Example #1
        public override void Initialize()
            Guid            structureID   = new Guid(_.GetLocalString(_.GetArea(GetDialogTarget()), "PC_BASE_STRUCTURE_ID"));
            PCBaseStructure structure     = DataService.PCBaseStructure.GetByID(structureID);
            PCBase          pcBase        = DataService.PCBase.GetByID(structure.PCBaseID);
            BaseStructure   baseStructure = DataService.BaseStructure.GetByID(structure.BaseStructureID);

            NWPlaceable bay = SpaceService.GetCargoBay(GetPC().Area, null);

            int currentReinforcedFuel = pcBase.ReinforcedFuel;
            int currentFuel           = pcBase.Fuel;
            int currentResources      = DataService.PCBaseStructureItem.GetAllByPCBaseStructureID(structure.ID).Count();
            int maxReinforcedFuel     = BaseService.CalculateMaxReinforcedFuel(pcBase.ID) + 25 * SpaceService.GetCargoBonus(bay, ItemPropertyType.StarshipStronidiumBonus);
            int maxFuel      = BaseService.CalculateMaxFuel(pcBase.ID) + 25 * SpaceService.GetCargoBonus(bay, ItemPropertyType.StarshipFuelBonus);
            int maxResources = BaseService.CalculateResourceCapacity(pcBase.ID);

            string locationDescription;

            if (SpaceService.IsLocationSpace(pcBase.ShipLocation))
                locationDescription = "Ship is in orbit around " + ColorTokenService.Cyan(SpaceService.GetPlanetFromLocation(pcBase.ShipLocation)) + ".\n";
            else if (SpaceService.IsLocationPublicStarport(pcBase.ShipLocation))
                locationDescription = "Ship is docked in the public starport on " + ColorTokenService.Cyan(SpaceService.GetPlanetFromLocation(pcBase.ShipLocation)) + ".\n";
                locationDescription = "Ship is docked on " + ColorTokenService.Cyan(SpaceService.GetPlanetFromLocation(pcBase.ShipLocation)) + ".\n";

            string header = locationDescription;

            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Fuel: ") + currentFuel + " / " + maxFuel + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Reinforced Fuel: ") + currentReinforcedFuel + " / " + maxReinforcedFuel + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Resource Bay: ") + currentResources + " / " + maxResources + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Hull integrity: ") + structure.Durability + " / " + baseStructure.Durability + "\n";

            header += "The computer awaits your orders.";

            SetPageHeader("MainPage", header);
Example #2
        private void DoRetrieveStructure()
            var               data           = BaseService.GetPlayerTempData(GetPC());
            PCBaseStructure   structure      = DataService.PCBaseStructure.GetByID(data.ManipulatingStructure.PCBaseStructureID);
            BaseStructure     baseStructure  = DataService.BaseStructure.GetByID(structure.BaseStructureID);
            PCBase            pcBase         = DataService.PCBase.GetByID(structure.PCBaseID);
            BaseStructureType structureType  = (BaseStructureType)baseStructure.BaseStructureTypeID;
            var               tempStorage    = _.GetObjectByTag("TEMP_ITEM_STORAGE");
            var               pcStructureID  = structure.ID;
            int               impoundedCount = 0;

            var controlTower = BaseService.GetBaseControlTower(pcBase.ID);
            int maxShields   = BaseService.CalculateMaxShieldHP(controlTower);

            if (structureType == BaseStructureType.Starship)
                GetPC().SendMessage("You cannot pick up starships once they are built.  You can only fly them away.");

            if (pcBase.PCBaseTypeID != (int)Enumeration.PCBaseType.Starship && pcBase.ShieldHP < maxShields && structureType != BaseStructureType.ControlTower)
                GetPC().FloatingText("You cannot retrieve any structures because the control tower has less than 100% shields.");

            bool canRetrieveStructures;

