Example #1
        public override void RunTest(ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            //TODO: Use Logger to verify result, right now this change is only to unblock writer testcase checkin
            BaselineLogger logger = null;

            if (this.ShouldSkipForTestConfiguration(testConfiguration))

            var originalPayload = this.PayloadElement;

            this.PayloadElement = this.PayloadElement.DeepCopy();

            // Create messages (payload gets serialized in createInputMessage)
            TestMessage readerMessage = this.CreateInputMessage(testConfiguration);
            var         settings      = new ODataMessageWriterSettings()
                Version = testConfiguration.Version,
                BaseUri = testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings.BaseUri,
                EnableMessageStreamDisposal = testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings.EnableMessageStreamDisposal,


            WriterTestConfiguration writerConfig  = new WriterTestConfiguration(testConfiguration.Format, settings, testConfiguration.IsRequest, testConfiguration.Synchronous);
            TestMessage             writerMessage = TestWriterUtils.CreateOutputMessageFromStream(new TestStream(new MemoryStream()), writerConfig, this.PayloadKind, String.Empty, this.UrlResolver);

            IEdmModel model = this.GetMetadataProvider(testConfiguration);
            WriterTestExpectedResults expectedResult = this.GetExpectedResult(writerConfig);

            ExceptionUtilities.Assert(expectedResult != null, "The expected result could not be determined for the test. Did you specify it?");

            Exception exception = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() =>
                using (ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReaderWrapper = TestReaderUtils.CreateMessageReader(readerMessage, model, testConfiguration))
                    using (ODataMessageWriterTestWrapper messageWriterWrapper = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(writerMessage, model, writerConfig, this.settings.Assert))
                        var streamer = new ObjectModelReadWriteStreamer();
                        streamer.StreamMessage(messageReaderWrapper, messageWriterWrapper, this.PayloadKind, writerConfig);
                        expectedResult.VerifyResult(writerMessage, this.PayloadKind, writerConfig, logger);

            this.PayloadElement = originalPayload;

            catch (Exception)
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream">Stream which contains the results of the write.</param>
 /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
 /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
 public virtual void VerifyResult(
     TestMessage message,
     ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
     WriterTestConfiguration testConfiguration,
     BaselineLogger logger)
     // throw if not implemented; eventually we can make this method abstract when the WriterTestExpectedResults
     // are not used directly anymore
     throw new NotImplementedException("Subclasses must implement their own validation logic.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the result of the test is what the test expected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream after writing the message content. This method should use it
        /// to read the message content and verify it.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
        public override void VerifyResult(
            TestMessage message,
            ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
            WriterTestConfiguration testConfiguration,
            BaselineLogger logger)
            // Get observed payload
            var observed = TestWriterUtils.ReadToString(message);

            if (logger != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the result of the test is what the test expected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream after writing the message content. This method should use it
        /// to read the message content and verify it.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
        public override void VerifyResult(
            TestMessage message,
            ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
            WriterTestConfiguration testConfiguration,
            BaselineLogger logger)
            this.settings.Assert.IsTrue(payloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.MetadataDocument, "Only metadata payload kind is supported.");

            // read the message content using the Taupo infrastructure
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(message.TestStream, "stream != null");
            var observed = TestWriterUtils.ReadToString(message);

            if (logger != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the test specified by this test descriptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use for running the test.</param>
        public override void RunTest(WriterTestConfiguration testConfiguration, BaselineLogger logger)
            if (this.ShouldSkipForTestConfiguration(testConfiguration))

            // Wrap the memory stream in a non-disposing stream so we can dump the message content
            // even in the case of a failure where the message stream normally would get disposed.
            this.messageStream = new NonDisposingStream(new MemoryStream());
            TestMessage message = this.CreateOutputMessage(this.messageStream, testConfiguration, this.PayloadElement);
            IEdmModel   model   = this.GetMetadataProvider();
            WriterTestExpectedResults expectedResult = this.GetExpectedResult(testConfiguration);

            ExceptionUtilities.Assert(expectedResult != null, "The expected result could not be determined for the test. Did you specify it?");

            Exception exception = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() =>
                // We create a new test configuration for batch because the payload indicates whether we are dealing with a request or a response and the configuration won't know that in advance
                var newTestConfig = new WriterTestConfiguration(testConfiguration.Format, testConfiguration.MessageWriterSettings, this.PayloadElement is BatchRequestPayload, testConfiguration.Synchronous);
                using (ODataMessageWriterTestWrapper messageWriterWrapper = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(message, model, newTestConfig, this.settings.Assert, null))
                    this.WritePayload(messageWriterWrapper, testConfiguration);
                    expectedResult.VerifyResult(message, this.PayloadKind, testConfiguration, logger);

            catch (Exception failureException)
                this.TraceFailureInformation(message, this.messageStream, testConfiguration);
                throw failureException;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the test specified by this test descriptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use for running the test.</param>
        public virtual void RunTest(WriterTestConfiguration testConfiguration, BaselineLogger logger)
            if (this.ShouldSkipForTestConfiguration(testConfiguration))

