Example #1
        // SCR_Init
        public void Initialise( )
            if (Host.Cvars.ViewSize == null)
                Host.Cvars.ViewSize       = Host.CVars.Add("viewsize", 100f, ClientVariableFlags.Archive);
                Host.Cvars.Fov            = Host.CVars.Add("fov", 90f, ClientVariableFlags.Archive); // 10 - 170
                Host.Cvars.ConSpeed       = Host.CVars.Add("scr_conspeed", 3000);
                Host.Cvars.CenterTime     = Host.CVars.Add("scr_centertime", 2);
                Host.Cvars.ShowRam        = Host.CVars.Add("showram", true);
                Host.Cvars.ShowTurtle     = Host.CVars.Add("showturtle", false);
                Host.Cvars.ShowPause      = Host.CVars.Add("showpause", true);
                Host.Cvars.PrintSpeed     = Host.CVars.Add("scr_printspeed", 8);
                Host.Cvars.glTripleBuffer = Host.CVars.Add("gl_triplebuffer", 1, ClientVariableFlags.Archive);

            // register our commands
            Host.Commands.Add("screenshot", ScreenShot_f);
            Host.Commands.Add("sizeup", SizeUp_f);
            Host.Commands.Add("sizedown", SizeDown_f);

            Ram    = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.Wads.FromTexture("ram"), "ram", "GL_LINEAR");
            Net    = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.Wads.FromTexture("net"), "net", "GL_LINEAR");
            Turtle = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.Wads.FromTexture("turtle"), "turtle", "GL_LINEAR");

            if (CommandLine.HasParam("-fullsbar"))
                FullSbarDraw = true;

            _IsInitialized = true;
Example #2
 public MainWindow()
 public async Task <int> DeleteBasePictureAsync(BasePicture model)
     if (model.PictureId != null || model.PictureId != Guid.Empty)
     return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync());
Example #4
        public virtual void DrawPicture(BasePicture picture, int x, int y, Color?colour = null, bool hasAlpha = false)
            if (this.Device.TextureAtlas.IsDirty)

            this.DrawTexture2D(picture.Texture, picture.Source, new(x, y, picture.Width, picture.Height), colour, hasAlpha);
Example #5
        public virtual void DrawPicture(BasePicture picture, Int32 x, Int32 y, Color?colour = null, Boolean hasAlpha = false)
            if (Device.TextureAtlas.IsDirty)

            DrawTexture2D(picture.Texture, picture.Source, new Rectangle(x, y, picture.Width, picture.Height), colour, hasAlpha);
Example #6
    void SplitSingle()
        int refx = 0;// (int) winrect.x;
        int refz = 30;

        foreach (BaseGroup gb in grplist)
            if (gb.type == (int)ENUM_TPMIX_GROUPTYPE.GROUP_TEXT)
                GroupStr gptxt = (GroupStr)gb;
                for (int i = 0; i < gptxt.txt_info.Length; i++)
                    BaseChar p = new BaseChar();
                    p.txt       = gptxt.txt_info.Substring(i, 1);
                    guitxt.text = p.txt;
                    int fw = (int)guitxt.GetScreenRect().width;
                    int fz = (int)guitxt.GetScreenRect().height + row * 2;
                    //refz += fz;
                    p.pr = new Rect(refx, refz, fw, fz);

