/// <summary>
        /// These blocks are connected components in the vertical constraints. They don't necesserely span consequent layers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        Dictionary <int, int> CreateVerticalComponents()
            var vertGraph          = new BasicGraph <IntEdge>(from pair in horizontalConstraints.VerticalInts select new IntEdge(pair.Item1, pair.Item2));
            var verticalComponents = ConnectedComponentCalculator <IntEdge> .GetComponents(vertGraph);

            var nodesToComponentRoots = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (var component in verticalComponents)
                var ca = component.ToArray();
                if (ca.Length == 1)
                int componentRoot = -1;
                foreach (var j in component)
                    if (componentRoot == -1)
                        componentRoot = j;
                    nodesToComponentRoots[j] = componentRoot;
Example #2
        void UniteConnectedPreGraphs(ref List <PreGraph> preGraphs)
            BasicGraph <IntPair> intersectionGraph = GetIntersectionGraphOfPreGraphs(preGraphs);

            if (intersectionGraph == null)
            var connectedComponents = ConnectedComponentCalculator <IntPair> .GetComponents(intersectionGraph);

            var newPreGraphList = new List <PreGraph>();

            foreach (var component in connectedComponents)
                PreGraph preGraph = null;
                foreach (var i in component)
                    if (preGraph == null)
                        preGraph = preGraphs[i];
            preGraphs = newPreGraphList;
            foreach (var pg in preGraphs)
 internal PhyloTreeLayoutCalclulation(PhyloTree phyloTreeP, SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraphP, Database dataBase) {
     this.dataBase = dataBase;
     this.tree = phyloTreeP;
     this.LayoutSettings = settings;
     this.intGraph = intGraphP;
     originalNodeToGridLayerIndices = new int[intGraph.Nodes.Count];
Example #4
        public override void Solve(IOManager io)
            var nodeCount = io.ReadInt();
            var edgeCount = io.ReadInt();

            var graph     = new BasicGraph(nodeCount);
            var indegrees = new int[graph.NodeCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++)
                var s = io.ReadInt();
                var t = io.ReadInt();

                graph.AddEdge(s, t);

            var result = double.MaxValue;

            for (int block = 0; block < graph.NodeCount; block++)


            double GetExpectation(int block)
                Span <double> dp = stackalloc double[graph.NodeCount];

                dp[^ 1] = 0;
Example #5
        public override IEnumerable <object> Solve(TextReader inputStream)
            var nodeCount = inputStream.ReadInt();

            tree    = new BasicGraph(nodeCount);
            counts  = new int[nodeCount];
            results = new int[nodeCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount - 1; i++)
                var(a, b) = inputStream.ReadValue <int, int>();
                tree.AddEdge(new BasicEdge(a, b));
                tree.AddEdge(new BasicEdge(b, a));

            points = new Queue <int>(inputStream.ReadIntArray().OrderBy(i => i));
            var total = points.Take(points.Count - 1).Sum();


            yield return(total);

            yield return(results.Join(' '));
Example #6
        internal static RectangleNode <Polyline> ReplaceTightObstaclesWithConvexHulls(Set <Polyline> tightObsts, IEnumerable <Tuple <Polyline, Polyline> > overlappingPairSet)
            var overlapping = new Set <Polyline>();

            foreach (var pair in overlappingPairSet)
            var intToPoly = overlapping.ToArray();
            var polyToInt = MapToInt(intToPoly);
            var graph     = new BasicGraph <IntPair>(
                Select(pair => new IntPair(polyToInt[pair.Item1], polyToInt[pair.Item2])));
            var connectedComponents = ConnectedComponentCalculator <IntPair> .GetComponents(graph);

            foreach (var component in connectedComponents)
                var polys      = component.Select(i => intToPoly[i]);
                var points     = polys.SelectMany(p => p);
                var convexHull = ConvexHull.CreateConvexHullAsClosedPolyline(points);
                foreach (var poly in polys)
Example #7
        public override IEnumerable <object> Solve(TextReader inputStream)
            var n = inputStream.ReadInt();

            maxValues = Enumerable.Repeat(int.MaxValue, n).ToArray();
            minValues = Enumerable.Repeat(int.MinValue, n).ToArray();

            graph = new BasicGraph(n);
            for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
                var(a, b) = inputStream.ReadValue <int, int>();
                graph.AddEdge(new BasicEdge(a, b));
                graph.AddEdge(new BasicEdge(b, a));

            var starts = new List <int>();
            var k      = inputStream.ReadInt();

            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                var(v, p) = inputStream.ReadValue <int, int>();
                maxValues[v] = p;
                minValues[v] = p;

            if (!CheckEvenOdd(starts[0], -1, minValues[starts[0]]))
                yield return("No");

                yield break;


            foreach (var start in starts)
                Dfs(start, -1, maxValues[start] + 1, minValues[start] - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < maxValues.Length; i++)
                if (maxValues[i] < minValues[i])
                    yield return("No");

                    yield break;

            yield return("Yes");

            foreach (var value in minValues)
                yield return(value);
        internal ConstrainedOrdering(
            GeometryGraph geomGraph,
            BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> basicIntGraph,
            int[] layering,
            Dictionary<Node, int> nodeIdToIndex,
            Database database,
            SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings) {

            this.settings = settings;
            horizontalConstraints = settings.HorizontalConstraints;

            horizontalConstraints.PrepareForOrdering(nodeIdToIndex, layering);

            geometryGraph = geomGraph;
            this.database = database;
            intGraph = basicIntGraph;
            initialLayering = layering;
            //this has to be changed only to insert layers that are needed
            if (NeedToInsertLayers(layering)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < layering.Length; i++)
                    layering[i] *= 2;
                LayersAreDoubled = true;
                numberOfLayers = -1;


            adjSwapper = new AdjacentSwapsWithConstraints(
Example #9
        private static async void moveEdge(BasicGraph sender, double x, double y)
                Point2 coords = await sender.RequestTransformedEventPosition(x, y);

