console.WriteLine("\n[INFO] External storage resource File reference:");
                Console.WriteLine("SAS Url: " + externalFile.HttpUrl);
                Console.WriteLine("FilePath: " + externalFile.FilePath);

                // using staging files API
                var filesToStage = new List <IFileStagingProvider>();
                StagingStorageAccount fileStagingStorageAccount = new StagingStorageAccount(
                    storageAccount: settings.StorageAccountName,
                    storageAccountKey: settings.StorageAccountKey,
                    blobEndpoint: storageAccount.BlobEndpoint.ToString());

                FileToStage stagedFile = new FileToStage("resource_files/staged_file.txt", fileStagingStorageAccount);
                Console.WriteLine("\n[INFO] Staged File added:");
                Console.WriteLine("Local File: " + stagedFile.LocalFileToStage);
                Console.WriteLine("Node File: " + stagedFile.NodeFileName);


                // setup output files
                // Generate SAS for outputcontainer
                CloudBlobContainer outputContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(OutputContainerName);
                await outputContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                string containerSas = outputContainer.GetSharedAccessSignature(new SharedAccessBlobPolicy()
                    Permissions            = SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Write,
                    SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(1)
                string containerUrl = outputContainer.Uri.AbsoluteUri + containerSas;
                Console.WriteLine("\n[INFO] Output container: " + containerUrl);

                Console.WriteLine("\nPress return to continue...");

                // Create tasks
                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();

                for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                    var taskId      = i.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
                    var commandLine = $@"/bin/bash -c ""echo 'Hello from {taskId}' && printf 'root dir:\n' > output.txt && ls -la >> output.txt && printf '\ninput dir:\n' >> output.txt && ls -la input >> output.txt""";
                    var task        = new CloudTask(taskId, commandLine);

                    // add resource files to task (one autostorage, one in external storage)
                    task.ResourceFiles = new[] { autoStorageFile, externalFile };

                    // add staged files
                    task.FilesToStage = filesToStage;

                    // add output files
                    var outputFiles = new List <OutputFile>
                        new OutputFile(
                            filePattern: @"../std*.txt",
                            destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(
                                                                       containerUrl: containerUrl,
                                                                       path: taskId)),
                            uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(
                                uploadCondition: OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion)),
                        new OutputFile(
                            filePattern: @"output.txt",
                            destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(
                                                                       containerUrl: containerUrl,
                                                                       path: taskId + @"\output.txt")),
                            uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(
                                uploadCondition: OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion)),

                    task.OutputFiles = outputFiles;


                Console.WriteLine("Submitting tasks and awaiting completion...");
                // Add all tasks to the job.
                batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(job.Id, tasks);

                await BatchUtils.WaitForTasksAndPrintOutputAsync(batchClient, job.ListTasks(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));

                // Clean up Batch resources (if the user so chooses)
                Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")

                Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates several PayloadTestDescriptors containing Batch Requests
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestManager">Used for building the requests</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model to use for adding additional types.</param>
        /// <param name="withTypeNames">Whether or not to use full type names.</param>
        /// <returns>PayloadTestDescriptors</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <PayloadTestDescriptor> CreateBatchRequestTestDescriptors(
            IODataRequestManager requestManager,
            EdmModel model,
            bool withTypeNames = false)
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(requestManager, "requestManager");
            EdmEntityType      personType       = null;
            EdmComplexType     carType          = null;
            EdmEntitySet       personsEntitySet = null;
            EdmEntityContainer container        = model.EntityContainer as EdmEntityContainer;

            if (model != null)
                //TODO: Clone EdmModel
                //model = model.Clone();

                if (container == null)
                    container = new EdmEntityContainer("TestModel", "DefaultContainer");

                personType = model.FindDeclaredType("TestModel.TFPerson") as EdmEntityType;
                carType    = model.FindDeclaredType("TestModel.TFCar") as EdmComplexType;

                // Create the metadata types for the entity instance used in the entity set
                if (carType == null)
                    carType = new EdmComplexType("TestModel", "TFCar");
                    carType.AddStructuralProperty("Make", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String, true);
                    carType.AddStructuralProperty("Color", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String, true);

                if (personType == null)
                    personType = new EdmEntityType("TestModel", "TFPerson");
                    personType.AddKeys(personType.AddStructuralProperty("Id", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32));
                    personType.AddStructuralProperty("Name", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String, true);
                    personType.AddStructuralProperty("Car", carType.ToTypeReference());
                    container.AddEntitySet("Customers", personType);

                personsEntitySet = container.AddEntitySet("People", personType);

            ComplexInstance carInstance = PayloadBuilder.ComplexValue(withTypeNames ? "TestModel.TFCar" : null)
                                          .Property("Make", PayloadBuilder.PrimitiveValue("Ford"))
                                          .Property("Color", PayloadBuilder.PrimitiveValue("Blue"));
            ComplexProperty carProperty = (ComplexProperty)PayloadBuilder.Property("Car", carInstance)

            EntityInstance personInstance = PayloadBuilder.Entity(withTypeNames ? "TestModel.TFPerson" : null)
                                            .Property("Id", PayloadBuilder.PrimitiveValue(1))
                                            .Property("Name", PayloadBuilder.PrimitiveValue("John Doe"))
                                            .Property("Car", carInstance)

            var carPropertyPayload = new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement  = carProperty,
                PayloadEdmModel = model

            var emptyPayload = new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadEdmModel = CreateEmptyEdmModel()

            var personPayload = new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement  = personInstance,
                PayloadEdmModel = model

            var root      = ODataUriBuilder.Root(new Uri("http://www.odata.org/service.svc"));
            var entityset = ODataUriBuilder.EntitySet(personsEntitySet);