                    if (refx + fw >= winrect.x + winrect.width - 5)
                        refx  = 0;
                        refz += Mathf.Max(fz, linehei);
                        refx += fw;
            else if (gb.type == (int)ENUM_TPMIX_GROUPTYPE.GROUP_PIC)
                GroupIco    gico = (GroupIco)gb;
                BasePicture p    = new BasePicture();
                string imgidx = gico.txt_info.Substring(1, gico.txt_info.Length - 2);
                p.ico = image[int.Parse(imgidx) % image.Length];
                int fw = p.ico.width;
                int fz = p.ico.height;
                p.pr = new Rect(refx, refz, fw, fz);
                if (refx + fw >= winrect.x + winrect.width - 5)
                    refx  = 0;
                    refz += Mathf.Max(fz, linehei);
                    refx += fw;
Example #7
 // Sbar_DrawPic
 private void DrawPic(Int32 x, Int32 y, BasePicture pic)
     if (Host.Client.cl.gametype == ProtocolDef.GAME_DEATHMATCH)
         Host.Video.Device.Graphics.DrawPicture(pic, x, y + (Host.Screen.vid.height - SBAR_HEIGHT));
         Host.Video.Device.Graphics.DrawPicture(pic, x + ((Host.Screen.vid.width - 320) >> 1), y + (Host.Screen.vid.height - SBAR_HEIGHT));
 public async Task <int> InsertOrUpdatetBasePictureAsync(BasePicture model)
     if (model.PictureId == null || model.PictureId == Guid.Empty)
         await _context.BasePicture.AddAsync(model);
     return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync());
 public async Task <int> InsertBasePictureAsync(BasePicture model)
         if (model.PictureId == null || model.PictureId == Guid.Empty)
             await _context.BasePicture.AddAsync(model);
         return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync());
     catch (Exception)
        private void ElementTypeCombobox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            RotateComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
            if (ElementTypeCombobox.SelectedIndex < 0)
                RotateComboBox.IsEnabled = false;
            Element el = new Element()
                ElementType = ElementTypeCombobox.SelectedIndex + 1

            RotateComboBox.IsEnabled = true;
Example #11
        // Draw_CachePic
        public BasePicture CachePic(String path, String filter = "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST", System.Boolean ignoreAtlas = false)
            if (_MenuCachePics.ContainsKey(path))

            if (_MenuNumCachePics == DrawDef.MAX_CACHED_PICS)
                Utilities.Error("menu_numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS");

            var picture = BasePicture.FromFile(Host.Video.Device, path, filter, ignoreAtlas);

            if (picture != null)

                _MenuCachePics.Add(path, picture);

Example #12
 private void ShowAllElements_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Example #13
 private void AddElementMenuItem_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     // new AddElementWindow(_locateCursor).ShowDialog();
Example #14
 private void SearchTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
Example #15
 private void MainWindow_OnPreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Example #16
 public void DrawTransPic(Int32 x, Int32 y, BasePicture pic)
     Host.Video.Device.Graphics.DrawPicture(pic, x + ((Host.Screen.vid.width - 320) >> 1), y, hasAlpha: true);
Example #17
 public void DrawTransPic(int x, int y, BasePicture pic)
     this.Host.Video.Device.Graphics.DrawPicture(pic, x + ((this.Host.Screen.vid.width - 320) >> 1), y, hasAlpha: true);
Example #18
 void PrintPicture(BasePicture pic)
     GUI.DrawTexture(pic.pr, pic.ico);
Example #19
        // Draw_Init
        public void Initialise( )
            if (Host.Cvars.glNoBind == null)
                Host.Cvars.glNoBind  = Host.CVars.Add("gl_nobind", false);
                Host.Cvars.glMaxSize = Host.CVars.Add("gl_max_size", 8192);
                Host.Cvars.glPicMip  = Host.CVars.Add("gl_picmip", 0f);

            // 3dfx can only handle 256 wide textures
            var renderer = Host.Video.Device.Desc.Renderer;

            if (renderer.Contains("3dfx") || renderer.Contains("Glide"))
                Host.CVars.Set("gl_max_size", 256);

            Host.Commands.Add("gl_texturemode", TextureMode_f);
            Host.Commands.Add("imagelist", Imagelist_f);

            // load the console background and the charset
            // by hand, because we need to write the version
            // string into the background before turning
            // it into a texture
            var concharsWad = Host.Wads.FromTexture("conchars");
            var offset      = concharsWad.GetLumpNameOffset("conchars");
            var draw_chars  = concharsWad.Data; // draw_chars

            for (var i = 0; i < 256 * 64; i++)
                if (draw_chars[offset + i] == 0)
                    draw_chars[offset + i] = 255;       // proper transparent color

            // Temporarily set here
            BaseTexture.PicMip  = Host.Cvars.glPicMip.Get <Single>( );
            BaseTexture.MaxSize = Host.Cvars.glMaxSize.Get <Int32>();

            CharSetFont = new Renderer.Font(Host.Video.Device, "charset");
            CharSetFont.Initialise(new ByteArraySegment(draw_chars, offset));

            var buf = FileSystem.LoadFile("gfx/conback.lmp");

            if (buf == null)
                Utilities.Error("Couldn't load gfx/conback.lmp");

            var cbHeader = Utilities.BytesToStructure <WadPicHeader>(buf, 0);


