Example #1
 internal static void SetPropertyValue(BaseSegment segmentInstance, Property segmentProperty, string segmentPropValue)
     if (segmentProperty.CanWrite)
         PropertiesService.SetPropertyValue(segmentInstance, segmentProperty.Name, segmentPropValue);
        internal static List <SegmentCollection> ParseSegments(Hl7Encoding definedEncoding, List <string> allSegments)
            var returnValue = new List <SegmentCollection>();

            if (allSegments == null)
            short              ordinal         = 1;
            string             previous        = string.Empty;
            List <BaseSegment> currentSegments = new List <BaseSegment>();

            foreach (string strSegment in allSegments.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)))
                BaseSegment newSegment = CreateSegment(strSegment, definedEncoding);
                previous = previous == string.Empty ? newSegment.Name : previous;
                if (previous != newSegment.Name)
                    returnValue.Add(new SegmentCollection(previous, ordinal, currentSegments));
                    currentSegments = new List <BaseSegment>();
                    previous = newSegment.Name;
            returnValue.Add(new SegmentCollection(previous, ordinal, currentSegments));
Example #3
 internal static Result <MessageElement> TryGetField(BaseSegment segment, ElementIndex elementIndex)
     if (!TryGetField(segment.FieldList, elementIndex.FieldIndex, out _).DecomposeResult(out BaseField field, out string?error))
         ErrorReturn(error ?? "unknown error trying to get field");
     if (elementIndex.SubFieldIndex?.HasValue == true)
         if (!(field is RepetitionField rf))
             return(ErrorReturn <MessageElement>($"failed to find RepititionField({elementIndex.SubFieldIndex}) on message with {elementIndex}, as the field was not a repetition field"));
         if (!TryGetField(rf.Repetitions, elementIndex.SubFieldIndex, out _).DecomposeResult(out field, out error))
             ErrorReturn(error ?? "unknown error trying to get subfield");
         if (field == null)
             return(ErrorReturn <MessageElement>($"failed to find RepititionField({elementIndex.SubFieldIndex}) on message with {elementIndex}"));
     if (elementIndex.ComponentIndex?.HasValue == true)
         if (field == null)
             return(ErrorReturn <MessageElement>($"failed to find component({elementIndex.ComponentIndex}) on message with {elementIndex}, as the field was not found"));
         return(TryGetComponent(field, elementIndex));
         return(new Result <MessageElement>(field, null));
        public static BaseSegment SetSegmentOrdinal(this BaseSegment segment, int?ordinal)
            List <BaseField> fieldList = segment.FieldList.ToList();

            fieldList[0] = new ValueField(ordinal.HasValue ? ordinal.Value.ToString() : string.Empty, segment.Encoding);
            //NOTE add logic here if we have other segment types
            return(new Segment(segment.Encoding, segment.Name, fieldList));
 public static BaseSegment AddNewField(this BaseSegment segment, string content, bool isDelimiters = false, int position = 0)
     if (isDelimiters)
         return(segment.AddNewField(new DelimitersField(segment.Encoding), position));
     return(segment.AddNewField(CreateField(segment.Encoding, content), position));
Example #6
        public static Result <string?> TryGetMessageType(this BaseSegment segment)
            var field = segment?.FieldList?.ElementAtOrDefault(7);

            if (field == null)
                return(ErrorReturn <string?>("Did not find the required segment type field on the MSH segment of the segment"));
            return(new Result <string?>(value: field.GetRawValue()));//this could be a value field, or a componentized field (probably not a delimited field), in any case return the raw value
 public static BaseSegment AddNewField(this BaseSegment segment, BaseField field, int position = 0)
     if (position <= 0)
         return(CreateSegment(segment, segment.FieldList.Add(field)));
         return(CreateSegment(segment, segment.FieldList.Insert(position - 1, field)));
Example #8
    /// <summary>
    /// 序列化某一个酷Q码
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="msg"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string SerializeSegment(this SoraSegment msg)
        if (msg.MessageType == SegmentType.Text)

        var ret = new StringBuilder();


        string typeName = Helper.GetFieldDesc(msg.MessageType);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName))


        BaseSegment data     = msg.Data;
        Type        dataType = data.GetType();

        PropertyInfo[] dataFields = dataType.GetProperties();

        foreach (PropertyInfo field in dataFields)
            List <JsonPropertyAttribute> jsonPropertyArr =
                field.GetCustomAttributes <JsonPropertyAttribute>(true).ToList();
            if (jsonPropertyArr.Count != 1)
            JsonPropertyAttribute jsonProperty = jsonPropertyArr.First();
            string key      = jsonProperty.PropertyName;
            object propData = field.GetValue(data);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) || propData == null)
            string value = propData.GetType().IsEnum
                ? Helper.GetFieldDesc(propData)
                : (propData.ToString() ?? "").CQCodeEncode(true);