                Edge edge    = sender.graphService.CurrentGraphModel.ActiveEdge;
                var  diff    = edge.Edgemiddle - new Vector2((float)coords.X, (float)coords.Y);
                var  dir     = Vector2.Normalize(diff);
                var  dirdiff = dir - edge.Direction;
                var  dot     = Vector2.Dot(edge.Direction, dir);
                if (dot > 0)
                    if (edge.curveScale < edge.curveScaleUpperBound)
                        edge.curveScale += 0.1f;
                else if (edge.curveScale > edge.curveScaleLowerBound)
                    edge.curveScale -= 0.1f;
            catch { }
Example #10
        static void graphTestSuite()
            GraphNode <int>  startNode = new GraphNode <int>(0);
            BasicGraph <int> testGraph = new BasicGraph <int>(startNode);

            var temp = new GraphNode <int>(1);

            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[0], 10);

            temp = new GraphNode <int>(2);
            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[0], 8);
            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[1], 10);

            temp = new GraphNode <int>(3);
            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[0], 9);
            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[1], 5);
            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[2], 8);

            temp = new GraphNode <int>(4);
            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[0], 7);
            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[1], 6);
            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[2], 9);
            temp.addConnection(testGraph.AllNodes[3], 6);

            Solution bestPath = TSP.branchandBound(testGraph);

            Console.WriteLine("shortest distance is {0} via route {1}", bestPath.minCost, String.Join("-", bestPath.path));
        public void RerootingTestABC160ExampleF()
            var inputs = @"8
1 2
2 3
3 4
3 5
3 6
6 7
6 8".Split(Environment.NewLine);

            var n     = int.Parse(inputs[0]);
            var graph = new BasicGraph(n);

            foreach (var input in inputs.Skip(1).Select(s => s.Split(' ').Select(s => int.Parse(s) - 1).ToArray()))
                graph.AddEdge(input[0], input[1]);
                graph.AddEdge(input[1], input[0]);

            var rerooting = new Rerooting <BasicEdge, DPState>(graph);
            var result    = rerooting.Solve().Select(r => r.Count.Value);

            var expected = new int[] { 40, 280, 840, 120, 120, 504, 72, 72 };

            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
        internal void Initialize(BasicGraph <Node, IntEdge> intGraph)
            BaseGraph = intGraph;

            if (BaseGraph.Edges.Count > 0)
                var edgesGoingDown = from edge in BaseGraph.Edges
                                     where edge.LayerEdges != null
                                     select edge;
                if (edgesGoingDown.Any())
                    totalNumberOfNodes = (from edge in edgesGoingDown from layerEdge in edge.LayerEdges
                                          select Math.Max(layerEdge.Source, layerEdge.Target) + 1).Max();
                    totalNumberOfNodes = intGraph.NodeCount;
                totalNumberOfNodes = intGraph.NodeCount;

            if (ExistVirtualNodes(BaseGraph.Edges))
                firstVirtualNode = (from edge in BaseGraph.Edges
                                    where edge.LayerEdges != null && edge.LayerEdges.Count > 1
                                    let source = edge.Source
                                                 from layerEdge in edge.LayerEdges
                                                 let layerEdgeSource = layerEdge.Source
                                                                       where layerEdge.Source != source
                                                                       select layerEdgeSource).Min();
                firstVirtualNode   = BaseGraph.NodeCount;
                totalNumberOfNodes = BaseGraph.NodeCount;

            virtualNodesToInEdges  = new LayerEdge[totalNumberOfNodes - FirstVirtualNode];
            virtualNodesToOutEdges = new LayerEdge[totalNumberOfNodes - FirstVirtualNode];
            foreach (IntEdge e in BaseGraph.Edges)
                if (e.LayerSpan > 0)
                    foreach (LayerEdge le in e.LayerEdges)
                        if (le.Target != e.Target)
                            virtualNodesToInEdges[le.Target - FirstVirtualNode] = le;
                        if (le.Source != e.Source)
                            virtualNodesToOutEdges[le.Source - FirstVirtualNode] = le;
Example #13
        private static void toggleActiveStateNode(BasicGraph sender, Node node)
            if (sender.graphService.CurrentGraphModel.ActiveEdge != null)
                sender.graphService.CurrentGraphModel.ActiveEdge.IsActive = false;
            var activeNode = sender.graphService.CurrentGraphModel.ActiveNode;

            if (activeNode != null)
                if (activeNode.Id == node.Id)
                    node.IsActive = false;
                    activeNode.IsActive = false;
                    node.IsActive       = true;
                node.IsActive = true;
Example #14
        List <int> TopologicalSort(BasicGraph graph, int[] inDegrees)
            var sorted = new List <int>();
            var queue  = new Queue <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < inDegrees.Length; i++)
                if (inDegrees[i] == 0)

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                var current = queue.Dequeue();

                foreach (var edge in graph[current])
                    if (inDegrees[edge.To.Index] == 0)

Example #15
        private bool CreateConvexHulls()
            var found = false;
            var graph = new BasicGraph <IntPair>(this.overlapPairs);
            var connectedComponents = ConnectedComponentCalculator <IntPair> .GetComponents(graph);

            foreach (var component in connectedComponents)
                // GetComponents returns at least one self-entry for each index - including the < FirstNonSentinelOrdinal ones.
                if (component.Count() == 1)

                found = true;
                var obstacles = component.Select(this.OrdinalToObstacle);
                var points    = obstacles.SelectMany(obs => obs.VisibilityPolyline);
                var och       = new OverlapConvexHull(ConvexHull.CreateConvexHullAsClosedPolyline(points), obstacles);
                foreach (var obstacle in obstacles)
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="layeredGraph"></param>
 /// <param name="la"></param>
 /// <param name="database"></param>
 /// <param name="intGraphP"></param>
   ProperLayeredGraph layeredGraph, LayerArrays la, Database database, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraphP) {
     this.la = la;
     this.database = database;
     this.layeredGraph = layeredGraph;
     this.intGraph = intGraphP;
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="layeredGraph"></param>
 /// <param name="la"></param>
 /// <param name="database"></param>
 /// <param name="intGraphP"></param>
   ProperLayeredGraph layeredGraph, LayerArrays la, Database database, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraphP) {
     this.la = la;
     this.database = database;
     this.layeredGraph = layeredGraph;
     this.intGraph = intGraphP;
Example #18
        public override void Solve(IOManager io)
            var n    = io.ReadInt();
            var tree = new BasicGraph(n);

