Example #1
    public override string Execute(object[] args)
        // Give items

        string itemName = (string)args[0];

        itemName = itemName.Trim();
        int amount = 1;

        if (itemName.ToLower() == "all")
            // Give all items.
            foreach (var x in Item.Items.Values)
                PlayerInventory.Add(x.Prefab, null, amount);

            // Give all tiles.
            foreach (var x in BaseTile.GetAllTiles())
                Player.Local.BuildingInventory.AddItems(x, 1000);

            // Give all furnitures
            foreach (var x in Furniture.Loaded.Values)
                Player.Local.BuildingInventory.AddItems(x, 1000);

            CommandProcessing.Log("Gave local player 1 of each and every item, and 1000 of all buildables.");


        Item prefab = Item.GetItem(itemName);

        if (prefab == null)
            return("Could not find item: '" + itemName + "'");

        PlayerInventory.Add(prefab.Prefab, null, amount);
        CommandProcessing.Log("Gave local player '" + prefab.Name + "' x" + amount);
