Example #1
 private JobHandle OnPerformCulling(BatchRendererGroup rendererGroup, BatchCullingContext cullingContext)
     // no culling at all! this just sets up everything as visible.
     for (int batch = 0; batch < cullingContext.batchVisibility.Length; batch++)
         var bv = cullingContext.batchVisibility[batch];
         bv.visibleCount = bv.instancesCount;
         cullingContext.batchVisibility[batch] = bv;
         for (int instance = 0; instance < bv.instancesCount; instance++)
             cullingContext.visibleIndices[bv.offset + instance] = instance;
     return(new JobHandle());
    // You can safely ignore this. It is just a pass-throught that performs no culling
    JobHandle CullingCallback(BatchRendererGroup rendererGroup, BatchCullingContext cullingContext)
        // dummy culling
        for (var batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < cullingContext.batchVisibility.Length; ++batchIndex)
            var batchVisibility = cullingContext.batchVisibility[batchIndex];

            for (var i = 0; i < batchVisibility.instancesCount; ++i)
                cullingContext.visibleIndices[batchVisibility.offset + i] = i;

            batchVisibility.visibleCount = batchVisibility.instancesCount;
            cullingContext.batchVisibility[batchIndex] = batchVisibility;
    private JobHandle OnPerformCulling(BatchRendererGroup batchRendererGroup, BatchCullingContext cullingContext)
        var planes   = Unity.Rendering.FrustumPlanes.BuildSOAPlanePackets(cullingContext.cullingPlanes, Allocator.TempJob);
        var lodParms = LODGroupExtensions.CalculateLODParams(cullingContext.lodParameters);

        var cull = new MyCullJob()
            Planes    = planes,
            LODParams = lodParms,
            IndexList = cullingContext.visibleIndices,
            Batches   = cullingContext.batchVisibility,
            CullDatas = _cullDic,
        // Debug.Log(_cullDic.GetKeyArray(Allocator.Temp).Length); ;
        var handle = cull.Schedule(batchIndex + 1, 1);

Example #4
    private JobHandle CullingCallback(BatchRendererGroup rendererGroup, BatchCullingContext cullingContext)
        var inputDependency = _jobDependency;

        for (var i = 0; i < cullingContext.batchVisibility.Length; ++i)
            var job = new CullingJob
                CullingContext = cullingContext,
                Matrices       = rendererGroup.GetBatchMatrices(i),
                BatchIndex     = i

            // Jobの依存関係を更新
            _jobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(job, _jobDependency);

Example #5
    private JobHandle OnPerformCulling(
        BatchRendererGroup rendererGroup,
        BatchCullingContext cullingContext)
        var planes    = FrustumPlanes.BuildSOAPlanePackets(cullingContext.cullingPlanes, Allocator.TempJob);
        var lodParams = LODGroupExtensions.CalculateLODParams(cullingContext.lodParameters);
        var cull      = new MyCullJob()
            Planes    = planes,
            LODParams = lodParams,
            IndexList = cullingContext.visibleIndices,
            Batches   = cullingContext.batchVisibility,
            CullDatas = cullData,
        var handle = cull.Schedule(100, 32, cullingDependency);

        cullingDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(handle, cullingDependency);
Example #6
        private JobHandle MyOnPerformCulling(BatchRendererGroup renderergroup, BatchCullingContext cullingContext)
            var planes    = OtherUtils.BuildSOAPlanePackets(cullingContext.cullingPlanes, Allocator.TempJob);
            var lodParams = OtherUtils.CalculateLODParams(cullingContext.lodParameters);
            //传入visibleIndices和batchVisibility 在job里面修改
            var cull = new MyCullJob()
                planes    = planes,
                lodParams = lodParams,
                indexList = cullingContext.visibleIndices,
                batches   = cullingContext.batchVisibility,
                cullDatas = cullData,
            //50组lod0 + 50组lod1 = 100
            // cullingDependency 形成队列关系
            var handle = cull.Schedule(100, 32, cullingDependency);

            cullingDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(handle, cullingDependency);
Example #7
    private JobHandle OnPerformCulling(BatchRendererGroup rendererGroup, BatchCullingContext cullingContext)
        var planes = new NativeArray <float4>(cullingContext.cullingPlanes.Length, Allocator.TempJob);

        for (int i = 0; i < cullingContext.cullingPlanes.Length; ++i)
            var p = cullingContext.cullingPlanes[i];
            planes[i] = new float4(p.normal, p.distance);
        var cull = new MTDetailCullJob()
            Planes         = planes,
            CamerPos       = cullingContext.lodParameters.cameraPosition,
            IndexList      = cullingContext.visibleIndices,
            Batches        = cullingContext.batchVisibility,
            CullDataOffset = cullDataOffset,
            CullDatas      = cullData,
        var handle = cull.Schedule(cullingContext.batchVisibility.Length, 16, cullingDependency);

        cullingDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(handle, cullingDependency);
Example #8
    public JobHandle OnPerformCulling(BatchRendererGroup rendererGroup, BatchCullingContext cullingContext, BatchCullingOutput cullingOutput, IntPtr userContext)
        if (!m_initialized)
            return(new JobHandle());

        bool isPickingCulling = cullingContext.viewType == BatchCullingViewType.Picking;

        var splitCounts = new NativeArray <int>(cullingContext.cullingSplits.Length, Allocator.TempJob, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
        for (int i = 0; i < splitCounts.Length; ++i)
            var split = cullingContext.cullingSplits[i];
            splitCounts[i] = split.cullingPlaneCount;

        var planes = FrustumPlanes.BuildSOAPlanePacketsMulti(cullingContext.cullingPlanes, splitCounts, Allocator.TempJob);

        BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands drawCommands = new BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands();
        drawCommands.drawRanges   = Malloc <BatchDrawRange>(m_drawRanges.Length);
        drawCommands.drawCommands = Malloc <BatchDrawCommand>(m_drawBatches.Length *
                                                              splitCounts.Length * 10); // TODO: Multiplying the DrawCommand count by splitCount*10 is NOT an conservative upper bound. But in practice is enough. Sorting would give us a real conservative bound...

        drawCommands.visibleInstances = Malloc <int>(m_instanceIndices.Length);
        drawCommands.drawCommandPickingInstanceIDs = isPickingCulling ? Malloc <int>(m_drawBatches.Length) : null;

        // Zero init: Culling job sets the values!
        drawCommands.drawRangeCount       = 0;
        drawCommands.drawCommandCount     = 0;
        drawCommands.visibleInstanceCount = 0;

        drawCommands.instanceSortingPositions          = null;
        drawCommands.instanceSortingPositionFloatCount = 0;

        cullingOutput.drawCommands[0] = drawCommands;

        var visibilityLength   = (m_renderers.Length + 7) / 8;
        var rendererVisibility = new NativeArray <ulong>(visibilityLength, Allocator.TempJob, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);

        var cullingJob = new CullingJob
            planes             = planes,
            splitCounts        = splitCounts,
            renderers          = m_renderers,
            rendererVisibility = rendererVisibility

        var drawOutputJob = new DrawCommandOutputJob
            batchID            = m_batchID,
            rendererVisibility = rendererVisibility,
            instanceIndices    = m_instanceIndices,
            drawBatches        = m_drawBatches,
            drawRanges         = m_drawRanges,
            drawIndices        = m_drawIndices,
            drawCommands       = cullingOutput.drawCommands

        var jobHandleCulling = cullingJob.Schedule(visibilityLength, 8);
        var jobHandleOutput  = drawOutputJob.Schedule(jobHandleCulling);

Example #9
    public JobHandle OnPerformCulling(BatchRendererGroup rendererGroup, BatchCullingContext cullingContext, BatchCullingOutput cullingOutput, IntPtr userContext)
        if (!m_initialized)
            return(new JobHandle());

        BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands drawCommands = new BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands();

        drawCommands.drawRangeCount = 1;
        drawCommands.drawRanges     = Malloc <BatchDrawRange>(1);
        drawCommands.drawRanges[0]  = new BatchDrawRange
            drawCommandsBegin = 0,
            drawCommandsCount = 1,
            filterSettings    = new BatchFilterSettings
                renderingLayerMask = 1,
                layer              = 0,
                motionMode         = m_motionVectorTest ? MotionVectorGenerationMode.Object : MotionVectorGenerationMode.Camera,
                shadowCastingMode  = ShadowCastingMode.On,
                receiveShadows     = true,
                staticShadowCaster = false,
                allDepthSorted     = false

        drawCommands.visibleInstances = Malloc <int>(m_itemCount);
        int n       = 0;
        int radius  = (itemGridSize / 2) * (itemGridSize / 2);      // (grid/2)^2
        int radiusO = (radius * 90) / 100;
        int radiusI = (radiusO * 85) / 100;

        for (int r = 0; r < itemGridSize; r++)
            for (int i = 0; i < itemGridSize; i++)
                bool visible = true;
                if (m_cullTest)
                    int dist = (r - itemGridSize / 2) * (r - itemGridSize / 2) + (i - itemGridSize / 2) * (i - itemGridSize / 2);
                    if ((dist >= radiusI) && (dist <= radiusO))
                        visible = false;
                if (visible)
                    drawCommands.visibleInstances[n++] = r * itemGridSize + i;
        drawCommands.visibleInstanceCount = n;

        drawCommands.drawCommandCount = 1;
        drawCommands.drawCommands     = Malloc <BatchDrawCommand>(1);
        drawCommands.drawCommands[0]  = new BatchDrawCommand
            visibleOffset       = 0,
            visibleCount        = (uint)n,
            batchID             = m_batchID,
            materialID          = m_materialID,
            meshID              = m_meshID,
            submeshIndex        = 0,
            splitVisibilityMask = 0xff,
            flags           = m_motionVectorTest ? BatchDrawCommandFlags.HasMotion : BatchDrawCommandFlags.None,
            sortingPosition = 0

        drawCommands.instanceSortingPositions          = null;
        drawCommands.instanceSortingPositionFloatCount = 0;

        cullingOutput.drawCommands[0] = drawCommands;
        return(new JobHandle());
Example #10
    // The callback method called by Unity whenever it visibility culls to determine which
    // objects to draw. This method will output draw commands that describe to Unity what
    // should be drawn for this BatchRendererGroup.
    public unsafe JobHandle OnPerformCulling(
        BatchRendererGroup rendererGroup,
        BatchCullingContext cullingContext,
        BatchCullingOutput cullingOutput,
        IntPtr userContext)
        // UnsafeUtility.Malloc() requires an alignment, so use the largest integer type's alignment
        // which is a reasonable default.
        int alignment = UnsafeUtility.AlignOf <long>();

        // Acquire a pointer to the BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands struct so we can easily
        // modify it directly.
        var drawCommands = (BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands *)cullingOutput.drawCommands.GetUnsafePtr();

        // Allocate memory for the output arrays. In a more complicated implementation the amount of memory
        // allocated could be dynamically calculated based on what we determined to be visible.
        // In this example, we will just assume that all of our instances are visible and allocate
        // memory for each of them. We need the following allocations:
        // - a single draw command (which draws kNumInstances instances)
        // - a single draw range (which covers our single draw command)
        // - kNumInstances visible instance indices.
        // The arrays must always be allocated using Allocator.TempJob.
        drawCommands->drawCommands     = (BatchDrawCommand *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <BatchDrawCommand>(), alignment, Allocator.TempJob);
        drawCommands->drawRanges       = (BatchDrawRange *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <BatchDrawRange>(), alignment, Allocator.TempJob);
        drawCommands->visibleInstances = (int *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(kNumInstances * sizeof(int), alignment, Allocator.TempJob);

        drawCommands->drawCommandCount     = 1;
        drawCommands->drawRangeCount       = 1;
        drawCommands->visibleInstanceCount = kNumInstances;