            for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
                var u = io.ReadInt();
                var v = io.ReadInt();
                tree.AddEdge(u, v);
                tree.AddEdge(v, u);

            var lca = new LowestCommonAncester(tree);

            var queries = io.ReadInt();

            for (int q = 0; q < queries; q++)
                var a = io.ReadInt() - 1;
                var b = io.ReadInt() - 1;
                io.WriteLine(lca.Depths[a] + lca.Depths[b] - 2 * lca.Depths[lca.GetLcaNode(a, b)] + 1);
Example #19
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Computes distances between a selected set of nodes and all nodes.
        ///// Pivot nodes are selected with maxmin strategy (first at random, later
        ///// ones to maximize distances to all previously selected ones).
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="graph">A graph.</param>
        ///// <param name="directed">Whether shortest paths are directed.</param>
        ///// <param name="numberOfPivots">Number of pivots.</param>
        ///// <returns>A square matrix with shortest path distances.</returns>
        //public static double[][] PivotUniformDistances(GeometryGraph graph, bool directed, int numberOfPivots) {
        //    double[][] d = new double[numberOfPivots][];

        //    Node[] nodes = new Node[graph.Nodes.Count];
        //    graph.Nodes.CopyTo(nodes, 0);
        //    double[] min = new double[graph.Nodes.Count];
        //    for (int i = 0; i < min.Length; i++) {
        //        min[i] = Double.PositiveInfinity;
        //    }
        //    System.Console.Write("pivoting ");
        //    Node pivot = nodes[0];
        //    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPivots; i++) {
        //        System.Console.Write(".");
        //        d[i] = SingleSourceUniformDistances(graph, pivot, directed);
        //        int argmax = 0;
        //        for (int j = 0; j < d[i].Length; j++) {
        //            min[j] = Math.Min(min[j], d[i][j]);
        //            if (min[j] > min[argmax])
        //                argmax = j;
        //        }
        //        pivot = nodes[argmax];
        //    }
        //    System.Console.WriteLine();
        //    return d;

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Determines whether the graph is (weakly) connected, that is,
        ///// if there is a path connecting every two nodes.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="graph">A graph.</param>
        ///// <returns>true iff the graph is connected.</returns>
        //public static bool IsConnected(GeometryGraph graph) {
        //    IEnumerator<Node> enumerator = graph.Nodes.GetEnumerator();
        //    enumerator.MoveNext();
        //    Node node=enumerator.Current;
        //    double[] distances=SingleSourceUniformDistances(graph, node, false);
        //    for (int i = 0; i < distances.Length; i++) {
        //        if (distances[i] == Double.PositiveInfinity) return false;
        //    }
        //    return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gives graphs representing the connected components of the graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">A graph.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeToNodeIndex">the dictionary: node -> node index in the NodeMap</param>
        /// <returns>An array of connected components.</returns>

        internal static GeometryGraph[] ComponentGraphs(GeometryGraph graph, Dictionary <Node, int> nodeToNodeIndex)
            Node[] nodes = new Node[graph.Nodes.Count];
            graph.Nodes.CopyTo(nodes, 0);

            BasicGraph <IntPair> basicGraph = new BasicGraph <IntPair>(
                from edge in graph.Edges
                where !(edge.Source is Cluster || edge.Target is Cluster)
                select new IntPair(nodeToNodeIndex[edge.Source], nodeToNodeIndex[edge.Target]), graph.Nodes.Count);
            List <IEnumerable <int> > comps = new List <IEnumerable <int> >(ConnectedComponentCalculator <IntPair> .GetComponents(basicGraph));

            if (comps.Count == 1)
                return new GeometryGraph[] { graph }
            GeometryGraph[] ret = new GeometryGraph[comps.Count];
            int             i   = 0;

            foreach (var comp in comps)
                ret[i++] = GeomGraphFromBasicGraph(comp, nodes);

Example #20
        public override IEnumerable <object> Solve(TextReader inputStream)
            var nodesCount = inputStream.ReadInt();

            graph = new BasicGraph(nodesCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < nodesCount - 1; i++)
                var(a, b) = inputStream.ReadValue <int, int>();
                graph.AddEdge(new BasicEdge(a, b));
                graph.AddEdge(new BasicEdge(b, a));

            dpStates = new DPState[nodesCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < dpStates.Length; i++)
                dpStates[i] = new DPState(new Modular(1), 0);

            var rerooting = new Rerooting <BasicNode, BasicEdge, DPState>(graph);
            var results   = rerooting.Solve().Select(r => r.Count.Value);

            foreach (var result in results)
                yield return(result);
 internal PhyloTreeLayoutCalclulation(PhyloTree phyloTreeP, SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings, BasicGraph <Node, IntEdge> intGraphP, Database dataBase)
     this.dataBase                  = dataBase;
     this.tree                      = phyloTreeP;
     this.LayoutSettings            = settings;
     this.intGraph                  = intGraphP;
     originalNodeToGridLayerIndices = new int[intGraph.Nodes.Count];
 static internal void InsertPaths(
                                  ref ProperLayeredGraph layeredGraph, ref LayerArrays la,
                                  Database db, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraphP) {
     EdgePathsInserter li = new EdgePathsInserter(layeredGraph, la, db, intGraphP);
     layeredGraph = li.NLayeredGraph;
     la = li.Nla;
Example #23
 private static void activateDragNode(BasicGraph sender, Node target)
     if (((BasicGraph)sender).graphService.CurrentGraphModel.ActiveNode != null && target.IsActive)
         sender.NodeDragStarted = true;
        private void CreateDictionaryOfSameLayerRepresentatives()
            BasicGraph <IntPair> graphOfSameLayers = CreateGraphOfSameLayers();