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds an ACK or NACK message for this message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">ack code like AA, AR, AE</param>
        /// <param name="errMsg">error message to be sent with NACK -- infers that this is a NACK</param>
        /// <returns>An ACK or NACK message if success, otherwise null</returns>
        private static Result <Message> CreateAckorNackMessage(this Message message, string?code = null, string?nackErrorMessage = null)
            BaseSegment      msh          = MshMessageHelper.CreateResponseMshSegment(message);
            string           responseCode = code ?? (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nackErrorMessage) ? (message.GetAcceptAckType() ?? AA) : AE);//is acceptacktype a good default?
            List <BaseField> fields       = FieldHelper.ParseFields(new string?[] { responseCode, message.GetMessageControlId() ?? string.Empty, nackErrorMessage },
                                                                    message.Encoding, false, false);
            BaseSegment msa = SegmentHelper.CreateSegment(message.Encoding, MessageHelper.MSA, fields);

            return(CreateMessageFromSegmentCollections(new List <SegmentCollection> {
                new SegmentCollection(msh.Name, 1, new List <BaseSegment> {
                }), new SegmentCollection(msa.Name, 2, new List <BaseSegment> {
Example #10
        protected void Calculate(int row, int col, BaseSegment segment)
            segment.Height = CONSTS.COMPARING_MARKER_DIAMETER / CountY;
            segment.Width  = CONSTS.COMPARING_MARKER_DIAMETER / CountX;

            SegmentPoint[] lastPoints = new SegmentPoint[4];

            if (col != 0)
                lastPoints = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Index == segment.Index - 1).Points;

            int Row = row;
            int Col = col;

            segment.Points = new SegmentPoint[4];

            if (lastPoints == null || lastPoints[1] == null && lastPoints[2] == null) //nov red
                segment.Points[0] = new SegmentPoint(CONSTS.COMPARING_MARKER_DIAMETER / 2 - (segment.Width / 2) * Row, segment.Height * Row);
                segment.Points[1] = segment.Points[0];
                segment.Points[2] = new SegmentPoint(segment.Points[0].X + segment.Width / 2, segment.Points[0].Y + segment.Height);
                segment.Points[3] = new SegmentPoint(segment.Points[0].X - segment.Width / 2, segment.Points[0].Y + segment.Height);
                if (Col % 2 == 0)                                                                           //vseki 4eten element (pravilen)
                    segment.Points[0] = lastPoints[1];                                                      //gore
                    segment.Points[1] = segment.Points[0];                                                  //gore
                    segment.Points[2] = new SegmentPoint(lastPoints[2].X + segment.Width, lastPoints[2].Y); //dolu
                    segment.Points[3] = lastPoints[2];                                                      //dolu
                else//(oburnat nadolu)
                    segment.Points[0] = lastPoints[0];                                                      //gore
                    segment.Points[1] = new SegmentPoint(lastPoints[0].X + segment.Width, lastPoints[0].Y); //gore
                    segment.Points[2] = lastPoints[2];                                                      //dolu
                    segment.Points[3] = segment.Points[2];                                                  //dolu
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message to which to add the segment</param>
        /// <param name="newSegment">The segment to add</param>
        /// <param name="segmentCollectionOrdinal">The location of the segment collection in the overall collection of segment collections, if null
        /// the first one will be used </param>
        /// <returns> A new version of the message</returns>
        public static Result <Message> AddNewSegment(this Message message, BaseSegment newSegment, int?segmentCollectionOrdinal = null)
            var segmentCollections = message.GetSegmentCollections();
            var segmentCollection  = segmentCollections.FirstOrDefault(sc => sc.SegmentName == newSegment.Name && (segmentCollectionOrdinal == null || sc.SegmentOrdinal == segmentCollectionOrdinal));

