Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to build up the render targets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the render targets.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the render targets.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The format of the buffer.</param>
        private void BuildRenderTargets(int width, int height, BufferFormat format)
            // For the lighting effect, we use a deferred rendering technique where we have 3 render targets for diffuse, specularity, and normal mapping.
            // These targets are sub resources of the same texture resource (array indices).

            // Diffuse.
            _rtvInfo.Width      = width;
            _rtvInfo.Height     = height;
            _rtvInfo.Format     = format;
            _rtvInfo.ArrayCount = 2;

            _gbufferTargets[0] = Graphics.TemporaryTargets.Rent(_rtvInfo, "Gorgon 2D GBuffer - Diffuse/Specular", false);
            // Specular.
            _gbufferTargets[1] = _gbufferTargets[0].Texture.GetRenderTargetView(arrayIndex: 1, arrayCount: 1);

            _rtvInfo.Format     = BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm;
            _rtvInfo.ArrayCount = 1;

            // Normals.
            // We'll clear it before the pass, the default color is insufficient.
            _gbufferTargets[2] = Graphics.TemporaryTargets.Rent(_rtvInfo, "Gorgon 2D Buffer - Normals", false);
            GorgonTexture2DView normalSrv = _gbufferTargets[2].GetShaderResourceView();

            if ((_pixelLitShaderState.ShaderResources[1] != normalSrv) ||
                (_diffuseFilter != DiffuseFiltering) ||
                (_normalFilter != NormalFiltering) ||
                (_specularFilter != SpecularFiltering))
                _diffuseFilter  = DiffuseFiltering ?? GorgonSamplerState.Default;
                _normalFilter   = NormalFiltering ?? GorgonSamplerState.PointFiltering;
                _specularFilter = SpecularFiltering ?? GorgonSamplerState.Default;

                _pixelDeferShaderState = PixelShaderBuilder.ResetTo(_pixelDeferShaderState)
                                         .SamplerState(_diffuseFilter, 0)
                                         .SamplerState(_normalFilter, 1)
                                         .SamplerState(_specularFilter, 2)

                _pixelLitShaderState = PixelShaderBuilder
                                       .ShaderResource(normalSrv, 1)
                                       .SamplerState(_diffuseFilter, 0)
                                       .SamplerState(_normalFilter, 1)
                                       .SamplerState(_specularFilter, 2)

                _lightingState = BatchStateBuilder

            _gbufferTexture = _gbufferTargets[0].Texture.GetShaderResourceView();