            foreach (var comp in ConnectedComponentCalculator <IntPair> .GetComponents(graphOfSameLayers))
Example #25
        public override IEnumerable <object> Solve(TextReader inputStream)
            var(nodeCount, takahashiStart, aokiStart) = inputStream.ReadValue <int, int, int>();
            var tree = new BasicGraph(nodeCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount - 1; i++)
                var(a, b) = inputStream.ReadValue <int, int>();
                tree.AddEdge(new BasicEdge(a, b));
                tree.AddEdge(new BasicEdge(b, a));

            var takahashiDistances = GetDistances(takahashiStart);
            var aokiDistances      = GetDistances(aokiStart);

            var result = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
                if (takahashiDistances[i] < aokiDistances[i])
                    result = Math.Max(result, aokiDistances[i]);

            yield return(result - 1);

            int[] GetDistances(int startNode)
                const int Inf       = 1 << 28;
                var       todo      = new Queue <int>();
                var       distances = Enumerable.Repeat(Inf, nodeCount).ToArray();

                distances[startNode] = 0;

                while (todo.Count > 0)
                    var current = todo.Dequeue();
                    foreach (var edge in tree[current])
                        var next = edge.To.Index;
                        if (distances[next] == Inf)
                            distances[next] = distances[current] + 1;

Example #26
        ///// <summary>
        ///// the entry point of the class
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="layeredGraph"></param>
        ///// <param name="la"></param>
        ///// <param name="db"></param>
        static internal void InsertLayers(
          ref ProperLayeredGraph layeredGraph, ref LayerArrays la, Database db, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraphP) {
            LayerInserter li = new LayerInserter(layeredGraph, la, db, intGraphP);

            layeredGraph = li.NLayeredGraph;
            la = li.Nla.DropEmptyLayers();

Example #27
        public void GetQuality_Success()
            var options = new BaseOptions(numberOfIterations: 100, numberOfRegions: 3, alfa: 1, beta: 5, ro: 0.6, delta: 0.1D);
            var graph   = new BasicGraph(null, null);
            var rnd     = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
            var aspg    = new Aspg(options, graph, rnd);

            //var quality = aspg.GetQuality();
        ///// <summary>
        ///// the entry point of the class
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="layeredGraph"></param>
        ///// <param name="la"></param>
        ///// <param name="db"></param>
        static internal void InsertLayers(
          ref ProperLayeredGraph layeredGraph, ref LayerArrays la, Database db, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraphP) {
            LayerInserter li = new LayerInserter(layeredGraph, la, db, intGraphP);

            layeredGraph = li.NLayeredGraph;
            la = li.Nla.DropEmptyLayers();

Example #29
        static internal void InsertPaths(
            ref ProperLayeredGraph layeredGraph, ref LayerArrays la,
            Database db, BasicGraph <Node, IntEdge> intGraphP)
            EdgePathsInserter li = new EdgePathsInserter(layeredGraph, la, db, intGraphP);

            layeredGraph = li.NLayeredGraph;
            la           = li.Nla;
Example #30
        private static async void moveNode(BasicGraph sender, double x, double y)
                Point2 coords = await sender.RequestTransformedEventPosition(x, y);

                setNodePosition(sender.graphService.CurrentGraphModel.ActiveNode, coords);
            catch { }
Example #31
            public LowestCommonAncester(BasicGraph graph, int root = 0)
                if (graph.NodeCount == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                _ceilLog2 = BitOperations.Log2((uint)(graph.NodeCount - 1)) + 1;
                _parents  = new int[_ceilLog2, graph.NodeCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < _ceilLog2; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < graph.NodeCount; j++)
                        _parents[i, j] = -1;
                _depths = new int[graph.NodeCount];

                Dfs(root, -1, 0);

                void Dfs(int current, int parent, int depth)
                    _parents[0, current] = parent;
                    _depths[current]     = depth;

                    foreach (var next in graph[current])
                        if (next != parent)
                            Dfs(next, current, depth + 1);

                void Initialize()
                    for (int pow = 0; pow + 1 < _ceilLog2; pow++)
                        for (int v = 0; v < _depths.Length; v++)
                            if (_parents[pow, v] < 0)
                                _parents[pow + 1, v] = -1;
                                _parents[pow + 1, v] = _parents[pow, _parents[pow, v]];
Example #32
        static BasicGraph <IntEdge> CreateGraphWithIEEdges(BasicGraph <IntEdge> bg)
            List <IntEdge> ieEdges = new List <IntEdge>();

            foreach (IntEdge e in bg.Edges)
                ieEdges.Add(new NetworkEdge(e));

            return(new BasicGraph <IntEdge>(ieEdges, bg.NodeCount));
Example #33
        public void ReadVerticesWeights_CorrectCount_Success()
            var graph = new BasicGraph("baba.txt", "baba.txt");

            using (var stream = GenerateStreamFromString(BasicVericesWeights))

            Assert.AreEqual(9, graph.VerticesWeights.Count);
Example #34
        public void ReadEdgesWeights_CorrectFormat_Fail()
            var graph = new BasicGraph("baba.txt", "baba.txt");

            using (var stream = GenerateStreamFromString(BasicEdgesWeights))

            Assert.AreEqual(3, graph.EdgesWeights[0, 1]);
        void CreateProperLayeredGraph()
            IEnumerable <IntEdge> edges = CreatePathEdgesOnIntGraph();
            var nodeCount = Math.Max(intGraph.NodeCount, BasicGraph <Node, IntEdge> .VertexCount(edges));
            var baseGraph = new BasicGraph <Node, IntEdge>(edges, nodeCount)
                Nodes = intGraph.Nodes