            if (data.BuildingType == Enumeration.BuildingType.Exterior ||
                data.BuildingType == Enumeration.BuildingType.Apartment)
                canRetrieveStructures = BasePermissionService.HasBasePermission(GetPC(), data.ManipulatingStructure.PCBaseID, BasePermission.CanRetrieveStructures);
            else if (data.BuildingType == Enumeration.BuildingType.Interior || data.BuildingType == Enumeration.BuildingType.Starship)
                var structureID = new Guid(data.ManipulatingStructure.Structure.Area.GetLocalString("PC_BASE_STRUCTURE_ID"));
                canRetrieveStructures = BasePermissionService.HasStructurePermission(GetPC(), structureID, StructurePermission.CanRetrieveStructures);
                throw new Exception("BaseManagementTool -> DoRetrieveStructure: Cannot handle building type " + data.BuildingType);

            if (!canRetrieveStructures)
                GetPC().FloatingText("You don't have permission to retrieve structures.");

            if (structureType == BaseStructureType.ControlTower)
                var structureCount = DataService.PCBaseStructure.GetAllByPCBaseID(structure.PCBaseID).Count();

                if (structureCount > 1)
                    GetPC().FloatingText("You must remove all structures in this sector before picking up the control tower.");

                // Impound resources retrieved by drills.
                var items = DataService.PCBaseStructureItem.GetAllByPCBaseStructureID(structure.ID);
                foreach (var item in items)
                    DataService.SubmitDataChange(item, DatabaseActionType.Delete);
            else if (structureType == BaseStructureType.Building)
                var childStructures = DataService.PCBaseStructure.GetAllByParentPCBaseStructureID(structure.ID).ToList();
                for (int x = childStructures.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                    var    furniture     = childStructures.ElementAt(x);
                    NWItem furnitureItem = BaseService.ConvertStructureToItem(furniture, tempStorage);
                    ImpoundService.Impound(GetPC().GlobalID, furnitureItem);

                    DataService.SubmitDataChange(furniture, DatabaseActionType.Delete);

                // Remove any primary owner permissions.
                var primaryOwner = DataService.Player.GetByPrimaryResidencePCBaseStructureIDOrDefault(structure.ID);
                if (primaryOwner != null)
                    primaryOwner.PrimaryResidencePCBaseStructureID = null;
                    DataService.SubmitDataChange(primaryOwner, DatabaseActionType.Update);

                // Remove any access permissions.
                foreach (var buildingPermission in DataService.PCBaseStructurePermission.GetAllByPCBaseStructureID(structure.ID))
                    DataService.SubmitDataChange(buildingPermission, DatabaseActionType.Delete);
            else if (structureType == BaseStructureType.StarshipProduction && data.ManipulatingStructure.Structure.GetLocalInt("DOCKED_STARSHIP") == 1)
                GetPC().SendMessage("You cannot move a dock that has a starship docked in it.  Fly the ship away first.");

            BaseService.ConvertStructureToItem(structure, GetPC());
            DataService.SubmitDataChange(structure, DatabaseActionType.Delete);

            // Impound any fuel that's over the limit.
            if (structureType == BaseStructureType.StronidiumSilo || structureType == BaseStructureType.FuelSilo)
                int maxFuel           = BaseService.CalculateMaxFuel(pcBase.ID);
                int maxReinforcedFuel = BaseService.CalculateMaxReinforcedFuel(pcBase.ID);

                if (pcBase.Fuel > maxFuel)
                    int    returnAmount = pcBase.Fuel - maxFuel;
                    NWItem refund       = _.CreateItemOnObject("fuel_cell", tempStorage, returnAmount);
                    pcBase.Fuel = maxFuel;
                    ImpoundService.Impound(pcBase.PlayerID, refund);
                    GetPC().SendMessage("Excess fuel cells have been impounded by the planetary government. The owner of the base will need to retrieve it.");

                if (pcBase.ReinforcedFuel > maxReinforcedFuel)
                    int    returnAmount = pcBase.ReinforcedFuel - maxReinforcedFuel;
                    NWItem refund       = _.CreateItemOnObject("stronidium", tempStorage, returnAmount);
                    pcBase.ReinforcedFuel = maxReinforcedFuel;
                    ImpoundService.Impound(pcBase.PlayerID, refund);
                    GetPC().SendMessage("Excess stronidium units have been impounded by the planetary government. The owner of the base will need to retrieve it.");
            else if (structureType == BaseStructureType.ResourceSilo)
                int maxResources = BaseService.CalculateResourceCapacity(pcBase.ID);
                var items        = DataService.PCBaseStructureItem.GetAllByPCBaseStructureID(controlTower.ID).ToList();

                while (items.Count > maxResources)
                    var item = items.ElementAt(0);

                    var impoundItem = new PCImpoundedItem
                        PlayerID      = pcBase.PlayerID,
                        ItemResref    = item.ItemResref,
                        ItemObject    = item.ItemObject,
                        DateImpounded = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ItemName      = item.ItemName,
                        ItemTag       = item.ItemTag