            if (segmentCollection != null)
            {//existing, add the segment to it
                List <BaseSegment> newSegments;
                if (newSegment.Ordinal.HasValue)
                {//inject into the right place
                    newSegments = segmentCollection.Segments.Where(s => s.Ordinal < newSegment.Ordinal).ToList();
                    newSegments.AddRange(segmentCollection.Segments.Where(s => s.Ordinal >= newSegment.Ordinal).Select(s => SetSegmentOrdinal(s, s.Ordinal + 1)));
                    newSegments = segmentCollection.Segments.ToList();
                segmentCollections[segmentCollections.IndexOf(segmentCollection)] = new SegmentCollection(segmentCollection.SegmentName, segmentCollection.SegmentOrdinal, newSegments);
                return(new Result <Message>(new Message(segmentCollections, segmentCollections.First().Segments.First().Encoding)));
            {//this is a new segment collection, if it has an ordinal use that, if no ordinal, then put at the end
                int?segmentOrdinal = segmentCollections.Max(s => s.SegmentOrdinal) + 1;
                if (segmentCollectionOrdinal.HasValue && segmentCollectionOrdinal > segmentOrdinal)
                    return(ErrorReturn <Message>($"requested segment collection ordinal for new segment ({segmentCollectionOrdinal}) is beyond the size of the maximum + 1 ({segmentOrdinal})"));
                segmentOrdinal = segmentCollectionOrdinal ?? segmentOrdinal;
                //renumber the segments as needed, and add our new segment
                var newSegmentList = segmentCollections.Where(s => s.SegmentOrdinal < segmentOrdinal).ToList();
                newSegmentList.Add(new SegmentCollection(newSegment.Name, segmentOrdinal.Value, new List <BaseSegment> {
                newSegmentList.AddRange(segmentCollections.Where(s => s.SegmentOrdinal >= segmentOrdinal).Select(s => new SegmentCollection(s.SegmentName, s.SegmentOrdinal + 1, s.Segments)));
                return(new Result <Message>(new Message(newSegmentList, message.Encoding)));
Example #12
        private static Result <T> TryGetMshProperty <T>(this BaseSegment segment, int index, int width, bool required, Func <string, T> parser, T defaultValue = default) //T is type, index is 0 based
            if (segment == null)
                return(ErrorReturn <T>("Attempted to get MSH property on a null segment"));
            if (!segment.IsMsh())
                return(ErrorReturn <T>("Attempted to get MSH property on a segment that was not MSH"));
            var field = segment.FieldList?.ElementAtOrDefault(index);

            if (field == null)
                if (required)
                    return(ErrorReturn <T>("requested required field not found"));
                return(new Result <T>(defaultValue));
            if (!(field is ValueField vf))
                return(ErrorReturn <T>("Attempted to get MSH property on a non-value field"));
            string workingValue = vf.value;

            workingValue = workingValue.Substring(0, workingValue.Length > width ? width : workingValue.Length);
            if (workingValue.Length <= 0)
                if (required)
                    return(ErrorReturn <T>("Attempted to get required MSH property, but the field was empty"));
                return(new Result <T>(defaultValue));//treat emptry strings differently?
            return(new Result <T>(parser.Invoke(workingValue)));
Example #13
 private static Result <string?> TryGetStringProperty(this BaseSegment segment, int index, int width, bool required = false, bool UseEmptyStringForNoValue = true) =>
 TryGetMshProperty <string?>(segment, index, width, required, s => s, UseEmptyStringForNoValue ? string.Empty : null);
Example #14
 public static string?GetMessageType(this BaseSegment segment) => InvokeProperty <string?>(() => TryGetMessageType(segment), "Did not find segment type");
Example #15
 public static string?GetPrincipalLanguage(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 17, 3);
Example #16
 public static string?GetCharacterSet(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 16, 6);
Example #17
 public static DateTime?GetMessageDateTime(this BaseSegment segment) =>
 GetMshProperty <DateTime>(segment, 5, 26, s => DateTime.ParseExact(s, segment.Encoding.DateTimeFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Example #18
 public static string?GetContinuationPointer(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 12, 180);
Example #19
 public static string?GetReceivingApplication(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 3, 180);
Example #20
 public static string?GetProcessingId(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 9, 3, true);                      //required
 public static Result <string?> TryGetProcessingId(this BaseSegment segment) => TryGetStringProperty(segment, 9, 3, true);      //required
Example #21
 public static string?GetMessageControlId(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 8, 20, true);                 //required
 public static Result <string?> TryGetMessageControlId(this BaseSegment segment) => TryGetStringProperty(segment, 8, 20, true); //required
Example #22
 public static string?GetSecurity(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 6, 40);
Example #23
 private static T GetMshProperty <T>(this BaseSegment segment, int index, int width, Func <string, T> parser, bool required = false, T defaultValue = default) =>
 InvokeProperty <T>(() => TryGetMshProperty <T>(segment, index, width, required, parser, defaultValue), $"unknown error parsing MSH value at index {index}");
Example #24
 public static string?GetAppAckType(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 14, 2);
Example #25
 private static string?GetStringProperty(this BaseSegment segment, int index, int width, bool required = false) =>
 InvokeProperty(() => TryGetStringProperty(segment, index, width, required), $"unknown error parsing MSH string value at index {index}");
Example #26
 public static string?GetCountryCode(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 15, 2);
Example #27
 public static string?GetVersionId(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 10, 8, true);                        //required
 public static Result <string?> TryGetVersionId(this BaseSegment segment) => TryGetStringProperty(segment, 10, 8, true);        //required
Example #28
 public static string?GetReceivingFacility(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 4, 180);
Example #29
        private static BaseSegment GenerateGeneralSegment(RawSegment rawStringSegment)
            BaseSegment segmentInstance       = null;
            Type        segmentTypeDefinition = null;
            var         rawSegment            = rawStringSegment.SegmentString;