            ProperLayeredGraph = new ProperLayeredGraph(baseGraph);
 internal Routing(SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings, GeometryGraph originalGraph, Database dbP,
                  LayerArrays yLayerArrays,
                  ProperLayeredGraph properLayeredGraph,
                  BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraph
     ) {
     this.settings = settings;
     OriginalGraph = originalGraph;
     Database = dbP;
     ProperLayeredGraph = properLayeredGraph;
     LayerArrays = yLayerArrays;
     IntGraph = intGraph;
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the minimum spanning tree on a DT with given weights.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cdt"></param>
        /// <param name="weights"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static internal List<CdtEdge> GetMstOnCdt(Cdt cdt, Func<CdtEdge, double> weights) {
            var siteArray = cdt.PointsToSites.Values.ToArray();
            var siteIndex = new Dictionary<CdtSite, int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < siteArray.Length; i++)
                siteIndex[siteArray[i]] = i;

            Dictionary<IntPair, CdtEdge> intPairsToCdtEdges = GetEdges(siteArray, siteIndex);

            var graph = new BasicGraph<IEdge>( intPairsToCdtEdges.Keys, siteArray.Length);

            var mstOnBasicGraph = new MinimumSpanningTreeByPrim(graph, intPair => weights(intPairsToCdtEdges[(IntPair)intPair]), 0);

            return new List<CdtEdge>(mstOnBasicGraph.GetTreeEdges().Select(e=>intPairsToCdtEdges[(IntPair)e]));
 /// <summary>
 /// it is a special recovery constructor to recreate the engine from the recovery engine
 /// </summary>
 internal LayeredLayoutEngine(LayerArrays engineLayerArrays, GeometryGraph originalGraph, ProperLayeredGraph properLayeredGraph, SugiyamaLayoutSettings sugiyamaSettings, Database database, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraph, Dictionary<Node, int> nodeIdToIndex, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> gluedDagSkeletonForLayering, bool layersAreDoubled, ConstrainedOrdering constrainedOrdering, bool brandes, XLayoutGraph xLayoutGraph) {
     this.engineLayerArrays = engineLayerArrays;
     this.originalGraph = originalGraph;
     this.properLayeredGraph = properLayeredGraph;
     this.sugiyamaSettings = sugiyamaSettings;
     this.database = database;
     IntGraph = intGraph;
     this.nodeIdToIndex = nodeIdToIndex;
     GluedDagSkeletonForLayering = gluedDagSkeletonForLayering;
     LayersAreDoubled = layersAreDoubled;
     this.constrainedOrdering = constrainedOrdering;
     Brandes = brandes;
     anchors = database.anchors;
     this.xLayoutGraph = xLayoutGraph;
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the minimum spanning tree on a set of edges
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proximityEdges">list of tuples, each representing an edge with: nodeId1, nodeId2, t(overlapFactor), ideal distance, edge weight.</param>
        /// <param name="sizeId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static internal List<Tuple<int, int, double, double, double>> GetMstOnTuple(List<Tuple<int,int,double,double,double>> proximityEdges, int sizeId) {
            if (proximityEdges.Count == 0)
                return null;
            var intPairs = proximityEdges.Select(t => new IntPair(t.Item1, t.Item2)).ToArray();
            var weighting = new Dictionary<IntPair, Tuple<int, int, double, double, double>>(intPairs.Count());
            for (int i = 0; i < proximityEdges.Count; i++) {
                weighting[intPairs[i]] = proximityEdges[i];
            var graph = new BasicGraph<IEdge>(intPairs, sizeId);

            var mstOnBasicGraph = new MinimumSpanningTreeByPrim(graph, intPair => weighting[(IntPair)intPair].Item5, intPairs[0].First);

            List<Tuple<int, int, double, double, double>> treeEdges = mstOnBasicGraph.GetTreeEdges().Select(e => weighting[(IntPair) e]).ToList();
            return treeEdges;
        internal void Initialize(BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraph)
            BaseGraph = intGraph;

            if (BaseGraph.Edges.Count > 0) {
                var edgesGoingDown = from edge in BaseGraph.Edges
                                     where edge.LayerEdges != null
                                     select edge;
                if(edgesGoingDown.Any() )               
                   totalNumberOfNodes= (from edge in edgesGoingDown from layerEdge in edge.LayerEdges
                                           select Math.Max(layerEdge.Source, layerEdge.Target) + 1).Max();
                else totalNumberOfNodes = intGraph.NodeCount;
            } else
                totalNumberOfNodes = intGraph.NodeCount;

            if (ExistVirtualNodes(BaseGraph.Edges)) {
                firstVirtualNode = (from edge in BaseGraph.Edges
                                    where edge.LayerEdges != null && edge.LayerEdges.Count > 1
                                    let source = edge.Source
                                    from layerEdge in edge.LayerEdges
                                    let layerEdgeSource = layerEdge.Source
                                    where layerEdge.Source != source
                                    select layerEdgeSource).Min();
            } else {
                firstVirtualNode = BaseGraph.NodeCount;
                totalNumberOfNodes = BaseGraph.NodeCount;

            virtualNodesToInEdges = new LayerEdge[totalNumberOfNodes - FirstVirtualNode];
            virtualNodesToOutEdges = new LayerEdge[totalNumberOfNodes - FirstVirtualNode];
            foreach (IntEdge e in BaseGraph.Edges)
                if (e.LayerSpan > 0)
                    foreach (LayerEdge le in e.LayerEdges) {
                        if (le.Target != e.Target)
                            virtualNodesToInEdges[le.Target - FirstVirtualNode] = le;
                        if (le.Source != e.Source)
                            virtualNodesToOutEdges[le.Source - FirstVirtualNode] = le;

        internal static void CalculateAnchorSizes(Database database, out Anchor[] anchors,
                                                  ProperLayeredGraph properLayeredGraph, GeometryGraph originalGraph,
                                                  BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraph, SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings) {
            database.Anchors = anchors = new Anchor[properLayeredGraph.NodeCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < anchors.Length; i++)
                anchors[i] = new Anchor(settings.LabelCornersPreserveCoefficient);