                    DataService.SubmitDataChange(impoundItem, DatabaseActionType.Insert);
                    GetPC().SendMessage(item.ItemName + " has been impounded by the planetary government because your base ran out of space to store resources. The owner of the base will need to retrieve it.");
                    DataService.SubmitDataChange(item, DatabaseActionType.Delete);

            // Update the cache
            List <AreaStructure> areaStructures = data.TargetArea.Data["BASE_SERVICE_STRUCTURES"];
            var records = areaStructures.Where(x => x.PCBaseStructureID == pcStructureID).ToList();

            for (int x = records.Count() - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                var record = records[x];


            if (impoundedCount > 0)
                GetPC().FloatingText(impoundedCount + " item(s) were sent to the planetary impound.");
Example #3
        public bool Run(params object[] args)
            NWPlayer    player         = (_.GetLastDisturbed());
            NWPlaceable bay            = (Object.OBJECT_SELF);
            int         disturbType    = _.GetInventoryDisturbType();
            NWItem      item           = (_.GetInventoryDisturbItem());
            bool        stronidiumOnly = bay.GetLocalInt("CONTROL_TOWER_FUEL_TYPE") == TRUE;
            string      allowedResref  = stronidiumOnly ? "stronidium" : "fuel_cell";
            string      structureID    = bay.GetLocalString("PC_BASE_STRUCTURE_ID");

            // Check for either fuel cells or stronidium when adding an item to the container.
            if (disturbType == INVENTORY_DISTURB_TYPE_ADDED)
                if (item.Resref != allowedResref)
                    ItemService.ReturnItem(player, item);
                    player.SendMessage("Only " + (stronidiumOnly ? "Stronidium" : "Fuel Cells") + " may be placed inside this fuel bay.");
            // If the item removed wasn't fuel cells or stronidium, exit early. We don't need to do anything else.
            else if (disturbType == INVENTORY_DISTURB_TYPE_REMOVED)
                if (item.Resref != allowedResref)

            var structure = DataService.Single <PCBaseStructure>(x => x.ID == new Guid(structureID));
            var pcBase    = DataService.Get <PCBase>(structure.PCBaseID);

            // Calculate how much fuel exists in the bay's inventory.
            int fuelCount = 0;

            foreach (var fuel in bay.InventoryItems)
                fuelCount += fuel.StackSize;

            // If there are extra units of fuel, destroy them. We will set the stack size of the first fuel later on.
            NWItem firstFuel = (_.GetFirstItemInInventory(bay.Object));
            NWItem nextFuel  = (_.GetNextItemInInventory(bay.Object));

            while (nextFuel.IsValid)
                nextFuel = (_.GetNextItemInInventory(bay.Object));

            int maxFuel;

            // Handle Stronidium fuel process
            if (stronidiumOnly)
                maxFuel = BaseService.CalculateMaxReinforcedFuel(pcBase.ID);

                // For starships only: Add the ship's cargo bonus to the max stronidium amount.
                if (bay.Area.GetLocalInt("BUILDING_TYPE") == (int)Enumeration.BuildingType.Starship)
                    maxFuel += 25 * SpaceService.GetCargoBonus(SpaceService.GetCargoBay(player.Area, null), (int)CustomItemPropertyType.StarshipStronidiumBonus);