            switch (rawStringSegment.SegmentType)
            case SegmentType.Header: segmentInstance = new HeaderSegment();
                segmentTypeDefinition = typeof(HeaderFieldDefinition);

            case SegmentType.CustomerRemarks:
                segmentInstance       = new CustomerRemarkSegment();
                segmentTypeDefinition = typeof(CustomerRemarkFieldDefinition);

            case SegmentType.Passenger:
                segmentInstance       = new PassengerSegment();
                segmentTypeDefinition = typeof(PassengerFieldDefinition);

            case SegmentType.FareValue:
                segmentInstance       = new FareValueSegment();
                segmentTypeDefinition = typeof(FareValueFieldDefinition);

            case SegmentType.A16Hotel:
                segmentInstance       = new A16HotelSegment();
                segmentTypeDefinition = typeof(HotelFieldDefinition);

            case SegmentType.A16Car:
                segmentInstance       = new A16CarSegment();
                segmentTypeDefinition = typeof(CarFieldDefinition);

            default: return(null);

            var previousSegmentPropIsNotPresent = false;
            var rawSegmentLastPosition          = 0;
            var segmentProperties        = PropertiesService.GetDynamicProperties(segmentInstance);
            var segmentDMLPropertyValues = PropertiesService.GetDynamicPropertyValues(segmentTypeDefinition);

            foreach (var segmentProperty in segmentProperties)
                if (previousSegmentPropIsNotPresent)
                    previousSegmentPropIsNotPresent = false;

                var parentSegmentPropName = segmentProperty.Name.Contains("_") ? segmentProperty.Name.Split("_").First() : segmentProperty.Name;
                var childSegmentPropName  = segmentProperty.Name.Contains("_") ? segmentProperty.Name.Split("_").Last() : string.Empty;

                var dmlPropValue = segmentDMLPropertyValues.FirstOrDefault(pv => pv.Name.StartsWith(parentSegmentPropName));
                if (dmlPropValue != null)
                    var segmentPropValue = "";
                    var fieldDefinition  = dmlPropValue.Value as FieldDefinition;

                    if (fieldDefinition.HasNestedFields && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(childSegmentPropName))
                        var childFieldDefinition = fieldDefinition.NestedFields.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Name == childSegmentPropName);
                        if (childFieldDefinition != null)
                            fieldDefinition = childFieldDefinition;

                    if (fieldDefinition.IsComplexField && fieldDefinition.HasCodeId)
                        var segmentChunks = rawSegment.Split("|");
                        var complexField  = string.Empty;

                        if (fieldDefinition.IsOptionalContained)
                            complexField = segmentChunks
                                           .FirstOrDefault(_ => _

                            if (!complexField.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                segmentPropValue = complexField
                                                   .Replace(fieldDefinition.CodeId, string.Empty)
                            foreach (var chunk in segmentChunks)
                                var optionalDelimitedChunks = chunk.Split(fieldDefinition.Delimitator);
                                complexField = optionalDelimitedChunks
                                               .FirstOrDefault(_ => _

                                if (!complexField.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                    complexField = complexField
                                                   .Replace(fieldDefinition.CodeId, string.Empty);

                                    if (fieldDefinition.IsNestedDelimitatorDriven)
                                        complexField = complexField.Split(fieldDefinition.NestedDelimitator).First();
                                        complexField = complexField.Substring(0, complexField.Length - fieldDefinition.CropIndex);

                                    segmentPropValue = complexField;
                        var rawSegmentStartPosition = GetRawSegmentStartPosition(fieldDefinition, rawSegmentLastPosition);
                        rawSegmentLastPosition = rawSegmentStartPosition + fieldDefinition.Length;

                        if (rawSegment.Length >= rawSegmentLastPosition)
                            var propValue = rawSegment.Substring(rawSegmentStartPosition, fieldDefinition.Length);
                            if (fieldDefinition.IsOptionalField)
                                if (fieldDefinition.HasCodeId)
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldDefinition.CodeId) || propValue != fieldDefinition.CodeId)
                                        rawSegmentLastPosition          = rawSegmentStartPosition;
                                        previousSegmentPropIsNotPresent = true;

                            segmentPropValue = propValue;

                    SetPropertyValue(segmentInstance, segmentProperty, segmentPropValue);
Example #30
 public static Result <string?> TryGetVersionId(this BaseSegment segment) => TryGetStringProperty(segment, 10, 8, true);        //required
 public static string?GetSequenceNumber(this BaseSegment segment) => GetStringProperty(segment, 11, 15);