            // Get operations
            var queryOperation1 = emptyPayload.InRequestOperation(HttpVerb.Get, new ODataUri(new ODataUriSegment[] { root }), requestManager);
            var queryOperation2 = emptyPayload.InRequestOperation(HttpVerb.Get, new ODataUri(new ODataUriSegment[] { root }), requestManager);

            // Post operation containing a complex property
            var postOperation = carPropertyPayload.InRequestOperation(HttpVerb.Post, new ODataUri(new ODataUriSegment[] { root, entityset }), requestManager, MimeTypes.ApplicationJsonLight);
            // Delete operation with no payload
            var deleteOperation = emptyPayload.InRequestOperation(HttpVerb.Delete, new ODataUri(new ODataUriSegment[] { root, entityset }), requestManager);
            // Put operation where the payload is an EntityInstance
            var putOperation = personPayload.InRequestOperation(HttpVerb.Put, new ODataUri(new ODataUriSegment[] { root, entityset }), requestManager);

            // A changeset containing a delete with no payload and a put
            var twoOperationsChangeset = BatchUtils.GetRequestChangeset(new IMimePart[] { postOperation, deleteOperation }, requestManager);
            // A changeset containing a delete with no payload
            var oneOperationChangeset = BatchUtils.GetRequestChangeset(new IMimePart[] { deleteOperation }, requestManager);
            // A changeset containing a put, post and delete
            var threeOperationsChangeset = BatchUtils.GetRequestChangeset(new IMimePart[] { putOperation, postOperation, deleteOperation }, requestManager);
            // A changeset containing no operations
            var emptyChangeset = BatchUtils.GetRequestChangeset(new IMimePart[] { }, requestManager);

            // Empty Batch
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload()
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_emptybatch")),
                PayloadEdmModel = emptyPayload.PayloadEdmModel,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,

            // Single Operation
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(queryOperation1)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_singleoperation")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,

            // Multiple Operations
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(queryOperation1, queryOperation2)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_multipleoperations")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,

            // Single Changeset
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(twoOperationsChangeset)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_singlechangeset")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,

            // Multiple Changesets (different content types)
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(twoOperationsChangeset, oneOperationChangeset, emptyChangeset)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_multiplechangesets")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,

            // Operations and changesets
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(twoOperationsChangeset, queryOperation1, oneOperationChangeset)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_operationsandchangesets_1")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,

            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(queryOperation1, oneOperationChangeset, queryOperation2)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_operationsandchangesets_2")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,

            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(queryOperation1, queryOperation2, twoOperationsChangeset, oneOperationChangeset)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_operationsandchangesets_3")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,

            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(queryOperation1, threeOperationsChangeset, queryOperation2, twoOperationsChangeset, queryOperation1, oneOperationChangeset)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_operationsandchangesets_4")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,

            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(queryOperation1, emptyChangeset, queryOperation1, threeOperationsChangeset, queryOperation2, oneOperationChangeset)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_operationsandchangesets_5")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => !tc.IsRequest,
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates several PayloadTestDescriptors containing Batch Responses
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestManager">Used for building the requests/responses.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model to use for adding additional types.</param>
        /// <param name="withTypeNames">Whether or not to use full type names.</param>
        /// <returns>PayloadTestDescriptors</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <PayloadTestDescriptor> CreateBatchResponseTestDescriptors(
            IODataRequestManager requestManager,
            EdmModel model,
            bool withTypeNames = false)
            EdmEntityType  personType = null;
            EdmComplexType carType    = null;

            if (model != null)
                //TODO: CLONE for EdmModel
                //model = model.Clone();

                personType = model.FindDeclaredType("TestModel.TFPerson") as EdmEntityType;
                carType    = model.FindDeclaredType("TestModel.TFCar") as EdmComplexType;

                // Create the metadata types for the entity instance used in the entity set
                if (carType == null)
                    carType = new EdmComplexType("TestModel", "TFCar");
                    carType.AddStructuralProperty("Make", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String, true);
                    carType.AddStructuralProperty("Color", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String, true);

                if (personType == null)
                    personType = new EdmEntityType("TestModel", "TFPerson");
                    personType.AddKeys(personType.AddStructuralProperty("Id", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32));
                    personType.AddStructuralProperty("Name", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String, true);
                    personType.AddStructuralProperty("Car", carType.ToTypeReference());

                    EdmEntityContainer container = (EdmEntityContainer)model.EntityContainer;
                    if (container == null)
                        container = new EdmEntityContainer("TestModel", "DefaultContainer");
                        container.AddEntitySet("Customers", personType);
                        container.AddEntitySet("TFPerson", personType);

            ComplexInstance carInstance = PayloadBuilder.ComplexValue(withTypeNames ? "TestModel.TFCar" : null)
                                          .Property("Make", PayloadBuilder.PrimitiveValue("Ford"))
                                          .Property("Color", PayloadBuilder.PrimitiveValue("Blue"));
            ComplexProperty carProperty = (ComplexProperty)PayloadBuilder.Property("Car", carInstance)

            EntityInstance personInstance = PayloadBuilder.Entity(withTypeNames ? "TestModel.TFPerson" : null)
                                            .Property("Id", PayloadBuilder.PrimitiveValue(1))
                                            .Property("Name", PayloadBuilder.PrimitiveValue("John Doe"))
                                            .Property("Car", carInstance)