                // Did the player put too much fuel inside? Return the excess to their inventory.
                if (fuelCount > maxFuel)
                    int returnAmount = fuelCount - maxFuel;
                    _.CreateItemOnObject("stronidium", player.Object, returnAmount);

                    fuelCount = maxFuel;

                firstFuel.StackSize   = fuelCount;
                pcBase.ReinforcedFuel = fuelCount;

                if (bay.Area.GetLocalInt("BUILDING_TYPE") == (int)Enumeration.BuildingType.Starship)
                    // This is a starship. Update the creature object, if any, with the new fuel count.
                    NWCreature ship = bay.Area.GetLocalObject("CREATURE");

                    if (ship.IsValid)
                        ship.SetLocalInt("STRONIDIUM", fuelCount);
            // Handle Fuel Cell process
                maxFuel = BaseService.CalculateMaxFuel(pcBase.ID);

                // For starships only: Add the ship's cargo bonus to the max fuel amount.
                if (bay.Area.GetLocalInt("BUILDING_TYPE") == (int)Enumeration.BuildingType.Starship)
                    maxFuel += 25 * SpaceService.GetCargoBonus(SpaceService.GetCargoBay(player.Area, null), (int)CustomItemPropertyType.StarshipFuelBonus);

                // Did the player put too much fuel inside? Return the excess to their inventory.
                if (fuelCount > maxFuel)
                    int returnAmount = fuelCount - maxFuel;
                    _.CreateItemOnObject("fuel_cell", player.Object, returnAmount);

                    fuelCount = maxFuel;

                firstFuel.StackSize = fuelCount;
                pcBase.Fuel         = fuelCount;

            // Submit a DB data change for the fuel or stronidium amount adjustment.
            DataService.SubmitDataChange(pcBase, DatabaseActionType.Update);

            var tower          = BaseService.GetBaseControlTower(structure.PCBaseID);
            var towerStructure = DataService.Single <BaseStructure>(x => x.ID == tower.BaseStructureID);

            if (towerStructure.BaseStructureTypeID == (int)BaseStructureType.Starship)
                // This is a spaceship, so don't give the feedback message.

            int fuelRating = towerStructure.FuelRating;

            // Stronidium - Every unit lasts for 6 seconds during reinforcement mode.
            if (stronidiumOnly)
                int      seconds  = 6 * fuelCount;
                TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds);
                player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Gray("Reinforcement mode will last for " +
                                                          TimeService.GetTimeLongIntervals(timeSpan.Days, timeSpan.Hours, timeSpan.Minutes, timeSpan.Seconds, false) +
                                                          " (" + fuelCount + " / " + maxFuel + " units"));
            // Regular fuel cells - Every unit lasts for 45, 15, or 5 minutes depending on the size of the tower.
                int minutes;
                switch (fuelRating)
                case 1:     // Small
                    minutes = 45;

                case 2:     // Medium
                    minutes = 15;

                case 3:     // Large
                    minutes = 5;

                    throw new Exception("Invalid fuel rating value: " + fuelRating);

                TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes * fuelCount);
                player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Gray("Fuel will last for " +
                                                          TimeService.GetTimeLongIntervals(timeSpan.Days, timeSpan.Hours, timeSpan.Minutes, timeSpan.Seconds, false) +
                                                          " (" + fuelCount + " / " + maxFuel + " units)"));

Example #4
        public override void Initialize()
            Guid            structureID = new Guid(GetDialogTarget().GetLocalString("PC_BASE_STRUCTURE_ID"));
            PCBaseStructure structure   = DataService.PCBaseStructure.GetByID(structureID);
            Guid            pcBaseID    = structure.PCBaseID;
            PCBase          pcBase      = DataService.PCBase.GetByID(pcBaseID);

            double currentCPU   = BaseService.GetCPUInUse(pcBaseID);
            double currentPower = BaseService.GetPowerInUse(pcBaseID);
            double maxCPU       = BaseService.GetMaxBaseCPU(pcBaseID);
            double maxPower     = BaseService.GetMaxBasePower(pcBaseID);

            int currentReinforcedFuel = pcBase.ReinforcedFuel;
            int currentFuel           = pcBase.Fuel;
            int currentResources      = DataService.PCBaseStructureItem.GetNumberOfItemsContainedBy(structure.ID);
            int maxReinforcedFuel     = BaseService.CalculateMaxReinforcedFuel(pcBaseID);
            int maxFuel      = BaseService.CalculateMaxFuel(pcBaseID);
            int maxResources = BaseService.CalculateResourceCapacity(pcBaseID);