        // Our example does not use depth sorting, so we can leave the instanceSortingPositions as null.
        drawCommands->instanceSortingPositions          = null;
        drawCommands->instanceSortingPositionFloatCount = 0;

        // Configure our single draw command to draw kNumInstances instances
        // starting from offset 0 in the array, using the batch, material and mesh
        // IDs that we registered in the Start() method. No special flags are set.
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].visibleOffset   = 0;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].visibleCount    = kNumInstances;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].batchID         = m_BatchID;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].materialID      = m_MaterialID;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].meshID          = m_MeshID;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].submeshIndex    = 0;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].flags           = 0;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].sortingPosition = 0;

        // Configure our single draw range to cover our single draw command which
        // is at offset 0.
        drawCommands->drawRanges[0].drawCommandsBegin = 0;
        drawCommands->drawRanges[0].drawCommandsCount = 1;
        // In this example we don't care about shadows or motion vectors, so we leave everything
        // to the default zero values, except the renderingLayerMask which we have to set to all ones
        // so the instances will be drawn regardless of mask settings when rendering.
        drawCommands->drawRanges[0].filterSettings = new BatchFilterSettings {
            renderingLayerMask = 0xffffffff,

        // Finally, write the actual visible instance indices to their array. In a more complicated
        // implementation, this output would depend on what we determined to be visible, but in this example
        // we will just assume that everything is visible.
        for (int i = 0; i < kNumInstances; ++i)
            drawCommands->visibleInstances[i] = i;

        // This simple example does not use jobs, so we can just return an empty JobHandle.
        // Performance sensitive applications are encouraged to use Burst jobs to implement
        // culling and draw command output, in which case we would return a handle here that
        // completes when those jobs have finished.
        return(new JobHandle());
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// This is the culling callback. The batch renderer calls this once and you need schedule your culling jobs here.
 /// The culling context contains an array of visible indices of the total size of all batches. Each batch has an
 /// offset into that array in the batch visibility struct. To perform the culling, write the number of visible
 /// objects per batch back into that batch's batch visibility struct and write the indices of all visible objects
 /// into the array of visible indices. The indices must be the indices of the objects in the batch.
 /// </summary>
 JobHandle PerformCulling(BatchRendererGroup renderergroup, BatchCullingContext cullingcontext)
     if (m_UseSimdCulling)
         // kick-off your SIMD jobs here!
Example #12
        public JobHandle Cull(EntityManager entityManager, NativeArray <int> InternalToExternalIds, BatchCullingContext cullingContext, JobHandle cullingJobDependency)
            var occlusionSettings = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.GetOrCreateSystem <OcclusionSettingsSystem>();

            if (!occlusionSettings.OcclusionEnabled)
                return(new JobHandle());

            var occlusionMeshes = new NativeList <OcclusionMesh>(Allocator.TempJob);

            var proxyOcclusionMeshTransformJob = new ProxyOcclusionMeshTransformJob
                OcclusionMeshComponent = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <OcclusionMesh>(false),
                LocalToWorldComponent  = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <LocalToWorld>(true),
                OcclusionMeshes        = occlusionMeshes,
                ViewProjection         = cullingContext.cullingMatrix,

            //ScheduleSingle is required because we populate a list
            var proxyOcclusionMeshTransformJobHandle = proxyOcclusionMeshTransformJob.ScheduleSingle(m_ProxyOccluderGroup, cullingJobDependency);

            cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(proxyOcclusionMeshTransformJobHandle, cullingJobDependency);

            var occlusionMeshTransformJob = new OcclusionMeshTransformJob
                InternalToExternalRemappingTable = InternalToExternalIds,
                HybridChunkInfo        = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <HybridChunkInfo>(true),
                OcclusionMeshComponent = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <OcclusionMesh>(false),
                LocalToWorldComponent  = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <LocalToWorld>(true),
                IndexList       = cullingContext.visibleIndices,
                Batches         = cullingContext.batchVisibility,
                OcclusionMeshes = occlusionMeshes,
                ViewProjection  = cullingContext.cullingMatrix,
                Stats = cullingStats,