            ODataErrorPayload errorInstance = PayloadBuilder.Error("ErrorCode")

            var carPropertyPayload = new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement  = carProperty,
                PayloadEdmModel = model

            var emptyPayload = new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadEdmModel = CreateEmptyEdmModel()

            var personPayload = new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                // This payload will be serialised to JSON so we need the annotation to mark it as a response.
                PayloadElement = personInstance.AddAnnotation(new PayloadFormatVersionAnnotation()
                    Response = true, ResponseWrapper = true
                PayloadEdmModel = model

            var errorPayload = new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement  = errorInstance,
                PayloadEdmModel = model,

            // response operation with a status code of 5 containing a complex instance
            var carPropertyPayloadOperation = carPropertyPayload.InResponseOperation(5, requestManager);
            // response operation with no payload and a status code of 200
            var emptyPayloadOperation = emptyPayload.InResponseOperation(200, requestManager);
            // response operation with a status code of 418 containing an entity instance
            var personPayloadOperation = personPayload.InResponseOperation(418, requestManager, MimeTypes.ApplicationJsonLight);
            // response operation with a status code of 404 containing an error instance
            var errorPayloadOperation = errorPayload.InResponseOperation(404, requestManager);

            // changeset with multiple operations
            var twoOperationsChangeset = BatchUtils.GetResponseChangeset(new IMimePart[] { carPropertyPayloadOperation, emptyPayloadOperation }, requestManager);
            // changesets with a single operation
            var oneOperationChangeset = BatchUtils.GetResponseChangeset(new IMimePart[] { personPayloadOperation }, requestManager);
            var oneErrorChangeset     = BatchUtils.GetResponseChangeset(new IMimePart[] { errorPayloadOperation }, requestManager);
            // empty changeset
            var emptyChangeset = BatchUtils.GetResponseChangeset(new IMimePart[] { }, requestManager);

            // Empty Batch
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(new IMimePart[] {  })
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_emptybatch")),
                PayloadEdmModel = emptyPayload.PayloadEdmModel,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => tc.IsRequest,

            // Single Operation
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(new IMimePart[] { carPropertyPayloadOperation })
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_singleoperation")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => tc.IsRequest,

            // Multiple Operations
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(new IMimePart[] { carPropertyPayloadOperation, emptyPayloadOperation, errorPayloadOperation, personPayloadOperation })
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_multipleoperations")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => tc.IsRequest,

            // Single Changeset
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(new IMimePart[] { twoOperationsChangeset })
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_singlechangeset")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => tc.IsRequest,

            // Multiple Changesets
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(new IMimePart[] { twoOperationsChangeset, oneOperationChangeset })
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_multiplechangesets")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => tc.IsRequest,

            // Operations and changesets
            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(new IMimePart[] { twoOperationsChangeset, carPropertyPayloadOperation, oneOperationChangeset })
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_operationsandchangesets_1")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => tc.IsRequest,

            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(new IMimePart[] { carPropertyPayloadOperation, oneOperationChangeset, emptyPayloadOperation })
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_operationsandchangesets_2")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => tc.IsRequest,

            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(new IMimePart[] { errorPayloadOperation, carPropertyPayloadOperation, emptyPayloadOperation, twoOperationsChangeset, oneOperationChangeset })
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_operationsandchangesets_3")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => tc.IsRequest,

            yield return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(
                    new IMimePart[] { oneErrorChangeset, carPropertyPayloadOperation, emptyChangeset, emptyPayloadOperation, twoOperationsChangeset, personPayloadOperation, oneOperationChangeset, errorPayloadOperation })
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_operationsandchangesets_4")),
                PayloadEdmModel = model,
                SkipTestConfiguration = (tc) => tc.IsRequest,
Example #12
        public void DisplaySelection(bool force = false, int particleId = 10)
            if (!force && !ShowSelection)
                return;                                       // don't render at all
            if (force && ShowSelection)
                return;                                     // Will be rendered on regular tick instead
            Level level = Player.Level;

            if (!Monitor.TryEnter(_sync))

                BoundingBox box = GetSelection();

                var numberOfParticles = box.Height * box.Width * 2 + box.Height * box.Depth * 2;

                bool isBig = numberOfParticles > 500;

                List <McpeLevelEvent> packets = new List <McpeLevelEvent>();

                    //if ((Math.Abs(box.Width) > 0) || (Math.Abs(box.Height) > 0) || (Math.Abs(box.Depth) > 0))
                        var minX = Math.Min(box.Min.X, box.Max.X);
                        var maxX = Math.Max(box.Min.X, box.Max.X) + 1;

                        var minY = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(box.Min.Y, box.Max.Y));
                        var maxY = Math.Min(255, Math.Max(box.Min.Y, box.Max.Y)) + 1;

                        var minZ = Math.Min(box.Min.Z, box.Max.Z);
                        var maxZ = Math.Max(box.Min.Z, box.Max.Z) + 1;

                        // x/y
                        for (float x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
                            for (float y = minY; y <= maxY; y++)
                                foreach (var z in new float[] { minZ, maxZ })
                                    if (isBig)
                                        if (x != minX && x != maxX && y != minY && y != maxY)

                                    if (!level.IsAir(new BlockCoordinates((int)x, (int)y, (int)z)))

                                    //var particle = new Particle(particleId, Player.Level) {Position = new Vector3(x, y, z) + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)};
                                    //var particle = new Particle(particleId, Player.Level) { Position = new Vector3(x, y, z) };
                                    //particle.Spawn(new[] { Player });