            //go over the old vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < originalGraph.Nodes.Count; i++)
                CalcAnchorsForOriginalNode(i, intGraph, anchors, database, settings);

            //go over virtual vertices
            foreach (IntEdge intEdge in database.AllIntEdges)
                if (intEdge.LayerEdges != null) {
                    foreach (LayerEdge layerEdge in intEdge.LayerEdges) {
                        int v = layerEdge.Target;
                        if (v != intEdge.Target) {
                            Anchor anchor = anchors[v];
                            if (!database.MultipleMiddles.Contains(v)) {
                                anchor.LeftAnchor = anchor.RightAnchor = VirtualNodeWidth/2.0f;
                                anchor.TopAnchor = anchor.BottomAnchor = VirtualNodeHeight(settings)/2.0f;
                            } else {
                                anchor.LeftAnchor = anchor.RightAnchor = VirtualNodeWidth*4;
                                anchor.TopAnchor = anchor.BottomAnchor = VirtualNodeHeight(settings)/2.0f;
                    //fix label vertices      
                    if (intEdge.HasLabel) {
                        int lj = intEdge.LayerEdges[intEdge.LayerEdges.Count/2].Source;
                        Anchor a = anchors[lj];
                        double w = intEdge.LabelWidth, h = intEdge.LabelHeight;
                        a.RightAnchor = w;
                        a.LeftAnchor = VirtualNodeWidth*8;

                        if (a.TopAnchor < h/2.0)
                            a.TopAnchor = a.BottomAnchor = h/2.0;

                        a.LabelToTheRightOfAnchorCenter = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor
        /// </summary>
        internal LayeredLayoutEngine(GeometryGraph originalGraph, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> graph,
                                     Dictionary<Node, int> nodeIdToIndex, SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings) {
            if (originalGraph != null) {
                this.originalGraph = originalGraph;
                sugiyamaSettings = settings;
                IntGraph = graph;
                Database = new Database();
                this.nodeIdToIndex = nodeIdToIndex;
                foreach (IntEdge e in graph.Edges)
                if (sugiyamaSettings.Reporting && SugiyamaLayoutLogger == null)
                    SugiyamaLayoutLogger = new SugiyamaLayoutLogger();
Example #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates distances from graph vertices to some selected set of vertices; accepting states.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acceptingStates"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal int[] GetDistanceToAcceptingStates(int[] acceptingStates)
            return new int[0];

              //calculate distances from accepting states
              //by running shortest paths on the reversed graph
              Edge[] reversedEdges=new Edge[MustEdges.Length];

              for(int i=0;i<reversedEdges.Length;i++){
            Edge l=MustEdges[i];
            reversedEdges[i]=new Edge(l.target,l.source,l.label,l.weight);

              BasicGraph basicGraph=new BasicGraph(0, reversedEdges);

              MultipleSourcesShortestPaths mssp=new MultipleSourcesShortestPaths(basicGraph,acceptingStates);


              //now we have the distance from acceptingStates to any state in mssp.GetDistTo(state)

              int[] ret=new int[NumberOfVertices];

              for(int i=0;i<NumberOfVertices;i++)

            return ret;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the height of the graph+spaceBeforeMargins</returns>
        internal static void CalcInitialYAnchorLocations(LayerArrays layerArrays, double spaceBeforeMargins,
                                                         GeometryGraph originalGraph, Database database,
                                                         BasicGraph<IntEdge> intGraph,
                                                         SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings,
                                                         bool layersAreDoubled) {
            Anchor[] anchors = database.Anchors;
            double ymax = originalGraph.Margins + spaceBeforeMargins; //setting up y coord - going up by y-layers
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var yLayer in layerArrays.Layers) {
                double bottomAnchorMax = 0;
                double topAnchorMax = 0;
                foreach (int j in yLayer) {
                    Anchor p = anchors[j];
                    if (p.BottomAnchor > bottomAnchorMax)
                        bottomAnchorMax = p.BottomAnchor;
                    if (p.TopAnchor > topAnchorMax)
                        topAnchorMax = p.TopAnchor;

                MakeVirtualNodesHigh(yLayer, bottomAnchorMax, topAnchorMax, originalGraph.Nodes.Count, database.Anchors);

                double flatEdgesHeight = SetFlatEdgesForLayer(database, layerArrays, i, intGraph, settings, ymax);

                double y = ymax + bottomAnchorMax + flatEdgesHeight;
                foreach (int j in yLayer)
                    anchors[j].Y = y;
                double layerSep = settings.ActualLayerSeparation(layersAreDoubled);
                ymax = y + topAnchorMax + layerSep;
            SetFlatEdgesForLayer(database, layerArrays, i, intGraph, settings, ymax);
        static void CalcAnchorsForOriginalNode(int i, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraph, Anchor[] anchors,
                                               Database database, SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings) {
            double leftAnchor = 0;
            double rightAnchor = leftAnchor;
            double topAnchor = 0;
            double bottomAnchor = topAnchor;

            //that's what we would have without the label and multiedges 

            if (intGraph.Nodes != null) {
                Node node = intGraph.Nodes[i];
                ExtendStandardAnchors(ref leftAnchor, ref rightAnchor, ref topAnchor, ref bottomAnchor, node, settings);