            //ScheduleSingle is required because we populate a list
            var occlusionTransformJobHandle = occlusionMeshTransformJob.ScheduleSingle(m_OccluderGroup, proxyOcclusionMeshTransformJobHandle);

            cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, occlusionTransformJobHandle);

            var occlusionComputeBoundsJob = new OcclusionComputeBoundsJob
                ViewProjection  = cullingContext.cullingMatrix,
                BoundsComponent = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <RenderBounds>(true),
                LocalToWorld    = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <LocalToWorld>(true),
                OcclusionTest   = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <OcclusionTest>(false),

            var occlusionComputeBoundsJobHandle = occlusionComputeBoundsJob.Schedule(m_OcclusionTestTransformGroup, occlusionTransformJobHandle);

            cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, occlusionComputeBoundsJobHandle);

            var occlusionMeshArray = occlusionMeshes.AsDeferredJobArray();
            var occlusionSortJob   = new OcclusionSortMeshesJob
                Meshes = occlusionMeshArray,
            var occlusionSortJobHandle = occlusionSortJob.Schedule(occlusionComputeBoundsJobHandle);

            cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, occlusionSortJobHandle);

            if (occlusionSettings.MocOcclusionMode == OcclusionSettingsSystem.MOCOcclusionMode.Intrinsic)
                var mocSetResolutionJob = new MOCSetResolutionJob
                    mocBurstIntrinsicPtrArray = m_BurstIntrinsicsArray,
                    wantedDepthWidth          = m_MOCDepthSize,
                    wantedDepthHeight         = m_MOCDepthSize,
                    wantedNearClipValue       = cullingContext.nearPlane,                           //TODO: use  when we handle correctly the debug view with multiple call to OnPerformCulling
                var mocSetResolutionJobHandle = mocSetResolutionJob.Schedule(cullingJobDependency); // mocSetResolutionJob.Schedule(m_BurstIntrinsicsArray.Length, 1, cullingJobDependency);
                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocSetResolutionJobHandle);

                var mocClearJob = new MOCClearJob
                    mocBurstIntrinsicPtrArray = m_BurstIntrinsicsArray,

                var mocClearJobHandle = mocClearJob.Schedule(m_BurstIntrinsicsArray.Length, 1, cullingJobDependency);
                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocClearJobHandle);

                var mocRasterizejob = new MOCRasterizeJob
                    mocBurstIntrinsicPtrArray = m_BurstIntrinsicsArray,
                    Meshes = occlusionMeshArray,

                var mocRasterizeJobHandle = occlusionSettings.OcclusionParallelEnabled ? mocRasterizejob.Schedule(m_BurstIntrinsicsArray.Length, 1, cullingJobDependency) : mocRasterizejob.Schedule(cullingJobDependency);

                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocRasterizeJobHandle);

                //The amount of jobs to run should be based on our tilesWidth or height, but the MOCSetResolutionJob might modify our buffer size and we don't want to force a sync point
                int totalMergeJob = 10;

                var mocMergeJob = new MOCMergeJob
                    mocBurstIntrinsicPtrArray = m_BurstIntrinsicsArray,
                    indexMergingTo            = 0,
                    totalJobCount             = totalMergeJob,
                var mocMergeJobHandle = occlusionSettings.OcclusionParallelEnabled ?
                                        mocMergeJob.Schedule(totalMergeJob, 1, cullingJobDependency)
                                        : mocMergeJob.Schedule(cullingJobDependency);
                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocMergeJobHandle);

                var mocTestJob = new MOCTestJob()
                    mocBurstIntrinsicPtrArray = m_BurstIntrinsicsArray,
                    burstIntrinsicIndexToUse  = 0,
                    OcclusionTest             = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <OcclusionTest>(true),
                    HybridChunkInfo           = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <HybridChunkInfo>(true),
                    IndexList = cullingContext.visibleIndices,
                    Batches   = cullingContext.batchVisibility,
                    InternalToExternalRemappingTable = InternalToExternalIds,

                    displayOccluded = occlusionSettings.DisplayOccluded,
                    Stats           = cullingStats,