            // hack the version number directly into the pic
            var ver     = String.Format($"(c# {QDef.CSQUAKE_VERSION,7:F2}) {QDef.VERSION,7:F2}");
            var offset2 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WadPicHeader)) + 320 * 186 + 320 - 11 - 8 * ver.Length;
            var y       = ver.Length;

            for (var x = 0; x < y; x++)
                CharToConback(ver[x], new ByteArraySegment(buf, offset2 + (x << 3)), new ByteArraySegment(draw_chars, offset));

            var ncdataIndex = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WadPicHeader));     // cb->data;

            ConsoleBackground = BasePicture.FromBuffer(Host.Video.Device, new ByteArraySegment(buf, ncdataIndex), ( Int32 )cbHeader.width, ( Int32 )cbHeader.height, "conback", "GL_LINEAR");

            TranslateTexture = BaseTexture.FromDynamicBuffer(Host.Video.Device, "_TranslateTexture", new ByteArraySegment(_MenuPlayerPixels), _MenuPlayerPixelWidth, _MenuPlayerPixelHeight, false, true, "GL_LINEAR");

            // get the other pics we need
            Disc = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.Wads.FromTexture("disc"), "disc", "GL_NEAREST");

            BackgroundTile = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.Wads.FromTexture("backtile"), "backtile", "GL_NEAREST");

            IsInitialised = true;
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// M_DrawTransPicTranslate
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawTransPicTranslate(int x, int y, BasePicture pic)
     this.Host.DrawingContext.TransPicTranslate(x + ((this.Host.Screen.vid.width - 320) >> 1), y, pic, this._TranslationTable);
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// M_DrawTransPicTranslate
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawTransPicTranslate(Int32 x, Int32 y, BasePicture pic)
     Host.DrawingContext.TransPicTranslate(x + ((Host.Screen.vid.width - 320) >> 1), y, pic, _TranslationTable);
Example #22
        // Sbar_Init
        public void Initialise( )
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var str = i.ToString( );

                Numbers[0, i] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "num_" + str, "GL_NEAREST");
                Numbers[1, i] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "anum_" + str, "GL_NEAREST");

            Numbers[0, 10] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "num_minus", "GL_NEAREST");
            Numbers[1, 10] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "anum_minus", "GL_NEAREST");

            Colon = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "num_colon", "GL_NEAREST");
            Slash = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "num_slash", "GL_NEAREST");

            Weapons[0, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_shotgun", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[0, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_sshotgun", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[0, 2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_nailgun", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[0, 3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_snailgun", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[0, 4] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_rlaunch", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[0, 5] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_srlaunch", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[0, 6] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_lightng", "GL_LINEAR");

            Weapons[1, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_shotgun", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[1, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_sshotgun", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[1, 2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_nailgun", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[1, 3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_snailgun", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[1, 4] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_rlaunch", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[1, 5] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_srlaunch", "GL_LINEAR");
            Weapons[1, 6] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_lightng", "GL_LINEAR");

            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var s = "inva" + (i + 1).ToString( );

                Weapons[2 + i, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_shotgun", "GL_LINEAR");
                Weapons[2 + i, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_sshotgun", "GL_LINEAR");
                Weapons[2 + i, 2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_nailgun", "GL_LINEAR");
                Weapons[2 + i, 3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_snailgun", "GL_LINEAR");
                Weapons[2 + i, 4] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_rlaunch", "GL_LINEAR");
                Weapons[2 + i, 5] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_srlaunch", "GL_LINEAR");
                Weapons[2 + i, 6] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_lightng", "GL_LINEAR");

            Ammo[0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_shells", "GL_LINEAR");
            Ammo[1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_nails", "GL_LINEAR");
            Ammo[2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_rocket", "GL_LINEAR");
            Ammo[3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_cells", "GL_LINEAR");

            Armour[0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_armor1", "GL_LINEAR");
            Armour[1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_armor2", "GL_LINEAR");
            Armour[2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_armor3", "GL_LINEAR");

            Items[0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_key1", "GL_LINEAR");
            Items[1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_key2", "GL_LINEAR");
            Items[2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_invis", "GL_LINEAR");
            Items[3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_invuln", "GL_LINEAR");
            Items[4] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_suit", "GL_LINEAR");
            Items[5] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_quad", "GL_LINEAR");