            RightAnchorMultiSelfEdges(i, ref rightAnchor, ref topAnchor, ref bottomAnchor, database, settings);

            double hw = settings.MinNodeWidth/2;
            if (leftAnchor < hw)
                leftAnchor = hw;
            if (rightAnchor < hw)
                rightAnchor = hw;
            double hh = settings.MinNodeHeight/2;

            if (topAnchor < hh)
                topAnchor = hh;
            if (bottomAnchor < hh)
                bottomAnchor = hh;

            anchors[i] = new Anchor(leftAnchor, rightAnchor, topAnchor, bottomAnchor, intGraph.Nodes[i],
                                    settings.LabelCornersPreserveCoefficient) {Padding = intGraph.Nodes[i].Padding};
            anchors[i].UserData = intGraph.Nodes[i].UserData;
 static double SetFlatEdgesForLayer(Database database, LayerArrays layerArrays, int i,
                                    BasicGraph<IntEdge> intGraph, SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings, double ymax) {
     double flatEdgesHeight = 0;
     if (i > 0) {
         //looking for flat edges on the previous level                
         //we stack labels of multiple flat edges on top of each other
         IEnumerable<IntPair> flatPairs = GetFlatPairs(layerArrays.Layers[i - 1], layerArrays.Y,
         if (flatPairs.Any()) {
             double dyOfFlatEdge = settings.LayerSeparation/3;
             double ym = ymax;
             flatEdgesHeight =
                 (from pair in flatPairs
                  select SetFlatEdgesLabelsHeightAndPositionts(pair, ym, dyOfFlatEdge, database)).
     return flatEdgesHeight;
 internal ProperLayeredGraph(BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraph) {
Example #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a strategy to reach targets from a vertex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal Strategy[] GetStrategyReachableFromVertex(int vertex)
            Strategy [] strategies=this.GetStrategies();

            throw new ArgumentException("vertex is a choice point");

              //ArrayList links=new ArrayList();

              HSet linkSet=new HSet();

              foreach(Strategy s in strategies)


              if(VertIsNondet( s.edge.target))
            foreach(Edge l in graph.EdgesAtVertex(s.edge.target))


              BasicGraph bg=new BasicGraph(0, linkSet.ToArray(typeof(Edge)) );

              bool []reachables=bg.GetReachableArray(vertex);

              for(int i=0;i<reachables.Length;i++){

              return strategies;
 internal IEnumerable<IEdge> GetFeedbackSet(BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> intGraphPar, Dictionary<Node, int> nodeIdToIndexPar) {
     this.nodeIdToIndex = nodeIdToIndexPar;
     this.intGraph = intGraphPar;
     this.maxRepresentative = -1;
     this.minRepresentative = -1;
     return GetFeedbackSet();
        void Init(GeometryGraph geometryGraph) {
            nodeIdToIndex = new Dictionary<Node, int>();

            IList<Node> nodes = geometryGraph.Nodes;


            IntEdge[] intEdges = CreateIntEdges(geometryGraph);

            IntGraph = new BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge>(intEdges, geometryGraph.Nodes.Count) { Nodes = nodes };
            originalGraph = geometryGraph;
            if (sugiyamaSettings == null)
                sugiyamaSettings = new SugiyamaLayoutSettings();
        /// <summary>
        /// Simpler constructor which initializes the internal graph representation automatically
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalGraph"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        internal LayeredLayoutEngine(GeometryGraph originalGraph, SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings) {
            if (originalGraph != null) {
                //enumerate the nodes - maps node indices to strings 
                nodeIdToIndex = new Dictionary<Node, int>();

                IList<Node> nodes = originalGraph.Nodes;

                int index = 0;
                foreach (Node n in nodes) {
                    nodeIdToIndex[n] = index;

                var edges = originalGraph.Edges;

                var intEdges = new IntEdge[edges.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach(var edge in edges){
                    if (edge.Source == null || edge.Target == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(); //"creating an edge with null source or target");

                    var intEdge = new IntEdge(nodeIdToIndex[edge.Source], nodeIdToIndex[edge.Target], edge);

                    intEdges[i] = intEdge;

                IntGraph = new BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge>(intEdges, originalGraph.Nodes.Count) {Nodes = nodes};
                this.originalGraph = originalGraph;
                sugiyamaSettings = settings;
                Database = new Database();
                foreach (IntEdge e in IntGraph.Edges)

 internal NetworkSimplexForGeneralGraph(BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge> graph, CancelToken cancelObject) {
     this.graph = graph;
     this.Cancel = cancelObject;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the height of the graph+spaceBeforeMargins</returns>
        internal static void CalcInitialYAnchorLocations(LayerArrays layerArrays, double spaceBeforeMargins,
                                                         GeometryGraph originalGraph, Database database,
                                                         BasicGraph<IntEdge> intGraph,
                                                         SugiyamaLayoutSettings settings,
                                                         bool layersAreDoubled) {
            Anchor[] anchors = database.Anchors;
            double ymax = originalGraph.Margins + spaceBeforeMargins; //setting up y coord - going up by y-layers
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var yLayer in layerArrays.Layers) {
                double bottomAnchorMax = 0;
                double topAnchorMax = 0;
                foreach (int j in yLayer) {
                    Anchor p = anchors[j];
                    if (p.BottomAnchor > bottomAnchorMax)
                        bottomAnchorMax = p.BottomAnchor;
                    if (p.TopAnchor > topAnchorMax)
                        topAnchorMax = p.TopAnchor;

                MakeVirtualNodesTall(yLayer, bottomAnchorMax, topAnchorMax, originalGraph.Nodes.Count, database.Anchors);

                double flatEdgesHeight = SetFlatEdgesForLayer(database, layerArrays, i, intGraph, settings, ymax);