                var mocTestJobHandle = mocTestJob.Schedule(m_OcclusionTestGroup, cullingJobDependency);
                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocTestJobHandle);
            else if (occlusionSettings.MocOcclusionMode == OcclusionSettingsSystem.MOCOcclusionMode.Native)
                var mocSetResolutionJob = new MOCNativeSetResolutionJob
                    mocNativeArray      = m_MocNativeArray,
                    wantedDepthWidth    = m_MOCDepthSize,
                    wantedDepthHeight   = m_MOCDepthSize,
                    wantedNearClipValue = cullingContext.nearPlane, //TODO: use cullingContext.nearPlane when we handle correctly the debug view with multiple call to OnPerformCulling
                var mocSetResolutionJobHandle = mocSetResolutionJob.Schedule(m_BurstIntrinsicsArray.Length, 1, cullingJobDependency);
                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocSetResolutionJobHandle);

                var mocClearJob = new MOCNativeClearJob
                    mocNativeArray = m_MocNativeArray,

                var mocClearJobHandle = mocClearJob.Schedule(m_MocNativeArray.Length, 1, cullingJobDependency);
                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocClearJobHandle);

                var mocRasterizejob = new MOCNativeRasterizeJob
                    mocNativeArray = m_MocNativeArray,
                    Meshes         = occlusionMeshArray,

                var mocRasterizeJobHandle = occlusionSettings.OcclusionParallelEnabled ? mocRasterizejob.Schedule(m_MocNativeArray.Length, 1, cullingJobDependency) : mocRasterizejob.Schedule(cullingJobDependency);

                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocRasterizeJobHandle);

                //The amount of jobs to run should be based on our tilesWidth or height, but the MOCSetResolutionJob might modify our buffer size and we don't want to force a sync point
                int totalMergeJob = 10;
                var mocMergeJob   = new MOCNativeMergeJob
                    mocNativePtrArray = m_MocNativeArray,
                    indexMergingTo    = 0,
                    totalJobCount     = totalMergeJob,
                var mocMergeJobHandle = occlusionSettings.OcclusionParallelEnabled ?
                                        mocMergeJob.Schedule(totalMergeJob, 1, cullingJobDependency)
                                        : mocMergeJob.Schedule(cullingJobDependency);
                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocMergeJobHandle);

                var mocTestJob = new MOCNativeTestJob()
                    mocNativePtrArray   = m_MocNativeArray,
                    mocNativeIndexToUse = 0,
                    InternalToExternalRemappingTable = InternalToExternalIds,
                    OcclusionTest   = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <OcclusionTest>(true),
                    HybridChunkInfo = entityManager.GetComponentTypeHandle <HybridChunkInfo>(true),
                    IndexList       = cullingContext.visibleIndices,
                    Batches         = cullingContext.batchVisibility,
                    displayOccluded = occlusionSettings.DisplayOccluded,
                    Stats           = cullingStats,

                var mocTestJobHandle = mocTestJob.Schedule(m_OcclusionTestGroup, cullingJobDependency);
                cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, mocTestJobHandle);

            var occlusionCompactBatchesJob = new OcclusionCompactBatchesJob
                IndexList = cullingContext.visibleIndices,
                Batches   = cullingContext.batchVisibility

            var occlusionCompactBatchesJobHandle = occlusionCompactBatchesJob.Schedule(cullingJobDependency);
            cullingJobDependency = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(cullingJobDependency, occlusionCompactBatchesJobHandle);


            //We give a pointer to first depth buffer to the debugSystem, by the time it use it all the depth buffers would have been merged into the first one
            var debugSystem = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.GetOrCreateSystem <OcclusionDebugRenderSystem>();

                                           occlusionSettings.MocOcclusionMode, cullingJobDependency);
                                           occlusionSettings.MocOcclusionMode, cullingJobDependency);

Example #13
 public JobHandle Cull(EntityManager entityManager, NativeArray <int> InternalToExternalIds, BatchCullingContext cullingContext, JobHandle cullingJobDependency, CullingStats *cullingStats)