                                    McpeLevelEvent particleEvent = McpeLevelEvent.CreateObject();
                                    particleEvent.eventId  = (short)(0x4000 | 10);
                                    particleEvent.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                                    particleEvent.data     = 0;

                        // x/z
                        //for (float x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
                        //	foreach (var y in new float[] {minY, maxY})
                        //	{
                        //		for (float z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)
                        //		{
                        //			if (!level.IsAir(new BlockCoordinates((int) x, (int) y, (int) z))) continue;

                        //			//var particle = new Particle(10, Player.Level) {Position = new Vector3(x, y, z) + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)};
                        //			var particle = new Particle(10, Player.Level) {Position = new Vector3(x, y, z)};
                        //			particle.Spawn(new[] {Player});
                        //		}
                        //	}

                        // z/y
                        foreach (var x in new float[] { minX, maxX })
                            for (float y = minY; y <= maxY; y++)
                                for (float z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)
                                    if (isBig)
                                        if (z != minZ && z != maxZ && y != minY && y != maxY)

                                    if (!level.IsAir(new BlockCoordinates((int)x, (int)y, (int)z)))

                                    //var particle = new Particle(10, Player.Level) {Position = new Vector3(x, y, z) + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)};
                                    //var particle = new Particle(10, Player.Level) { Position = new Vector3(x, y, z) };
                                    //particle.Spawn(new[] { Player });

                                    McpeLevelEvent particleEvent = McpeLevelEvent.CreateObject();
                                    particleEvent.eventId  = (short)(0x4000 | 10);
                                    particleEvent.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                                    particleEvent.data     = 0;

                    if (packets.Count > 500)
                        if (force)
                            Log.Warn($"Selection size is {numberOfParticles}. Number of particles is {packets.Count} ");

                        return;                         // too many particles

                    if (packets.Count > 0)
                        var packet = BatchUtils.CreateBatchPacket(CompressionLevel.Optimal, packets.ToArray());
                        //level.RelayBroadcast(new[] { Player }, packet);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Display selection", e);
Example #13
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            //const string nodeSize = "standard_a1_v2";
            const string nodeSize        = "standard_a4_v2";
            const int    nodeCount       = 4;
            const int    maxTasksPerNode = 4; //can be set to 4* the number of cores on each node
            const int    taskCount       = 32;

            // Ensure there are enough tasks to help avoid hitting some timeout conditions below
            int minimumTaskCount = nodeCount * maxTasksPerNode * 2;

            if (taskCount < minimumTaskCount)
                Console.WriteLine("You must specify at least two tasks per node core for this sample ({0} tasks in this configuration).", minimumTaskCount);

                // Not enough tasks, exit the application

            // In this sample, the tasks simply ping localhost on the compute nodes; adjust these
            // values to simulate variable task duration
            const int minPings = 30;
            const int maxPings = 60;

            const string poolId = "ParallelTasksPoolDemo";
            const string jobId  = "ParallelTasksJob";

            var settings = Config.LoadAccountSettings();

            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(settings.BatchServiceUrl, settings.BatchAccountName, settings.BatchAccountKey);

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                var pool = await BatchUtils.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(
                    nodeSize : nodeSize,
                    maxTasksPerNode : maxTasksPerNode,
                    schedulingPolicy : new TaskSchedulingPolicy(ComputeNodeFillType.Pack),
                    lowPriorityNodes : nodeCount);

                CloudJob job = await BatchUtils.CreateJobIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, poolId, jobId);

                // The job's tasks ping localhost a random number of times between minPings and maxPings.
                // Adjust the minPings/maxPings values above to experiment with different task durations.
                Random           rand  = new Random();
                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();
                for (int i = 1; i <= taskCount; i++)
                    string    taskId          = "task" + i.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
                    string    taskCommandLine = "ping -c " + rand.Next(minPings, maxPings + 1).ToString() + " localhost";
                    CloudTask task            = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);

                // Pause execution until the pool is steady and its compute nodes are ready to accept jobs.
                // NOTE: Such a pause is not necessary within your own code. Tasks can be added to a job at any point and will be
                // scheduled to execute on a compute node as soon any node has reached Idle state. Because the focus of this sample
                // is the demonstration of running tasks in parallel on multiple compute nodes, we wait for all compute nodes to
                // complete initialization and reach the Idle state in order to maximize the number of compute nodes available for
                // parallelization.
                await BatchUtils.WaitForPoolToReachStateAsync(batchClient, poolId, AllocationState.Steady, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));

                await BatchUtils.WaitForNodesToReachStateAsync(batchClient, poolId, ComputeNodeState.Idle, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));

                // Add the tasks in one API call as opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. Bulk task
                // submission helps to ensure efficient underlying API calls to the Batch service.
                Console.WriteLine("Submitting tasks and awaiting completion...");
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(job.Id, tasks);

                // Pause again to wait until *all* nodes are running tasks
                await BatchUtils.WaitForNodesToReachStateAsync(batchClient, poolId, ComputeNodeState.Running, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));

                Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Print out task assignment information.
                await BatchUtils.PrintNodeTasksAsync(batchClient, poolId);


                // Pause execution while we wait for all of the tasks to complete
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for task completion...");

                    await batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WhenAll(
                catch (TimeoutException e)


                // Obtain the tasks, specifying a detail level to limit the number of properties returned for each task.
                // If you have a large number of tasks, specifying a DetailLevel is extremely important in reducing the
                // amount of data transferred, lowering your query response times in increasing performance.
                ODATADetailLevel             detail   = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id,commandLine,nodeInfo,state");
                IPagedEnumerable <CloudTask> allTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(job.Id, detail);