            string time;

            if (pcBase.DateFuelEnds > DateTime.UtcNow)
                TimeSpan deltaTime = pcBase.DateFuelEnds - DateTime.UtcNow;

                var tower = BaseService.GetBaseControlTower(pcBaseID);

                if (tower == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not locate control tower in ControlTower -> Initialize. PCBaseID = " + pcBaseID);

                var towerStructure = DataService.BaseStructure.GetByID(tower.BaseStructureID);
                int fuelRating     = towerStructure.FuelRating;
                int minutes;

                switch (fuelRating)
                case 1:     // Small
                    minutes = 45;

                case 2:     // Medium
                    minutes = 15;

                case 3:     // Large
                    minutes = 5;

                    throw new Exception("Invalid fuel rating value: " + fuelRating);

                TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes * currentFuel) + deltaTime;
                time = TimeService.GetTimeLongIntervals(timeSpan.Days, timeSpan.Hours, timeSpan.Minutes, timeSpan.Seconds, false);

                time = "Fuel will expire in " + time;
                time = ColorTokenService.Red("Fuel has expired.");

            string header = ColorTokenService.Green("Power: ") + currentPower + " / " + maxPower + "\n";

            header += ColorTokenService.Green("CPU: ") + currentCPU + " / " + maxCPU + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Fuel: ") + currentFuel + " / " + maxFuel + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Reinforced Fuel: ") + currentReinforcedFuel + " / " + maxReinforcedFuel + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Resource Bay: ") + currentResources + " / " + maxResources + "\n";
            header += time + "\n";
            header += "What would you like to do with this control tower?";

            SetPageHeader("MainPage", header);

            if (!BasePermissionService.HasBasePermission(GetPC(), structure.PCBaseID, BasePermission.CanManageBaseFuel))
                SetResponseVisible("MainPage", 1, false);
                SetResponseVisible("MainPage", 2, false);

            if (!BasePermissionService.HasBasePermission(GetPC(), structure.PCBaseID, BasePermission.CanAccessStructureInventory))
                SetResponseVisible("MainPage", 3, false);
Example #5
        public void OnItemDisturbed()
            NWPlaceable bay = OBJECT_SELF;

            // Filer to only events created by a fuel bay, and ignore this event if it was triggered by clearing
            // the inventory when the bay is being destroyed.
            if (bay.Resref != "fuel_bay" || bay.GetLocalBool("SETUP") == true)

            NWItem   item           = StringToObject(NWNXEvents.GetEventData("ITEM"));
            NWPlayer player         = bay.GetLocalObject("BAY_ACCESSOR");
            var      disturbType    = NWNXEvents.GetCurrentEvent();
            bool     stronidiumOnly = GetLocalBool(bay, "CONTROL_TOWER_FUEL_TYPE");
            string   allowedResref  = stronidiumOnly ? "stronidium" : "fuel_cell";
            string   structureID    = bay.GetLocalString("PC_BASE_STRUCTURE_ID");

            // Check for either fuel cells or stronidium when adding an item to the container.
            if (disturbType == EventType.ItemInventoryAddItemAfter)
                if (item.Resref != allowedResref)
                    ItemService.ReturnItem(player, item);
                    player.SendMessage("Only " + (stronidiumOnly ? "Stronidium" : "Fuel Cells") + " may be placed inside this fuel bay.");
            // If the item removed wasn't fuel cells or stronidium, exit early. We don't need to do anything else.
            else if (disturbType == EventType.ItemInventoryRemoveItemAfter)
                if (item.Resref != allowedResref)

            var structure = DataService.PCBaseStructure.GetByID(new Guid(structureID));
            var pcBase    = DataService.PCBase.GetByID(structure.PCBaseID);

            // Calculate how much fuel exists in the bay's inventory.
            int fuelCount = 0;

            foreach (var fuel in bay.InventoryItems)
                fuelCount += fuel.StackSize;