            Sigil[0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_sigil1", "GL_LINEAR");
            Sigil[1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_sigil2", "GL_LINEAR");
            Sigil[2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_sigil3", "GL_LINEAR");
            Sigil[3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_sigil4", "GL_LINEAR");

            Faces[4, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face1", "GL_NEAREST");
            Faces[4, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face_p1", "GL_NEAREST");
            Faces[3, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face2", "GL_NEAREST");
            Faces[3, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face_p2", "GL_NEAREST");
            Faces[2, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face3", "GL_NEAREST");
            Faces[2, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face_p3", "GL_NEAREST");
            Faces[1, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face4", "GL_NEAREST");
            Faces[1, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face_p4", "GL_NEAREST");
            Faces[0, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face5", "GL_NEAREST");
            Faces[0, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face_p5", "GL_NEAREST");

            FaceInvis       = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face_invis", "GL_NEAREST");
            FaceInvuln      = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face_invul2", "GL_NEAREST");
            FaceInvisInvuln = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face_inv2", "GL_NEAREST");
            FaceQuad        = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "face_quad", "GL_NEAREST");

            Host.Commands.Add("+showscores", ShowScores);
            Host.Commands.Add("-showscores", DontShowScores);

            SBar     = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sbar", "GL_NEAREST");
            IBar     = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "ibar", "GL_NEAREST");
            ScoreBar = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "scorebar", "GL_LINEAR");

            //MED 01/04/97 added new hipnotic weapons
            if (MainWindow.Common.GameKind == GameKind.Hipnotic)
                HWeapons[0, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_laser", "GL_LINEAR");
                HWeapons[0, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_mjolnir", "GL_LINEAR");
                HWeapons[0, 2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_gren_prox", "GL_LINEAR");
                HWeapons[0, 3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_prox_gren", "GL_LINEAR");
                HWeapons[0, 4] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv_prox", "GL_LINEAR");

                HWeapons[1, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_laser", "GL_LINEAR");
                HWeapons[1, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_mjolnir", "GL_LINEAR");
                HWeapons[1, 2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_gren_prox", "GL_LINEAR");
                HWeapons[1, 3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_prox_gren", "GL_LINEAR");
                HWeapons[1, 4] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "inv2_prox", "GL_LINEAR");

                for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    var s = "inva" + (i + 1).ToString( );
                    HWeapons[2 + i, 0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_laser", "GL_LINEAR");
                    HWeapons[2 + i, 1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_mjolnir", "GL_LINEAR");
                    HWeapons[2 + i, 2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_gren_prox", "GL_LINEAR");
                    HWeapons[2 + i, 3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_prox_gren", "GL_LINEAR");
                    HWeapons[2 + i, 4] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, s + "_prox", "GL_LINEAR");

                HItems[0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_wsuit", "GL_LINEAR");
                HItems[1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "sb_eshld", "GL_LINEAR");

            if (MainWindow.Common.GameKind == GameKind.Rogue)
                RInvBar[0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_invbar1", "GL_LINEAR");
                RInvBar[1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_invbar2", "GL_LINEAR");

                RWeapons[0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_lava", "GL_LINEAR");
                RWeapons[1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_superlava", "GL_LINEAR");
                RWeapons[2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_gren", "GL_LINEAR");
                RWeapons[3] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_multirock", "GL_LINEAR");
                RWeapons[4] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_plasma", "GL_LINEAR");

                RItems[0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_shield1", "GL_LINEAR");
                RItems[1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_agrav1", "GL_LINEAR");

                // PGM 01/19/97 - team color border
                RTeamBord = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_teambord", "GL_LINEAR");
                // PGM 01/19/97 - team color border

                RAmmo[0] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_ammolava", "GL_LINEAR");
                RAmmo[1] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_ammomulti", "GL_LINEAR");
                RAmmo[2] = BasePicture.FromWad(Host.Video.Device, Host.GfxWad, "r_ammoplasma", "GL_LINEAR");
Example #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw_TransPicTranslate
 /// Only used for the player color selection menu
 /// </summary>
 public void TransPicTranslate(Int32 x, Int32 y, BasePicture pic, Byte[] translation)
     Host.Video.Device.Graphics.DrawTransTranslate(TranslateTexture, x, y, pic.Width, pic.Height, translation);