Example #1
        static void loadBatch(BatchSvc svc, int m_CompanyID)
            Batch oBatch = new Batch();

            oBatch.CompanyId = m_CompanyID;

            oBatch.BatchTypeId = "TransactionImport"; //This is required, will tell our service what you're importing.
            BatchFile file = new BatchFile();

            oBatch.Name = "test.csv";
            file.Name   = oBatch.Name;                     //You need to set a Batch.Name and a Batch.BatchFile.Name, but they can be the same.
            string path = "C:\\Analysis\\test\\test1.csv"; //This is your filepath for the file you want to load

            file.ContentType = "application/CSV";          //You can only load CSV, XLS, or XLSX files.
            file.Ext         = ".csv";
            file.FilePath    = path;

            //Here I'm just loading in the data from the csv file to the BatchFile
                FileStream   oStream    = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                BinaryReader oBinreader = new BinaryReader(oStream);
                file.Size    = (Int32)oStream.Length;
                file.Content = oBinreader.ReadBytes(file.Size);
            catch (Exception e)
            oBatch.Files    = new BatchFile[1];
            oBatch.Files[0] = file; //It looks like you can load an array of files, but you can really only save the batch with one file in the array.
            BatchSaveResult sres = new BatchSaveResult();

            sres = svc.BatchSave(oBatch); //Calling the service with the batch


            //fetching the batch we just loaded
            FetchRequest ofetchRequest = new FetchRequest();

            ofetchRequest.Fields  = "Files";
            ofetchRequest.Filters = "BatchId = " + sres.BatchId.ToString();

            BatchFetchResult result = svc.BatchFetch(ofetchRequest);                                      //this BatchFetch is to find the BatchFileId values

            ofetchRequest.Fields  = "*,Content";                                                          //since the BatchFileFetch also uses a fetchRequest, I recycled my variable.
            ofetchRequest.Filters = "BatchFileId = " + result.Batches[0].Files[1].BatchFileId.ToString(); //I just picked one of files from the result here.
            //There can be up to three files returned: input, result, and error.

            BatchFileFetchResult fetchresult = svc.BatchFileFetch(ofetchRequest);

            Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fetchresult.BatchFiles[0].Content));//The file content is returned as a byte array, and I just wrote it to a console window to confirm that it looked OK.
        static void loadBatch(BatchSvc svc, int m_CompanyID)
            Batch oBatch = new Batch();
            oBatch.CompanyId = m_CompanyID;

            oBatch.BatchTypeId = "TransactionImport"; //This is required, will tell our service what you're importing.
            BatchFile file = new BatchFile();
            oBatch.Name = "test.csv";
            file.Name = oBatch.Name; //You need to set a Batch.Name and a Batch.BatchFile.Name, but they can be the same.
            string path = "C:\\Analysis\\test\\test1.csv"; //This is your filepath for the file you want to load
            file.ContentType = "application/CSV"; //You can only load CSV, XLS, or XLSX files.
            file.Ext = ".csv";
            file.FilePath = path;

            //Here I'm just loading in the data from the csv file to the BatchFile
                    FileStream oStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    BinaryReader oBinreader = new BinaryReader(oStream);
                    file.Size = (Int32)oStream.Length;
                    file.Content = oBinreader.ReadBytes(file.Size);

            catch (Exception e)
            oBatch.Files = new BatchFile[1];
            oBatch.Files[0] = file; //It looks like you can load an array of files, but you can really only save the batch with one file in the array.
            BatchSaveResult sres = new BatchSaveResult();
            sres = svc.BatchSave(oBatch); //Calling the service with the batch


            //fetching the batch we just loaded
            FetchRequest ofetchRequest = new FetchRequest();
            ofetchRequest.Fields = "Files";
            ofetchRequest.Filters = "BatchId = " + sres.BatchId.ToString();

            BatchFetchResult result = svc.BatchFetch(ofetchRequest); //this BatchFetch is to find the BatchFileId values

            ofetchRequest.Fields = "*,Content"; //since the BatchFileFetch also uses a fetchRequest, I recycled my variable.
            ofetchRequest.Filters = "BatchFileId = " + result.Batches[0].Files[1].BatchFileId.ToString(); //I just picked one of files from the result here.
            //There can be up to three files returned: input, result, and error.

            BatchFileFetchResult fetchresult = svc.BatchFileFetch(ofetchRequest);
            Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fetchresult.BatchFiles[0].Content));//The file content is returned as a byte array, and I just wrote it to a console window to confirm that it looked OK.