                // Get a collection of the completed tasks sorted by the compute nodes on which they executed
                List <CloudTask> completedTasks = allTasks
                                                  .Where(t => t.State == TaskState.Completed)
                                                  .OrderBy(t => t.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId)

                // Print the completed task information
                Console.WriteLine("Completed tasks:");
                string lastNodeId = string.Empty;
                foreach (CloudTask task in completedTasks)
                    if (!string.Equals(lastNodeId, task.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId))

                    lastNodeId = task.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId;

                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", task.Id, task.CommandLine);

                // Get a collection of the uncompleted tasks which may exist if the TaskMonitor timeout was hit
                List <CloudTask> uncompletedTasks = allTasks
                                                    .Where(t => t.State != TaskState.Completed)
                                                    .OrderBy(t => t.Id)

                // Print a list of uncompleted tasks, if any
                Console.WriteLine("Uncompleted tasks:");
                if (uncompletedTasks.Any())
                    foreach (CloudTask task in uncompletedTasks)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", task.Id, task.CommandLine);

                // Print some summary information
                Console.WriteLine("             Nodes: " + nodeCount);
                Console.WriteLine("         Node size: " + nodeSize);
                Console.WriteLine("Max tasks per node: " + pool.MaxTasksPerComputeNode);
                Console.WriteLine("             Tasks: " + tasks.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("          Duration: " + stopwatch.Elapsed);

                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.WriteLine("Delete job? [yes] no");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    // Note that deleting the job will execute the job release task if the job was not previously terminated
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id);

                Console.WriteLine("Delete pool? [yes] no");
                response = Console.ReadLine();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(poolId);
Example #14
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            const int nodeCount = 1;

            string poolId = "TaskDependenciesSamplePool";
            string jobId  = "TaskDependenciesJob";

            var settings = Config.LoadAccountSettings();

            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(settings.BatchServiceUrl, settings.BatchAccountName, settings.BatchAccountKey);

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                var pool = await BatchUtils.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, poolId, lowPriorityNodes : nodeCount);

                var job = await BatchUtils.CreateJobIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, pool.Id, jobId, usesTaskDependencies : true);

                string taskOutputFile = "$AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/task_output.txt";

                // Create the collection of tasks that will be added to the job.
                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>
                    // 'Rain' and 'Sun' don't depend on any other tasks
                    new CloudTask("Rain", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo Rain >> {taskOutputFile}\""),
                    new CloudTask("Sun", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo Sun >> {taskOutputFile}\""),

                    // Task 'Flowers' depends on completion of both 'Rain' and 'Sun'
                    // before it is run.
                    new CloudTask("Flowers", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo Flowers >> {taskOutputFile}\"")
                        DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnIds("Rain", "Sun")

                    // Tasks 1, 2, and 3 don't depend on any other tasks. Because
                    // we will be using them for a task range dependency, we must
                    // specify string representations of integers as their ids.
                    new CloudTask("1", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo 1  >> {taskOutputFile}\""),
                    new CloudTask("2", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo 2  >> {taskOutputFile}\""),
                    new CloudTask("3", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo 3  >> {taskOutputFile}\""),

                    // Task dependency on ID range
                    new CloudTask("Final", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo Final >> {taskOutputFile}\"")
                        DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnIdRange(1, 3)

                    // Task A is the parent task.
                    new CloudTask("A", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo A  >> {taskOutputFile}\"")
                        // Specify exit conditions for task A and their dependency actions.
                        ExitConditions = new ExitConditions
                            // If task A exits with a pre-processing error, block any downstream tasks (in this example, task B).
                            PreProcessingError = new ExitOptions
                                DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Block
                            // If task A exits with the specified error codes, block any downstream tasks (in this example, task B).
                            ExitCodes = new List <ExitCodeMapping>
                                new ExitCodeMapping(10, new ExitOptions()
                                    DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Block
                                new ExitCodeMapping(20, new ExitOptions()
                                    DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Block
                            // If task A succeeds or fails with any other error, any downstream tasks become eligible to run
                            // (in this example, task B).
                            Default = new ExitOptions
                                DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Satisfy
                    // Task B depends on task A. Whether it becomes eligible to run depends on how task A exits.
                    new CloudTask("B", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo B  >> {taskOutputFile}\"")
                        DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnId("A")
                // Add the tasks in one API call as opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. Bulk task
                // submission helps to ensure efficient underlying API calls to the Batch service.
                Console.WriteLine("Submitting tasks and awaiting completion...");
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(job.Id, tasks);

                // Wait for the tasks to complete before proceeding. The long timeout here is to allow time
                // for the nodes within the pool to be created and started if the pool had not yet been created.
                await batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WhenAll(

                Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed.");

                // Print the contents of the shared text file modified by the job preparation and other tasks.
                ODATADetailLevel nodeDetail          = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id, state");
                IPagedEnumerable <ComputeNode> nodes = batchClient.PoolOperations.ListComputeNodes(poolId, nodeDetail);
                await nodes.ForEachAsync(async (node) =>
                    // Check to ensure that the node is Idle before attempting to pull the text file.
                    // If the pool was just created, there is a chance that another node completed all
                    // of the tasks prior to the other node(s) completing their startup procedure.
                    if (node.State == ComputeNodeState.Idle)
                        NodeFile sharedTextFile = await node.GetNodeFileAsync("shared/task_output.txt");
                        Console.WriteLine("Contents of {0} on {1}:", sharedTextFile.Path, node.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine(await sharedTextFile.ReadAsStringAsync());