                double layerCenter = ymax + bottomAnchorMax + flatEdgesHeight;
                double layerTop = layerCenter + topAnchorMax;
                if (NeedToSnapTopsToGrid(settings)) {
                    layerTop += SnapDeltaUp(layerTop, settings.GridSizeByY);
                    foreach (int j in yLayer) anchors[j].Top = layerTop;                   
                } else if (NeedToSnapBottomsToGrid(settings)) {
                    double layerBottom = layerCenter - bottomAnchorMax;
                    layerBottom += SnapDeltaUp(layerBottom, layerBottom);
                    foreach (int j in yLayer)
                        anchors[j].Bottom = layerBottom;
                        layerTop = Math.Max(anchors[j].Top, layerTop);
                else foreach (int j in yLayer) anchors[j].Y = layerCenter;
                double layerSep = settings.ActualLayerSeparation(layersAreDoubled);
                ymax = layerTop + layerSep;
            // for the last layer
            SetFlatEdgesForLayer(database, layerArrays, i, intGraph, settings, ymax);
 void CreateProperLayeredGraph() {
     IEnumerable<IntEdge> edges = CreatePathEdgesOnIntGraph();
     var nodeCount = Math.Max(intGraph.NodeCount, BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge>.VertexCount(edges));
     var baseGraph = new BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge>(edges, nodeCount) { Nodes = intGraph.Nodes };
     ProperLayeredGraph = new ProperLayeredGraph(baseGraph);
 static IEnumerable<IntPair> GetFlatPairs(int[] layer, int[] layering, BasicGraph<IntEdge> intGraph) {
     return new Set<IntPair>(from v in layer
                             where v < intGraph.NodeCount
                             from edge in intGraph.OutEdges(v)
                             where layering[edge.Source] == layering[edge.Target]
                             select new IntPair(edge.Source, edge.Target));
 /// <summary>
 /// These blocks are connected components in the vertical constraints. They don't necesserely span consequent layers.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 Dictionary<int, int> CreateVerticalComponents() {
     var vertGraph = new BasicGraph<IntEdge>(from pair in horizontalConstraints.VerticalInts select new IntEdge(pair.Item1, pair.Item2));
     var verticalComponents = ConnectedComponentCalculator<IntEdge>.GetComponents(vertGraph);
     var nodesToComponentRoots = new Dictionary<int, int>();
     foreach (var component in verticalComponents) {
         var ca = component.ToArray();
         if (ca.Length == 1)
         int componentRoot = -1;
         foreach (var j in component) {
             if (componentRoot == -1)
                 componentRoot = j;
             nodesToComponentRoots[j] = componentRoot;
     return nodesToComponentRoots;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creating a DAG which glues same layer vertices into one original, 
 /// replacing original multiple edges with a single edge.
 /// upDown constraints will be added as edges
 /// </summary>
 void CreateGluedDagSkeletonForLayering() {
     GluedDagSkeletonForLayering = new BasicGraph<Node, IntEdge>(GluedDagSkeletonEdges(),
 internal LongestPathLayering(BasicGraph<IntEdge> graph){
 private IEnumerable<IEdge> GetFeedbackSet() {
     this.gluedIntGraph = CreateGluedGraph();
     return UnglueIntPairs(CycleRemoval<IntPair>.GetFeedbackSetWithConstraints(gluedIntGraph, this.GluedUpDownIntConstraints));//avoiding lazy evaluation
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Computes distances between a selected set of nodes and all nodes.
        ///// Pivot nodes are selected with maxmin strategy (first at random, later
        ///// ones to maximize distances to all previously selected ones).
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="graph">A graph.</param>
        ///// <param name="directed">Whether shortest paths are directed.</param>
        ///// <param name="numberOfPivots">Number of pivots.</param>
        ///// <returns>A square matrix with shortest path distances.</returns>
        //public static double[][] PivotUniformDistances(GeometryGraph graph, bool directed, int numberOfPivots) {
        //    double[][] d = new double[numberOfPivots][];

        //    Node[] nodes = new Node[graph.Nodes.Count];
        //    graph.Nodes.CopyTo(nodes, 0);
        //    double[] min = new double[graph.Nodes.Count];
        //    for (int i = 0; i < min.Length; i++) {
        //        min[i] = Double.PositiveInfinity;
        //    }
        //    System.Console.Write("pivoting ");
        //    Node pivot = nodes[0];
        //    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPivots; i++) {
        //        System.Console.Write(".");
        //        d[i] = SingleSourceUniformDistances(graph, pivot, directed);
        //        int argmax = 0;
        //        for (int j = 0; j < d[i].Length; j++) {
        //            min[j] = Math.Min(min[j], d[i][j]);
        //            if (min[j] > min[argmax])
        //                argmax = j;
        //        }
        //        pivot = nodes[argmax];
        //    }
        //    System.Console.WriteLine();
        //    return d;

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Determines whether the graph is (weakly) connected, that is,
        ///// if there is a path connecting every two nodes.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="graph">A graph.</param>
        ///// <returns>true iff the graph is connected.</returns>
        //public static bool IsConnected(GeometryGraph graph) {
        //    IEnumerator<Node> enumerator = graph.Nodes.GetEnumerator();
        //    enumerator.MoveNext();
        //    Node node=enumerator.Current;
        //    double[] distances=SingleSourceUniformDistances(graph, node, false);
        //    for (int i = 0; i < distances.Length; i++) {
        //        if (distances[i] == Double.PositiveInfinity) return false;
        //    }
        //    return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gives graphs representing the connected components of the graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">A graph.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeToNodeIndex">the dictionary: node -> node index in the NodeMap</param>
        /// <returns>An array of connected components.</returns>
        internal static GeometryGraph[] ComponentGraphs(GeometryGraph graph, Dictionary<Node, int> nodeToNodeIndex) {
            Node[] nodes = new Node[graph.Nodes.Count];
            graph.Nodes.CopyTo(nodes, 0);

            BasicGraph<IntPair> basicGraph = new BasicGraph<IntPair>(
                from edge in graph.Edges 
                where ! (edge.Source is Cluster || edge.Target is Cluster)
                select new IntPair(nodeToNodeIndex[edge.Source], nodeToNodeIndex[edge.Target]), graph.Nodes.Count);
            List<IEnumerable<int>> comps = new List<IEnumerable<int>>( ConnectedComponentCalculator<IntPair>.GetComponents(basicGraph));
            if (comps.Count == 1)
                return new GeometryGraph[] { graph };
            GeometryGraph[] ret = new GeometryGraph[comps.Count];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var comp in comps)
                ret[i++] = GeomGraphFromBasicGraph(comp, nodes);

            return ret;