            // If there are extra units of fuel, destroy them. We will set the stack size of the first fuel later on.
            NWItem firstFuel = GetFirstItemInInventory(bay.Object);
            NWItem nextFuel  = GetNextItemInInventory(bay.Object);

            while (nextFuel.IsValid)
                nextFuel = GetNextItemInInventory(bay.Object);

            int maxFuel;

            // Handle Stronidium fuel process
            if (stronidiumOnly)
                maxFuel = BaseService.CalculateMaxReinforcedFuel(pcBase.ID);

                // For starships only: Add the ship's cargo bonus to the max stronidium amount.
                if (bay.Area.GetLocalInt("BUILDING_TYPE") == (int)Enumeration.BuildingType.Starship)
                    maxFuel += 25 * SpaceService.GetCargoBonus(SpaceService.GetCargoBay(player.Area, player), ItemPropertyType.StarshipStronidiumBonus);

                // Did the player put too much fuel inside? Return the excess to their inventory.
                if (fuelCount > maxFuel)
                    int returnAmount = fuelCount - maxFuel;
                    CreateItemOnObject("stronidium", player.Object, returnAmount);

                    fuelCount = maxFuel;

                firstFuel.StackSize   = fuelCount;
                pcBase.ReinforcedFuel = fuelCount;

                if (bay.Area.GetLocalInt("BUILDING_TYPE") == (int)Enumeration.BuildingType.Starship)
                    // This is a starship. Update the creature object, if any, with the new fuel count.
                    NWCreature ship = bay.Area.GetLocalObject("CREATURE");

                    if (ship.IsValid)
                        ship.SetLocalInt("STRONIDIUM", fuelCount);
            // Handle Fuel Cell process
                maxFuel = BaseService.CalculateMaxFuel(pcBase.ID);

                // For starships only: Add the ship's cargo bonus to the max fuel amount.
                if (bay.Area.GetLocalInt("BUILDING_TYPE") == (int)Enumeration.BuildingType.Starship)
                    maxFuel += 25 * SpaceService.GetCargoBonus(SpaceService.GetCargoBay(player.Area, player), ItemPropertyType.StarshipFuelBonus);

                // Did the player put too much fuel inside? Return the excess to their inventory.
                if (fuelCount > maxFuel)
                    int returnAmount = fuelCount - maxFuel;
                    CreateItemOnObject("fuel_cell", player.Object, returnAmount);

                    fuelCount = maxFuel;

                firstFuel.StackSize = fuelCount;
                pcBase.Fuel         = fuelCount;

            // Submit a DB data change for the fuel or stronidium amount adjustment.
            DataService.SubmitDataChange(pcBase, DatabaseActionType.Update);

            var tower = BaseService.GetBaseControlTower(structure.PCBaseID);

            if (tower == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not locate tower in Fuel Bay. PCBaseID = " + structure.PCBaseID);

            var towerStructure = DataService.BaseStructure.GetByID(tower.BaseStructureID);

            if (towerStructure.BaseStructureTypeID == (int)BaseStructureType.Starship)
                // This is a spaceship, so don't give the feedback message.

            int fuelRating = towerStructure.FuelRating;

            // Stronidium - Every unit lasts for 6 seconds during reinforcement mode.
            if (stronidiumOnly)
                int      seconds  = 6 * fuelCount;
                TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds);
                player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Gray("Reinforcement mode will last for " +
                                                          TimeService.GetTimeLongIntervals(timeSpan.Days, timeSpan.Hours, timeSpan.Minutes, timeSpan.Seconds, false) +
                                                          " (" + fuelCount + " / " + maxFuel + " units"));
            // Regular fuel cells - Every unit lasts for 45, 15, or 5 minutes depending on the size of the tower.
                int minutes;
                switch (fuelRating)
                case 1:     // Small
                    minutes = 45;

                case 2:     // Medium
                    minutes = 15;

                case 3:     // Large
                    minutes = 5;

                    throw new Exception("Invalid fuel rating value: " + fuelRating);

                TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes * fuelCount);
                player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Gray("Fuel will last for " +
                                                          TimeService.GetTimeLongIntervals(timeSpan.Days, timeSpan.Hours, timeSpan.Minutes, timeSpan.Seconds, false) +
                                                          " (" + fuelCount + " / " + maxFuel + " units)"));