                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.WriteLine("Delete job? [yes] no");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    // Note that deleting the job will execute the job release task if the job was not previously terminated
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id);

                Console.WriteLine("Delete pool? [yes] no");
                response = Console.ReadLine();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(poolId);
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to run a single iteration of the URI reading tests in a specified configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the payload to read.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="payloadElement">The payload to read.</param>
        /// <param name="setExpectedUriAction">An action to set the URI in question on the payload.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The metadata model.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadUri">The payload URI for the current iteration.</param>
        /// <param name="baseUriValue">The base URI value for the current iteration.</param>
        /// <param name="resolver">The resolver to use.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The reader test configuration.</param>
        private void RunBaseUriReadingTest <T>(
            T payloadElement,
            Action <T, Uri, ReaderTestConfiguration> setExpectedUriAction,
            IEdmModel model,
            Uri payloadUri,
            BaseUriValue baseUriValue,
            KeyValuePair <Func <Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri>, Uri> resolver,
            ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration,
            bool runInBatch = false) where T : ODataPayloadElement
            this.Assert.IsNull(testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings.BaseUri, "No base URI expected on reader settings.");
            ExpectedException expectedException = null;

            Uri settingsBaseUri = baseUriValue.ReaderSettingBaseUri;

            // Set the base URI on the message reader settings if specified
            if (settingsBaseUri != null)
                testConfiguration = new ReaderTestConfiguration(testConfiguration);
                testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings.BaseUri = settingsBaseUri;

            // Create the payload element
            T clonedPayloadElement = payloadElement.DeepCopy();

            setExpectedUriAction(clonedPayloadElement, payloadUri, testConfiguration);

            if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Atom)
                XElement xmlRepresentation = this.PayloadElementToXmlConverter.ConvertToXml(clonedPayloadElement);

                // add an xml:base attribute if specified
                Uri xmlBaseUri = baseUriValue.XmlBaseUri;
                if (xmlBaseUri != null)
                    xmlRepresentation.Add(new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xml.GetName("base"), xmlBaseUri.OriginalString));


                if (resolver.Value != null)
                    setExpectedUriAction(clonedPayloadElement, resolver.Value, testConfiguration);
                    // compute the expected URI value for ATOM
                    if (!payloadUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                        if (xmlBaseUri != null)
                            setExpectedUriAction(clonedPayloadElement, new Uri(xmlBaseUri, payloadUri), testConfiguration);
                        else if (settingsBaseUri != null)
                            setExpectedUriAction(clonedPayloadElement, new Uri(settingsBaseUri, payloadUri), testConfiguration);
                            // fail for relative URIs without base URI
                            expectedException = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("ODataAtomDeserializer_RelativeUriUsedWithoutBaseUriSpecified", payloadUri.OriginalString);
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported configuration format: " + testConfiguration.Format.ToString());

            PayloadReaderTestDescriptor testDescriptor = new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(resolver.Key == null ? this.Settings : this.NoValidatorSettings)
                PayloadElement    = clonedPayloadElement,
                PayloadEdmModel   = model,
                ExpectedException = expectedException,
                UrlResolver       = resolver.Key == null ? null : new TestUrlResolver {
                    ResolutionCallback = (baseUri, realPayloadUri) => resolver.Key(payloadUri, baseUri, realPayloadUri)
                SkipTestConfiguration = tc => ODataPayloadElementConfigurationValidator.GetSkipTestConfiguration(payloadElement, ODataPayloadElementConfigurationValidator.AllValidators)(tc),

            if (runInBatch)
                // TODO: Batch reader does not enter Exception state upon cross reference error in payload.
                // Once fixed allow the batch tests to run even for error cases.
                if (expectedException != null)

                if (testConfiguration.IsRequest)
                    testDescriptor = new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(testDescriptor)
                        PayloadElement =
                                    new IMimePart[] { testDescriptor.PayloadDescriptor.InRequestOperation(
                                                          new ODataUri(ODataUriBuilder.Root(new Uri("http://odata.org/service"))),
                                                          TestMediaTypeUtils.GetDefaultContentType(testDescriptor.PayloadDescriptor.PayloadKind, testConfiguration.Format)) },
                            .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_request"))
                    testDescriptor = new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(testDescriptor)
                        PayloadElement =
                                    TestMediaTypeUtils.GetDefaultContentType(testDescriptor.PayloadDescriptor.PayloadKind, testConfiguration.Format)))
                            .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation("bb_response"))

                testConfiguration = new ReaderTestConfiguration(null, testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings, testConfiguration.IsRequest, testConfiguration.Synchronous, testConfiguration.Version);

Example #16
 internal static McpeBatch CreateMcpeBatch(byte[] bytes)
     return(BatchUtils.CreateBatchPacket(bytes, 0, (int)bytes.Length, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true));
Example #17
        protected virtual void BroadCastMovement(Player[] players, Entity[] entities)
            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (players.Length == 0)

            if (players.Length <= 1 && entities.Length == 0)

            if (now - _lastBroadcast < TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50))

            DateTime tickTime = _lastSendTime;

            _lastSendTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            using (MemoryStream stream = MiNetServer.MemoryStreamManager.GetStream())
                int playerMoveCount = 0;
                int entiyMoveCount  = 0;

                foreach (var player in players)
                    if (now - player.LastUpdatedTime <= now - tickTime)
                        PlayerLocation knownPosition = player.KnownPosition;