            // Wrap the memory stream in a non-disposing stream so we can dump the message content
            // even in the case of a failure where the message stream normally would get disposed.
            this.messageStream = new NonDisposingStream(new MemoryStream());
            TestMessage message = this.CreateOutputMessage(this.messageStream, testConfiguration);
            IEdmModel   model   = this.GetMetadataProvider();
            WriterTestExpectedResults expectedResult = this.GetExpectedResult(testConfiguration);

            ExceptionUtilities.Assert(expectedResult != null, "The expected result could not be determined for the test. Did you specify it?");

            Exception exception = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() =>
                using (ODataMessageWriterTestWrapper messageWriterWrapper = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(message, model, testConfiguration, this.settings.Assert))
                    this.WritePayload(messageWriterWrapper, testConfiguration);
                    expectedResult.VerifyResult(message, this.PayloadKind, testConfiguration, logger);

            catch (Exception failureException)
                this.TraceFailureInformation(message, this.messageStream, testConfiguration);
                throw failureException;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the test specified by this test descriptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use for running the test.</param>
        public override void RunTest(WriterTestConfiguration testConfiguration, BaselineLogger logger = null)
            //TODO: Use Logger to verify result, right now this change is only to unblock writer testcase checkin

            if (this.ShouldSkipForTestConfiguration(testConfiguration))

            // Generate a StreamingTestStream with a NonDisposingStream.
            this.messageStream = new StreamingTestStream(new NonDisposingStream(new MemoryStream()));
            TestMessage message = this.CreateOutputMessage(this.messageStream, testConfiguration);
            IEdmModel   model   = this.GetMetadataProvider();
            StreamingWriterTestExpectedResults expectedResult = (StreamingWriterTestExpectedResults)this.GetExpectedResult(testConfiguration);

            ExceptionUtilities.Assert(expectedResult != null, "The expected result could not be determined for the test. Did you specify it?");

            Exception exception = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() =>
                using (ODataMessageWriterTestWrapper messageWriterWrapper = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(message, model, testConfiguration, this.settings.Assert))
                    this.WritePayload(messageWriterWrapper, testConfiguration);
                    expectedResult.ObservedElement = this.readObject;
                    expectedResult.VerifyResult(message, this.PayloadKind, testConfiguration);

            catch (Exception failureException)
                this.TraceFailureInformation(message, this.messageStream, testConfiguration);
                throw failureException;
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the result of the write-read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The test message is not used but is required to keep the method signature the same.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind is not used but is required to keep the method signature the same.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration is used for some fixups.</param>
        public override void VerifyResult(TestMessage message, ODataPayloadKind payloadKind, WriterTestConfiguration testConfiguration, BaselineLogger logger = null)
            //TODO: Use Logger to verify result, right now this change is only to unblock writer testcase checkin

            Debug.Assert(ObservedElement != null, "ObservedElement not provided");
            // Fixup the expected and get the content type
            ODataPayloadElement expected = this.ExpectedPayload.DeepCopy();
            ODataPayloadElement observed = this.ObservedElement.DeepCopy();

            observed.Accept(new RemoveTypeNameAnnotationFromComplexInCollection());
            expected.Accept(new ReorderProperties());
            expected.Accept(new RemoveComplexWithNoProperties());

            // Compare
            this.settings.PayloadElementComparer.Compare(expected, observed);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="ODataCollectionWriter"/> for the specified format and the specified version and
        /// invokes the specified methods on it. It then parses
        /// the written Xml/JSON and compares it to the expected result as specified in the descriptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="descriptor">The test descriptor to process.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The configuration of the test.</param>
        /// <param name="assert">The assertion handler to report errors to.</param>
        /// <param name="baselineLogger">Logger to log baseline.</param>
        internal static void WriteAndVerifyCollectionPayload(CollectionWriterTestDescriptor descriptor, WriterTestConfiguration testConfiguration, AssertionHandler assert, BaselineLogger baselineLogger)

            // serialize to a memory stream
            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var testMemoryStream = new TestStream(memoryStream, ignoreDispose: true))
                    TestMessage testMessage = null;
                    Exception   exception   = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() =>
                        using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(testMemoryStream, testConfiguration, assert, out testMessage, null, descriptor.Model))
                            IEdmTypeReference itemTypeReference = descriptor.ItemTypeParameter;
                            ODataCollectionWriter writer        = itemTypeReference == null
                            ? messageWriter.CreateODataCollectionWriter()
                            : messageWriter.CreateODataCollectionWriter(itemTypeReference);
                            WriteCollectionPayload(messageWriter, writer, true, descriptor);
                    exception = TestExceptionUtils.UnwrapAggregateException(exception, assert);

                    WriterTestExpectedResults expectedResults = descriptor.ExpectedResultCallback(testConfiguration);
                    TestWriterUtils.ValidateExceptionOrLogResult(testMessage, testConfiguration, expectedResults, exception, assert, descriptor.TestDescriptorSettings.ExpectedResultSettings.ExceptionVerifier, baselineLogger);
                    TestWriterUtils.ValidateContentType(testMessage, expectedResults, true, assert);