                        McpeMovePlayer move = McpeMovePlayer.CreateObject();
                        move.entityId = player.EntityId;
                        move.x        = knownPosition.X;
                        move.y        = knownPosition.Y + 1.62f;
                        move.z        = knownPosition.Z;
                        move.yaw      = knownPosition.Yaw;
                        move.pitch    = knownPosition.Pitch;
                        move.headYaw  = knownPosition.HeadYaw;
                        move.mode     = 0;
                        byte[] bytes = move.Encode();
                        BatchUtils.WriteLength(stream, bytes.Length);
                        stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                foreach (var entity in entities)
                    if (now - entity.LastUpdatedTime <= now - tickTime)
                            McpeMoveEntity moveEntity = McpeMoveEntity.CreateObject();
                            moveEntity.entityId    = entity.EntityId;
                            moveEntity.position    = (PlayerLocation)entity.KnownPosition.Clone();
                            moveEntity.position.Y += entity.PositionOffset;
                            byte[] bytes = moveEntity.Encode();
                            BatchUtils.WriteLength(stream, bytes.Length);
                            stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                            McpeSetEntityMotion entityMotion = McpeSetEntityMotion.CreateObject();
                            entityMotion.entityId = entity.EntityId;
                            entityMotion.velocity = entity.Velocity;
                            byte[] bytes = entityMotion.Encode();
                            BatchUtils.WriteLength(stream, bytes.Length);
                            stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                if (playerMoveCount == 0 && entiyMoveCount == 0)

                if (players.Length == 1 && entiyMoveCount == 0)

                McpeBatch batch = BatchUtils.CreateBatchPacket(stream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)stream.Length, CompressionLevel.Optimal, false);
                batch.AddReferences(players.Length - 1);
                //batch.ValidUntil = now + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);
                foreach (var player in players)
                    MiNetServer.FastThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(() => player.SendPackage(batch));
                _lastBroadcast = DateTime.UtcNow;
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a batch payload with the specified number of changesets and the specified number of operations in each changeset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestManager">Used for building the requests/responses.</param>
        /// <param name="changeSetCount">The number of changesets to create in the batch payload.</param>
        /// <param name="changeSetSizes">The size of each changeset.</param>
        /// <param name="forRequest">true if creating a batch request payload; otherwise false.</param>
        /// <param name="changeSetBoundary">The changeset boundary to use; or null to use an auto-generated one.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="PayloadTestDescriptor"/> for the batch payload.</returns>
        public static PayloadTestDescriptor CreateDefaultChangeSetBatch(
            IODataRequestManager requestManager,
            int changeSetCount,
            int[] changeSetSizes,
            bool forRequest,
            string changeSetBoundary = null)
            Debug.Assert(changeSetCount >= 0, "batchSize >= 0");
            Debug.Assert(changeSetSizes != null, "changeSetSizes != null");
            Debug.Assert(changeSetSizes.Length == changeSetCount, "Size of the batch must match the length of the change set sizes array!");

            var emptyPayload = new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadEdmModel = CreateEmptyEdmModel()

            var root = ODataUriBuilder.Root(new Uri("http://www.odata.org/service.svc"));

            IMimePart[] parts = new IMimePart[changeSetCount];

            if (forRequest)
                // Delete operation with no payload
                var deleteOperation = emptyPayload.InRequestOperation(HttpVerb.Delete, new ODataUri(new ODataUriSegment[] { root }), requestManager);

                for (int i = 0; i < changeSetCount; ++i)
                    int changeSetSize    = changeSetSizes[i];
                    var deleteOperations = new IMimePart[changeSetSize];
                    for (int j = 0; j < changeSetSize; ++j)
                        deleteOperations[j] = deleteOperation;

                    var changeset = BatchUtils.GetRequestChangeset(deleteOperations, requestManager);
                    parts[i] = changeset;

                string requestBoundary = changeSetBoundary ?? "bb_multiple_request_changesets_" + changeSetCount;
                return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchRequestPayload(parts)
                                     .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation(requestBoundary)),

            // Response operation with no payload and a status code of 200
            var emptyPayloadOperation = emptyPayload.InResponseOperation(200, requestManager);

            for (int i = 0; i < changeSetCount; ++i)
                int changeSetSize      = changeSetSizes[i];
                var operationResponses = new IMimePart[changeSetSize];
                for (int j = 0; j < changeSetSize; ++j)
                    operationResponses[j] = emptyPayloadOperation;

                var changeset = BatchUtils.GetResponseChangeset(operationResponses, requestManager);
                parts[i] = changeset;

            string responseBoundary = changeSetBoundary ?? "bb_multiple_response_changesets_" + changeSetCount;

            return(new PayloadTestDescriptor()
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.BatchResponsePayload(parts)
                                 .AddAnnotation(new BatchBoundaryAnnotation(responseBoundary)),
Example #19
        private void SendQueue()
            if (_sendQueueNotConcurrent.Count == 0)

            if (!Monitor.TryEnter(_syncHack))

                using (MemoryStream memStream = MiNetServer.MemoryStreamManager.GetStream())
                    Queue <Package> queue = _sendQueueNotConcurrent;

                    int messageCount = 0;

                    int lenght = queue.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                        Package package = null;
                        lock (_queueSync)
                            if (queue.Count == 0)
                                package = queue.Dequeue();
                            catch (Exception e)

                        if (package == null)

                        if (State == ConnectionState.Unconnected)

                        if (lenght == 1)
                            Server.SendPackage(this, package);
                        else if (package is McpeWrapper)
                            SendBuffered(messageCount, memStream);
                            messageCount = 0;
                            Server.SendPackage(this, package);
                            Thread.Sleep(1);                             // Really important to slow down speed a bit
                        else if (package.NoBatch)
                            SendBuffered(messageCount, memStream);
                            messageCount = 0;
                            Server.SendPackage(this, package);
                            if (messageCount == 0)
                                memStream.Position = 0;

                            byte[] bytes = package.Encode();
                            if (bytes != null)
                                BatchUtils.WriteLength(memStream, bytes.Length);
                                //memStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Endian.SwapInt32(bytes.Length)), 0, 4);
                                memStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);


                    if (State == ConnectionState.Unconnected)

                    SendBuffered(messageCount, memStream);
Example #20
 private FileSystemPath GetPlatformCommand(FileSystemPath command)
     return(PlatformUtil.RuntimePlatform == PlatformUtil.Platform.Windows ? BatchUtils.GetPathToCmd() : command);
Example #21
        internal void HandlePackage(Package message, PlayerNetworkSession playerSession)

                if (message == null)

                if (typeof(UnknownPackage) == message.GetType())
                    UnknownPackage packet = (UnknownPackage)message;
                    if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        Log.Warn($"Received unknown package 0x{message.Id:X2}\n{Package.HexDump(packet.Message)}");


                if (typeof(McpeWrapper) == message.GetType())
                    McpeWrapper batch    = (McpeWrapper)message;
                    var         messages = new List <Package>();

                    // Get bytes
                    byte[] payload = batch.payload;
                    if (playerSession.CryptoContext != null && playerSession.CryptoContext.UseEncryption)
                        throw new Exception("No crypto enabled");

                    // Decompress bytes

                    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(payload);
                    if (stream.ReadByte() != 0x78)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Incorrect ZLib header. Expected 0x78 0x9C");
                    using (var defStream2 = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress, false))
                        // Get actual package out of bytes
                        using (MemoryStream destination = MiNetServer.MemoryStreamManager.GetStream())
                            destination.Position = 0;
                            NbtBinaryReader reader = new NbtBinaryReader(destination, true);

                            while (destination.Position < destination.Length)
                                //int len = reader.ReadInt32();
                                int    len            = BatchUtils.ReadLength(destination);
                                byte[] internalBuffer = reader.ReadBytes(len);

                                //if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                                //	Log.Debug($"0x{internalBuffer[0]:x2}\n{Package.HexDump(internalBuffer)}");

                                messages.Add(PackageFactory.CreatePackage(internalBuffer[0], internalBuffer, "mcpe") ??
                                             new UnknownPackage(internalBuffer[0], internalBuffer));

                            if (destination.Length > destination.Position)
                                throw new Exception("Have more data");
                    foreach (var msg in messages)
                        // Temp fix for performance, take 1.
                        var interact = msg as McpeInteract;
                        if (interact?.actionId == 4 && interact.targetRuntimeEntityId == 0)

                        msg.DatagramSequenceNumber = batch.DatagramSequenceNumber;
                        msg.Reliability            = batch.Reliability;
                        msg.ReliableMessageNumber  = batch.ReliableMessageNumber;
                        msg.OrderingChannel        = batch.OrderingChannel;
                        msg.OrderingIndex          = batch.OrderingIndex;
                        HandlePackage(msg, playerSession);



                if (CryptoContext != null && CryptoContext.UseEncryption)
                        HandlePackage(MessageHandler, message as Package);
                    HandlePackage(MessageHandler, message);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Package handling", e);
Example #22
        protected override Expression VisitSelect(SelectExpression selectExpression)
            if (!IsForBatchEF)
            if (BatchUtils.IsNonComposedSetOperation(selectExpression))
            IDisposable disposable = null;

            if (selectExpression.Alias != null)
                disposable = Sql.Indent();
            Sql.Append("SELECT ");
            if (selectExpression.IsDistinct)
                Sql.Append("DISTINCT ");
            if (selectExpression.Projection.Any())
                BatchUtils.GenerateList(selectExpression.Projection, Sql, delegate(ProjectionExpression e)
                    var oldSQL = Sql.Build().CommandText;                                  //zack's code
                    string column = BatchUtils.Diff(oldSQL, this.Sql.Build().CommandText); //zack's code
                    this._projectionSQL.Add(column);                                       //zack's code
                this._projectionSQL.Add("1");                //zack's code
            if (selectExpression.Tables.Any())
                Sql.AppendLine().Append("FROM ");
                BatchUtils.GenerateList(selectExpression.Tables, Sql, delegate(TableExpressionBase e)
                }, delegate(IRelationalCommandBuilder sql)
            if (selectExpression.Predicate != null)
                Sql.AppendLine().Append("WHERE ");
                var oldSQL = Sql.Build().CommandText;                                      //zack's code
                this.PredicateSQL = BatchUtils.Diff(oldSQL, this.Sql.Build().CommandText); //zack's code
            if (selectExpression.GroupBy.Count > 0)
                Sql.AppendLine().Append("GROUP BY ");
                BatchUtils.GenerateList(selectExpression.GroupBy, Sql, delegate(SqlExpression e)
            if (selectExpression.Having != null)
                Sql.AppendLine().Append("HAVING ");
            if (selectExpression.Alias != null)
                Sql.AppendLine().Append(")" + AliasSeparator + _sqlGenerationHelper.DelimitIdentifier(selectExpression.Alias));